2025 -- H 5345 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Casimiro, Noret, Spears, Donovan, Speakman, Morales, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 14-1-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 14-1 entitled "Proceedings in |
2 | Family Court" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 14-1-6. Retention of jurisdiction. |
4 | (a) When the court shall have obtained jurisdiction over any child prior to the child having |
5 | attained the age of eighteen (18) years by the filing of a petition alleging that the child is wayward |
6 | or delinquent pursuant to § 14-1-5, the child shall, except as specifically provided in this chapter, |
7 | continue under the jurisdiction of the court until he or she becomes nineteen (19) years of age, |
8 | unless discharged prior to turning nineteen (19). |
9 | (b) When the court shall have obtained jurisdiction over any child prior to the child’s |
10 | eighteenth (18th) birthday by the filing of a miscellaneous petition or a petition alleging that the |
11 | child is wayward, delinquent, dependent, neglected, or abused pursuant to §§ 14-1-5 and 40-11-7 |
12 | or 42-72-14 or any child in the care and custody of the state, the child shall, except as specifically |
13 | provided in this chapter, continue under the jurisdiction of the court until he or she becomes |
14 | eighteen (18) years of age; provided, that at least six (6) months prior to a child turning eighteen |
15 | (18) years of age, the court shall require the department of children, youth and families to provide |
16 | a description of the transition services including the child’s housing, health insurance, education |
17 | and/or employment plan; available mentors and continuing support services, including workforce |
18 | supports and employment services afforded the child in placement; or a detailed explanation as to |
| |
1 | the reason those services were not offered. As part of the transition planning, the child shall be |
2 | informed by the department of the opportunity to voluntarily agree to extended care and placement |
3 | by the department and legal supervision by the court until age twenty-one (21) twenty-six (26). The |
4 | details of a child’s transition plan shall be developed in consultation with the child, wherever |
5 | possible, and approved by the court prior to the dismissal of an abuse, neglect, dependency, or |
6 | miscellaneous petition before the child’s twenty-first twenty-sixth birthday. |
7 | (c) A child, who is in foster care on their eighteenth birthday due to the filing of a |
8 | miscellaneous petition or a petition alleging that the child is wayward, delinquent, dependent, |
9 | neglected, or abused pursuant to § 14-1-5, § 40-11-7, or § 42-72-14, may voluntarily elect to |
10 | continue responsibility for care and placement from DCYF and to remain under the legal |
11 | supervision of the court as a young adult until age twenty-one (21) twenty-six (26), provided: |
12 | (1) The young adult was in the legal custody of the department at age eighteen (18); and |
13 | (2) The young adult is participating in at least one of the following: |
14 | (i) Completing the requirements to receive a high school diploma or GED; |
15 | (ii) Completing a secondary education or a program leading to an equivalent credential; |
16 | enrolled in an institution that provides postsecondary or vocational education; |
17 | (iii) Participating in a job-training program or an activity designed to promote or remove |
18 | barriers to employment; |
19 | (iv) Is employed for at least eighty (80) hours per month; or |
20 | (v) Is incapable of doing any of the foregoing due to a medical condition that is regularly |
21 | updated and documented in the case plan. |
22 | (d) A former foster child who was adopted or placed in guardianship with an adoption |
23 | assistance agreement or a guardianship assistance agreement that was executed on or after his or |
24 | her sixteenth birthday and prior to his or her eighteenth birthday, or a former foster child who was |
25 | reunified prior to their eighteenth birthday and reunification is not successful, may voluntarily agree |
26 | to extended care and placement by the department and legal supervision by the court until age |
27 | twenty-one (21) twenty-six (26) if the young adult satisfies the requirements in subsection (c)(2). |
28 | Provided, however, the department retains the right to review the request and first attempt to |
29 | address the issues through the adoption assistance agreement by providing post adoptive or post |
30 | guardianship support services to the young adult and his or her adoptive or guardianship family. |
31 | (e) Upon the request of the young adult, who voluntarily agreed to the extension of care |
32 | and placement by the department and legal supervision by the court, pursuant to subsections (c) |
33 | and (d) of this section, the court’s legal supervision and the department’s responsibility for care |
34 | and placement may be terminated. Provided, however, the young adult may request reinstatement |
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1 | of responsibility and resumption of the court’s legal supervision at any time prior to his or her |
2 | twenty-first twenty sixth birthday if the young adult meets the requirements set forth in subsection |
3 | (c)(2). If the department wishes to terminate the court’s legal supervision and its responsibility for |
4 | care and placement, it may file a motion for good cause. The court may exercise its discretion to |
5 | terminate legal supervision over the young adult at any time. |
