2025 -- H 5373 | |
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LC001263 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Speakman, Shekarchi, Diaz, Slater, Casey, and Corvese | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 23-27.3-100.1.4, 23-27.3-100.1.5 and 23-27.3-108.2 of the General |
2 | Laws in Chapter 23-27.3 entitled "State Building Code" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 23-27.3-100.1.4. Appointment and qualifications of the committee. |
4 | (a) The building code standards committee shall be composed of twenty-five (25) |
5 | members, residents of the state who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent |
6 | of the senate. Eight (8) members are to be appointed for terms of one year each, seven (7) for a |
7 | term of two (2) years each, and ten (10) for terms of three (3) years each. Annually, thereafter, the |
8 | governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint members to the committee to |
9 | succeed those whose terms expired; the members to serve for terms of three (3) years each and until |
10 | their successors are appointed and qualified. Two (2) members shall be architects registered in the |
11 | state; three (3) shall be professional engineers registered in the state, one specializing in |
12 | mechanical, one specializing in structural, and one specializing in electrical engineering; one |
13 | landscape architect, registered in the state; one full-time certified electrical inspector; two (2) shall |
14 | be builders or superintendents of building construction; one shall be a public health official; one |
15 | shall be a qualified fire code official; two (2) shall be from the Rhode Island building trades council; |
16 | two (2) shall be from the Rhode Island Builders Association; one shall be a holder of Class “A” |
17 | electrician’s license; one shall be a master plumber; two (2) shall be from the general public; three |
18 | (3) shall be building officials in office, one from a municipality with a population of sixty thousand |
19 | (60,000) persons or more, one from a municipality with a population of over twenty thousand |
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1 | (20,000) persons but less than sixty thousand (60,000), and one from a municipality with a |
2 | population of less than twenty thousand (20,000) persons; one shall be a minimum housing official |
3 | in office from one of the local municipalities; and two (2) residents of the state who shall be persons |
4 | with disabilities as defined in § 42-87-1. |
5 | (b) All members shall have no less than five (5) years practical experience in their |
6 | profession or business. The committee shall elect its own chairperson and may elect from among |
7 | its members such other officers as it deems necessary. Thirteen (13) A majority of the current |
8 | members of the board shall constitute a quorum and the vote of a majority vote of those present |
9 | shall be required for action. The committee shall adopt rules and regulations for procedure. The |
10 | state building commissioner shall serve as the executive secretary to the committee. The committee |
11 | shall have the power, within the limits of appropriations provided therefor, to employ such |
12 | assistance as may be necessary to conduct business. |
13 | (c) Members of the committee shall be removable by the governor pursuant to § 36-1-7 |
14 | and for cause only, and removal solely for partisan or personal reasons unrelated to capacity or |
15 | fitness for the office shall be unlawful. |
16 | (d) The state housing and property maintenance code subcommittee shall be composed of |
17 | nine (9) members, residents of the state. Five (5) of these members are to be current members of |
18 | the state building code standards committee and are to be appointed by that committee. The four |
19 | (4) remaining members are to be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the |
20 | senate. The four (4) appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall |
21 | initially be appointed on a staggered term basis, one for one year, one for two (2) years, and two |
22 | (2) for three (3) years. Annually thereafter, the building code standards committee, and the |
23 | governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint the subcommittee members, for |
24 | which they are respectively responsible, to succeed those whose terms have expired; the members |
25 | to serve for terms of three (3) years each and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Of |
26 | the members appointed by the committee, one shall be a full-time certified electrical inspector; one |
27 | shall be a master plumber and mechanical equipment expert; one shall be a builder or |
28 | superintendent of building construction; one member shall be a qualified state fire code official; |
29 | one shall be a property manager; and one shall be a current minimum housing official from a local |
30 | municipality. The four (4) members to be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent |
31 | of the senate, shall all be current minimum housing officials from local municipalities. One shall |
32 | be from a municipality with a population of sixty thousand (60,000) persons or more, two (2) from |
33 | municipalities with a population of over twenty thousand (20,000) persons but less than sixty |
34 | thousand (60,000), and one from a municipality with a population of less than twenty thousand |
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1 | (20,000) persons. |
