2025 -- H 5407 | |
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LC001106 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Bennett, Shanley, Hull, Diaz, Perez, Slater, Casimiro, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 16-16-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-16 entitled "Teachers’ |
2 | Retirement [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is hereby |
3 | amended to read as follows: |
4 | 16-16-12. Procedure for service retirement. |
5 | Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowance shall be made by the retirement |
6 | board as follows: |
7 | (a)(i) Any member may retire upon his or her written application to the retirement board |
8 | as of the first day of the calendar month in which the application was filed, provided the member |
9 | was separated from service prior to filing the application, and further provided however, that if |
10 | separation from service occurs during the month in which the application is filed, the effective date |
11 | shall be the first day following the separation from service, and provided further that the member |
12 | on retirement date has attained the age of sixty (60) years and has completed at least ten (10) years |
13 | of contributory service on or before July 1, 2005, or regardless of age has completed twenty-eight |
14 | (28) years of total service and has completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service on or |
15 | before July 1, 2005, and who retire before October 1, 2009, or are eligible to retire as of September |
16 | 30, 2009. |
17 | (ii) For teachers who become eligible to retire on or after October 1, 2009, and prior to July |
18 | 1, 2012, benefits are available to teachers who have attained the age of sixty-two (62) and |
| |
1 | completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service. For teachers in service as of October 1, |
2 | 2009, who were not eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009, but became eligible to retire prior |
3 | to July 1, 2012, the minimum retirement age of sixty-two (62) will be adjusted downward in |
4 | proportion to the amount of service the member has earned as of September 30, 2009. The |
5 | proportional formula shall work as follows: |
6 | (A) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
7 | effect on September 30, 2009, which shall then be subtracted from the minimum retirement age of |
8 | sixty-two (62). |
9 | (B) The formula shall then take the teacher’s total service credit as of September 30, 2009, |
10 | as the numerator and the years of service credit determined under (A) as the denominator. |
11 | (C) The fraction determined in (B) shall then be multiplied by the age difference in (1) to |
12 | apply a reduction in years from age sixty-two (62). |
13 | (b)(i) Any member, who has not completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service |
14 | on or before July 1, 2005, may retire upon his or her written application to the retirement board as |
15 | of the first day of the calendar month in which the application was filed; provided, the member was |
16 | separated from service prior thereto; and further provided, however, that if separation from service |
17 | occurs during the month in which application is filed, the effective date shall be the first day |
18 | following that separation from service; provided, the member on his or her retirement date had |
19 | attained the age of fifty-nine (59) and had completed at least twenty-nine (29) years of total service; |
20 | or provided, that the member on his or her retirement date had attained the age of sixty-five (65) |
21 | and had completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service; or provided, that the member on |
22 | his or her retirement date had attained the age of fifty-five (55) and had completed twenty (20) |
23 | years of total service and provided, that the retirement allowance, as determined according to the |
24 | formula in § 16-16-13 is reduced actuarially for each month that the age of the member is less than |
25 | sixty-five (65) years and who retire before October 1, 2009, or are eligible to retire as of September |
26 | 30, 2009. |
27 | (ii) For teachers who become eligible to retire on or after October 1, 2009, and prior to July |
28 | 1, 2012, benefits are available to teachers who have attained the age of sixty-two (62) and have |
29 | completed at least twenty-nine (29) years of total service or have attained the age of sixty-five (65) |
30 | and completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service. For teachers in service as of October |
31 | 1, 2009, who were not eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009, but become eligible to retire prior |
32 | to July 1, 2012, who have a minimum retirement age of sixty-two (62), the retirement age will be |
