2025 -- H 5387 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Azzinaro, Fellela, Casimiro, Ackerman, Donovan, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Veterans` Affairs | |
(Office of Veterans Services) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 30-24-1 and 30-24-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-24 entitled |
2 | "Rhode Island Veterans’ Home" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 30-24-1. Management and control. |
4 | The management and control of the Rhode Island veterans’ home, established in this state |
5 | for those who served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, merchant marines, or air force |
6 | or space force of the United States in any war or conflict and were honorably discharged therefrom, |
7 | who shall be in need of such care as is provided at the home, shall be the responsibility of the |
8 | director of human services, or his or her designee. |
9 | 30-24-10. Admissible to home — Fees. |
10 | (a) Any person who has served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, or air force |
11 | or space force of the United States for a period of ninety (90) days or more and that period began |
12 | or ended during any foreign war in which the United States shall have been engaged or in any |
13 | expedition or campaign for which the United States government issues a campaign medal, and who |
14 | was honorably discharged from it, and who shall be deemed to be in need of care provided at the |
15 | Rhode Island veterans’ home, may be admitted to that facility subject to such rules and regulations |
16 | as shall be adopted by the director of human services to govern the admission of applicants to the |
17 | facility. Any person who has served in the armed forces of the United States designated herein and |
18 | otherwise qualified, who has served less than the ninety-day (90) period described in this section, |
| |
1 | and who was honorably discharged from service, and who, as a result of the service, acquired a |
2 | service-connected disability or disease, may be admitted. No person shall be admitted to the facility |
3 | unless the person has been accredited to the enlistment or induction quota of the state or has resided |
4 | in the state for at least two (2) consecutive years next prior to the date of the application for |
5 | admission to the facility. |
6 | (b)(1) The director shall, at the end of each fiscal year, determine the net, per-diem |
7 | expenses of maintenance of residents in the facility and shall assess against each resident who has |
8 | “net income”, as defined in this section, a fee equal to eighty percent (80%) of the resident’s net |
9 | income, provided that fee shall not exceed the actual cost of care and maintenance for the resident; |
10 | and provided that an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the maintenance fee assessed shall |
11 | be allocated to, and deposited in, the veterans’ restricted account. For the purposes of this section, |
12 | “net income” is defined as gross income minus applicable federal and state taxes and minus: |
13 | (i) An amount equal to one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month of residency and fifty |
14 | percent (50%) of any sum received due to wounds incurred under battle conditions for which the |
15 | resident received the purple heart; and |
16 | (ii) The amount paid by a resident for the support and maintenance of his or her spouse, |
17 | parent(s), minor child(ren), or child(ren) who is/are blind or permanently and totally disabled as |
18 | defined in title XVI of the Federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1381 — 1383d, subject to a |
19 | maximum amount to be determined by rules and regulations as shall be adopted by the director. |
20 | (2) The fees shall be paid monthly to the home and any failure to make payment when due |
21 | shall be cause for dismissal from the facility. Prior to dismissal, the resident shall be afforded |
22 | administrative due process. |
23 | (c) Admissions to the veterans’ home shall be made without discrimination as to race, |
24 | color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity |
25 | or expression, assets, or income. |
26 | (d) Laundry services shall be provided to the residents of the Rhode Island veterans’ home |
27 | at no charge to the residents, with such funds to cover the cost of providing laundry services for |
28 | residents of the Rhode Island veterans’ home derived from monies appropriated to the department |
29 | of human services. |
30 | SECTION 2. Section 30-25-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 30-25 entitled "Burial of |
31 | Veterans" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
32 | 30-25-14. Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. |
33 | (a) The Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery, located on the grounds of the Joseph |
34 | H. Ladd school in the town of Exeter, shall be under the management and control of the director of |
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1 | the department of human services. The director of the department of human services shall appoint |
2 | an administrator for the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery who shall be an honorably |
3 | discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces and shall have the general supervision over, |
4 | and shall prescribe rules for, the government and management of the cemetery. The administrator |
