2025 -- H 5354 | |
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LC000867 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Place, Fascia, and Quattrocchi | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 21-2-2, 21-2-3, 21-2-5, 21-2-7, 21-2-23, 21-2-29, 21-2-30, 21-2-31, |
2 | 21-2-32 and 21-2-44 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-2 entitled "Milk Sanitation Code" are |
3 | hereby amended to read as follows: |
4 | 21-2-2. Declaration of policy. |
5 | Milk is recognized to be one of the most perfect foods afforded by nature. It is unique in |
6 | that its consumption in adequate quantities is essential to the nutritional well-being of the |
7 | individual; but if its production and distribution are not properly safeguarded, it may be |
8 | instrumental in the transmission of diseases infectious to people. It is declared to be the policy of |
9 | the state that, for the protection of the health and welfare of the people of the state of Rhode Island, |
10 | the environmental conditions surrounding the production, handling, transportation, distribution, |
11 | and sale of milk and milk products shall be to protect the public health and to provide consumers |
12 | with products that are identified in such a way as to promote honesty and fair dealing in the best |
13 | interests of the consumers. Specifically, it is declared to be the policy of the state to provide: |
14 | (1) That the people of Rhode Island shall have a supply of milk adequate to their needs and |
15 | demands under all conditions. |
16 | (2) That milk provided for consumers within the state of Rhode Island shall be of good |
17 | quality; shall be safe for human consumption; shall contain no live bacteria capable of transmitting |
18 | disease to people; shall contain adequate nutritional components; and shall be free of adulteration. |
| |
1 | (3) That milk sold or produced in Rhode Island shall come from healthy cows or goats. |
2 | (4) That milk sold or produced in Rhode Island shall be produced on farms having |
3 | standards and conditions of sanitation adequate to ensure production of milk that is safe and of |
4 | good quality. |
5 | (5) That milk sold or produced in Rhode Island shall be produced, processed, and handled |
6 | by personnel free from any communicable disease. |
7 | (6) That milk to be consumed in the state of Rhode Island shall, at all stages in its travel |
8 | from animal to ultimate consumer, be transported in equipment and/or packages that shall be |
9 | designed, filled, operated, maintained, and emptied to prevent the introduction and/or propagation |
10 | of bacteria, dirt, or any other foreign substances. |
11 | (7) That all milk sold in Rhode Island shall be handled and processed under conditions of |
12 | good sanitation and shall be finally packaged free from contamination, dirt, or any other foreign |
13 | substances and/or adulteration. |
14 | (8) That all raw milk may be sold within the state of Rhode Island. shall be, except as |
15 | specifically authorized by this chapter, pasteurized |
16 | (9) That pasteurization of milk shall be by a recognized method of pasteurizing adequate |
17 | to destroy bacteria capable of transmitting disease to people. Provided, that a physician may |
18 | authorize an individual sale of goat milk directly from producer to consumer by written, signed |
19 | prescription. |
20 | (9)(10) That the branding or labeling of packages in which all milk sold in the state of |
21 | Rhode Island shall be delivered to the consumer shall state the grade of milk packaged; may state |
22 | any special attributes of the milk; and that all statements made on any packaging labels shall not be |
23 | false or misleading. |
24 | (10)(11) That this state shall cooperate in the preparation and promulgation of any set of |
25 | standards, regulations, statutes, or other means of control of sanitation in the production, |
26 | transportation, handling, processing, and distribution of milk, or any one or more of them, |
27 | according to a uniform system of requirements to be adopted alike by all or a majority of the states |
28 | that contribute milk to the Rhode Island market. |
29 | 21-2-3. Definitions. |
30 | (a) “Cream” means the liquid milk product high in fat from milk, which may have been |
31 | adjusted by adding to it: milk, concentrated milk, dry whole milk, skim milk, or nonfat dry milk. |
32 | (b) “Director” means the director of the department of health, unless otherwise specified. |
33 | (c) “Goat milk” is the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by the |
34 | complete milking of healthy goats. The word “milk” is interpreted to include goat milk. |
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1 | (d) “Grade A” means milk, cream, and products of milk and cream, that comply with the |
2 | applicable provisions of regulations established by the director. |
3 | (e) “Milk” means the lacteal secretion, practically free from colostrum, obtained by |
4 | complete milking of one or more healthy cows. Milk that is in final package form for beverage use |
5 | shall contain not less than eight and one-fourth percent (8.25%) milk solids not fat and not less than |
6 | three and one-fourth percent (3.25%) milk fat. Milk may have been adjusted by separating part of |