2 | 23-27.3-100.1.5. Building code — Adoption and promulgation by committee. |
3 | The state building code standards committee has the authority to adopt, promulgate, and |
4 | administer a state building code, which shall include: (a) Provisions and amendments as necessary |
5 | to resolve conflicts between fire safety codes and building codes, as provided for in § 23-28.01-6; |
6 | and (b) A rehabilitation building and fire code for existing buildings and structures. |
7 | Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the building code, including any amendments |
8 | adopted by the state building code standards committee, shall be adopted by the state and shall be |
9 | fully enforceable by the state building code office within ninety (90) days of approval by the state |
10 | building code standards committee. The building code may shall be promulgated in several |
11 | sections, with a section applicable: to one-, two (2), three (3), and four (4) and two-family (2) |
12 | dwellings using the 2024 International Residential Code (IRC) or any subsequent version thereof; |
13 | to multiple dwellings with more than four (4) family dwellings, and hotels and motels using the |
14 | 2024 commercial International Building Code (IBC) or any subsequent version thereof; to general |
15 | building construction; to plumbing; and to electrical. The building code shall incorporate minimum |
16 | standards for the location, design, construction, and installation of wells that are appurtenances to |
17 | a building in applicable sections. For purposes of this chapter, “appurtenance” includes the |
18 | installation, alteration, or repair of wells connected to a structure consistent with chapter 13.2 of |
19 | title 46. The building code and the sections thereof shall be reasonably consistent with recognized |
20 | and accepted standards adopted by national model code organizations and recognized authorities. |
21 | To the extent that any state or local building codes, statutes, or ordinances are inconsistent with the |
22 | Americans with Disabilities Act, Title III, Public Accommodations and Services Operated by |
23 | Private Entities, 42 U.S.C. § 12181 et seq., and its regulations and standards, they are hereby |
24 | repealed. The state building code standards committee is hereby directed to adopt rules and |
25 | regulations consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II and III (28 C.F.R. 35 and |
26 | 28 C.F.R. 36, as amended), as soon as possible, but no later than February 15, 2012, to take effect |
27 | on or before March 15, 2012. The state building code standards committee is hereby authorized |
28 | and directed to update those rules and regulations consistent with the future revisions of the |
29 | Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Standards. All electrical work done in the state shall |
30 | be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC). The state building |
31 | commission shall adopt the latest edition of the NEC, including any amendments to the NEC by |
32 | the commission. The adoption of the NEC by the commission shall be completed so that it will take |
33 | effect on the first day of July of the year the edition is dated. |
34 | 23-27.3-108.2. Duties of the state building code commissioner. |
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1 | (a) The state building code commissioner shall have the authority to enforce and perform |
2 | the duties required by the state building code, chapter 27.3 of this title, and all codes referenced |
3 | therein and adopted thereunder, and all other provisions of the general laws and public laws insofar |
4 | as such powers and duties relate to building codes and building inspection; provided, however, that |
5 | for the purposes of this section structures constituting tents and/or membrane frame structures as |
6 | defined in this state building code and any regulations promulgated hereunder shall be subject to |
7 | an annual certification process to be established by the state building commissioner in conjunction |
8 | with the state fire marshal and shall not be subject to recurring permit and fee requirements as |
9 | otherwise required by this code. |
10 | (b) The state building code commissioner shall work to standardize building code |
11 | interpretations across the state with input from the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns and |
12 | ensure consistent enforcement of the code throughout the state. |
13 | (c) Permit fees for the projects shall be established by the committee. The fees shall be |
14 | deposited as general revenues. |
15 | (d)(1) The local cities and towns shall charge each permit applicant an additional one-tenth |
16 | percent (0.1%) levy of the total construction cost for each commercial permit issued, and two-tenths |
17 | percent (0.2%) levy of the total construction cost for each residential permit issued. The levy shall |
18 | be limited to a maximum of one hundred dollars ($100) for each of the permits issued for one- and, |
19 | two- (2), three (3), and four (4) family (2) dwellings. This additional levy shall be transmitted |
20 | monthly to the state building office at the department of business regulation; and |
21 | (i) Fifty percent (50%) of this additional levy on residential permits and one hundred |
22 | percent (100%) of this additional levy on commercial permits shall be used to staff and support the |
23 | purchase or lease and operation of a web-accessible service and/or system to be utilized by the state |
24 | and municipalities for uniform, statewide electronic plan review, permit management, and |
