2025 -- H 5374 | |
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LC001124 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Stewart, Speakman, Morales, Spears, Potter, Cruz, Felix, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 23-27.3 of the General Laws entitled "State Building Code" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following article: |
3 | ARTICLE 4 |
5 | 23-27.3-800. Short title. |
6 | This article shall be known and may be cited as the “Rhode Island Inclusive Home Design |
7 | Act.” |
8 | 23-27.3-801. Definitions. |
9 | As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings, except where |
10 | the context clearly indicates otherwise: |
11 | (1) "Article" means the Rhode Island inclusive home design act. |
12 | (2) “Covered dwelling unit” means a dwelling unit that is: |
13 | (i) Any of the following: |
14 | (A) A detached single-family house; |
15 | (B) A townhouse or multi-level dwelling unit (whether detached or attached to other units |
16 | or structures); |
17 | (C) A ground-floor dwelling unit in a building containing more than one dwelling unit; or |
18 | (D) A dwelling unit accessible via elevator; |
| |
1 | (ii) Is designed as, or intended for occupancy as, a residence; |
2 | (iii) Was designed, constructed, or commissioned, contracted, or otherwise arranged for |
3 | construction, by any person or entity that, at any time before the design or construction, received |
4 | or was guaranteed federal, state, or local financial assistance for any program or activity relating to |
5 | the design, construction, commissioning, contracting, or other arrangement for construction, of the |
6 | dwelling unit; or |
7 | (iv) Is made available for first occupancy on or after the effective date of this article. |
8 | (3) “Federal, state, or local financial assistance” means: |
9 | (i) Any assistance that is provided or otherwise made available by the United States |
10 | Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of |
11 | Veterans Affairs, or under any program or activity of the Department of Housing and Urban |
12 | Development, the Department of Commerce, or the Department of Veterans Affairs; the Rhode |
13 | Island commerce corporation, the Rhode Island department of housing, the Rhode Island housing |
14 | and mortgage finance corporation, or any other state agency or quasi-public corporation; or any |
15 | municipal government or agency thereof, local redevelopment agency, or other local quasi-public |
16 | agency through any grant, loan, contract, or any other arrangement, including: |
17 | (A) A grant, a subsidy, a tax credit, or any other funds, including, but not limited to, a tax |
18 | stabilization agreement; a municipal tax increment financing agreement; any assistance pursuant to |
19 | the economic development initiatives fund or other funds, including rebuild Rhode Island, the first |
20 | wave closing fund established pursuant to chapter 64.23 of title 42, and the state tax increment |
21 | financing programs; any low-income housing tax credits allocated pursuant to the qualified |
22 | allocation plan of the Rhode Island housing and mortgage finance corporation, including, but not |
23 | limited to, all federal tax credits for low-income housing allocated pursuant to § 42-55-24.1; any |
24 | funds established as part of the long-term economic development vision and policy required by § |
25 | 42-64.17-1; or any disbursement of federal funds allocated to a state or local agency; |
26 | (B) Real or personal property or any interest in or use of such property, including: |
27 | (I) A transfer or lease of the property for less than the fair market value or for reduced |
28 | consideration; |
29 | (II) Proceeds from a subsequent transfer or lease of the property if the federal share of the |
30 | fair market value is not returned to the federal government; |
31 | (III) Any tax credit, mortgage or loan guarantee or insurance, and community development |
32 | funds in the form of an obligation guaranteed under section 108 of the Housing and Community |
33 | Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. § 5308); and |
34 | (IV) Any assistance that is provided or otherwise made available by the Secretary of |
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1 | Agriculture under title V of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. § 1471 et seq.); |
2 | (4) "Person or entity'' includes an individual, corporation (including a nonprofit |
3 | corporation), partnership, association, labor organization, legal representative, mutual corporation, |
4 | joint-stock company, trust, unincorporated association, trustee, trustee in a case under title 11 of |
5 | the United States Code, receiver, or fiduciary. |
6 | 23-27.3-802. Visitability requirement. |
7 | (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, with respect to a covered dwelling unit |
8 | designed, constructed, or commissioned, contracted, or otherwise arranged for new construction or |
9 | substantial rehabilitation as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban |
10 | Development, by the person or entity, to fail to ensure that the dwelling unit contains no fewer than |
11 | one level that complies with the Standards for Type C (Visitable) Units of the American National |
12 | Standards Institute (commonly known as "ANSI'') Standards for Accessible and Usable Buildings |
13 | and Facilities (section 1105 of ICC ANSI A117.1-2017). Any updates to the ANSI Standards for |
14 | Type C (Visitable) Units shall be applied to this section upon adoption by the building code |
15 | standards committee. |
16 | (b) Upon application, the building code standards committee may grant a waiver in the case |
17 | of undue burden. |
18 | (c) Even if the standard of an undue burden has not been met, the building code standards |
19 | committee shall, upon application, grant a waiver in order to ensure that the project could |
20 | reasonably be completed in such a manner that the provisions of this article shall not increase the |
21 | total cost of the project by more than one percent. |
22 | 23-27.3-803. Enforcement. |
23 | (a) Requirement for federal, state, or local financial assistance. An applicant for federal, |
24 | state, or local financial assistance shall submit an assurance to the federal, state, or local agency |
25 | responsible for the assistance that each program or activity of the applicant will be conducted in |
26 | compliance with this article. |
27 | (b) Approval of architectural, interior design, and construction plans. |
28 | (1) Submission. |
29 | (i) In general. An applicant for or recipient of federal, state, or local financial assistance for |
30 | the design, construction, commissioning, contracting, or other arrangement for construction, of a |
31 | covered dwelling unit shall submit for approval the architectural, interior design, and construction |
32 | plans for the unit to the building code standards committee for approval. |
33 | (ii) Notice included. In submitting plans under this section, a person or entity shall include |