7 | the milk fat from it or by adding cream, concentrated milk, dry whole milk, skim milk, concentrated |
8 | skim milk, or nonfat dry milk to it. The milk may be homogenized. |
9 | (f) "Raw milk" means milk that is neither pasteurized nor homogenized and comes directly |
10 | from a cow. |
11 | (g) “Raw milk cheese” means any cheese manufactured from raw milk that meets United |
12 | States food and drug administration (USFDA) standards for cheeses set forth in 21 C.F.R. 133 and |
13 | has not undergone the process of pasteurization and that contains, as appropriate for the cheese, |
14 | generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and suitable ingredients as defined in 21 C.F.R. 184. |
15 | (f)(h) “Raw milk for pasteurization” means grade “A” milk for pasteurization and raw |
16 | products of milk that comply with the sanitary standards for their production, transportation, |
17 | receiving, handling, storage, processing, distribution, and sale as established by the director. |
18 | 21-2-5. Analysis of raw milk by private milk laboratories. |
19 | (a) Each milk plant engaged in processing milk shall, at least once in each calendar month, |
20 | either through its own agents or through its milk haulers, collect, preserve, and submit to a private |
21 | milk laboratory for analysis a sample or samples of the milk of each producer supplying milk to |
22 | the milk plant. The laboratory shall determine the bacterial counts of the sample, both as raw milk |
23 | and after pasteurization in the laboratory, the determination to be made by the standard plate count |
24 | method, as well as a determination for any harmful substances that the director may by regulation |
25 | require, and shall keep a record of these findings for a period of not less than one year following |
26 | the findings which shall be open to inspection by the director or any milk inspector. The laboratory |
27 | shall make a report to the milk plant submitting the sample with respect to each determination. |
28 | (b) The director may by regulation require any milk plant to submit samples of milk after |
29 | pasteurization in the plant to a private laboratory for analysis for the purpose of ascertaining |
30 | bacterial counts or the presence of harmful substances or organisms as the director may require, |
31 | and the laboratory shall make its reports on its analysis available to the director in the same manner |
32 | as with respect to samples of raw milk submitted by producers. |
33 | (c) Regulations promulgated by the director pursuant to this section requiring sampling by |
34 | a private milk laboratory shall not impose an unreasonable burden on milk plants. The director may |
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1 | in his or her discretion engage private laboratories to perform any additional tests that he or she |
2 | may require in the event the expense of the tests constitutes an unreasonable burden on milk plants. |
3 | The director may by regulation require producers of raw milk and raw milk cheese to submit |
4 | samples of unpasteurized milk for said analysis. |
5 | 21-2-7. Permits. |
6 | (a) It shall be unlawful for any milk producer whose dairy farm is located wholly or partly |
7 | in this state to sell or to offer to sell milk, raw milk, or milk products or to have milk stored for sale |
8 | who does not possess at all times a Rhode Island producer’s permit from the director. |
9 | (b) It shall be unlawful for any milk hauler to transport any milk or milk products to any |
10 | milk plant in the state of Rhode Island or to transport any milk or raw milk in this state destined for |
11 | sale in this state unless he or she shall at all times possess a Rhode Island milk hauler’s permit from |
12 | the director. |
13 | (c) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a milk plant in the state of Rhode Island |
14 | who does not possess a Rhode Island milk plant permit from the director with respect to each plant |
15 | located in Rhode Island. |
16 | (d) It shall be unlawful for any milk distributor to sell or offer to sell milk, raw milk, or |
17 | milk products, including raw milk cheese, within the state of Rhode Island unless he or she shall at |
18 | all times possess a milk distributor’s permit from the director. |
19 | (e) It shall be unlawful for any milk hauler to transport any milk, raw milk, or milk products |
20 | from any point outside the state into the state of Rhode Island for sale or processing in this state or |
21 | for any milk plant located in Rhode Island to process any milk or milk products which come from |
22 | any point outside the state of Rhode Island or for any milk distributor to sell any milk or milk |
23 | products within this state which come from any point outside this state, unless: |
24 | (1) Every producer who produces any part of the milk, raw milk, or milk products shall |
25 | have been inspected and shall from time to time be inspected with the same minimum frequency, |
26 | to the same degree, and according to the same requirements as provided in this chapter or any |
27 | regulations promulgated under this chapter in the case of Rhode Island producers; |