25 | inspection system and other programs described in this chapter. This portion of the fee levy shall |
26 | be deposited as general revenues. |
27 | (ii) Fifty percent (50%) of this additional levy on residential permits shall be transferred to |
28 | the department of labor and training and shall be deposited into the contractor training restricted |
29 | receipt account, which shall be exempt from the indirect cost recovery provisions of § 35-4-27. |
30 | Subject to appropriation by the general assembly, these funds shall be used to provide contractor |
31 | training grants for programs that shall include, but are not limited to, minority business enterprises |
32 | and state local building officials. |
33 | (2) On or before July 1, 2013, the building commissioner shall develop a standard statewide |
34 | process for electronic plan review, permit management, and inspection. The process shall include, |
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1 | but not be limited to: applications; submission of building plans and plans for developments and |
2 | plots; plan review; permitting; inspections; inspection scheduling; project tracking; fee calculation |
3 | and collections; and workflow and report management. |
4 | (3) On or before December 1, 2013, the building commissioner, with the assistance of the |
5 | office of regulatory reform, shall implement the standard statewide process for electronic plan |
6 | review, permit management, and inspection. In addition, the building commissioner shall develop |
7 | a technology and implementation plan for a standard web-accessible service or system to be utilized |
8 | by the state and municipalities for uniform, statewide electronic plan review, permit management, |
9 | and inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: applications; submission of building |
10 | plans and plans for developments and plots; plan review; permitting; inspections; inspection |
11 | scheduling; project tracking; fee calculation and collections; and workflow and report management. |
12 | (e) The building commissioner shall, upon request by any state contractor described in § |
13 | 37-2-38.1, review, and when all conditions for certification have been met, certify to the state |
14 | controller that the payment conditions contained in § 37-2-38.1 have been met. |
15 | (f) The building commissioner shall coordinate the development and implementation of |
16 | this section with the state fire marshal to assist with the implementation of § 23-28.2-6. On or before |
17 | January 1, 2022, the building commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement |
18 | the provisions of this section and § 23-27.3-115.6. |
19 | (g) The building commissioner shall submit, in coordination with the state fire marshal, a |
20 | report to the governor and general assembly on or before April 1, 2013, and each April 1 thereafter, |
21 | providing the status of the web-accessible service and/or system implementation and any |
22 | recommendations for process or system improvement. In every report submitted on or after April, |
23 | 2024, the building commissioner shall provide the following information: |
24 | (1) The identity of every municipality in full compliance with the provisions § 23-27.3- |
25 | 115.6 and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this section; |
26 | (2) The identity of every municipality failing to fully implement and comply with the |
27 | provisions of § 23-27.3-115.6 and/or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the |
28 | provisions of this section, and the nature, extent, and basis or reason for the failure or |
29 | noncompliance; and |
30 | (3) Recommendations to achieve compliance by all municipalities with the provisions of § |
31 | 23-27.3-115.6 and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this section. |
32 | (h) The building commissioner shall assist with facilitating the goals and objectives set |
33 | forth in § 28-42-84(a)(9). |
34 | (i) The state building code commissioner shall serve as the executive secretary to the state |
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1 | building code standards committee. |
2 | (j) In addition to the state building code commissioner’s other duties as set forth in this |
3 | chapter, and notwithstanding the same, the state building code commissioner and the |
4 | commissioner’s staff shall assume the authority for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of the |
5 | state building code in a municipality where there is no local building official or alternate as detailed |
6 | in § 23-27.3-107.2, or where there are no local building inspectors. |
7 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would define a quorum of the building code standards committee to be a majority |
2 | of the current board members, provide for prompt adoption and enforcement of updated building |
3 | codes, amend the state building code to require that sections provide that dwelling units from one |
4 | to four (4) units use the 2024 and subsequent versions of the international residential code and that |
5 | multiple dwellings with more than four (4) units, hotels and motels use the 2024 and subsequent |
6 | versions of the commercial international building code, and expand the additional levy on |
7 | residential permits for one and two (2) family dwellings to three (3) and four (4) unit dwellings. |
8 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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