33 | adjusted downward in proportion to the amount of service the member has earned as of September |
34 | 30, 2009. The proportional formula shall work as follows: |
| LC001106 - Page 2 of 15 |
1 | (A) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
2 | effect on September 30, 2009, which shall then be subtracted from the minimum retirement age of |
3 | sixty-two (62). |
4 | (B) The formula shall then take the teacher’s total service credit as of September 30, 2009, |
5 | as the numerator and the years of service credit determined under (A) as the denominator. |
6 | (C) The fraction determined in (B) shall then be multiplied by the age difference |
7 | determined in (A) to apply a reduction in years from age sixty-two (62). |
8 | (c) Effective July 1, 2012, the following shall apply to all teachers not eligible to retire |
9 | prior to July 1, 2012: |
10 | (i) A teacher with contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, shall be eligible to retire |
11 | upon the completion of at least five (5) years of contributory service and attainment of the teacher’s |
12 | Social Security retirement age. |
13 | (ii) For teachers with five (5) or more years of contributory service as of June 30, 2012, |
14 | with contributory service on and after July 1, 2012, who have a retirement age of Social Security |
15 | Retirement Age, the retirement age will be adjusted downward in proportion to the amount of |
16 | service the teacher has earned as of June 30, 2012, but in no event shall a teacher’s retirement age |
17 | under this subparagraph (ii) be prior to the attainment of age fifty-nine (59) or prior to the teacher’s |
18 | retirement age determined under the laws in effect on June 30, 2012. The proportional formula shall |
19 | work as follows: |
20 | (1) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
21 | effect on June 30, 2012, which shall then be subtracted from Social Security retirement age; |
22 | (2) The formula shall then take the teacher’s total service credit as of June 30, 2012, as the |
23 | numerator and the projected service at retirement age in effect on June 30, 2012, as the |
24 | denominator; |
25 | (3) The fraction determined in (2) shall then be multiplied by the age difference determined |
26 | in (1) to apply a reduction in years from Social Security retirement age. |
27 | (iii) Effective July 1, 2015, a teacher who has completed twenty (20) or more years of total |
28 | service and who has attained an age within five (5) years of the eligible retirement age under |
29 | subdivisions (c)(i) or (c)(ii) above or subsection (d) below, may elect to retire provided that the |
30 | retirement allowance shall be reduced actuarially for each month that the age of the teacher is less |
31 | than the eligible retirement age under subdivisions (c)(i) or (c)(ii) above or subsection (d) below in |
32 | accordance with the following table: |
33 | Year Preceding Retirement Cumulative Annual Reduction Cumulative Monthly |
34 | Reduction |
| LC001106 - Page 3 of 15 |
1 | For Year 1 9% 3% .75% .25% |
2 | For Year 2 8% 3% .667% .25% |
3 | For Year 3 7% 3% .583% .25% |
4 | For Year 4 7% 3% .583% .25% |
5 | For Year 5 7% 3% .583% .25% |
6 | (iv) Notwithstanding any other provisions of section § 16-16-12(c), a teacher who has |
7 | completed ten (10) or more years of contributory service as of June 30, 2012, may elect to retire at |
8 | his or her eligible retirement date as determined under subsections (a) and (b) above provided that |
9 | a teacher making an election under this paragraph shall receive the teacher’s retirement benefit |
10 | determined and calculated based on the teacher’s service and average compensation as of June 30, |
11 | 2012. This provision shall be interpreted and administered in a manner to protect a teacher’s |
12 | accrued benefit on June 30, 2012. |
13 | (d) Notwithstanding any other provisions of subsection (c) above, effective July 1, 2015, |
14 | teachers in active service shall be eligible to retire upon the earlier of: |
15 | (A) The attainment of at least age sixty-five (65) and the completion of at least thirty (30) |
16 | years of total service, or the attainment of at least age sixty-four (64) and the completion of at least |
17 | thirty-one (31) years of total service, or the attainment of at least age sixty-three (63) and the |
18 | completion of at least thirty-two (32) years of total service, or the attainment of at least age sixty- |
19 | two (62) and the completion of at least thirty-three (33) years of total service; or |
20 | (B) The teacher’s retirement eligibility date under subsections (c)(i) or (c)(ii) above. |
21 | (e) Except as specifically provided in §§ 36-10-9.1, 36-10-12 through 36-10-15, and 45- |
22 | 21-19 through 45-21-22, no member shall be eligible for pension benefits under this chapter unless |
23 | (i) The member shall have been a contributing member of the employees’ retirement |
