2025 -- H 5443 | |
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LC001478 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Boylan, Ajello, Knight, McEntee, Craven, Caldwell, | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 23 of the General Laws entitled "HEALTH AND SAFETY" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 104 |
5 | 23-104-1. Short title. |
6 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Suicide Prevention--Voluntary |
7 | Firearm Restrictions Act." |
8 | 23-104-2. Definitions. |
9 | When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases are construed as follows: |
10 | (1) "Cohabitant" means an individual who is twenty-one (21) years of age or older who |
11 | resides in the same residence as one or more other individuals. |
12 | (2) "Department" means the department of attorney general and its bureau of criminal |
13 | identification (BCI). |
14 | (3) "Firearm" shall have the same meaning as defined in § 11-47-2. |
15 | (4) "Healthcare provider" means person who provides healthcare or professional services |
16 | related to healthcare and who is acting within the scope of the person's license, certification, |
17 | practice, education or training. |
18 | (5) "Illegal firearm" means and includes, but is not limited to, any ghost gun, undetectable |
| |
1 | firearm, sawed-off shotgun, machine gun or any other firearm illegal to possess pursuant to chapter |
2 | 47 of title 11. |
3 | (6) "Indefinite list" means the list established pursuant to the provisions of § 23-104- |
4 | 3(b)(2). |
5 | (7) "Law enforcement agency" means any municipal or state police agency or any sworn |
6 | law enforcement officer of that agency. |
7 | (8) "Owner cohabitant" means a cohabitant who owns, in whole or in part, any firearm. |
8 | (9) "Restricted list" means the list established pursuant to the provisions of § 23-104- |
9 | 3(b)(2). |
10 | (10) "Temporary list" means the list established pursuant to the provisions of § 23-104- |
11 | 3(b)(1). |
12 | 23-104-3. Voluntary restrictions on firearm purchase and possession. |
13 | (a) An individual who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm pursuant to |
14 | the provisions of chapter 47 of title 11 ("weapons") or any other provision of federal or state law, |
15 | may voluntarily request to be placed on a restricted list, as set forth herein, which would prohibit |
16 | the individual from purchasing, possessing or having within that individual's custody or control, |
17 | any firearm. |
18 | (b) An individual requesting inclusion on a restricted list may request placement on one of |
19 | the following lists: |
20 | (1) A restricted list that restricts the individual from purchasing or possessing a firearm for |
21 | one hundred eighty (180) days (temporary list) with automatic removal from the list at the end of |
22 | that time period; provided, however, the individual may request removal from the list on or after |
23 | thirty (30) days after the day on which the individual was added to the restricted list. No request by |
24 | the individual to be removed shall be denied; or |
25 | (2) A restricted list that restricts the individual from purchasing or possessing a firearm |
26 | indefinitely and which allows the individual to request removal from the list on or after ninety (90) |
27 | days after the day on which the individual was added to the restricted list. No request by the |
28 | individual to be removed shall be denied. |
29 | 23-104-4. Forms -- Information to be provided by and to the department of attorney |
30 | general. |
31 | (a) The department shall develop a process and forms for inclusion on, and removal from, |
32 | the restricted lists, as described in § 23-104-3. Forms developed shall be maintained by the |
33 | department and shall be made available by download through the department's website and in paper |
34 | form at its various locations throughout the state. The forms shall provide for the individual's |
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1 | personal information to include, but not be limited to, the following: |
2 | (1) Name; |
3 | (2) Address; |
4 | (3) Date of birth; |
5 | (4) Contact information, to include phone number(s) and email address(es); |
6 | (5) A copy of the individual's drivers' license or other governmentally-issued identification |
7 | card; |
8 | (6) The individual's signature; and |
9 | (7) An acknowledgement as provided in § 23-104-7. |
10 | (b) Any individual requesting inclusion on either restricted list as set forth in § 23-104-3, |
11 | shall: |
12 | (1) Deliver the completed form, in person, to either the law enforcement agency for the |
13 | city or town in which the individual resides, or to the Rhode Island state police. The law |
14 | enforcement agency shall then transmit true copies of the information to the department; or |
15 | (2) Direct the individual's healthcare provider to electronically deliver the individual's |
16 | completed form to the department. The department, upon receiving a request from any healthcare |
17 | provider for the individual, shall: |
18 | (i) Verify the individual's identity by requiring the healthcare provider to transmit a copy |
19 | of the individual's drivers' license or other governmentally issued identification card; |
20 | (ii) Require the healthcare provider to provide a medical release form signed by the |
21 | individual in the presence of a notary public, authorizing the healthcare provider to release the form |
