2025 -- H 5310 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Speakman, Boylan, Carson, Cotter, Spears, Giraldo, | |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 42-113-3, 42-113-4, 42-113-5, 42-113-6 and 42-113-7 of the |
2 | General Laws in Chapter 42-113 entitled "Rhode Island Housing and Conservation Trust Fund Act" |
3 | are hereby amended to read as follows: |
4 | 42-113-3. Definitions. |
5 | As used in this chapter: |
6 | (1) “Agricultural land” means any land which is actively devoted to agricultural or |
7 | horticultural use including, but not limited to, a commercial enterprise or community garden |
8 | enterprise which has its primary purpose horticulture, viticulture, viniculture, floriculture, forestry, |
9 | composting, stabling of horses, dairy farming, or aquaculture, or the raising of livestock, fur- |
10 | bearing animals, poultry or bees. |
11 | (2) “Board” means the Rhode Island housing and conservation board established by this |
12 | chapter. |
13 | (2)(3) “Eligible activity” means any activity that will carry out either or both of the dual |
14 | purposes of creating and sustaining low and moderate income housing and conserving and |
15 | protecting important Rhode Island lands, including activities that will encourage or assist: |
16 | (i) The preservation, rehabilitation, or development of residential dwelling units which are |
17 | affordable to lower low- or moderate-income Rhode Islanders Island households; |
18 | (ii) The protection of important wildlife habitat and important natural areas; |
| |
1 | (iii) The preservation of historic properties of resources; |
2 | (iv) The protection of areas suited for outdoor public recreational activity; |
3 | (v) The retention of agricultural land for agricultural use; and |
4 | (vi) The development of capacity on the part of an eligible applicant to engage in an eligible |
5 | activity. |
6 | (3)(4) “Eligible applicant” means any municipality or department of state government of |
7 | the state, nonprofit organization qualifying under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) or limited equity |
8 | cooperative housing corporation, a company that is licensed to do business in the State of Rhode |
9 | Island where the proposed application creates or preserves housing that serves or intends to serve |
10 | whose purpose is either the creation or preservation of low and moderate income households; or |
11 | any municipality or department of state government of this state, nonprofit organization qualifying |
12 | under 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3) that conserves or protects important natural areas, wildlife habitat, |
13 | housing for lower income Rhode Islanders or the conservation of open lands or agricultural lands. |
14 | (4)(5) “Fund” means the Rhode Island housing and conservation trust fund established by |
15 | this chapter. |
16 | (5)(6) “Historic property or resource” means any building, structure, object, district, area, |
17 | or site that is significant in the history, architecture, archeology, or culture of this state, its |
18 | communities, or the nation. |
19 | (6)(7) “Important natural area” means any area containing one or more state or federal |
20 | endangered or threatened species as defined in the general laws or any area essential to maintaining |
21 | the ecological diversity or natural heritage of the state. |
22 | (7) “Lower income” means households whose incomes do not exceed sixty percent (60%) |
23 | of the median family income by family size for the area of the state in which the family lives as |
24 | determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. |
25 | (8) “Low- or moderate-income households” means households that meet the definition of |
26 | low- and moderate-income under § 45-53-3. |
27 | 42-113-4. Creation of the Rhode Island housing and conservation board. |
28 | (a) There is hereby authorized, created and established a body politic and corporate to be |
29 | known as the “Rhode Island housing and conservation board” to carry out the provisions of this |
30 | chapter. The board is constituted a public instrumentality exercising public and essential |
31 | governmental functions, and the exercise by the board of the powers conferred by this chapter are |
32 | deemed and held to be the performance of an essential governmental function of the state. |
33 | (b) The board shall consist of nine (9) fifteen (15) members: |
34 | (1) The four (4) non-voting ex-officio members shall include the director of the department |
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1 | of environmental management, or a designee; the director of the office of intergovernmental affairs/ |
2 | the secretary of the department of housing, or designee; the executive director of the Rhode Island |
3 | housing and mortgage finance corporation, or designee; and the director of the office of statewide |
4 | planning, or designee. |
5 | (2) The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint five (5) eleven |
6 | (11) voting members of the general public. The public appointees shall include at least one member |
7 | representing the interests of the environmental community, one member representing the interests |
8 | of the conservation and land trust community, one member representing family farm interests, a |
9 | municipal planner representing a city or town with more than forty thousand (40,000) residents, a |
10 | municipal planner representing a city or town with less than forty thousand (40,000) residents, one |
11 | member representing the interests of nonprofit community development corporations, one member |
12 | representing the interests of the housing land trust community, one member representing the |
13 | interests of the for-profit developer/builder community, one member representing land use |
14 | planning/smart growth interests, one member representing a tenant advocacy organization, and one |
15 | member representing historic preservation. The public appointees should reflect the demographic |
16 | diversity of the state including, but not limited to, representation from black, brown and indigenous |
17 | communities. In making these appointments, the governor shall give due consideration to |
18 | recommendations made by the Rhode Island Community Reinvestment Association, Environment |
19 | Council of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Association of Land Trusts, and representatives of tenancy |
20 | advocacy and family farm associations. |
21 | (3) Any designee of the four (4) governmental members serving ex-officio as stipulated in |