5 | shall make all needful rules and regulations governing the operation of the cemetery and generally |
6 | may do all things necessary to ensure the successful operation thereof. The director shall |
7 | promulgate rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of 38 U.S.C. § 2402, to |
8 | govern the eligibility for burial in the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. In addition to all |
9 | persons eligible for burial pursuant to rules and regulations established by the director, any person |
10 | who served in the army, navy, air force, or marine corps, coast guard, or space force of the United |
11 | States for a period of not less than two (2) years and whose service was terminated honorably, shall |
12 | be eligible for burial in the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. The director shall appoint |
13 | and employ all subordinate officials and persons needed for the proper management of the |
14 | cemetery. National guard members who are killed in the line of duty or who are honorably |
15 | discharged after completion of at least six (6) years of service in the Rhode Island national guard |
16 | and/or reserve and their spouse shall be eligible for interment in the Rhode Island veterans’ |
17 | memorial cemetery. National guard members and/or reservists who are honorably discharged after |
18 | completion of at least six (6) years of service with another state, and who are a Rhode Island |
19 | resident for at least two (2) consecutive years immediately prior to death, shall be eligible, along |
20 | with their spouse, for interment in the Rhode Island veterans’ memorial cemetery. For the purpose |
21 | of computing service under this section, honorable service in the active forces or reserves shall be |
22 | considered toward the six (6) years of national guard service. The general assembly shall make an |
23 | annual appropriation to the department of human services to provide for the operation and |
24 | maintenance for the cemetery. The director shall charge and collect a grave liner fee per interment |
25 | of the eligible spouse and/or eligible dependents of the qualified veteran, national guard member, |
26 | and/or reservist equal to the department’s cost for the grave liner. |
27 | (b) No domestic animal shall be allowed on the grounds of the Rhode Island veterans’ |
28 | memorial cemetery, whether at large or under restraint, except for seeing eye guide dogs, hearing |
29 | ear signal dogs or any other service animal, as required by federal law or any personal assistance |
30 | animal, as required by chapter 9.1 of title 40. Any person who violates the provisions of this section |
31 | shall be subject to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500). |
32 | (c) The state of Rhode Island office of veterans services shall bear the cost of all tolls |
33 | incurred by any motor vehicles that are part of a veteran’s funeral procession, originating from |
34 | Aquidneck Island ending at the veterans’ memorial cemetery, for burial or internment. The |
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1 | executive director of the turnpike and bridge authority shall assist in the administration and |
2 | coordination of this toll reimbursement program. |
3 | SECTION 3. Section 34-12-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-12 entitled |
4 | "Acknowledgments and Notarial Acts" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
5 | 34-12-5. Power of armed forces officers to take acknowledgments. |
6 | In addition to the acknowledgment of instruments and the performance of other notarial |
7 | acts in the manner and form and as otherwise authorized by law, instruments may be acknowledged, |
8 | documents attested, oaths and affirmations administered, depositions and affidavits executed, and |
9 | other notarial acts performed, before or by any commissioned officer in active service of the armed |
10 | forces of the United States with the rank of second lieutenant or higher in the army, air force, or |
11 | marine corps, or space force, or with the rank of ensign or higher in the navy or coast guard, or with |
12 | equivalent rank in any other component part of the armed forces of the United States, by any person |
13 | without the limits of the United States, and to any person who is a member of the armed forces who |
14 | is within or without the limits of the United States and their lawful dependents. |
15 | SECTION 4. Section 34-37-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-37 entitled "Rhode Island |
16 | Fair Housing Practices Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
17 | 34-37-3. Definitions. |
18 | When used in this chapter: |
19 | (1) “Age” means anyone over the age of eighteen (18). |
20 | (2) “Armed forces” means the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant |
21 | Marines, or Air Force, or Space Force of the United States and the Rhode Island National Guard. |
22 | (3) “Commission” means the Rhode Island commission for human rights created by § 28- |
23 | 5-8. |
24 | (4) “Disability” means a disability as defined in § 42-87-1. |
25 | Provided, further, that the term “disability” does not include current, illegal use of, or |
26 | addiction to, a controlled substance, as defined in 21 U.S.C. § 802. |
27 | (5) “Discriminate” includes segregate, separate, or otherwise differentiate between or |