34 | notice that the person or entity has applied for or received federal, state, or local financial assistance, |
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1 | as defined in this article, with respect to the covered dwelling unit. |
2 | (c) Recovery of funds via civil damages. |
3 | (1) Civil damages. The State of Rhode Island shall be entitled to recover civil damages and |
4 | legal fees from the project developer up to the total amount of federal, state, or local financial |
5 | assistance for the project in question. Such damages shall be placed within the general fund of the |
6 | State of Rhode Island. An action for civil damages pursuant to this article may be filed in superior |
7 | court by any federal, state, local agency or quasi-public agency, state or local legislative body or |
8 | elected official, including the attorney general, or any resident of the State of Rhode Island. Any |
9 | such civil damages shall be separate and apart from any civil action pursuant to § 23-27.3-804(a) |
10 | and shall not be a valid justification for reducing any award of civil damages pursuant to § 23-27.3- |
11 | 804(a). |
12 | (d) Enforcement actions. The enforcement actions under this section include the following: |
13 | (1) Reviewing any plans for a covered dwelling unit submitted under the provisions of this |
14 | chapter and approving or disapproving the plans based on compliance of the dwelling unit with the |
15 | requirements of this article; |
16 | (2) Consistent with applicable state or local laws and procedures, withholding final |
17 | approval of construction or occupancy of a covered dwelling unit unless and until the appropriate |
18 | state or local agency determines compliance with this article; and |
19 | (3) Recovery of civil damages. |
20 | 23-27.3-804. Enforcement -- Joint and several liability. |
21 | (a) Civil action for private persons. |
22 | (1) Not later than twenty (20) years after the occurrence or termination, whichever is later, |
23 | of an act or omission with respect to a covered dwelling unit in violation of this article, a person |
24 | aggrieved by the act or omission may bring a civil action in superior court against any person or |
25 | entity responsible for any part of the design or construction of the covered dwelling unit. |
26 | (2) Liability of state or local agency. In a civil action brought under subsection (a)(1) of |
27 | this section for a violation involving architectural or construction plans for a covered dwelling unit |
28 | that were approved by the appropriate state or local agency: |
29 | (i) If the approved plans violate this article and any construction on the dwelling unit that |
30 | violates this article was performed in accordance with the approved plans, the state or local agency |
31 | shall be jointly and severally liable; |
32 | (ii) If the approved plans comply with this article and any construction on the dwelling unit |
33 | violates this article, any person or entity responsible for the construction shall be jointly and |
34 | severally liable; and |
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1 | (iii) If the approved plans violate this article and any construction on the dwelling unit that |
2 | violates this article was not performed in accordance with the approved plans, the state or local |
3 | agency and any person or entity responsible for the construction shall be jointly and severally liable. |
4 | (b) Enforcement by attorney general. |
5 | (1) Civil action. If the state attorney general has reasonable cause to believe that a person |
6 | or group of persons has violated this article, the attorney general may bring a civil action in superior |
7 | court. |
8 | (2) Intervention in private action. The state attorney general may, upon timely application, |
9 | intervene in any civil action brought by a private person if the attorney general certifies that the |
10 | case is of general public importance. |
11 | (c) Relief. In any civil action brought under this section, if the court finds that a violation |
12 | of this article has occurred or is about to occur, the court may: |
13 | (1) Award to the plaintiff actual and punitive damages; and |
14 | (2) Grant as relief, as the court finds appropriate, any permanent or temporary injunction, |
15 | temporary restraining order, or other order, including an order enjoining the defendant from |
16 | violating this article or ordering such affirmative action as may be appropriate. |
17 | (d) Violations. For purposes of this section, a violation involving a covered dwelling unit |
18 | that is not designed or constructed in accordance with this article shall not be considered to |
19 | terminate until the violation is corrected. |
20 | (e) Attorneys' fees. In any civil action brought under this section, the court, in its discretion, |
21 | may allow the prevailing party a reasonable attorneys' fee and costs. |
22 | (f) Effect on certain sales, encumbrances, and rentals. Relief granted under this section |
23 | shall not affect any contract, sale, encumbrance, or lease consummated before the granting of the |
24 | relief and involving a bona fide purchaser, encumbrancer, or tenant, without actual notice of a civil |
25 | action under this section. |
26 | 23-27.3-805. Enforcement of state laws. |
27 | Nothing in this article shall be construed to invalidate or limit any law of the state or a |
28 | political subdivision of the state, or of any other jurisdiction in which this article shall be effective, |
29 | that grants, guarantees, or provides the same rights, protections, and requirements as are provided |
30 | by this article; provided however, that any law of the state or a political subdivision thereof, or |
31 | other such jurisdiction that purports to require or permit any action that would violate this article |
32 | shall to that extent be invalid. |
33 | 23-27.3-806. Disclaimer of preemptive effect. |
34 | Nothing in this article shall limit any right, procedure, or remedy available under the |
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1 | Constitution of the United States, the Rhode Island Constitution, or any other chapter of the general |
2 | laws. |
3 | 23-27.3-807. Severability. |
4 | If any provision of this article or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is |
5 | held invalid, the remaining provisions of this article and the application of those provisions to other |
6 | persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. |
7 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would establish a new article in the state building code that would provide that |
2 | certain new housing construction contain at least one floor that meets the requirements for a Type |
3 | C (Visitable) Unit of the American National Standards Institute (commonly known as "ANSI'') |
4 | Standards for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (section 1105 of ICC ANSI A117.1- |
5 | 2017). |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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