24 | system for at least ten (10) years; or |
25 | (ii) For teachers in active contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, the teacher shall |
26 | have been a contributing member of the employees’ retirement system for at least five (5) years. |
27 | (2) Provided, however, a person who has ten (10) years service credit shall be vested; |
28 | provided that for teachers in active contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, a teacher who has |
29 | five (5) years of contributory service shall be vested. |
30 | (3) Furthermore, any past service credits purchased in accordance with § 36-9-38 shall be |
31 | counted towards vesting. |
32 | (4) Any person who becomes a member of the employees’ retirement system pursuant to |
33 | § 45-21-8 shall be considered a contributing member for the purpose of chapter 21 of title 45 and |
34 | this chapter. |
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1 | (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no more than five (5) years of service |
2 | credit may be purchased by a member of the system. The five (5) year limit shall not apply to any |
3 | purchases made prior to January 1, 1995. A member who has purchased more than five (5) years |
4 | of service credit before January 1, 1995, shall be permitted to apply the purchases towards the |
5 | member’s service retirement. However, no further purchase will be permitted. |
6 | (6) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, effective July 1, 2012, except for purchases |
7 | under §§ 16-16-7.1, 36-5-3, 36-9-31, 36-10-10.4, and 45-21-53: |
8 | (i) For service purchases for time periods prior to a teacher’s initial date of hire, the |
9 | purchase must be made within three (3) years of the teacher’s initial date of hire; and |
10 | (ii) For service purchases for time periods for official periods of leave as authorized by |
11 | law, the purchase must be made within three (3) years of the time the official leave was concluded |
12 | by the teacher. Notwithstanding paragraphs (i) and (ii) above, service purchases from time periods |
13 | prior to June 30, 2012, may be made on or prior to June 30, 2015. |
14 | (f) No member of the teachers’ retirement system shall be permitted to purchase service |
15 | credits for casual or seasonal employment, for employment as a temporary or emergency employee, |
16 | a page in the general assembly, or for employment at any state college or university while the |
17 | employee is a student or graduate of the college or university. |
18 | (g) Except as specifically provided in §§ 16-16-6.2 and 16-16-6.4, a member shall not |
19 | receive service credit in this retirement system for any year or portion of a year which counts as |
20 | service credit in any other retirement system in which the member is vested or from which the |
21 | member is receiving a pension and/or any annual payment for life. This subsection shall not apply |
22 | to any payments received pursuant to the federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq. |
23 | (h) A member who seeks to purchase or receive service credit in this retirement system |
24 | shall have the affirmative duty to disclose to the retirement board whether or not he or she is a |
25 | vested member in any other retirement system and/or is receiving a pension, retirement allowance, |
26 | or any annual payment for life. The retirement board shall have the right to investigate as to whether |
27 | or not the member has utilized the same time of service for credit in any other retirement system. |
28 | The member has an affirmative duty to cooperate with the retirement board including, by way of |
29 | illustration and not by way of limitation, the duty to furnish or have furnished to the retirement |
30 | board any relevant information that is protected by any privacy act. |
31 | (i) A member who fails to cooperate with the retirement board shall not have the time of |
32 | service credit counted toward total service credit until the time the member cooperates with the |
33 | retirement board and until the time the retirement board determines the validity of the service credit. |
34 | (j) A member who knowingly makes a false statement to the retirement board regarding |
| LC001106 - Page 5 of 15 |
1 | service time or credit shall not be entitled to a retirement allowance and is entitled only to the return |
2 | of his or her contributions without interest. |
3 | SECTION 2. Section 36-10-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 36-10 entitled "Retirement |
4 | System — Contributions and Benefits" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
5 | 36-10-9. Retirement on service allowance — In general. |
6 | Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowance shall be made by the retirement |
7 | board as follows: |
8 | (1)(a)(i) Any member may retire upon his or her written application to the retirement board |
