2025 -- H 5341 | |
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LC001083 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Chippendale, Paplauskas, Tanzi, Spears, Caldwell, | |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Environment and Natural Resources | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 46-22-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 46-22 entitled "Regulation |
2 | of Boats" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 46-22-4. Identification number and registration fee. |
4 | (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), the owner of each motorboat shall |
5 | file biennially an application for registration with the department of environmental management on |
6 | forms approved by the director. The application shall be accompanied by a registration fee |
7 | according to the following schedule: |
10 | UNDER 15 $30 |
11 | 16 20 $40 |
12 | 21 25 $60 |
13 | 26 30 $100 |
14 | 31 35 $200 |
15 | 36 40 $250 |
16 | 41 45 $300 |
17 | 46 50 $400 |
18 | 51 and over $600 |
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1 | (i) For the purpose of the above fee schedule, “overall length” shall be defined as the |
2 | horizontal distance between the foremost part of the stem, and, the aftermost part of the stern, |
3 | excluding bowsprits, bumpkins, rudders, outboard motor brackets, and similar fittings or |
4 | attachments. For purposes of this section, a fraction of a foot shall be deemed to be the next higher |
5 | foot. |
6 | (ii) The fee payable under this section for any motorboat owned by a nonprofit organization |
7 | shall not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). |
8 | (iii) All vessels over thirty feet (30′) may, upon request, pay the registration fee annually |
9 | at the rate of one-half (½) the biennial fee for a vessel of the same length. |
10 | (iv) In addition to the registration fee payable under this section, the owner of each |
11 | motorboat shall pay five dollars ($5.00) biennially. Pursuant to this section, where the owner of a |
12 | motorboat pays an annual registration fee, the additional fee shall be two dollars and fifty cents |
13 | ($2.50) annually. The additional fees shall be deposited in a restricted account for freshwater |
14 | preservation as set forth in § 46-33-3. |
15 | (2) Upon receipt of the completed application and correct registration fee, the department |
16 | of environmental management shall enter the application and registration fee into its records, and |
17 | issue to the owner a certificate of number stating the number awarded to the motorboat and the |
18 | name and address of the owner. The owner shall paint on or attach to each side of the bow of the |
19 | motorboat the identification number in such manner as may be prescribed by rules and regulations |
20 | of the department of environmental management in order that it may be clearly visible. The number |
21 | shall be maintained in legible condition. The certificate of number shall be pocket size and shall be |
22 | available at all times for inspection on the motorboat for which issued, whenever that motorboat is |
23 | in operation. |
24 | (b) The owner of any motorboat already covered by an identification number, in full force |
25 | and effect, which has been awarded to it pursuant to then operative federal law or a federally |
26 | approved numbering system of another state, shall record the number with the department of |
27 | environmental management prior to operating the motorboat on the waters of this state in excess of |
28 | the ninety (90) day reciprocity period provided for in § 46-22-6(a). The recordation shall be in the |
29 | manner and subject to the procedure and fees required for the award and transfer of a number under |
30 | subsections (a) and (c) through (i), except that no additional or substitute number shall be issued. |
31 | (c) Should the ownership of a motorboat change, a new application form shall be filed with |
32 | the department of environmental management. Should the change in ownership take place before |
33 | the date upon which the certificate of number expires, the new owner shall pay an administrative |
34 | fee of ten dollars ($10.00). The number assigned to the vessel shall remain with the vessel and be |
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1 | non-transferable while the vessel remains certified in the state of Rhode Island; provided, however, |
2 | that upon the request of the owner of a duly registered vessel of historic value that is more than |
3 | fifty (50) years old, the number assigned to the vessel may be transferred to a different historic |
4 | vessel owned by the same person. The original vessel will be given a new registration number and |
5 | the owner shall pay a transfer fee of six dollars ($6.00) for each vessel. |
6 | (d) In the event that an agency of the United States government shall have in force an |
7 | overall system of identification numbering for motorboats within the United States, the numbering |
8 | system employed pursuant to this chapter by the department of environmental management shall |
9 | be in conformity therewith. |
10 | (e) All records of the department of environmental management made or kept pursuant to |
11 | this section shall be public records. |
12 | (f) The department of environmental management shall fix a day and month of the year on |
13 | which the certificate of number is due to expire and no longer be of any force and effect, unless |
14 | renewed pursuant to this chapter. |
15 | (g) The owner shall furnish the department of environmental management notice of the |
16 | transfer of all or any part of the owner’s interest, other than the creation of a security interest in a |
17 | motorboat numbered in this state, pursuant to subsections (a) and (b), or of the destruction or |
18 | abandonment of the motorboat, within fifteen (15) days thereof. That destruction shall terminate |
19 | the certificate of number for the motorboat. |
20 | (h) Any holder of a certificate of number shall notify the department of environmental |
21 | management within fifteen (15) days if the holder’s address no longer conforms to the address |
22 | appearing on the certificate and shall, as a part of the notification, furnish the department of |
23 | environmental management the new address. The department of environmental management may |
24 | provide, in its rules and regulations, for the surrender of the certificate bearing the former address |
25 | or for the alteration of an outstanding certificate to show the new address of the holder. |
26 | (i) No number, other than the number awarded to a motorboat or granted reciprocity |
27 | pursuant to this chapter, shall be painted, attached, or otherwise displayed on either side of the bow |
28 | of the motorboat. |
29 | (j) Biennial registration shall be phased in, alphabetically, over a two (2) year period |
30 | starting January 1, 1999 at which time all owners whose last names begin with the letters “A” |
31 | through “M” applications for registration will be accepted for consideration on a biennial basis. |
32 | Owners whose last names begin with the letters “N” through “Z” shall be subject to biennial |
33 | registration starting January 1, 2000. |
34 | SECTION 2. Chapter 46-33 of the General Laws entitled "Freshwater Lake Management |
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1 | Program" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
2 | 46-33-3. Establishment of restricted receipt account -- Collection and deposit of fees. |
3 | All fees collected by the director in accordance with § 46-22-4(a)(iv) shall be placed in a |
4 | restricted receipt account to be known as the "Rhode Island lake management program fund" for |
5 | the specific purposes of providing funding necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter |
6 | pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the department for the spending of the deposits |
7 | collected by the fund. |
8 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would authorize the collection of a small additional fee, in addition to the |
2 | registration fee paid by motorboat owners, to be deposited in a restricted account, in order to fund |
3 | the newly established freshwater lake management program. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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