2025 -- H 5343 | |
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LC001134 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Boylan, Cortvriend, McGaw, Tanzi, Carson, Donovan, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Environment and Natural Resources | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 37-2 of the General Laws entitled "State Purchases" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following sections: |
3 | 37-2-83. State purchasing ban on plastic bottles. |
4 | State funds shall not be used to purchase single-serving bottled water for use in facilities |
5 | that are served by public water supplies or potable well water, except when required for safety, |
6 | health or emergency situations. |
7 | 37-2-84. State purchasing -- Electric vehicles. |
8 | (a) State funds shall be used to lease or purchase electric vehicles and electric vehicle |
9 | infrastructure for use by state agencies. |
10 | (b)(1) For purposes of this section, "electric vehicles" means a vehicle that uses one or |
11 | more electric motors for propulsion. Electric vehicles include light and medium duty passenger |
12 | vehicles, light and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, emergency vehicles, bicycles, and scooters. Electric |
13 | vehicles do not include hybrid electric vehicles or HEVs that require use of an internal combustion |
14 | engine and emit carbon emissions. |
15 | (2) For the purposes of this section, "electric vehicle infrastructure" means structures, |
16 | machinery, and equipment necessary and integral to support an electric vehicle, including battery |
17 | charging stations, rapid charging stations, and battery exchange stations. |
18 | (c) If a combustion engine vehicle cannot be replaced with an electric vehicle due to limited |
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1 | supply or inadequate replacement, the state may lease or purchase a hybrid vehicle until a time |
2 | when a comparable vehicle is available. If a replacement hybrid vehicle is not available, the state |
3 | may lease or purchase a combustion engine vehicle until a time when a comparable electric vehicle |
4 | is available. |
5 | (d) Consistent with chapter 6.2 of title 42 ("act on climate"), by 2030, forty-five percent |
6 | (45%) or more of the state's light-duty fleet shall consist of zero emissions vehicles. |
7 | (e) By 2030, the number of electric vehicle charging stations at state-owned properties shall |
8 | be at least two hundred (200). |
9 | (f) Reporting. The department of administration's capital asset management division shall |
10 | prepare an annual report that summarizes the purchasing outlined in this section, which shall |
11 | include, but is not limited to, the following: |
12 | (1) Number of combustion engine vehicles replaced with same; |
13 | (2) Number of combustion engine vehicles replaced with electric vehicles; |
14 | (3) Number of combustion engine vehicles replaced with hybrid electric vehicles; and |
15 | (4) Number of new electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and combustion engine |
16 | vehicles. |
17 | (5) The report is due annually on or before January 31 for the previous year, and is to be |
18 | provided to the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4), the speaker of the house |
19 | of representatives, the president of the senate, and the governor. |
20 | 37-2-85. State purchasing -- Renewable energy and efficient technologies. |
21 | (a) State funds shall be used to purchase renewable and energy efficient technologies for |
22 | use on state properties to improve existing infrastructure, reduce energy consumption and |
23 | greenhouse gas emissions. |
24 | (b) For the purpose of this section, "renewable energy technologies" means any system that |
25 | collects energy from renewable resources such as sunlight, wind, waves, and geothermal heat. |
26 | "Energy efficient technologies" means technology certified as energy efficient, which uses less |
27 | energy and reduces pollution. Renewable energy systems and efficient technologies may be located |
28 | on or within the physical structure of a state owned building or located on state owned property. |
29 | (c) The state shall install renewable energy and efficient technologies in new buildings or |
30 | during the renovation or repairing of an existing state property. For new and existing structures, |
31 | energy efficient systems may include air conditioning systems, ventilation systems, heating |
32 | systems, domestic hot water heating systems, compressed air systems, distribution systems, |
33 | lighting systems, power systems, and controls of the building. |
34 | (d) The department of administration's capital asset management division shall reduce |
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1 | overall site energy use intensity (EUI), defined as weather-normalized BTU per square feet, from |
2 | a 2014 baseline at state-owned buildings by twenty percent (20%) or more by 2030; by thirty |
3 | percent (30%) by 2040; and by forty percent (40%) by 2050. |
4 | (e) Reporting. The department of administration's capital asset management division shall |
5 | prepare an annual report that summarizes the purchasing outlined in this section, which shall |
6 | include, but is not limited to, EUI at state-owned buildings by property and by building. The report |
7 | is due annually on or before January 31 for the previous year, and is to be provided to the Executive |
8 | Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4), the speaker of the house of representatives, the |
9 | president of the senate, and the governor. |
10 | 37-2-86 State purchasing -- Recycling in state buildings. |
11 | (a) State funds shall be used to purchase recycling bins for all state buildings to ensure |
12 | proper disposal of recyclable items. For any state facility with a cafeteria, state purchasing shall |
