2025 -- H 5423 | |
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LC001120 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Noret, Casimiro, Read, Shallcross Smith, Serpa, O'Brien, | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Education | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 16-21-33.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-21 entitled "Health |
2 | and Safety of Pupils" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 16-21-33.1. Automatic external defibrillators Automated external defibrillators and |
4 | cardiac emergency response plans. |
5 | (a) Legislative findings: |
6 | (1) Approximately three hundred twenty-five thousand (325,000) Americans suffer sudden |
7 | cardiac arrest (“SCA”) each year and more than ninety-five percent (95%) of them die before |
8 | reaching the hospital; |
9 | (2) In the population of Rhode Island, an estimated one thousand (1,000) residents will die |
10 | of cardiac arrest every year; |
11 | (3) No official statistics have been gathered about SCA in children, however experts |
12 | estimate about three hundred (300) deaths because of SCA every year for people under the age of |
13 | twenty-one (21) or about one tenth of one percent (.001%); |
14 | (4) This means that at least one person under the age of twenty-one (21) years, most likely |
15 | a student, will die due to athletics related SCA every year in Rhode Island; |
16 | (5) If defibrillation is performed within five (5) to seven (7) minutes, chances of survival |
17 | are increased by forty-nine percent (49%). Every minute that goes by without defibrillation reduces |
18 | the chance of survival by seven percent (7%) to ten percent (10%); |
19 | (6) Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are extremely accurate computerized devices |
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1 | that can be operated by the average person; |
2 | (7) AEDs are inexpensive and grants for AEDs are mostly given to nonprofit organizations, |
3 | such as schools; and |
4 | (8) AEDs can be acquired through grants from various organizations or through |
5 | government agencies. |
6 | (a) Definitions. As used in this section, the following words shall have the following |
7 | meanings: |
8 | (1) “Athletic emergency action plan (AEAP)” means written guidelines and templates for |
9 | documentation of emergency planning to help prepare individuals for a catastrophic injury situation |
10 | within sports. |
11 | (2) “Automated external defibrillator (AED)” means a lightweight, portable device that |
12 | delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock can potentially stop an irregular |
13 | heartbeat (arrhythmia) and allow a normal rhythm to resume following sudden cardiac arrest. |
14 | (3) “Cardiac emergency response plan (CERP)” means a written document that establishes |
15 | the specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest in any setting – be it a school, community |
16 | organization, workplace, or sports facility. |
17 | (4) “Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)” means when the heart malfunctions and stops beating |
18 | unexpectedly. If not treated within minutes, it quickly leads to death. |
19 | (b) All high schools, and middle schools, and elementary schools, whether they are public |
20 | or privately run, shall provide and maintain on-site functional automated external defibrillators |
21 | (AEDs) in quantities and types, deemed by the commissioner of education, in consultation with the |
22 | director of health, accordance with the guidelines set by the American Heart Association or an |
23 | organization focused on emergency cardiovascular care, and as outlined in subsections (c) and (d) |
24 | of this section, to be adequate to ensure ready and appropriate access for use during emergencies. |
25 | Whenever school facilities are used for school-sponsored or school-approved curricular or |
26 | extracurricular activities, and whenever a school-sponsored athletic contest is held at any location, |
27 | the school officials and administrators responsible for such school facility or athletic contest shall |
28 | ensure the presence of at least one person who is properly trained in CPR and the operation and use |
29 | of an AED. Such training may be conducted by qualified personnel, including, but not limited to, |
30 | municipal fire and police department employees. |
31 | (c) Establishing cardiac emergency response plans in schools. |
32 | (1) Beginning in the 2026-2027 school year for high schools and middle schools and in the |
33 | 2027-2028 school year for elementary schools, each school shall develop a cardiac emergency |
34 | response plan (CERP) that addresses the appropriate use of school personnel to respond to incidents |
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1 | involving an individual experiencing sudden cardiac arrest or a similar life-threatening emergency |
2 | while on school grounds. |
3 | (2) School officials shall work directly with local emergency medical service (EMS) |
4 | providers to integrate the CERP into the community’s EMS responder protocols. Each plan shall |
5 | integrate evidence-based core elements, such as those recommended by the American Heart |
6 | Association or other nationally recognized recommendations or core elements. |
7 | (3) The CERP shall integrate, at a minimum, the following core elements: |
8 | (i) Establishing a voluntary cardiac emergency response team; |