28 | (2) Every vehicle in which the milk or raw milk is transported to the plant where processed |
29 | shall from time to time be inspected with the same minimum frequency, to the same degree, and |
30 | according to the same requirements as provided in this chapter or any regulations promulgated |
31 | pursuant to this chapter in the case of Rhode Island milk hauler permittees; and |
32 | (3) The operator of each milk plant located outside the state of Rhode Island where any |
33 | part of the milk is processed at all times possesses an out-of-state milk plant permit from the |
34 | director. |
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1 | (f) It shall be unlawful for any person located in the state of Rhode Island to sell or offer |
2 | for sale to any milk hauler or milk plant, or for any milk plant to pasteurize any raw milk for |
3 | pasteurization, any part of which shall be used for grade A pasteurized milk or for any grade A |
4 | milk product, unless the person at all times is in possession of a Rhode Island grade A producer’s |
5 | permit. |
6 | (g) The fees for the following permits referred to in this section shall be as set forth in § |
7 | 23-1-54: |
8 | (1) In-state milk processors; |
9 | (2) Out-of-state milk processors; and |
10 | (3) Milk and raw milk distributors. |
11 | (h) Milk and raw milk producers and milk haulers shall be exempt from permit fees. |
12 | 21-2-23. Director empowered to make regulations. |
13 | (a) The director of health is authorized to promulgate any regulations that are necessary to |
14 | carry into effect the provisions of this chapter, which shall include, but not be limited to, providing |
15 | for: (1) standards of identity, labeling requirements, maintaining standards for milk, raw milk, and |
16 | milk products sold or offered for sale in final package forms; (2) standards for the production, |
17 | transportation, receiving, handling, storage, processing, distributions, and sale of raw milk, and raw |
18 | milk for pasteurization and products of raw milk, including all pertinent sanitary standards and |
19 | uniform minimum requirement for inspection of dairy farms, milk plants and receiving stations; |
20 | and may in like manner amend, modify or repeal those rules and regulations which shall be |
21 | consistent with the provisions of the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance 1978 |
22 | recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service/Food and Drug Administration, 1983 |
23 | Revisions, which shall become upon the passage of this act the rules and regulations under this |
24 | chapter in accordance with § 21-2-2(10). |
25 | (b) The adoption and amendment of regulations in the future shall be in accordance with |
26 | chapter 35 of title 42; provided, that amendments to the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance |
27 | adopted by the interstate milk shippers conference shall become a part of the regulations under this |
28 | chapter. Provided, that a person adversely affected by any regulation may, within thirty (30) days, |
29 | file with the director, in writing, those objections to a regulation automatically adopted which stays |
30 | the effect of the regulation. If no substantial objections are received and no hearing is requested |
31 | within thirty (30) days after publication of a notice of the adoption of a regulation, it shall be |
32 | effective as of the date it was adopted by the interstate milk shippers conference. When automatic |
33 | adoption is stayed by a timely objection, the director, after notice, shall conduct a public hearing in |
34 | accordance with the provisions of chapter 35 of title 42. The director of health is authorized to |
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1 | adopt any other regulations for milk, raw milk, and other related products that he or she deems |
2 | necessary in accordance with authority granted under this chapter, chapters 27 and 31 of this title |
3 | and § 23-1-18(5). |
4 | (c) The director shall publish a notice of the adoption in a newspaper having general |
5 | circulation throughout the state. |
6 | 21-2-29. Standards to be maintained. |
7 | All milk, raw milk, and milk products as defined in this chapter which are to be shipped, |
8 | brought, carried, or transported into Rhode Island for sale, distribution, use, or processing in this |
9 | state, shall come from animals that are of a substantially equal or higher health status as applied to |
10 | brucellosis, tuberculosis, or other diseases as those animals located within Rhode Island from which |
11 | milk is produced for sale, distribution, use, or processing. |
12 | 21-2-30. Information to be furnished to director. |
13 | Every person engaged in the business of producing, handling, transporting, processing, |
14 | packaging, selling, or distributing milk and raw milk in Rhode Island shall upon request furnish the |
15 | director, whenever requested by the director, the following information: (1) full name and place of |
16 | business; (2) number of quarts of milk handled weekly by him or her or it; and (3) the names and |
17 | addresses of all producers, milk haulers or milk plants supplying milk to him or her. Every milk |
