2025 -- H 5348 | |
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LC000439 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Ajello, Cruz, Felix, Tanzi, Craven, Shallcross Smith, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | WHEREAS, The Rhode Island House of Representatives passed House Resolution 5250, |
2 | creating a “Special Legislative Study Commission Ensuring Racial Equity and Optimizing Health |
3 | and Safety Laws Affecting Marginalized Individuals” (hereinafter “the Commission”) in 2021; and |
4 | WHEREAS, This thirteen member Commission specifically sought to draw from and |
5 | expand upon the significant research on the health and safety implications of laws related to |
6 | violence, exploitation, stigma, human trafficking and sexual health; laws that disproportionately |
7 | impact women, transgender individuals, and people of color; and |
8 | WHEREAS, Members of the Commission met seven times between November 2021 and |
9 | April 2023 and heard testimony from a variety of experts and individuals with lived experience in |
10 | the sex trade. This included public health testimony that supported the removal of mandatory HIV |
11 | testing laws; and |
12 | WHEREAS, The Commission issued a comprehensive final report on August 14, 2023, |
13 | calling for numerous recommendations. In relevant part, the report issued the following |
14 | recommendation on page 7: |
15 | Recommend the General Assembly repeal § 23-6.3-4(a)(7), which requires any individual |
16 | convicted of prostitution to have an HIV test performed on them; and |
17 | WHEREAS, States around the country have similarly amended laws in accordance with |
18 | public health data, recommendations by experts, and legislative task force findings. Nevada, |
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1 | Virginia, and Colorado recently made similar amendments to repeal mandatory HIV testing for |
2 | those arrested for prostitution crimes; and |
3 | WHEREAS, Existing Rhode Island law provides necessary access to resources for those |
4 | persons living with HIV that are arrested for commercial sexual activity that will stay intact. |
5 | SECTION 1. Section 23-6.3-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-6.3 entitled "Prevention |
6 | and Suppression of Contagious Diseases — HIV/AIDS" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
7 | 23-6.3-4. Exceptions to consent requirements. |
8 | (a) A healthcare provider may test for the presence of HIV without obtaining consent from |
9 | the individual to be tested under the following conditions: |
10 | (1) When the individual to be tested is under one year of age; |
11 | (2) When a child between one and thirteen (13) years of age appears to be symptomatic for |
12 | HIV; |
13 | (3) When the individual to be tested is a minor under the care and authority of the |
14 | department of children, youth and families, and the director of that department certifies that an HIV |
15 | test is necessary to secure health or human services for that individual; |
16 | (4) In a licensed healthcare facility or healthcare setting, in the event that an occupational |
17 | health representative or physician, registered nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or nurse- |
18 | midwife, not directly involved in the exposure, determines that an employee or emergency service |
19 | worker, other than one in a supervisory position to the person making the determination, had a |
20 | significant exposure to the blood and/or body fluids of a patient and the patient or the patient’s |
21 | guardian refuses to grant consent for an HIV test to determine whether the patient has HIV, then, |
22 | if a sample of the patient’s blood is available, that blood shall be tested for HIV. |
23 | (i) If a sample of the patient’s blood is not otherwise available and the patient refuses to |
24 | grant consent to draw blood, the employee or emergency service worker may petition the superior |
25 | court for a court order mandating that the test be performed. |
26 | (ii) Before a patient or a sample of the patient’s blood is required to undergo an HIV test, |
27 | the employee or emergency service worker must submit to a baseline HIV test within seventy-two |
28 | (72) hours of the exposure. |
29 | (iii) No person who determines that an employee or emergency service worker has |
30 | sustained a significant exposure and authorizes the HIV testing of a patient, nor any person or |
31 | healthcare facility who acts in good faith and recommends the test be performed, shall have any |
32 | liability as a result of their actions carried out under this chapter, unless those persons are proven |
33 | to have acted in bad faith. |
34 | (iv) For the purposes of this section, “emergency service worker” means a worker |
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1 | responding on behalf of a licensed ambulance/rescue service, or a fire department or a law |
2 | enforcement agency, who, in the course of his/her professional duties, has been exposed to bodily |
3 | fluids in circumstances that present a significant risk of transmission of HIV, and has completed a |
4 | pre-hospital exposure form in accordance with § 23-4.1-19. |
5 | (5) In an emergency, where due to a grave medical or psychiatric condition, and it is |
