2025 -- H 5375 | |
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LC000849 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Handy, Cruz, Furtado, Slater, Kislak, Giraldo, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 23-24.6-28 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-24.6 entitled "Lead |
2 | Poisoning Prevention Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 23-24.6-28. Lead water supply replacement. |
4 | (a) Water suppliers shall develop a service line inventory no later than October 16, 2024, |
5 | to determine the existence or absence of lead within each water connection in its service area. This |
6 | inventory shall be completed in accordance with all applicable state and federal requirements |
7 | including, but not limited to, the IIJA. Water suppliers shall include in their inventories a list of all |
8 | private side lead service replacements performed in their service areas since January 1, 2018. |
9 | Transient non-community water systems are exempt from this section. |
10 | (b) The service line inventory shall include all service lines and shall classify which are: |
11 | (1) Lead service lines; |
12 | (2) Non-lead; and |
13 | (3) Lead status unknown. |
14 | (c)(1) Once completed, each water supplier shall provide a copy of its inventory to the |
15 | department and to the Rhode Island infrastructure bank. This inventory shall be posted on the |
16 | department’s website and on the water supplier’s website. Water suppliers without a website shall |
17 | make the most recent service line inventory available in a publicly accessible location in each |
18 | community they serve. |
19 | (2) The department shall: |
| |
1 | (i) Establish a webpage that serves as a public dashboard to track progress towards the |
2 | deadline in subsection (a) of this section for each public water supply system; |
3 | (ii) Publish and maintain online a map of the location of each service line and identify |
4 | whether it is a lead service line or may be of unknown material and allow this map to serve as |
5 | compliance for participating public water supply systems with requirements at 40 C.F.R. § |
6 | 141.84(a)(8) that direct the systems to make the service line materials inventory publicly accessible; |
7 | and |
8 | (iii) Define disadvantaged communities consistent with federal guidance. |
9 | (d) When conducting the inventory of service lines in its distribution system for the initial |
10 | inventory pursuant to this section, a water supplier shall use any information on lead and galvanized |
11 | iron or steel that it has identified pursuant to applicable state and federal requirements. |
12 | (e) Water suppliers may utilize the following to develop a service line inventory: |
13 | (1) Visual inspection during planned maintenance, meter replacement, and main |
14 | replacement projects; |
15 | (2) Solicitation and receipt of comments, complaints, and other input from customers in |
16 | the service area; |
17 | (3) Historical building records and other available data from the American Water Works |
18 | Association or other industry research groups; and/or |
19 | (4) Any other procedures and resources, including from 40 C.F.R. § 141.84(a)(3), the water |
20 | supplier deems appropriate for identifying lead service lines. |
21 | (f)(1) Within thirty (30) days of identifying a lead service line, the water supplier shall |
22 | provide written notice to the property owner, the tenants of the building, and the director of the |
23 | presence of lead service lines or lead status unknown service lines. The notice shall be multilingual |
24 | and include information describing the sources of lead in drinking water, description of the health |
25 | effects of lead exposure, and steps customers can take to mitigate exposure to lead in drinking |
26 | water. This notice shall include lead service line replacement instructions and contact information |
27 | to schedule a service line inspection and replacement. |
28 | (2) Mitigation measures shall include, but not be limited to: |
29 | (i) A water supplier providing a filter pitcher or point-of-use device certified by an |
30 | American Standards Institute accredited certifier to reduce lead; |
31 | (ii) Instructions to use the filter; and |
32 | (iii) Six (6) months of filter replacement cartridges. |
33 | (g) A water supplier without an established lead service line replacement program shall |
34 | coordinate with the department and the Rhode Island infrastructure bank to develop a replacement |
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1 | program. |
2 | (h) A water supplier shall develop and submit to the department a lead service replacement |
3 | plan in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency Lead |
4 | and Copper Rule Improvements. |
5 | (i) The department and the Rhode Island infrastructure bank shall coordinate with water |
6 | suppliers to implement lead replacement programs, including assisting with providing financial |
7 | assistance to the extent the funds are available. |
8 | (j) The department and the Rhode Island infrastructure bank shall assist water suppliers |
9 | with grants, loans, or other financial assistance to ensure that public service lines containing lead |
10 | are replaced in accordance with this chapter. |
