2025 -- H 5318 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Edwards, Fellela, Serpa, Kazarian, Shanley, Spears, | |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 36-8-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 36-8 entitled "Retirement |
2 | System — Administration" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 36-8-1. Definition of terms. |
4 | The following words and phrases as used in chapters 8 to 10 of this title unless a different |
5 | meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings: |
6 | (1) “Accumulated contributions” shall mean the sum of all the amounts deducted from the |
7 | compensation of a member and credited to their individual pension account. |
8 | (2) “Active member” shall mean any employee of the state of Rhode Island as defined in |
9 | this section for whom the retirement system is currently receiving regular contributions pursuant to |
10 | §§ 36-10-1 and 36-10-1.1. |
11 | (3) “Actuarial equivalent” shall mean an allowance or benefit of equal value to any other |
12 | allowance or benefit when computed upon the basis of the actuarial tables in use by the system. |
13 | (4) “Annuity reserve” shall mean the present value of all payments to be made on account |
14 | of any annuity, benefit, or retirement allowance granted under the provisions of chapter 10 of this |
15 | title computed upon the basis of such mortality tables as shall be adopted from time to time by the |
16 | retirement board with regular interest. |
17 | (5)(a) “Average compensation” for members eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009, |
18 | shall mean the average of the highest three (3) consecutive years of compensation, within the total |
| |
1 | service when the average compensation was the highest. For members eligible to retire on or after |
2 | October 1, 2009, “Average compensation” shall mean the average of the highest five (5) |
3 | consecutive years of compensation within the total service when the average compensation was the |
4 | highest. |
5 | (b) For members eligible to and who retire on or after July 1, 2024 2012, “average |
6 | compensation” means the average of the highest three (3) consecutive years of compensation within |
7 | the total service when the average compensation was the highest. |
8 | (c) For members who become eligible to retire on or after July 1, 2012, if more than one- |
9 | half (½) of the member’s total years of service consist of years of service during which the member |
10 | devoted less than thirty (30) business hours per week to the service of the state, but the member’s |
11 | average compensation consists of three (3) or more years during which the member devoted more |
12 | than thirty (30) business hours per week to the service of the state, such member’s average |
13 | compensation shall mean the average of the highest ten (10) consecutive years of compensation |
14 | within the total service when the average compensation was the highest; provided however, |
15 | effective July 1, 2015, if such member’s average compensation as defined in subsection (a) above |
16 | is equal to or less than thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000), such amount to be indexed annually |
17 | in accordance with § 36-10-35(h)(1)(B), such member’s average compensation shall mean the |
18 | greater of: (i) The average of the highest ten (10) consecutive years of compensation within the |
19 | total service when the average compensation was the highest; or (ii) The member’s average |
20 | compensation as defined in subsection (a) above. To protect a member’s accrued benefit on June |
21 | 30, 2012, under this § 36-8-1(5)(c), in no event shall a member’s average compensation be lower |
22 | than the member’s average compensation determined as of June 30, 2012. |
23 | (6) “Beneficiary” shall mean any person in receipt of a pension, an annuity, a retirement |
24 | allowance, or other benefit as provided by chapter 10 of this title. |
25 | (7) “Casual employee” shall mean those persons hired for a temporary period, a period of |
26 | emergency, or an occasional period. |
27 | (8) “Compensation” as used in chapters 8 — 10 of this title, chapters 16 and 17 of title 16, |
28 | and chapter 21 of title 45 shall mean salary or wages earned and paid for the performance of duties |
29 | for covered employment, including regular longevity or incentive plans approved by the board, but |
30 | shall not include payments made for overtime or any other reason other than performance of duties, |
31 | including but not limited to the types of payments listed below: |
32 | (i) Payments contingent on the employee having terminated or died; |
33 | (ii) Payments made at termination for unused sick leave, vacation leave, or compensatory |
34 | time; |
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1 | (iii) Payments contingent on the employee terminating employment at a specified time in |
2 | the future to secure voluntary retirement or to secure release of an unexpired contract of |
3 | employment; |
4 | (iv) Individual salary adjustments which are granted primarily in anticipation of the |
5 | employee’s retirement; |
6 | (v) Additional payments for performing temporary or extra duties beyond the normal or |
7 | regular work day or work year. |