9 | as of the first day of the calendar month in which the application was filed; provided, the member |
10 | was separated from service prior thereto; and further provided, however, that if separation from |
11 | service occurs during the month in which application is filed, the effective date shall be the first |
12 | day following that separation from service; and provided further that the member on his or her |
13 | retirement date attained the age of sixty (60) and completed at least ten (10) years of contributory |
14 | service on or before July 1, 2005, or who, regardless of age, has completed twenty-eight (28) years |
15 | of total service and has completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service on or before July |
16 | 1, 2005, and who retire before October 1, 2009, or are eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009. |
17 | (ii) For members who become eligible to retire on or after October 1, 2009, and prior to |
18 | July 1, 2012, benefits are available to members who have attained the age of sixty-two (62) and |
19 | completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service. For members in service as of October 1, |
20 | 2009, who were not eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009, but become eligible to retire prior |
21 | to July 1, 2012, the minimum retirement age of sixty-two (62) will be adjusted downward in |
22 | proportion to the amount of service the member has earned as of September 30, 2009. The |
23 | proportional formula shall work as follows: |
24 | (1) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
25 | effect on September 30, 2009, which shall then be subtracted from the minimum retirement age of |
26 | sixty-two (62). |
27 | (2) The formula shall then take the member’s total service credit as of September 30, 2009, |
28 | as the numerator and the years of service credit determined under (1) as the denominator. |
29 | (3) The fraction determined in (2) shall then be multiplied by the age difference determined |
30 | in (1) to apply a reduction in years from age sixty-two (62). |
31 | (b)(i) Any member, who has not completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service |
32 | on or before July 1, 2005, may retire upon his or her written application to the retirement board as |
33 | of the first day of the calendar month in which the application was filed; provided, the member was |
34 | separated from service prior thereto; and further provided, however, that if separation from service |
| LC001106 - Page 6 of 15 |
1 | occurs during the month in which application is filed, the effective date shall be the first day |
2 | following that separation from service; provided, the member or his or her retirement date had |
3 | attained the age of fifty-nine (59) and had completed at least twenty-nine (29) years of total service |
4 | or provided that the member on his or her retirement date had attained the age of sixty-five (65) |
5 | and had completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service; or provided, that the member on |
6 | his or her retirement date had attained the age of fifty-five (55) and had completed twenty (20) |
7 | years of total service provided, that the retirement allowance, as determined according to the |
8 | formula in § 36-10-10 is reduced actuarially for each month that the age of the member is less than |
9 | sixty-five (65) years, and who retire before October 1, 2009, or are eligible to retire as of September |
10 | 30, 2009. |
11 | (ii) For members who become eligible to retire on or after October 1, 2009 and prior to |
12 | July 1, 2012, benefits are available to members who have attained the age of sixty-two (62) and |
13 | completed at least twenty-nine (29) years of total service or have attained the age of sixty-five (65) |
14 | and completed at least ten (10) years of contributory service. For members in service as of October |
15 | 1, 2009, who were not eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009, but become eligible to retire prior |
16 | to July 1, 2012, who have a minimum retirement age of sixty-two (62), the retirement age will be |
17 | adjusted downward in proportion to the amount of service the member has earned as of September |
18 | 30, 2009. The proportional formula shall work as follows: |
19 | (1) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
20 | effect on September 30, 2009, which shall then be subtracted from the minimum retirement age of |
21 | sixty-two (62). |
22 | (2) The formula shall then take the member’s total service credit as of September 30, 2009, |
23 | as the numerator and the years of service credit determined under (1) as the denominator. |
24 | (3) The fraction determined in (2) above shall then be multiplied by the age difference |
25 | determined in (1) to apply a reduction in years from age sixty-two (62). |