18 | plant holding a Rhode Island milk plant permit shall report coincidentally with and by means of a |
19 | copy of any report which he or she makes, or is required to make, to the federal milk marketing |
20 | administrator whenever he or she shall have added or dropped a milk producer. |
21 | 21-2-31. Labeling of containers of milk and milk products. |
22 | (a) All containers in or from which milk, raw milk, or milk products are sold or offered for |
23 | sale shall bear a label in accordance with regulations adopted under this chapter. |
24 | (b) All labels or marks shall be displayed in the manner and include any matters as shall be |
25 | prescribed by the rules and regulations of the director; provided, nothing contained in this section |
26 | shall be construed to empower the director to disapprove of or to change any dealer from using the |
27 | common name of his or her firm, or of any registered trademark, brand, or trade name customarily |
28 | used by him or her in the identification of any or all of his or her products. |
29 | (c) Samples of all labels or marks to be used on containers of milk, raw milk, or milk |
30 | products shall be submitted for approval as to color, size of lettering, and matter. No misleading |
31 | mark or words shall be placed on any container of milk, raw milk, or milk products. The cap or |
32 | cover of all containers of milk, raw milk, or milk products must cover the pouring lip to at least its |
33 | largest diameter. |
34 | 21-2-32. Labeling as to breed of cows. |
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1 | (a) The labels of milk or raw milk containers may carry in addition to one of the above |
2 | grade names, but set apart from those grade names, the name of the breed of cows producing the |
3 | milk and raw milk or the registered trade name or trademark for the breed; provided containers so |
4 | labeled contain only milk produced from the breed named. |
5 | (b) The label of milk and raw milk product containers may carry in addition to one of the |
6 | terms defined in § 21-2-31 which correctly describes the contents, but set apart from that term, the |
7 | name of the breed of cows producing the milk from which the milk product was derived, or the |
8 | registered trade name or trademark for the breed; provided that containers so labeled contain only |
9 | a milk product derived from milk produced from the breed named. |
10 | 21-2-44. State statutory provisions and rules paramount to local. |
11 | Whenever there is any provision of this chapter or any other statute defining a particular |
12 | kind, type, or grade of milk, raw milk, or milk product or setting forth requirements as to the |
13 | chemical or bacteriological components, standards, or requirements for that kind, type, or grade of |
14 | milk, raw milk, or milk product, or specifying standards or methods for the processing, treatment, |
15 | or packaging or labeling of the milk, raw milk, or milk product, or when the director shall have |
16 | lawfully established a definition or requirements by regulation, the provisions of that chapter, |
17 | statute, or regulation shall supersede any definition or requirements for it which may be contained |
18 | in any city or town ordinance or in the regulations of any city or town office or department, whether |
19 | made under a statute or an ordinance. |
20 | SECTION 2. Section 21-27-6.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-27 entitled "Sanitation |
21 | in Food Establishments" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
22 | 21-27-6.1. Farm home food manufacture. |
23 | Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, the department of health shall permit |
24 | farm home food manufacture and the sale of the products of farm home food manufacture at |
25 | farmers’ markets, farmstands, and other markets and stores operated by farmers for the purpose of |
26 | the retail sale of the products of Rhode Island farms, provided that the requirements of this section |
27 | are met. |
28 | (1) The farm home food products shall be produced in a kitchen that is on the premises of |
29 | a farm and meets the standards for kitchens as provided for in minimum housing standards, adopted |
30 | pursuant to chapter 24.2 of title 45 and the Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code, adopted |
31 | pursuant to chapter 24.3 of title 45, and in addition the kitchen shall: |
32 | (i) Be equipped at minimum with either a two (2) compartment sink or a dishwasher that |
33 | reaches one hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit (150° F) after the final rinse and drying cycle and a |
34 | one compartment sink; |
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1 | (ii) Have sufficient area or facilities, such as portable dish tubs and drain boards, for the |
2 | proper handling of soiled utensils prior to washing and of cleaned utensils after washing so as not |
3 | to interfere with safe food handling; equipment, utensils, and tableware shall be air dried; |
4 | (iii) Have drain boards and food preparation surfaces that shall be of a nonabsorbent, |
5 | corrosion resistant material such as stainless steel, formica or other chip resistant, nonpitted surface; |
6 | (iv) Have self-closing doors for bathrooms that open directly into the kitchen; |