8 | (9) “Employee” shall mean any officer or employee of the state of Rhode Island whose |
9 | business time is devoted exclusively to the services of the state, but shall not include one whose |
10 | duties are of a casual or seasonal nature. The retirement board shall determine who are employees |
11 | within the meaning of this chapter. The governor of the state, the lieutenant governor, the secretary |
12 | of state, the attorney general, the general treasurer, and the members of the general assembly, ex |
13 | officio, shall not be deemed to be employees within the meaning of that term unless and until they |
14 | elect to become members of the system as provided in § 36-9-6, but in no case shall it deem as an |
15 | employee, for the purposes of this chapter, any individual who devotes less than twenty (20) |
16 | business hours per week to the service of the state, and who receives less than the equivalent of |
17 | minimum wage compensation on an hourly basis for their services, except as provided in § 36-9- |
18 | 24. Any commissioner of a municipal housing authority or any member of a part-time state, |
19 | municipal, or local board, commission, committee, or other public authority shall not be deemed to |
20 | be an employee within the meaning of this chapter. |
21 | (10) “Full actuarial costs” or “full actuarial value” shall mean the lump sum payable by a |
22 | member claiming service credit for certain employment for which that payment is required which |
23 | is determined according to the age of the member and the employee’s annual rate of compensation |
24 | at the time the member applies for service credit and which is expressed as a rate percent of the |
25 | employee’s annual rate of compensation to be multiplied by the number of years for which the |
26 | member claims service credit as prescribed in a schedule adopted by the retirement board from time |
27 | to time on the basis of computation by the actuary. Except as provided in §§ 16-16-7.1, 36-5-3, 36- |
28 | 9-31, 36-10-10.4, 45-21-53, 36-10-8, 45-21-29, 8-3-16(c), 8-8-10.1(c), 42-28-22.1(d), and 28-30- |
29 | 18.1(c): |
30 | (i) All service credit purchases requested after June 16, 2009, and prior to July 1, 2012, |
31 | shall be at full actuarial value; and |
32 | (ii) All service credit purchases requested after June 30, 2012, shall be at full actuarial |
33 | value which shall be determined using the system’s assumed investment rate of return minus one |
34 | percent (1%). |
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1 | The rules applicable to a service credit purchase shall be the rules of the retirement system |
2 | in effect at the time the purchase application is submitted to the retirement system. |
3 | (11) “Funded ratio” shall mean the ratio of the actuarial value of assets to the actuarial |
4 | accrued liability consistent with the funding policy of the retirement board as defined in § 36-8-4. |
5 | (12) “Inactive member” shall mean a member who has withdrawn from service as an |
6 | employee but who has not received a refund of contributions. |
7 | (13) “Members” shall mean any person included in the membership of the retirement |
8 | system as provided in §§ 36-9-1 — 36-9-7. |
9 | (14) “Prior service” shall mean service as a member rendered before July 1, 1936, certified |
10 | on the member’s prior service certificate and allowable as provided in § 36-9-28. |
11 | (15) “Regular interest” shall mean interest at the assumed investment rate of return, |
12 | compounded annually, as may be prescribed from time to time by the retirement board. |
13 | (16) “Retirement allowance” shall mean annual payments for life made after retirement |
14 | under and in accordance with chapters 8 to 10 of this title. All allowances shall be paid in equal |
15 | monthly installments beginning as of the effective date thereof; provided, that a smaller pro rata |
16 | amount may be paid for part of a month where separation from service occurs during the month in |
17 | which the application was filed, and when the allowance ceases before the last day of the month. |
18 | (17) “Retirement board” or “board” shall mean the board provided in § 36-8-3 to administer |
19 | the retirement system. |
20 | (18) “Retirement system” shall mean the employees’ retirement system of the state of |
21 | Rhode Island as defined in § 36-8-2. |
22 | (19) “Service” shall mean service as an employee of the state of Rhode Island as described |
23 | in subdivision (9) of this section. |
24 | (20) “Social Security retirement age” shall mean a member’s full retirement age as |
25 | determined in accordance with the federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act, not to |
26 | exceed age sixty-seven (67). |
27 | (21) “Total service” shall mean prior service as defined above, plus service rendered as a |
28 | member on or after July 1, 1936. |
29 | SECTION 2. Section 45-21-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-21 entitled "Retirement |
30 | of Municipal Employees" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
31 | 45-21-2. Definitions. |
32 | The following words and phrases as used in this chapter have the following meanings |
33 | unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context: |
34 | (1) “Accumulated contributions” means the sum of all amounts deducted from the |