26 | (c) Effective July 1, 2012, the following shall apply to all members not eligible to retire |
27 | prior to July 1, 2012: |
28 | (i) A member with contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, shall be eligible to retire |
29 | upon the completion of at least five (5) years of contributory service and attainment of the member’s |
30 | Social Security retirement age. |
31 | (ii) For members with five (5) or more years of contributory service as of June 30, 2012, |
32 | with contributory service on and after July 1, 2012, who have a retirement age of Social Security |
33 | Retirement Age, the retirement age will be adjusted downward in proportion to the amount of |
34 | service the member has earned as of June 30, 2012, but in no event shall a member’s retirement |
| LC001106 - Page 7 of 15 |
1 | age under this subparagraph (ii) be prior to the attainment of age fifty-nine (59) or prior to the |
2 | member’s retirement age determined under the laws in effect on June 30, 2012. The proportional |
3 | formula shall work as follows: |
4 | (1) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
5 | effect on June 30, 2012, which shall then be subtracted from Social Security retirement age; |
6 | (2) The formula shall then take the member’s total service credit as of June 30, 2012, as |
7 | the numerator and the projected service at retirement age in effect on June 30, 2012, as the |
8 | denominator; |
9 | (3) The fraction determined in (2) shall then be multiplied by the age difference determined |
10 | in (1) to apply a reduction in years from Social Security retirement age. |
11 | (iii) Effective July 1, 2015, a member who has completed twenty (20) or more years of |
12 | total service and who has attained an age within five (5) years of the eligible retirement age under |
13 | subparagraphs (c)(i) or (c)(ii) above or subsection (d) below, may elect to retire provided that the |
14 | retirement allowance shall be reduced actuarially for each month that the age of the member is less |
15 | than the eligible retirement age under subparagraphs (c)(i) or (c)(ii) above or subsection (d) below |
16 | in accordance with the following table: |
17 | Year Preceding Retirement Cumulative Annual Reduction Cumulative Monthly |
18 | Reduction |
19 | For Year 1 9% 3% .75% .25% |
20 | For Year 2 8% 3% .667% .25% |
21 | For Year 3 7% 3% .583% .25% |
22 | For Year 4 7% 3% .583% .25% |
23 | For Year 5 7% 3% .583% .25% |
24 | (iv) Notwithstanding any other provisions of section 36-10-9(c), a member who has |
25 | completed ten (10) or more years of contributory service as of June 30, 2012, may elect to retire at |
26 | his or her eligible retirement date as determined under paragraphs (1)(a) and (1)(b) above provided |
27 | that a member making an election under this paragraph shall receive the member’s retirement |
28 | benefit determined and calculated based on the member’s service and average compensation as of |
29 | June 30, 2012. This provision shall be interpreted and administered in a manner to protect a |
30 | member’s accrued benefit on June 30, 2012. |
31 | (d) Notwithstanding any other provisions of subsection (c) above, effective July 1, 2015, |
32 | members in active service shall be eligible to retire upon the earlier of: (A) The attainment of at |
33 | least age sixty-five (65) and the completion of at least thirty (30) years of total service, or the |
34 | attainment of at least age sixty-four (64) and the completion of at least thirty-one (31) years of total |
| LC001106 - Page 8 of 15 |
1 | service, or the attainment of at least age sixty-three (63) and the completion of at least thirty-two |
2 | (32) years of total service, or the attainment of at least age sixty-two (62) and the completion of at |
3 | least thirty-three (33) years of total service; or (B) The member’s retirement eligibility date under |
4 | subsections (c)(i) or (c)(ii) above. |
5 | (2) Any faculty employee at a public institution of higher education under the jurisdiction |
6 | of the council on postsecondary education shall not be involuntarily retired upon attaining the age |
7 | of seventy (70) years. |
8 | (3)(i) Except as specifically provided in § 36-10-9.1, §§ 36-10-12 — 36-10-15, and §§ 45- |
9 | 21-19 — 45-21-22, (I) On or prior to June 30, 2012 no member shall be eligible for pension benefits |
10 | under this chapter unless the member shall have been a contributing member of the employee’s |
11 | retirement system for at least ten (10) years, or (II) For members in active contributory service on |
12 | or after July 1, 2012, the member shall have been a contributing member of the retirement system |
13 | for at least five (5) years. |
14 | (ii) Provided, however, a person who has ten (10) years service credit on or before June 16, |
15 | 1991, shall be vested. |
16 | (iii) Furthermore, any past service credits purchased in accordance with § 36-9-38 shall be |