11 | (k) Based on the inventories provided pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the |
12 | department, the water suppliers, and the Rhode Island infrastructure bank shall determine the |
13 | estimated total cost associated with all private side replacements. Consistent with any applicable |
14 | federal law and regulation and to the extent funds are available, the Rhode Island infrastructure |
15 | bank shall utilize federal funds allocated under section 50105 of the IIJA for the specific purpose |
16 | of reducing lead in drinking water, to enable water suppliers to meet all eligible private side lead |
17 | service replacement cost. |
18 | (l) In the event total costs exceed available federal funding allocated under section 50105 |
19 | of the IIJA, the Rhode Island infrastructure bank may request appropriations in one or more fiscal |
20 | years from the general assembly sufficient to meet the outstanding total cost of all identified |
21 | outstanding private side lead service line replacements. |
22 | (m) For properties with a lead service line or a lead status unknown service line, water |
23 | suppliers shall inspect, at no cost to the property owner, the private side service lines to determine |
24 | whether lead or galvanized iron or steel is present. If lead is detected in the private service line, the |
25 | private service line shall be replaced in accordance with all applicable federal and state |
26 | requirements. |
27 | (n) The water supplier shall replace the entire lead service line, if lead is present in the |
28 | public side. The water supplier shall replace the entire lead service line with minor disruption to |
29 | water service unless there is either an emergency or all persons served by the service line object to |
30 | the replacement in writing. Transient non-community water systems shall be exempt from lead |
31 | service line replacements. |
32 | (o) In the event a property owner refuses to allow the inspection or replacement of private |
33 | side service lines, the water supplier shall file notice of all attempts to inspect or replace the private |
34 | side service lines and the property owner’s refusal to allow inspection or replacement services with |
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1 | the department. The notice shall state at a minimum: the date and time of each attempt; the name |
2 | of the person who refused each attempt; and the name and signature of the person who made each |
3 | attempt. The address where each refusal took place shall be published on the appropriate |
4 | department website to ensure occupants of the building have notice of the potential lead in the |
5 | service line. The notice shall be filed within thirty (30) days following the second refusal by the |
6 | property owner. The notice shall be written as a multilingual document. In the event that a water |
7 | service line in a rental property is found to contain lead and the property owner declines or is |
8 | unresponsive, the tenant shall be entitled to make a second (2nd) request to the property owner for |
9 | service line replacement. If the property owner refuses or fails to respond within sixty (60) days, |
10 | the tenant shall have the option to terminate the lease. Upon termination, the property owner may |
11 | not withhold the tenant’s security deposit based upon the tenant’s exercise of their termination |
12 | rights under this section. |
13 | (p) If the property is a rental property, the owner shall inform the tenants of the presence |
14 | of lead in accordance with § 23-24.6-15(b). If the owner fails to provide tenants with timely |
15 | notification of the existence of lead in service lines to the building the owner shall be subject to |
16 | civil penalty in accordance with § 23-24.6-27. |
17 | (q) When a property owner transfers the ownership of property, they shall disclose the |
18 | presence of lead service lines. Pursuant to § 5-20.8-11, every contract for the transfer or purchase |
19 | and sale of real estate that is or may be served by a service line containing lead shall provide that |
20 | potential purchasers be permitted a ten-day (10) period, unless the parties mutually agree upon a |
21 | different period of time, to conduct a risk assessment or an inspection of the property’s water |
22 | service lines for the presence of lead hazards before becoming obligated under the contract to |
23 | transfer or purchase. Parties may mutually agree to waive a risk assessment or an inspection. |
24 | (r) The department and the Rhode Island infrastructure bank shall prioritize the allocation |
25 | of funds for private lead service line replacements in accordance with all federal requirements and |
26 | based on the percentage of private lead service lines present within a water supplier service area, |
27 | which shall be based on factors including, but not limited to: |
28 | (1) Targeting known lead service lines; |
29 | (2) Targeting available funds to lead service line replacements for disadvantaged water |
30 | suppliers; and |
31 | (3) Targeting populations most sensitive to the effects of lead. |
32 | (s) Upon award of funds for lead service replacements, water suppliers shall prioritize |
33 | projects within their service area to disadvantaged customers and those who are most sensitive to |