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1 | compensation of a member and credited to the member’s individual account in the members’ |
2 | contribution reserve account. |
3 | (2) “Active member” means any employee of a participating municipality as defined in this |
4 | section for whom the retirement system is currently receiving regular contributions pursuant to § |
5 | 45-21-41, § 45-21-41.1, or § 45-21.2-14. |
6 | (3) “Actuarial reserve” means the present value of all payments to be made on account of |
7 | any annuity, retirement allowance, or benefit, computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted |
8 | by the retirement board with regular interest. |
9 | (4) “Beneficiary” means any person in receipt of a retirement allowance, annuity, or other |
10 | benefit as provided by this chapter. |
11 | (5) For purposes of this chapter, “domestic partner” shall be defined as a person who, prior |
12 | to the decedent’s death, was in an exclusive, intimate, and committed relationship with the |
13 | decedent, and who certifies by affidavit that their relationship met the following qualifications: |
14 | (i) Both partners were at least eighteen (18) years of age and were mentally competent to |
15 | contract; |
16 | (ii) Neither partner was married to anyone else; |
17 | (iii) Partners were not related by blood to a degree which would prohibit marriage in the |
18 | state of Rhode Island; |
19 | (iv) Partners resided together and had resided together for at least one year at the time of |
20 | death; and |
21 | (v) Partners were financially interdependent as evidenced by at least two (2) of the |
22 | following: |
23 | (A) Domestic partnership agreement or relationship contract; |
24 | (B) Joint mortgage or joint ownership of primary residence; |
25 | (C) Two (2) of: (I) Joint ownership of motor vehicle; (II) Joint checking account; (III) Joint |
26 | credit account; (IV) Joint lease; and/or |
27 | (D) The domestic partner had been designated as a beneficiary for the decedent’s will, |
28 | retirement contract, or life insurance. |
29 | (6) “Effective date of participation” means the date on which the provisions of this chapter |
30 | have become applicable to a municipality accepting the provisions of the chapter in the manner |
31 | stated in § 45-21-4. |
32 | (7) “Employee” means any regular and permanent employee or officer of any municipality, |
33 | whose business time at a minimum of twenty (20) hours a week is devoted to the service of the |
34 | municipality, including elective officials and officials and employees of city and town housing |
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1 | authorities. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, the term “employee,” for the purposes of this |
2 | chapter, does not include any person whose duties are of a casual or seasonal nature. The retirement |
3 | board shall decide who are employees within the meaning of this chapter, but in no case shall it |
4 | deem as an employee any individual who annually devotes less than twenty (20) business hours per |
5 | week to the service of the municipality and who receives less than the equivalent of minimum wage |
6 | compensation on an hourly basis for their services, except as provided in § 45-21-14.1 [repealed]. |
7 | Casual employees mean those persons hired for an occasional period or a period of emergency to |
8 | perform special jobs or functions not necessarily related to the work of regular employees. Any |
9 | commissioner of a municipal housing authority, or any member of a part-time state board |
10 | commission, committee, or other authority is not deemed to be an employee within the meaning of |
11 | this chapter. |
12 | (8)(a) “Final compensation” for members who are eligible to retire on or prior to June 30, |
13 | 2012, means the average annual compensation, pay, or salary of a member for services rendered |
14 | during the period of three (3) consecutive years within the total service of the member when the |
15 | average was highest, and as the term average annual compensation is further defined in § 36-8- |
16 | 1(5)(a). For members eligible to retire on or after July 1, 2012, “final compensation” means the |
17 | average of the highest five (5) consecutive years of compensation within the total service when the |
18 | final compensation was the highest. For members eligible to and who retire on or after July 1, 2024 |
19 | 2012, “final compensation” means the average of the highest three (3) consecutive years of |
20 | compensation within the total service when the final compensation was the highest. |
21 | (b) For members who become eligible to retire on or after July 1, 2012, if more than one |
22 | half (½) of the member’s total years of service consist of years of service during which the member |
23 | devoted less than thirty (30) business hours per week to the service of the municipality, but the |
24 | member’s average compensation consists of three (3) or more years during which the member |
25 | devoted more than thirty (30) business hours per week to the service of a municipality, such |
26 | member’s average compensation shall mean the average of the highest ten (10) consecutive years |
27 | of compensation within the total service when the average compensation was the highest; provided |