17 | counted towards vesting. |
18 | (iv) Any person who becomes a member of the employees’ retirement system pursuant to |
19 | § 45-21-4 shall be considered a contributing member for the purpose of chapter 21 of title 45 and |
20 | this chapter. |
21 | (v) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no more than five (5) years of service |
22 | credit may be purchased by a member of the system. The five (5) year limit shall not apply to any |
23 | purchases made prior to January 1, 1995. A member who has purchased more than five (5) years |
24 | of service credits before January 1, 1995, shall be permitted to apply those purchases towards the |
25 | member’s service retirement. However, no further purchase will be permitted. Repayment in |
26 | accordance with applicable law and regulation of any contribution previously withdrawn from the |
27 | system shall not be deemed a purchase of service credit. |
28 | (vi) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, effective July 1, 2012, except for |
29 | purchases under §§ 16-16-7.1, 36-5-3, 36-9-31, 36-10-10.4, and 45-21-53, (A) For service |
30 | purchases for time periods prior to a member’s initial date of hire, the purchase must be made |
31 | within three (3) years of the member’s initial date of hire, (B) For service purchases for time periods |
32 | for official periods of leave as authorized by law, the purchase must be made within three (3) years |
33 | of the time the official leave was concluded by the member. Notwithstanding the preceding |
34 | sentence, service purchases from time periods prior to June 30, 2012, may be made on or prior to |
| LC001106 - Page 9 of 15 |
1 | June 30, 2015. |
2 | (4) No member of the employees’ retirement system shall be permitted to purchase service |
3 | credits for casual, seasonal, or temporary employment, or emergency appointment, for employment |
4 | as a page in the general assembly, or for employment at any state college or university while the |
5 | employee is a student or graduate assistant of the college or university. |
6 | (5) Except as specifically provided in §§ 16-16-6.2 and 16-16-6.4, a member shall not |
7 | receive service credit in this retirement system for any year or portion of it, which counts as service |
8 | credit in any other retirement system in which the member is vested or from which the member is |
9 | receiving a pension and/or any annual payment for life. This subsection shall not apply to any |
10 | payments received pursuant to the federal Social Security Act or to payments from a military |
11 | pension earned prior to participation in state or municipal employment, or to military service credits |
12 | earned prior to participation in state or municipal employment. |
13 | (6) A member who seeks to purchase or receive service credit in this retirement system |
14 | shall have the affirmative duty to disclose to the retirement board whether or not he or she is a |
15 | vested member in any other retirement system and/or is receiving a pension, retirement allowance, |
16 | or any annual payment for life. The retirement board shall have the right to investigate as to whether |
17 | or not the member has utilized the same time of service for credit in any other retirement system. |
18 | The member has an affirmative duty to cooperate with the retirement board including, by way of |
19 | illustration and not by way of limitations the duty to furnish or have furnished to the retirement |
20 | board any relevant information which is protected by any privacy act. |
21 | (7) A member who fails to cooperate with the retirement board shall not have the time of |
22 | service counted toward total service credit until such time as the member cooperates with the |
23 | retirement board and until such time as the retirement board determines the validity of the service |
24 | credit. |
25 | (8) A member who knowingly makes a false statement to the retirement board regarding |
26 | service time or credit shall not be entitled to a retirement allowance and is entitled only to the return |
27 | of his or her contributions without interest. |
28 | SECTION 3. Section 45-21-16 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-21 entitled "Retirement |
29 | of Municipal Employees" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
30 | 45-21-16. Retirement on service allowance. |
31 | Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowance shall be made by the retirement |
32 | board as follows: |
33 | (1)(i) Any member who is eligible to retire on or before June 30, 2012, may retire upon the |
34 | member’s written application to the retirement board as of the first day of the calendar month in |
| LC001106 - Page 10 of 15 |
1 | which the application was filed, provided the member was separated from service prior to the |
2 | application, and provided, further, that if separation from service occurs during the month in which |