34 | the effects of lead. |
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1 | (t) For any award of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or greater to a water supplier for a |
2 | lead service line replacement project, the Rhode Island infrastructure bank shall require water |
3 | suppliers and their contractors to participate in an approved apprenticeship program for all |
4 | apprenticeable crafts or trades that will be employed on the project at the time of bid. |
5 | (u) Contingent upon available funding, each water supplier shall complete the replacement |
6 | of all public and private lead service lines in its service area within ten (10) years of the effective |
7 | date of this section [June 24, 2023] unless otherwise provided in this section. All lead service line |
8 | replacement projects funded under this section shall be completed in accordance with all applicable |
9 | state and federal requirements including, but not limited to, the IIJA and related federal regulations |
10 | and guidance. |
11 | (v) Upon completion of the lead service line inventory or no earlier than January 1, 2025, |
12 | any water supplier that provided financing to its customers for private side lead service replacement |
13 | after January 1, 2018, may be eligible for reimbursement from the state for costs associated with |
14 | private side lead service replacements financed by its customers. State reimbursement shall be |
15 | subject to appropriation by the general assembly. The water supplier shall submit request for |
16 | reimbursements to the department. Within ninety (90) days of receipt of funds from the state, the |
17 | water supplier shall reimburse each customer for costs incurred in connection with their private |
18 | side lead service replacement project. |
19 | (w) Each water supplier shall provide an annual report to the governor, president of the |
20 | senate, speaker of the house, director of the department of health, and executive director of the |
21 | Rhode Island infrastructure bank within ninety (90) days of the end of each fiscal year. The report |
22 | shall contain information, including, but not limited to: the number of public service lines per |
23 | community served and the number replaced; the number of private service lines per community |
24 | served and the number replaced; an estimated number of service lines to be replaced; property type; |
25 | number of private service line inspections conducted; and annual expense to replace service lines. |
26 | Water suppliers whose initial inventories contain only non-lead service lines are not required to |
27 | provide subsequent annual reports required in this section. |
28 | (x) Water suppliers may coordinate with the department and nonprofit lead advocacy |
29 | organizations to reach residents in communities with lead infrastructure. This coordination may |
30 | include, but is not limited to, developing education materials, awareness communications, and |
31 | outreach campaigns. |
32 | (y) The department shall enforce the provisions of this section. |
33 | (z) To protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents, a municipality may adopt an |
34 | ordinance that allows the municipality, the water supplier, or any agent of either, to enter a property |
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1 | within the municipality to perform a lead service line replacement if the property owner is eligible |
2 | for a free service line replacement, subject to the notice requirement in this subsection. The |
3 | municipality shall provide the owner and any residents of the property with written notice at least |
4 | seventy-two (72) hours before entering the property, unless, in the case of an emergency, as |
5 | determined by the department of health. Nothing in this subsection, or any municipal ordinance |
6 | adopted pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, shall be construed to authorize or permit any |
7 | municipality, water supplier or any agent to enter any part of the property that is not directly related |
8 | to performing a lead service line replacement. |
9 | (aa) To protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents, a municipality may adopt an |
10 | ordinance that allows a tenant to request and schedule a private side lead service line replacement |
11 | with their local water supplier in the event that a water service line in a rental property is found to |
12 | contain lead, the property owner is eligible for a free service line replacement, and the property |
13 | owner is unresponsive to a request for a service line replacement. |
14 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would allow municipalities to enact ordinances that would permit municipalities |
2 | and water suppliers to enter properties to perform lead service line replacements and permit tenants |
3 | to request and schedule private side lead service line replacements with the local water supplier |
4 | when the property owner is unresponsive to a request for service line replacement; provided that, |
5 | the property owner is eligible for a free service line replacement. |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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