28 | among individuals because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or |
29 | expression, marital status, lawful source of income, military status as a veteran with an honorable |
30 | discharge or an honorable or general administrative discharge, servicemember in the armed forces, |
31 | country of ancestral origin, disability, age, housing status, or familial status or because of the race, |
32 | color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, lawful source |
33 | of income, military status as a veteran with an honorable discharge or an honorable or general |
34 | administrative discharge, servicemember in the armed forces, country of ancestral origin, disability, |
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1 | age, housing status, or familial status of any person with whom they are, or may wish to be, |
2 | associated. |
3 | (6) The term “domestic abuse” for the purposes of this chapter shall have the same meaning |
4 | as that set forth in § 15-15-1 and include all forms of domestic violence as set forth in § 12-29-2, |
5 | except that the domestic abuse need not involve a minor or parties with minor children. |
6 | (7)(i) “Familial status” means one or more individuals who have not attained the age of |
7 | eighteen (18) years being domiciled with: |
8 | (A) A parent or another person having legal custody of the individual or individuals; or |
9 | (B) The designee of the parent or other person having the custody, with the written |
10 | permission of the parent or other person, provided that, if the individual is not a relative or legal |
11 | dependent of the designee, that the individual shall have been domiciled with the designee for at |
12 | least six (6) months. |
13 | (ii) The protections afforded against discrimination on the basis of familial status shall |
14 | apply to any person who is pregnant or is in the process of securing legal custody of any individual |
15 | who has not attained the age of eighteen (18) years. |
16 | (8) The terms, as used regarding persons with disabilities, “auxiliary aids and services,” |
17 | “reasonable accommodation,” and “reasonable modifications” have the same meaning as those |
18 | terms are defined in § 42-87-1.1. |
19 | (9) The term “gender identity or expression” includes a person’s actual or perceived |
20 | gender, as well as a person’s gender identity, gender-related self image, gender-related appearance, |
21 | or gender-related expression; whether or not that gender identity, gender-related self image, gender- |
22 | related appearance, or gender-related expression is different from that traditionally associated with |
23 | the person’s sex at birth. |
24 | (10) “Housing accommodation” includes any building or structure, or portion of any |
25 | building or structure, or any parcel of land, developed or undeveloped, that is occupied or is |
26 | intended, designed, or arranged to be occupied, or to be developed for occupancy, as the home or |
27 | residence of one or more persons. |
28 | (11) “Otherwise qualified” includes any person with a disability who, with respect to the |
29 | rental of property, personally or with assistance arranged by the person with a disability, is capable |
30 | of performing all the responsibilities of a tenant as contained in § 34-18-24. |
31 | (12) “Owner” includes any person having the right to sell, rent, lease, or manage a housing |
32 | accommodation. |
33 | (13) “Person” includes one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, organizations, |
34 | corporations, labor organizations, mutual companies, joint stock companies, trusts, receivers, legal |
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1 | representatives, trustees, other fiduciaries, or real estate brokers or real estate salespersons as |
2 | defined in chapter 20.5 of title 5. |
3 | (14) “Senior citizen” means a person sixty-two (62) years of age or older. |
4 | (15) The term “sexual orientation” means having, or being perceived as having, an |
5 | orientation for heterosexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality. |
6 | (16) The term “victim” means a family or household member and all other persons |
7 | contained within the definition of those terms as defined in § 12-29-2. |
8 | (17) The term “housing status” means the status of having or not having a fixed or regular |
9 | residence, including the status of living on the streets or in a homeless shelter or similar temporary |
10 | residence. |
11 | (18) The term “lawful source of income” means and includes any income, benefit, or |
12 | subsidy derived from child support; alimony; Social Security; Supplemental Security Income; any |
13 | other federal, state, or local public assistance program, including, but not limited to, medical or |
14 | veterans assistance; any federal, state, or local rental assistance or housing subsidy program, |
15 | including Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers as authorized by 42 U.S.C. § 1437; and any |
16 | requirement associated with such public assistance, rental assistance, or housing subsidy program. |
17 | SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would add “space force” to the branches of the military included in various |
2 | sections of general law regarding the veterans home, veterans cemetery and the power of armed |
3 | forces officers to take acknowledgements. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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