9 | (ii) Activating the team in response to a SCA; |
10 | (iii) Implementing AED placement and routine maintenance within the school according |
11 | to the manufacturer’s operational guidelines; |
12 | (iv) Disseminating the plan throughout the school campus; |
13 | (v) Maintaining training in CPR/AED use for the cardiac emergency response team; |
14 | (vi) Practicing using drills annually; |
15 | (vii) Integrating local EMS with the plan; |
16 | (viii) Ongoing and annual review and evaluation of the plan. |
17 | (4) Appropriate AED placement shall be determined by the CERP in accordance with |
18 | guidelines set by the American Heart Association or an organization focused on emergency |
19 | cardiovascular care. An AED should be identified with appropriate signage and be on-site and made |
20 | available in an unlocked location on school property that is able to be placed on a person |
21 | experiencing SCA within three (3) minutes. |
22 | (5) Appropriate school staff shall be trained in first-aid, CPR, and AED use that follow |
23 | evidence-based guidelines set forth by the American Heart Association. Staff trained shall be |
24 | determined by the CERP including, but not limited to, licensed coaches, school nurses, and athletic |
25 | trainers. |
26 | (d) Establishing cardiac emergency response plans or athletic emergency action plans for |
27 | high school and middle school athletic events and facilities. |
28 | (1) Beginning in the 2026-2027 school year, each high school and middle school with an |
29 | athletic department or organized athletic program shall develop a cardiac emergency response plan |
30 | (CERP) in accordance with recommendations or core elements set forth by either the American |
31 | Heart Association or an athletic emergency action plan (AEAP) following nationally recognized |
32 | recommendations or core elements that address the appropriate use of school personnel to respond |
33 | to incidents involving an individual experiencing cardiac arrest or a similar life-threatening |
34 | emergency while attending or participating in an athletic practice or event while on school grounds |
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1 | that are venue specific and rehearsed annually. |
2 | (2) An automated external defibrillator shall be clearly marked and easily accessible in an |
3 | unlocked location at each school athletic venue and event. The AED shall be accessible during the |
4 | school day and any school-sponsored athletic event or team practice in which pupils of the school |
5 | are participating. An AED should be placed on a person experiencing SCA within three (3) minutes. |
6 | (3) AEDs shall be tested and maintained according to the manufacturer's operational |
7 | guidelines and notification is provided to the appropriate first aid, ambulance, or rescue squad or |
8 | other appropriate emergency medical services provider regarding the AED, the type acquired, and |
9 | its location. |
10 | (4) All coaches shall obtain and maintain training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first |
11 | aid, and the use of the automated external defibrillator. Certification in CPR and AED use shall be |
12 | consistent with national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines. |
13 | (e) Funding for cardiac emergency response plans and athletic emergency action plans. |
14 | (1) The state shall appropriate for the fiscal year 2026 the sum of two hundred thousand |
15 | dollars ($200,000) to the department of health to implement this section. |
16 | (2) Funding shall be used for activities and equipment that further promote CERP/AEAP |
17 | preparedness in schools including, but not limited to, the purchase of AEDs and AED maintenance |
18 | (pads and battery replacement), the purchase of CPR training manikins, or CPR/AED training for |
19 | faculty and staff. |
20 | (3) Funding priority shall be given to high-needs schools where at least fifty percent (50%) |
21 | of children are eligible to receive free and reduced priced meals or the school participates in the |
22 | community eligibility provision. High-needs schools may also be defined by Title 1 status. |
23 | (4) A local and regional board of education may accept gifts, grants, and donations, |
24 | including in-kind donations designated for the purchase of an AED that meets the standards |
25 | established by the United States Food and Drug Administration and for the costs incurred to inspect |
26 | and maintain such device and train staff in the use of such device. |
27 | (f) The commissioner of elementary and secondary education, in collaboration with the |
28 | director of the department of health, may adopt regulations to implement this chapter. |
29 | (g) The commissioner of elementary and secondary education, in collaboration with the |
30 | director of the department of health, shall establish a process to monitor compliance with this |
31 | chapter. |
32 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would repeal the legislative findings in this section. It would also require |
2 | elementary, middle and high schools to provide and maintain on-site functional automated external |
3 | defibrillators (AEDs) in accordance with guidelines by the American Heart Association or an |
4 | organization focused on emergency cardiovascular care. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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