6 | (f) With the consent of the person previously under the court’s supervision, the court may |
7 | reopen, extend, or retain its jurisdiction beyond that person’s twenty-first birthday until his or her |
8 | twenty-second birthday or until September 30, 2021, whichever date occurs first, under the |
9 | following circumstances: |
10 | (1) The person aged out of DCYF care or left foster care during the COVID-19 public |
11 | health emergency, defined as beginning on January 27, 2020, and is entitled to extended benefits |
12 | pursuant to the terms of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 116-260; and |
13 | (2) The court has or had obtained jurisdiction over the person prior to his or her eighteenth |
14 | birthday by the filing of a miscellaneous petition or a petition alleging that the child is dependent, |
15 | abused, or neglected pursuant to § 14-1-5, § 40-11-7, or § 42-72-14 or after the person’s eighteenth |
16 | birthday pursuant to a voluntary extension of care petition; and |
17 | (3) Court supervision is necessary for the department of children, youth and families to |
18 | access IV-E funding to support such benefits, in whole or in part; and |
19 | (4) Court supervision is required to continue transition planning and to ensure the safety, |
20 | permanency, and well-being of older youth who remain in or who age out of foster care and re- |
21 | enter foster care. |
22 | (g) The court may retain jurisdiction of any child who is seriously emotionally disturbed |
23 | or developmentally delayed pursuant to § 42-72-5(b)(24)(v) until that child turns age twenty-one |
24 | (21) when the court shall have obtained jurisdiction over any child prior to the child’s eighteenth |
25 | birthday by the filing of a miscellaneous petition or a petition alleging that the child is dependent, |
26 | neglected, and/or abused pursuant to §§ 14-1-5, and 40-11-7, or 42-72-14. |
27 | (h) The department of children, youth and families shall work collaboratively with the |
28 | department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals, and other agencies, |
29 | in accordance with § 14-1-59, to provide the family court with a transition plan for those individuals |
30 | who come under the court’s jurisdiction pursuant to a petition alleging that the child is dependent, |
31 | neglected, and/or abused and who are seriously emotionally disturbed or developmentally delayed |
32 | pursuant to § 42-72-5(b)(24)(v). This plan shall be a joint plan presented to the court by the |
33 | department of children, youth and families and the department of behavioral healthcare, |
34 | developmental disabilities and hospitals. The plan shall include the behavioral healthcare, |
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1 | developmental disabilities and hospitals’ community or residential service level, health insurance |
2 | option, education plan, available mentors, continuing support services, workforce supports and |
3 | employment services, and the plan shall be provided to the court at least twelve (12) months prior |
4 | to discharge. At least three (3) months prior to discharge, the plan shall identify the specific |
5 | placement for the child, if a residential placement is needed. The court shall monitor the transition |
6 | plan. In the instance where the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and |
7 | hospitals has not made timely referrals to appropriate placements and services, the department of |
8 | children, youth and families may initiate referrals. |
9 | (i) The parent and/or guardian and/or guardian ad litem of a child who is seriously |
10 | emotionally disturbed or developmentally delayed pursuant to § 42-72-5(b)(24)(v), and who is |
11 | before the court pursuant to §§ 14-1-5(1)(iii) through 14-1-5(1)(v), § 40-11-7, or § 42-72-14, shall |
12 | be entitled to a transition hearing, as needed, when the child reaches the age of twenty (20) if no |
13 | appropriate transition plan has been submitted to the court by the department of children, youth and |
14 | families and the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals. The |
15 | family court shall require that the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities |
16 | and hospitals shall immediately identify a liaison to work with the department of children, youth |
17 | and families until the child reaches the age of twenty-one (21) and an immediate transition plan be |
18 | submitted if the following facts are found: |
19 | (1) No suitable transition plan has been presented to the court addressing the levels of |
20 | service appropriate to meet the needs of the child as identified by the department of behavioral |
21 | healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals; or |
22 | (2) No suitable housing options, health insurance, educational plan, available mentors, |
23 | continuing support services, workforce supports, and employment services have been identified for |
24 | the child. |
25 | (j) In any case where the court shall not have acquired jurisdiction over any person prior to |
26 | the person’s eighteenth (18th) birthday by the filing of a petition alleging that the person had |
27 | committed an offense, but a petition alleging that the person had committed an offense that would |
28 | be punishable as a felony if committed by an adult has been filed before that person attains the age |
29 | of nineteen (19) years of age, that person shall, except as specifically provided in this chapter, be |
30 | subject to the jurisdiction of the court until he or she becomes nineteen (19) years of age, unless |
31 | discharged prior to turning nineteen (19). |
32 | (k) In any case where the court shall not have acquired jurisdiction over any person prior |