22 | and other pertinent information to the department; and |
23 | (iii) In addition to the acknowledgement signed by the individual, the healthcare provider |
24 | shall also sign an acknowledgement as provided in § 23-104-7. |
25 | (3) The department may not, except as provided in subsection (b)(2) of this section, accept |
26 | a form from any other person other than the individual named on the form. |
27 | 23-104-5. Inclusion -- Removal from list. |
28 | (a) Upon receipt of a verified form, as provided herein, requesting that an individual be |
29 | included on a restricted list, the department shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, add the individual |
30 | to the restricted list as requested. |
31 | (b) An individual added, at their request, to the temporary list, may not request removal |
32 | from the list unless the individual has been restricted for at least thirty (30) days. |
33 | (c) The department shall, absent a request by the individual to extend their inclusion on the |
34 | list, remove the individual's name and other identifying information from the list at the end of the |
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1 | one hundred eighty (180) days. The department shall not require any action on the part of the |
2 | individual for this automatic removal from the list. |
3 | (d) The individual may request to remain on the list in the same manner and on the same |
4 | form as initially requested; |
5 | (e) An individual added, at their request, to the indefinite list, may not request removal |
6 | from the list unless the individual has been restricted for at least ninety (90) days. The individual's |
7 | name and information shall not be removed from the indefinite list unless and until the individual, |
8 | consistent with this section, requests that their name and information be removed from the list. |
9 | 23-104-6. Concealed permit holders. |
10 | If an individual restricted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter is a concealed firearm |
11 | permit holder, the individual's permit shall be: |
12 | (1) Suspended upon entry and inclusion on the restricted list; |
13 | (2) Reinstated immediately upon removal from the restricted list, unless: |
14 | (i) The permit has expired, been revoked or suspended for other reasons unrelated to the |
15 | voluntary restrictions imposed pursuant to this chapter; or |
16 | (ii) The individual has become a prohibited person pursuant to the provisions of chapter 47 |
17 | of title 11 or any other provision of federal or state law. |
18 | 23-104-7. Acknowledgement of individual requesting to be restricted. |
19 | (a) An individual requesting to be temporarily restricted from purchasing or possessing any |
20 | firearm shall complete and sign the form which shall include the following language: |
22 | By presenting this completed form to a law enforcement agency, I understand that I am |
23 | requesting that my name be placed on a restricted list that prohibits my ability to purchase or |
24 | possess firearms for a minimum of thirty (30) days, and up to six (6) months. |
25 | I understand that by voluntarily making myself a temporarily restricted person, I may not |
26 | have any firearm in my possession, custody or control and may not attempt to purchase any firearm |
27 | while I am on the restricted list. I also understand that any time after thirty (30) days, I may request |
28 | removal from the list and all previous rights I possessed to purchase and possess firearms shall be |
29 | restored. |
30 | In addition, if I am in possession of a concealed carry permit, that permit shall be suspended |
31 | during the time that I am on the restricted list; provided, however, that permit shall be reinstated |
32 | unless the permit has expired, been suspended or revoked for reasons unrelated to the voluntary |
33 | restrictions, or I have become prohibited from possessing a firearm pursuant to and in accordance |
34 | with the provisions of chapter 47 of title 11 or any other provision of federal or state law. |
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1 | Additionally, I acknowledge that should I possess or attempt to purchase a firearm in any |
2 | other state during the time in which I am restricted, that I shall be subject to any law of that |
3 | jurisdiction regarding restricted or prohibited persons. |
4 | (b) An individual requesting to be indefinitely restricted from purchasing or possessing any |
5 | firearm shall, complete and sign the form which shall include the following language: |
7 | By presenting this completed form to a law enforcement agency, I understand that I am |
8 | requesting that my name be placed on an indefinitely restricted list that prohibits my ability to |
9 | purchase or possess firearms for a minimum of ninety (90) days, and for an indefinite time unless |
10 | I request removal from the restricted list. |
11 | I understand that by voluntarily making myself a temporarily restricted person, I may not |
12 | have any firearm in my possession, custody or control and may not attempt to purchase any firearm |
13 | while I am on the restricted list. I also understand that any time after ninety (90) days, I may request |
14 | removal from the list and all previous rights I possessed to purchase and possess firearms shall be |
15 | restored. |
16 | In addition, if I am in possession of a concealed carry permit, that permit shall be suspended |
17 | during the time that I am on the restricted list; provided, however, that permit shall be reinstated |