28 | however, effective July 1, 2015, if such member’s average compensation as defined in subsection |
29 | (a) above is equal to or less than thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000), such amount to be indexed |
30 | annually in accordance with § 45-21-52(d)(1)(B), such member’s average compensation shall mean |
31 | the greater of: (i) The average of the highest ten (10) consecutive years of compensation within the |
32 | total service when the average compensation was the highest; or (ii) The member’s average |
33 | compensation as defined in subsection (a) above. To protect a member’s accrued benefit on June |
34 | 30, 2012, under this subsection (8)(b), in no event shall a member’s average compensation be lower |
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1 | than his or her average compensation determined as of June 30, 2012. |
2 | Notwithstanding the preceding provisions, in no event shall a member’s final compensation |
3 | be lower than the member’s final compensation determined as of June 30, 2012. |
4 | (9) “Fiscal year” means the period beginning on July 1 in any year and ending on June 30 |
5 | of the next succeeding year. |
6 | (10) “Full actuarial costs” or “full actuarial value” mean the lump sum payable by a |
7 | member claiming service credit for certain employment for which payment is required, which is |
8 | determined according to the age of the member and their annual rate of compensation at the time |
9 | he or she applies for service credit, and which is expressed as a rate percent of the annual rate of |
10 | compensation to be multiplied by the number of years for which the member claims the service |
11 | credit, as prescribed in a schedule adopted by the retirement board, from time to time, on the basis |
12 | of computation by the actuary. Except as provided in §§ 16-16-7.1, 36-5-3, 36-9-31, 36-10-10.4, |
13 | and 45-21-53: (i) All service credit purchases requested after June 16, 2009, and prior to July 1, |
14 | 2012, shall be at full actuarial value; and (ii) All service credit purchases requested after June 30, |
15 | 2012, shall be at full actuarial value which shall be determined using the system’s assumed |
16 | investment rate of return minus one percent (1%). |
17 | (11) “Governing body” means any and all bodies empowered to appropriate monies for, |
18 | and administer the operation of, the units as defined in subdivision (13) of this section. |
19 | (12) “Member” means any person included in the membership of the retirement system as |
20 | provided in § 45-21-8. |
21 | (13) “Municipality” means any town or city in the state of Rhode Island, any city or town |
22 | housing authority, fire, water, sewer district, regional school district, public building authority as |
23 | established by chapter 14 of title 37 [repealed], or any other municipal financed agency to which |
24 | the retirement board has approved admission in the retirement system. |
25 | (14) “Participating municipality” means any municipality which has accepted this chapter, |
26 | as provided in § 45-21-4. |
27 | (15) “Prior service” means service as a member rendered before the effective date of |
28 | participation as defined in this section, certified on the member’s prior service certificate, and |
29 | allowable as provided in § 45-21-15. |
30 | (16) “Regular interest” means interest at the assumed investment rate of return, |
31 | compounded annually, as may be prescribed from time to time by the retirement board. |
32 | (17) “Retirement allowance” or “annuity” means the amounts paid to any member of the |
33 | municipal employees’ retirement system of the state of Rhode Island, or a survivor of the member, |
34 | as provided in this chapter. All retirement allowances or annuities shall be paid in equal monthly |
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1 | installments for life, unless otherwise specifically provided. |
2 | (18) “Retirement board” or “board” means the state retirement board created by chapter 8 |
3 | of title 36. |
4 | (19) “Retirement system” means the “municipal employees’ retirement system of the state |
5 | of Rhode Island” as defined in § 45-21-32. |
6 | (20) “Service” means service as an employee of a municipality of the state of Rhode Island |
7 | as defined in subdivision (7). |
8 | (21) “Total service” means prior service as defined in subdivision (15) plus service |
9 | rendered as a member on or after the effective date of participation. |
10 | (22) Any term not specifically defined in this chapter and specifically defined in chapters |
11 | 8 through 10 of title 36 shall have the same definition as set forth in chapters 8 through 10 of title |
12 | 36. |
13 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would, change the teacher and state employees' retirement benefit calculations' |
2 | cutoff date from July 1, 2024, to July 1, 2012, for all retirement members eligible to and who retire |
3 | on or after the new July 1, 2012, cutoff date. The average compensation means the average of the |
4 | highest three (3) consecutive years, of compensation, within the total service, when the average |
5 | compensation was its highest. |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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