3 | application is filed, the effective date is the first day following the separation from service, provided |
4 | that the member at the time so specified for the member’s retirement has attained the applicable |
5 | minimum retirement age and has completed at least ten (10) years of total service or who, regardless |
6 | of age, completed thirty (30) years of total service, and notwithstanding that during the period of |
7 | notification the member has separated from service. The minimum ages for service retirement |
8 | (except for employees completing thirty (30) years of service) is fifty-eight (58) years. |
9 | (ii) Effective July 1, 2012, the following shall apply to all members not eligible to retire |
10 | prior to July 1, 2012: |
11 | (A) A member with contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, shall be eligible to retire |
12 | upon the completion of at least five (5) years of contributory service and attainment of the member’s |
13 | Social Security retirement age. |
14 | (B) For members with five (5) or more years of contributory service as of June 30, 2012, |
15 | with contributory service on and after July 1, 2012, who have a retirement age of Social Security |
16 | retirement age, the retirement age will be adjusted downward in proportion to the amount of service |
17 | the member has earned as of June 30, 2012, but in no event shall a member’s retirement age under |
18 | this subparagraph (B) be prior to the attainment of age fifty-nine (59) or prior to the member’s |
19 | retirement age determined under the laws in effect on June 30, 2012. The proportional formula shall |
20 | work as follows: |
21 | (1) The formula shall determine the first age of retirement eligibility under the laws in |
22 | effect on June 30, 2012, which shall then be subtracted from Social Security retirement age; |
23 | (2) The formula shall then take the member’s total service credit as of June 30, 2012, as |
24 | the numerator and the projected service at retirement age in effect on June 30, 2012, as the |
25 | denominator; |
26 | (3) The fraction determined in (2) shall then be multiplied by the age difference determined |
27 | in (1) to apply a reduction in years from Social Security retirement age. |
28 | (C) Effective July 1, 2015, a member who has completed twenty (20) or more years of total |
29 | service and who has attained an age within five (5) years of the eligible retirement age under |
30 | subparagraphs (ii)(A) or (ii)(B) above or subsection (iii) below, may elect to retire provided that |
31 | the retirement allowance shall be reduced actuarially for each month that the age of the member is |
32 | less than the eligible retirement age under subparagraphs (ii)(A) or (ii)(B) above or subsection (iii) |
33 | below in accordance with the following table: |
34 | Year Preceding Retirement Cumulative Annual Reduction Cumulative Monthly |
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1 | Reduction |
2 | For Year 1 9% 3% .75% .25% |
3 | For Year 2 8% 3% .667% .25% |
4 | For Year 3 7% 3% .583% .25% |
5 | For Year 4 7% 3% .583% .25% |
6 | For Year 5 7% 3% .583% .25% |
7 | (D)(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of § 42-21-16(1)(ii), a member who has |
8 | completed ten (10) or more years of contributory service as of June 30, 2012, may elect to retire at |
9 | his or her eligible retirement date as determined under paragraph (i) above provided that a member |
10 | making an election under this paragraph shall receive the member’s retirement benefit determined |
11 | and calculated based on the member’s service and average compensation as of June 30, 2012. This |
12 | provision shall be interpreted and administered in a manner to protect a member’s accrued benefit |
13 | on June 30, 2012. |
14 | (iii) Notwithstanding any other provisions of subsection (ii) above, effective July 1, 2015, |
15 | members in active service shall be eligible to retire upon the earlier of: (I) The attainment of at |
16 | least age sixty-five (65) and the completion of at least thirty (30) years of total service, or the |
17 | attainment of at least age sixty-four (64) and the completion of at least thirty-one (31) years of total |
18 | service, or the attainment of at least age sixty-three (63) and the completion of at least thirty-two |
19 | (32) years of total service, or the attainment of at least age sixty-two (62) and the completion of at |
20 | least thirty-three (33) years of total service; or (II) The member’s retirement eligibility date under |
21 | subsections (ii)(A) or (ii)(B) above. |
22 | (2) Except as specifically provided in §§ 45-21-19 — 45-21-22, no member is eligible for |
23 | pension benefits under this chapter unless: |
24 | (I) On or prior to June 30, 2012, the member has been a contributing member of the |
25 | employees’ retirement system for at least ten (10) years; or |