7 | (v) If farm is on private water supply it must be tested once per year. |
8 | (2) The farm home food products are prepared and produced ready for sale under the |
9 | following conditions: |
10 | (i) Pets are kept out of food preparation and food storage areas at all times; |
11 | (ii) Cooking facilities shall not be used for domestic food purposes while farm home food |
12 | products are being prepared; |
13 | (iii) Garbage is placed and stored in impervious covered receptacles before it is removed |
14 | from the kitchen, which removal shall be at least once each day that the kitchen is used for farm |
15 | home food manufacture; |
16 | (iv) Any laundry facilities which may be in the kitchen shall not be used during farm home |
17 | food manufacture; |
18 | (v) Recipe(s) for each farm home food product with all the ingredients and quantities listed, |
19 | and processing times and procedures, are maintained in the kitchen for review and inspection; |
20 | (vi) List ingredients on product; |
21 | (vii) Label with farm name, address and telephone number. |
22 | (3) Farm home food manufacture shall be limited to the production of nonpotentially |
23 | hazardous food and foods that do not require refrigeration, including: |
24 | (i) Jams, jellies, preserves and acid foods, such as vinegars, pickles and relish, that are |
25 | prepared using fruits, vegetables and/or herbs that have been grown locally; |
26 | (ii) Double crust pies that are made with fruit grown locally; |
27 | (iii) Yeast breads; |
28 | (iv) Maple syrup from the sap of trees on the farm or of trees within a twenty (20) mile |
29 | radius of the farm; |
30 | (v) Candies and fudges; |
31 | (vi) Dried herbs and spices. |
32 | (4) Each farm home kitchen shall be registered with the department of health and shall |
33 | require a notarized affidavit of compliance, in any form that the department may require, from the |
34 | owner of the farm that the requirements of this section have been met and the operation of the |
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1 | kitchen shall be in conformity with the requirements of this section. A certificate of registration |
2 | shall be issued by the department upon the payment of a fee as set forth in § 23-1-54 and the |
3 | submission of an affidavit of compliance. The certificate of registration shall be valid for one year |
4 | after the date of issuance; provided, however, that the certificate may be revoked by the director at |
5 | any time for noncompliance with the requirements of the section. The certificate of registration, |
6 | with a copy of the affidavit of compliance, shall be kept in the kitchen where the farm home food |
7 | manufacture takes place. The director of health shall have the authority to develop and issue a |
8 | standard form for the affidavit of compliance to be used by persons applying for a certificate of |
9 | registration; the form shall impose no requirements or certifications beyond those set forth in this |
10 | section and § 21-27-1(8). No certificates of registration shall be issued by the department prior to |
11 | September 1, 2002. |
12 | (5) Income from farm home food manufacture shall not be included in the calculation of |
13 | farm income for the purposes of obtaining an exemption from the sales and use tax pursuant to § |
14 | 44-18-30(32), nor shall any equipment, utensils, or supplies acquired for the purpose of creating or |
15 | operating farm home food manufacture be exempt from the sales and use tax as provided for in § |
16 | 44-18-30(32). |
17 | SECTION 3. Chapter 32-1 of the General Laws entitled "General Provisions" is hereby |
18 | amended by adding thereto the following section: |
19 | 32-1-23. Taking of mushrooms from state parks, recreational areas, and forests |
20 | permitted. |
21 | (a) The director of the department of environmental management ("director") shall |
22 | promulgate, adopt, and enforce any and all rules and regulations deemed necessary to authorize |
23 | any person to take mushrooms from any lands under the control of the director, provided such |
24 | taking is for personal use only. The state shall have no liability to any person or the heirs or assigns |
25 | of any such person who engages in the taking of mushrooms from any lands under the control of |
26 | the director. |
27 | (b) Pursuant to the rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with the provisions of |
28 | subsection (a) of this section, any person lawfully using or present on the premises of any state |
29 | park, recreational area, forest or public land under the control or management of the director, may |
30 | collect and harvest wild mushrooms found growing thereon for personal use. |
31 | SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would add pickles and relish to those foods not requiring refrigeration which are |
2 | permitted to be manufactured and sold as a farm home food product, and would permit and legalize |
3 | the sale of raw milk. This act would also provide for the authorized taking of mushrooms from |
4 | lands under control of the DEM for personal use. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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