18 | unless the permit has expired, been suspended or revoked for reasons unrelated to the voluntary |
19 | restrictions, or I have become prohibited from possessing a firearm pursuant to and in accordance |
20 | with the provisions of chapter 47 of title 11 or any other provision of federal or state law. |
21 | Additionally, I acknowledge that should I possess or attempt to purchase a firearm in any |
22 | other state during the time in which I am restricted, that I shall be subject to any law of that |
23 | jurisdiction regarding restricted or prohibited persons. |
24 | (c) An individual requesting inclusion on a restricted list by and through a healthcare |
25 | provider and the healthcare provider that completes and/or provides a voluntary restriction form on |
26 | behalf of a patient shall complete and sign a form including the following language: |
28 | By presenting this completed form to my healthcare provider, I understand that I am |
29 | requesting that my healthcare provider present my name to the department of attorney general to |
30 | be placed on a restricted list that prohibits my ability to purchase or possess a firearm. I have signed |
31 | an acknowledgment, included herewith, and understand the restrictions to which I am voluntarily |
32 | subjecting myself. I have discussed with my healthcare provider the following acknowledgment |
33 | which contains my healthcare provider's signature. |
34 | ____________________________ |
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1 | To be signed by healthcare provider: |
2 | By presenting this completed form to the department of attorney general, I understand that |
3 | I am acknowledging that I have verified the identify of _____________________ seeking inclusion |
4 | on a list restricting the patient's right to purchase and / or possess firearms. |
5 | I affirm that ___________________ is currently my patient, and that I am a licensed |
6 | healthcare provider acting within the scope of my license, certification, practice, education and/or |
7 | training and that to the best of my knowledge, ____________________ is requesting inclusion on |
8 | the restricted list freely and voluntarily. |
9 | ________________________________ |
10 | 23-104-8. Removal from restricted list. |
11 | (a) An individual requesting removal from either the temporary or indefinite restricted lists |
12 | shall complete and deliver a removal form to the law enforcement agency and or department which |
13 | processed the inclusion form. |
14 | (b) The law enforcement agency: |
15 | (1) Shall verify the individual's identity before accepting the removal form; |
16 | (2) May not accept a removal form from someone other than the individual named on the |
17 | form; |
18 | (3) Shall transmit the removal form electronically to the department and BCI within |
19 | twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt from the individual; and |
20 | (4) Remove the individual and their information from its database within twenty-four (24) |
21 | hours of receipt of the removal form from the individual. |
22 | (c) The department/BCI shall remove the individual from the restricted list in its database |
23 | and provide the information mandating the individual's removal from the list to the National Instant |
24 | Criminal Background Check System. |
25 | 23-104-9. Maintenance -- Destruction of records. |
26 | (a) The department and/or law enforcement agencies shall maintain all records relative to |
27 | the voluntary restriction lists generated pursuant to this chapter. Any records generated relative to |
28 | any request to be included on the lists or records requesting the removal from the restricted lists, |
29 | shall not be open or available for access by the public pursuant to chapter 2 of title 38 ("access to |
30 | public records"). |
31 | (b) Upon receipt of a request by the individual to be removed from the restricted lists, or |
32 | upon expiration of the one hundred and eighty (180) days for the temporary list, and upon |
33 | completion of the individual's removal from the list, the department/ BCI and law enforcement |
34 | agencies shall destroy the entire file and all records associated with the individual's inclusion on |
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1 | the restricted list. For purposes of this subsection, the entire file and all records includes, but is not |
2 | limited to, all electronic records, paper records or any other reference to the individual's inclusion |
3 | and removal from the restricted list. |
4 | (c) The individual's inclusion or removal from the lists shall not be used by the department |
5 | or law enforcement agencies for purposes of any background checks for the purchase or possession |
6 | of firearms by the individual and shall not be considered in any application for a concealed carry |
7 | permit or the renewal of any such permit. |
8 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would create a process for an individual to voluntarily be either temporarily or |
2 | indefinitely added to a list restricting their rights to purchase or possess firearms. The individual |
3 | may also request removal from the restricted list and all individual records related to the person's |
4 | inclusion on the list would be destroyed and not subject to the access to public records act. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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