13 | require the use of biodegradable and compostable materials. Cafeterias shall provide biodegradable |
14 | or compostable utensils, straws, cups, plates, and napkins by January 1, 2026. No plastic plates, |
15 | cutlery, or drinkware shall be offered after January 1, 2026. |
16 | (b) To reduce the amount of waste entering our state landfill, state funds shall be used to |
17 | lease or purchase compostable bins for state facilities, along with contracting with a compost |
18 | disposal service. |
19 | (c) For the purposes of this section, "compostable materials" means an organic material |
20 | that has the potential to be composted and not co-mingled or contaminated by significant amounts |
21 | of toxic substances. Compostable material includes leaves, twigs, dead flowers, straw, corn stalks, |
22 | shredded cardboard and paper, paper towels and napkins, vacuum cleaner bag contents, dryer lint, |
23 | untreated wood chips and saw dust, vegetable and fruit scraps, spoiled vegetables and fruits, |
24 | eggshells, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, grass clippings, and fresh plant and yard trimmings. |
25 | (d) The state shall require all agencies to implement a recycling and compost program no |
26 | later than January l, 2027. |
27 | (e) Reporting. The department of administration's capital asset management division shall |
28 | prepare an annual report that summarizes the purchasing outlined in this section, which shall |
29 | include, but is not limited to, the status of composting and recycling programs by property to |
30 | include, where possible, quantitative reporting on volume or weight of material that is composted, |
31 | recycled, and landfilled. The report is due annually on or before January 31, for the previous year, |
32 | and is to be provided to the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4), the speaker of |
33 | the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the governor. |
34 | 37-2-87. State Purchasing - Leaf blowers. |
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1 | For the purpose of this section: |
2 | (1) “Gasoline-powered leaf blower” means a combustion engine-powered handheld, |
3 | backpack, or walk-behind leaf or grass blower, vacuum, or leaf debris removal device; including |
4 | an electric leaf blower connected to a generator powered by gasoline or other fossil fuels; |
5 | (b) The following gasoline-powered devices are exempted: |
6 | (1) A stationary or tow-behind leaf vacuum, mulcher, debris loader device, or snow blower; |
7 | (2) Wildland fire suppression equipment; |
8 | (3) Equipment used in prescribed burn management activities; and |
9 | (4) Firefighting activities carried out by authorized personnel. |
10 | (c) Effective July 1, 2025, the state shall not purchase any gasoline-powered leaf blowers. |
11 | The department of administration shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with the purposes of |
12 | this section. |
13 | (d) Effective January 1, 2028, the state or any contractor or subcontractor hired by the state |
14 | shall not use a gasoline-powered leaf blower. |
15 | (e) The provisions of this chapter do not affect the authority of any municipality or any |
16 | local government to enact standards that are at least as stringent as the ones established in this |
17 | section or that commence on an earlier date than those dates established in this chapter. |
18 | (f) The state or any contactor or subcontractor employed by the state shall comply with |
19 | local government standards that are at least as stringent as the standards established in this section |
20 | when managing state property. |
21 | SECTION 2. Chapter 37-8 of the General Laws entitled "Public Buildings" is hereby |
22 | amended by adding thereto the following section: |
23 | 37-8-4.1. Certified environmental custodian required. |
24 | The department of administration shall ensure that all public buildings pursuant to this |
25 | chapter be staffed with at least one custodian certified in the fundamentals of composting and |
26 | recycling. Certification pursuant to this section may be achieved through in-person or virtual |
27 | instruction with a program approved by the department of environmental management in |
28 | coordination with the Rhode Island resource recovery corporation. |
29 | SECTION 3. Chapter 42-17.1 of the General Laws entitled "Department of Environmental |
30 | Management" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
31 | 42-17.1-46. Landscaping by the department -- gasoline powered leaf blowers |
32 | prohibited. |
33 | Effective January 1, 2028, the department shall not use gasoline powered leaf blowers or |
34 | contract with any subcontractor or vendor that uses gasoline powered leaf blowers to maintain the |
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1 | grounds of any state property. |
2 | SECTION 4. Chapter 24-8 of the General Laws entitled "Construction and Maintenance of |
3 | State Roads" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
4 | 24-8-11.1. Gasoline powered leaf blowers prohibited. |
5 | Effective January 1, 2028, the department shall not use gasoline powered leaf blowers or |
6 | contract with any subcontractor or vendor that uses gasoline powered leaf blowers to maintain the |
7 | grounds of any state property. |
8 | SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would take several measures to lead by example by banning state purchases of |
2 | plastic bottles, and would require state funds to be used to lease or purchase electric vehicles and |
3 | renewable energy efficient technologies for use on state property. Annual reports would be required |
4 | to be filed by January 31, and provided to the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council |
5 | (EC4), the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the governor. |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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