2025 -- H 5404 | |
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LC001256 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives McEntee, O'Brien, Fogarty, Spears, Tanzi, Morales, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 44 of the General Laws entitled "TAXATION" is hereby amended by |
2 | adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 33.7 |
5 | 44-33.7-1. Definitions. |
6 | As used in this chapter: |
7 | (1) "Apparently wholesome food" means food that is fit for human consumption at the time |
8 | it was donated as long as it meets all safety and safety-related standards required by federal, state, |
9 | and local laws regardless of compliance with any laws, rules or ordinances regulating the packaging |
10 | or labeling of food which are not linked to food safety. "Apparently wholesome food" as stipulated |
11 | in the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act is defined as "food that meets all quality |
12 | and labeling standards imposed by federal, state, and local laws and regulations, even though the |
13 | food may not be readily marketable due to appearance, age, freshness, grade, size, surplus, or other |
14 | conditions." "Apparently wholesome food" does not include canned goods that are leaking, |
15 | swollen, dented on a seam, or no longer airtight. |
16 | (2) "Donate" means to give without requiring anything of monetary value from the |
17 | recipient, except that the term shall include giving food, notwithstanding that the donor receives or |
18 | charges a good samaritan reduced price. |
19 | (3) "Division" means the division of taxation. |
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1 | (4) "Good samaritan reduced price" means a price that is an amount not greater than the |
2 | cost of handling, administering, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, and distributing |
3 | the apparently wholesome food. |
4 | (5) "Nonprofit organization" means a nonprofit organization that is exempt from federal |
5 | taxation pursuant to § 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) that: |
6 | (i) Operates for religious, charitable, or educational purposes; |
7 | (ii) Does not provide net earnings to, or operate in any other manner, that inures to the |
8 | benefit of, any officer, employee, or shareholder of the entity; |
9 | (6) "Qualified taxpayer" means an individual, corporation, partnership, organization, |
10 | association, or governmental entity, including a producer, retail grocer, wholesaler, hotel, motel, |
11 | manufacturer, restaurant, caterer, farmer, school food authority, institute of higher education, |
12 | nonprofit food distributor, or hospital. |
13 | 44-33.7-2. Credit for food donation. |
14 | (a) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, any qualified taxpayer that |
15 | donates apparently wholesome food shall be allowed a credit to be computed as provided in this |
16 | chapter against a tax imposed by chapters 11, 14, 17, and 30 of this title, for the taxable year of the |
17 | donation. The qualified taxpayer shall be allowed a credit in an amount equal to seventy-five (75%) |
18 | percent of the fair market value of such apparently wholesome food. This credit shall not exceed |
19 | five thousand dollars ($5,000) per tax year. |
20 | (b) In the case of a qualified taxpayer who transports any apparently wholesome food |
21 | donated in accordance with subsection (a) of this section for taxable years beginning on or after |
22 | January 1, 2026, there shall be allowed a credit to be computed as provided in this chapter against |
23 | a tax imposed by chapters 11, 14, 17, and 30 of this title, for the taxable year of the donation. The |
24 | qualified taxpayer shall be allowed a credit in an amount equal to fifty (50%) percent of the |
25 | transportation costs (or any portion thereof) paid or incurred by the qualified taxpayer with respect |
26 | to the conveyance of a donated food, including the coordination or arrangement of transportation |
27 | services, in connection with the transportation of that qualified donated food item. This credit shall |
28 | not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per tax year. This credit shall only be allowed if the |
29 | qualified taxpayer does not receive anything of monetary value, including receipt of a good |
30 | samaritan reduced price. |
31 | (c) Credits shall be allowed under this section only if: |
32 | (1) The use of the donated food by the donee nonprofit organization is related to providing |
33 | food to the needy; and |
34 | (2) The donated food, if sold by the donee nonprofit organization, is provided to or sold to |
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1 | the needy or other nonprofit organizations that intend to use the food to provide food to the needy |
2 | at no cost or at a good samaritan reduced price. |
3 | (d) Upon receipt of the donated food, the nonprofit organization shall provide a certificate |
4 | to the qualified taxpayer, which shall contain the name of the qualified taxpayer, the name and |
5 | address of the donee nonprofit organization, the date of the donation, the type and quantity of |
6 | donated food, and, as provided by the qualified taxpayer, the fair market value of the donated food. |
7 | The certificate shall also include a statement by the donee nonprofit organization that its use and |
8 | disposition of the donated food complies with the requirements under subsection (c) of this section. |
9 | (e) For every taxable year for which a qualified taxpayer seeks a tax credit under this |
10 | chapter, the person shall apply to the division in accordance with the forms, instructions, dates, and |
11 | procedures prescribed by the division. |
12 | 44-33.7-3. Limit on tax credit. |
13 | (a) The amount of the credit claimed under § 44-33.7-2(a) and (b) shall not exceed the total |
14 | amount of tax imposed upon the qualified taxpayer for the taxable year. Any credit not usable for |
15 | the taxable year for which the credit was first allowed may be carried over for credit against the |
16 | income taxes of the qualified taxpayer in the next five (5) succeeding taxable years or until the total |
17 | amount of the tax credit has been taken, whichever is sooner. |
18 | (b) Credits granted to a partnership, limited liability company, or electing small business |
19 | corporation (S corporation) shall be allocated to the individual partners, members, or shareholders, |
20 | respectively, in proportion to their ownership or interest in such business entities. |
21 | (c) Any tax credits claimed shall not reduce a corporation's tax liability below the state |
22 | corporate minimum tax. |
23 | (d) This chapter amends § 44-30-2.6 to add the tax credit for food donation as an allowable |
24 | credit against personal income tax. |
25 | 44-33.7-4. Promulgation of rules and regulations. |
26 | The division shall be authorized to develop guidelines, rules or regulations implementing |
27 | the provisions of this chapter. The guidelines, rules and regulations shall include procedures for the |
28 | allocation of tax credits among qualified taxpayers. |
29 | 44-33.7-5. Reporting requirements. |
30 | Using information available to the division, the division shall report to the general |
31 | assembly, annually, through the division of taxation’s testimony at the May revenue estimating |
32 | conference, regarding the use of the credit authorized under this chapter. The report shall include, |
33 | at a minimum, the credits generated in the taxable year, the credits claimed in the taxable year, and |
34 | the number of qualified taxpayer claimed credits. |
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1 | SECTION 2. Chapter 44-30 of the General Laws entitled "Personal Income Tax" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following section: |
3 | 44-30-28. Food donation tax credit. |
4 | Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 33.7 of title 44, an entity or individual shall be entitled |
5 | to an income tax credit for the donation of food up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) per year. |
6 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would provide a tax credit for food donations by qualified taxpayers to nonprofit |
2 | organizations up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) per year. |
3 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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