2025 -- H 5312 | |
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LC001204 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Carson, and Shanley | |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2025 | |
Referred To: House State Government & Elections | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 17-8-1, 17-8-2 and 17-8-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-8 |
2 | entitled "Local Canvassing Authorities" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 17-8-1. Appointment of bipartisan authority. |
4 | (a) The legislative body of each city and town shall appoint a bipartisan canvassing |
5 | authority of three (3) qualified electors of the city or town, not more than two (2) of whom shall |
6 | belong to the same political party, and may shall appoint two (2) alternate members, not more than |
7 | one of whom shall belong to the same political party. At any meeting of the canvassing authority |
8 | at which a member is to be absent, the member may request that an alternate replace him or her for |
9 | that meeting; provided, that the alternate member must be of the same political party as the member. |
10 | The mayor, in cities and towns that elect a mayor, or the president of the town council, in cities and |
11 | towns with no elected mayor, shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of lists, nominate the members |
12 | of the canvassing authority from lists of party voters submitted by the respective chairpersons of |
13 | the city or town political committee, which lists shall contain the names of five (5) times the number |
14 | of persons to be appointed. If the legislative body refuses to approve the nomination of any person |
15 | to the canvassing authority, the mayor or the president shall submit to the legislative body, within |
16 | thirty (30) days of the refusal, another person named on one of the lists, and so on until a person is |
17 | appointed. If the chairperson of the city or town committee of a political party entitled to an |
18 | appointment fails or refuses to submit a list, within thirty (30) days of notice of a vacancy, the |
19 | mayor or the council president, as the case may be, shall nominate any party voter of the political |
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1 | party entitled to the appointment. |
2 | (b) In any instance, in which a vacancy occurs and the remaining two (2) members of the |
3 | canvassing authority each belong to different political parties, the respective chairpersons of any |
4 | recognized city or town political party committee that has duly filed a biennial organization with |
5 | the canvassing authority, in accordance with § 17-12-9, shall each be entitled to submit a list, and |
6 | the mayor or the council president, as the case may be, shall nominate any party voter from any of |
7 | the submitted lists, in accordance with the procedures of subsection (a) of this section. |
8 | 17-8-2. Term and qualifications for office. |
9 | (a) Each member of a local canvassing authority shall be appointed to serve for a term of |
10 | six (6) years beginning on the first Monday of March succeeding the date of his or her appointment |
11 | and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. No person shall be appointed or serve as a |
12 | member of the authority who is an officer or employee of the United States or of this state, or who |
13 | is an officer or employee of the authority’s city or town; provided, that in any city a member of the |
14 | authority may be employed as its clerk. Any member of the authority who becomes a candidate for |
15 | election to any public office and who fails to file a declination of the candidacy within the time |
16 | allowed by law shall be disqualified from holding membership upon the authority and his or her |
17 | successor shall be immediately elected. |
18 | (b) The fixed six (6) year terms of members of a local canvassing authority, shall expire on |
19 | a staggered basis on the first Monday of March in odd-numbered years; provided that, not more |
20 | than one member's term, shall expire in any odd-numbered year. If the term expiration dates on |
21 | record for any canvassing authority members are found to be in noncompliance with the provisions |
22 | of this section, the town or city clerk shall immediately correct them. |
23 | (c) The fixed six (6) year terms of alternates of a local canvassing authority shall expire on |
24 | the first Monday of March in any odd-numbered year. |
25 | 17-8-5. Local boards — Powers and duties — Quorum. |
26 | (a) Each canvassing authority shall have and exercise the functions, powers, and duties |
27 | provided for local boards by this title or by any law not inconsistent with this title. It shall: |
28 | (1) Select one of its members as presiding officer and another as clerk of the board; |
29 | provided, that nothing in this title shall be deemed to affect the powers and duties of the town clerk |
30 | who shall be ex officio the clerk of the respective town canvassing authorities; and provided, |
31 | further, that in the cities of Pawtucket, Central Falls, Newport, Woonsocket, Cranston, and |
32 | Warwick, the clerk shall be designated at the time of his or her election or appointment; |
33 | (2) Have and discharge all of the functions, powers, and duties of the town council |
34 | concerning nominations, elections, registration of voters and canvassing rights, the preparing and |
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1 | correcting of voting lists, and other related matters, which powers are transferred to the local board; |
2 | (3) Make or furnish all returns or other things required by law to be made or furnished to |
3 | or by city clerks, boards of canvassers, and district clerks, relative to any matter within the purview |
4 | of this title; |
5 | (4) Appoint and employ all its necessary clerical and technical assistants and fix the |
6 | compensation of each person appointed, within the limits of funds available to it pursuant to law; |
7 | provided, that in the cities of Cranston and Woonsocket and the town of Coventry the employment |
8 | and compensation shall be subject to the approval of the respective city or town councils; |
9 | (5) The town or city clerk, or designee, in municipalities where the town or city clerk is by |
10 | law, charter, or ordinance charged with the functions of election administration, shall be the chief |
11 | local election official, primary administrative contact, and liaison from the canvassing authority |
12 | and local board to the secretary of state and to the state board of elections, except in towns and |
13 | cities where an election office, separate from the town or city clerk, is charged with election |
14 | administration, said chief local election official shall be designated by the local board and shall |
15 | hold the same duties. The chief local election official, upon taking office as city or town clerk, or |
16 | upon designation by the local board, as the case may be, shall designate an alternate local election |
17 | official, and shall at all times provide and maintain emergency contact information for, at minimum, |
18 | the chief local election official, the alternate local election official, and the chairperson of the board |
19 | of canvassers on file with the secretary of state and state board of elections; and |
20 | (6) The chief local election official shall, under the direction of the local board, have the |
21 | authority to coordinate with the secretary of state to add, modify, or revoke access to the statewide |
22 | central voter register for any system users in the municipality, who require it in order to carry out |
23 | the duties imposed on the canvassing authority by this title. |
24 | (b) A quorum of a local board for the purpose of receiving registrations shall be comprised |
25 | of one member of the board, and for all other purposes a quorum shall be comprised of two (2) |
26 | members. |
27 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would require the respective party chairpersons to submit lists of party voters to |
2 | the mayor or council president, as the case may be, within thirty (30) days of notice of vacancy, in |
3 | a municipal election office and would require the mayor or council president to make a nomination |
4 | for a replacement to the council within thirty (30) days of receipt of the lists. It would also clarify |
5 | the term expiration dates for canvassing authority members and alternates, and would direct the |
6 | city or town clerk to make immediate corrections if the term expiration dates on record are found |
7 | to be in noncompliance with the provisions of this act. The act would require the local canvassing |
8 | board to designate a chief local election official, and for that designee to designate an alternate local |
9 | election official. It would further establish that the chief local election official is the only agent |
10 | authorized to request user access to the statewide central voter register via the secretary of state. |
11 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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