6 | impossible to obtain consent from the patient or, if applicable under state law, the patient’s parent, |
7 | guardian, or agent. |
8 | (6) As permitted under § 23-1-38 entitled “HIV Antibody Testing-Sperm Collection or |
9 | Donation.” |
10 | (7) Any individual convicted of a violation of any provisions of chapter 34.1 of title 11 |
11 | entitled “Commercial Sexual Activity,” shall be required to be tested for HIV unless already |
12 | documented HIV positive. All individuals tested under this section shall be informed of their test |
13 | results. All individuals tested under this section who are determined to be injecting and/or intra- |
14 | nasal drug users shall be referred to appropriate substance abuse treatment as outlined in § 23-6.3- |
15 | 3(e). |
16 | (8) Any individual convicted of possession of any controlled substance as defined in |
17 | chapter 28 of title 21 entitled “Uniform Controlled Substances Act,” that has been administered |
18 | with a hypodermic instrument, retractable hypodermic syringe, needle, intra-nasally, or any similar |
19 | instrument adapted for the administration of drugs shall be required to be tested for HIV unless |
20 | already documented HIV positive. |
21 | (9) All individuals tested under this section shall be informed of their test results. |
22 | (10) In accordance with the provisions of chapter 37 of title 11, entitled, “Sexual Assault,” |
23 | any individual who has admitted to or been convicted of or adjudicated wayward or delinquent by |
24 | reason of having committed any sexual offense involving penetration whether or not a sentence or |
25 | fine is imposed or probation granted, shall be ordered by the court upon petition of the victim, |
26 | immediate family members of the victim or legal guardian of the victim, to submit to a blood test |
27 | for the presence of a sexually transmitted disease including, but not limited to, HIV. All individuals |
28 | tested under this section shall be informed of their test results. |
29 | (11) In accordance with the provisions or § 42-56-37, entitled “HIV Testing,” every |
30 | individual who is committed to the adult correctional institutions to any criminal offense, after |
31 | conviction, is required to be tested for HIV. |
32 | (b) It is unlawful for any person to disclose to a third party the results of an individual’s |
33 | HIV test without the prior written consent of that individual, except in accordance with § 23-6.3-7. |
34 | SECTION 2. Section 11-34.1-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 11-34.1 entitled |
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1 | "Commercial Sexual Activity" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
2 | 11-34.1-12. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). |
3 | (a) Any person convicted of a violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be required |
4 | provided the option to be tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). No consent for the |
5 | testing shall be required. |
6 | (b) The department of health shall maintain sites for providing both anonymous and |
7 | confidential HIV testing, and HIV counseling and referral. Each site, funded by the department of |
8 | health, shall offer free testing, counseling and referral for indigent parties and other individuals |
9 | without health insurance, offer a sliding scale for payment for all other individuals and, in the case |
10 | of confidential testing, screen for ability to pay through a third-party insurer. In the case of |
11 | nonfunded sites for HIV testing, organizations and/or institutions performing the test shall offer |
12 | free testing, counseling and referral for indigent parties and other individuals without health |
13 | insurance. |
14 | (c) All persons tested under this section shall be provided pre-test and post-test counseling |
15 | by individuals trained by the department of health, as an HIV testing counselor, in accordance with |
16 | regulations promulgated by the department of health; provided, that the counseling shall be in |
17 | accordance with acceptable medical standards. |
18 | (d) All persons who are tested under this section, who are determined to be injecting drug |
19 | users, shall be referred to appropriate sources of substance abuse treatment by the HIV testing |
20 | counselor and/or the attending practitioner as follows: |
21 | (1) Those persons who test positive for HIV infection shall be given priority for those |
22 | outpatient substance abuse treatment programs that are sponsored or supported by the appropriate |
23 | state agency responsible for these services. |
24 | (2) Those persons who are injecting drug users and test negative for HIV infection shall be |
25 | referred, by the HIV testing counselor and/or attending practitioner, to the appropriate state agency |
26 | responsible for these services for earliest possible evaluation and treatment. |
27 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would repeal the required HIV testing for an individual convicted under chapter |
2 | 34.1 of title 11 ("commercial sexual activity"). It would also allow the option for HIV testing for |
3 | any person convicted under this chapter. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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