33 | to the person attaining the age of nineteen (19) years by the filing of a petition alleging that the |
34 | person had committed an offense prior to the person attaining the age of eighteen (18) years that |
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1 | would be punishable as a felony if committed by an adult, that person shall be referred to the court |
2 | that had jurisdiction over the offense if it had been committed by an adult. The court shall have |
3 | jurisdiction to try that person for the offense committed prior to the person attaining the age of |
4 | eighteen (18) years and, upon conviction, may impose a sentence not exceeding the maximum |
5 | penalty provided for the conviction of that offense. |
6 | (l) In any case where the court has certified and adjudicated a child in accordance with the |
7 | provisions of §§ 14-1-7.2 and 14-1-7.3, the jurisdiction of the court shall encompass the power and |
8 | authority to sentence the child to a period in excess of the age of nineteen (19) years. However, in |
9 | no case shall the sentence be in excess of the maximum penalty provided by statute for the |
10 | conviction of the offense. |
11 | (m) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the jurisdiction of other courts over |
12 | offenses committed by any person after he or she reaches the age of eighteen (18) years. |
13 | SECTION 2. Section 40-11-12.5 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-11 entitled "Abused |
14 | and Neglected Children" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
15 | 40-11-12.5. Review of young adults under the court’s legal supervision and receiving |
16 | care and placement services from DCYF. |
17 | (a) In the case of a young adult, between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-one (21) |
18 | twenty-six (26), who has executed a voluntary placement agreement for continued care and |
19 | placement responsibility from the department and for legal supervision of the court, the |
20 | permanency plan shall document the reasonable efforts made by the department and the young |
21 | adult to finalize a permanency plan that addresses the goal of preparing the young adult for |
22 | independence and successful adulthood. This includes, but is not limited to, housing assistance to |
23 | obtain supervised independent living arrangements, shared living arrangements or extended foster |
24 | and kinship care; education, vocational assessment, job training and employment plan needed to |
25 | transition the young adult to self-sufficiency; assisting the young adult in obtaining educational |
26 | goals; a job, employment/vocational skills; any other services and supports that will assist the |
27 | young adult in accessing available services; applying for public benefits; acquiring important |
28 | documents, such as ID card, driver’s license, birth certificate, social security card, health insurance |
29 | cards, medical records; attending to physical and mental health needs; maintaining relationships |
30 | with individuals who are important to them and acquiring information about siblings and other |
31 | maternal and paternal relatives. |
32 | (b) Initial judicial determination — The department must petition the court to make a |
33 | determination whether remaining in foster care is in the young adult’s best interests. |
34 | The court must make a determination within one hundred eighty (180) days of the signing |
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1 | of the voluntary placement agreement whether remaining in foster care is in the young adult’s best |
2 | interest. |
3 | (c) The court shall conduct a permanency hearing within one year after the young adult and |
4 | the department execute a voluntary placement agreement and annually thereafter. At the |
5 | permanency hearing, the department shall present a written case plan to the court for approval that |
6 | details the necessary services, care and placement the young adult shall receive to assist the |
7 | transition to independence and successful adulthood. |
8 | The court must determine whether the department has made reasonable efforts to finalize |
9 | a permanency goal of preparing the young adult for successful transition to independence. |
10 | (d) Notice of the court hearings shall be served by the department upon all parties in interest |
11 | in accordance with the rules of child welfare procedure of the family court. |
12 | (e) Periodic formal reviews, shall be held not less than once every one hundred eighty (180) |
13 | days to assess the progress and case plan of any young adult under the court’s legal supervision and |
14 | under the care and placement responsibility of DCYF pursuant to a voluntary agreement for |
15 | extension of care. |
16 | The permanency plan shall be reviewed by the court at least once every twelve (12) months |
17 | at a permanency hearing and by the department in an administrative review within one hundred |
18 | eighty (180) days after the permanency hearing. The young adult is expected to participate in case |
19 | planning and periodic reviews. |
20 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would extend the voluntary extension of care (VEC) program pursuant to § 14-1- |
2 | 6 to all children in the care and custody of the state including, but not limited to, children in the |
3 | juvenile justice system and children who attain reunification prior to their eighteenth birthday, |
4 | however, the reunification is not successful. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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