26 | (II) For members in active contributory service on or after July 1, 2012, the member shall |
27 | have been a contributing member of the employees’ retirement system for at least five (5) years. |
28 | (i) Provided, however, a person who has ten (10) years service credit on or before June 16, |
29 | 1991, is vested. |
30 | (ii) Furthermore, any past service credits purchased in accordance with § 45-21-62 are |
31 | counted towards vesting. |
32 | (iii) Any person who becomes a member of the employees’ retirement system pursuant to |
33 | § 45-21-4 shall be considered a contributing member for the purpose of this chapter. |
34 | (iv) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no more than five (5) years of service |
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1 | credit may be purchased by a member of the System. The five (5)-year limit does not apply to any |
2 | purchases made prior to the effective date of this provision. A member who has purchased more |
3 | than five (5) years of service credit maximum, before January 1, 1995, shall be permitted to apply |
4 | the purchases towards the member’s service retirement. However, no further purchase will be |
5 | permitted. Repayment, in accordance with applicable law and regulation, of any contribution |
6 | previously withdrawn from the System is not deemed a purchase of service credit. |
7 | (v) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, effective July 1, 2012, except for purchases |
8 | under §§ 16-16-7.1, 36-5-3, 36-9-31, 36-10-10.4, and 45-21-53: |
9 | (I) For service purchases for time periods prior to a member’s initial date of hire; the |
10 | purchase must be made within three (3) years of the member’s initial date of hire; and |
11 | (II) For service purchases for time periods for official periods of leave as authorized by |
12 | law, the purchase must be made within three (3) years of the time the official leave was concluded |
13 | by the member. |
14 | Notwithstanding (I) and (II) above, service purchases from time periods prior to June 30, |
15 | 2012, may be made on or prior to June 30, 2015. |
16 | (3) No member of the municipal employees’ retirement system is permitted to purchase |
17 | service credits for casual, temporary, emergency or seasonal employment, for employment as a |
18 | page in the general assembly, or for employment at any state college or university while the |
19 | employee is a student or graduate assistant of the college or university. |
20 | (4) A member does not receive service credit in this retirement system for any year or |
21 | portion of a year, which counts as service credit in any other retirement system in which the member |
22 | is vested or from which the member is receiving a pension and/or any annual payment for life. This |
23 | subsection does not apply to any payments received pursuant to the federal Social Security Act or |
24 | to payments from a military pension earned prior to participation in state or municipal employment, |
25 | or to military service credits earned prior to participation in state or municipal employment. |
26 | (5) A member who seeks to purchase or receive service credit in this retirement system has |
27 | the affirmative duty to disclose to the retirement board whether or not he or she is a vested member |
28 | in any other retirement system and/or is receiving a pension retirement allowance or any annual |
29 | payment for life. The retirement board has the right to investigate whether or not the member has |
30 | utilized the same time of service for credit in any other retirement system. The member has an |
31 | affirmative duty to cooperate with the retirement board including, by way of illustration and not by |
32 | way of limitation, the duty to furnish or have furnished to the retirement board any relevant |
33 | information which is protected by any privacy act. |
34 | (6) A member who fails to cooperate with the retirement board shall not have the time of |
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1 | service counted toward total service credit until a time that the member cooperates with the |
2 | retirement board and until a time that the retirement board determines the validity of the service |
3 | credit. |
4 | (7) A member who knowingly makes a false statement to the retirement board regarding |
5 | service time or credit is not entitled to a retirement allowance and is entitled only to the return of |
6 | his or her contributions without interest. |
7 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would reduce the current varying percentages for early retirement penalty for |
2 | teachers, municipal and state employees to a cumulative annual reduction of three percent (3%) |
3 | and monthly reduction of twenty-five hundredths percent (.25%). |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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