22 | subsection (b)(1) of this section or of the three (3) members who is a chair or president of a |
23 | nongovernmental organization as stipulated in subsection (b)(2) of this section shall be a |
24 | subordinate of the designator within his or her respective department, office, or nongovernmental |
25 | organization. These designees shall represent him or her at all meetings of the board. |
26 | (4) No one shall be eligible for public appointment unless the person is a resident of this |
27 | state. |
28 | (5) Newly appointed and qualified public members and designees of ex-officio members |
29 | shall, within six (6) months of their qualification or designation, attend a training course that is |
30 | developed by non-voting ex officio members with board approval and conducted by the chair or |
31 | the chair’s designee and shall include instruction in the subject area of chapter 113 of this title and |
32 | chapter 46 of this title, chapter 14 of title 36, and chapter 2 of title 38; and the board’s rules and |
33 | regulations. |
34 | (c) Those members of the board as of July 9, 2005 who were appointed to the board by |
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1 | members of the general assembly shall cease to be members of the commission on July 9, 2005. |
2 | Appointments to the board shall be made by December 31, 2026. Public members of the board |
3 | appointed by the governor will be appointed for three-year (3) terms and cannot serve more than |
4 | two (2) consecutive terms. |
5 | (d) Annually, the board governor shall elect select from among its public members a |
6 | chairperson. The board shall elect from among its members a and vice-chairperson. The board may |
7 | elect from among its members and any other officers it deems necessary. Meetings shall be held at |
8 | the call of the chairperson or at the request of three (3) members. A majority of the sitting members |
9 | shall constitute a quorum and action taken by the board under the provisions of this chapter may be |
10 | authorized by a majority of the members present and voting at any regular or special meeting. |
11 | (e) Three (3) or more voting members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the |
12 | transaction of business. A majority vote of those present shall be required for action. No vacancy |
13 | in the membership of the board shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all of the rights and |
14 | perform all of the duties of the board. |
15 | (f) Any vacancy which may occur in the board shall be filled accordingly in the same |
16 | manner as prescribed above. |
17 | (g)(1) The board shall governor may appoint and employ an executive director, and it shall |
18 | be the executive director’s duty to: |
19 | (1)(i) Supervise and administer allocations made through the trust fund in accordance with |
20 | this chapter and with the rules and regulations of the board; |
21 | (2)(ii) Act as the chief administrative officer having general charge of the office and records |
22 | and to employ temporarily, subject to the approval of the board, necessary personnel to serve at the |
23 | executive director’s pleasure and who shall be in the unclassified service and whose salaries shall |
24 | be set by the board; |
25 | (3)(iii) Act as executive secretary of the board; and |
26 | (4)(iv) Perform other duties as determined by the board, which are in accordance with this |
27 | chapter and with the rules and regulations of the board. |
28 | (2) The governor may remove any member for cause or misconduct in office after giving |
29 | the member a copy of the charges/allegations against them and an opportunity to be heard, in |
30 | person, or with or by counsel, in their defense, upon not less than ten (10) days notice. If any |
31 | member shall be removed, the governor shall file in the office of the secretary of state a complete |
32 | statement of charges made against the member and the governor's findings, together with a |
33 | complete record of the proceedings. |
34 | (3) Whenever public hearings are required under this chapter, or whenever the board |
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1 | determines a public hearing is appropriate, the board shall use reasonable efforts to hold those |
2 | hearings at a place or places that will reasonably accommodate the interested parties. |
3 | (h) The board shall use the office of the attorney general for legal services. |
4 | (i) Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, the board shall approve and |
5 | submit an annual report to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president |
6 | of the senate, and the secretary of state of its activities during that fiscal year. The report shall |
7 | provide: an operating statement summarizing meetings or hearings held, meeting minutes if |
8 | requested, subjects addressed, decisions rendered, rules or regulations promulgated, studies |
9 | conducted, policies and plans developed, approved, or modified, and programs administered or |
10 | initiated; a consolidated financial statement of all funds received and expended including the source |
11 | of the funds, a listing of any staff supported by these funds, and a summary of any clerical, |
12 | administrative, or technical support received; a summary of performance during the previous fiscal |
13 | year including accomplishments, shortcomings, and remedies; a synopsis of hearings, complaints, |
14 | suspensions, or other legal matters related to the authority of the board; a summary of any training |
15 | courses held pursuant to subsection (b)(5) of this section; a briefing on anticipated activities in the |
16 | upcoming fiscal year; and findings and recommendations for improvements. The report shall be |
17 | posted electronically on the general assembly and the secretary of state’s websites as prescribed in |
18 | § 42-20-8.2. |
19 | 42-113-5. Creation of Rhode Island housing and conservation trust fund. |
20 | (a) There is created a special account in the state general fund distributed by the Rhode |
21 | Island infrastructure bank and administered by the housing and conservation board to be known as |
22 | the “Rhode Island housing and conservation trust fund.” The fund shall be administered by the |
23 | board and expenditures from the fund shall be made only to implement and effectuate the policies |
24 | and purposes of this chapter. The board is authorized to accept any federal funding, private grant, |
25 | devise, bequest, donation, gift, loan or assignment of money, bonds, or other valuable securities for |
26 | deposit in and credit of the Rhode Island housing and conservation trust fund. |
27 | (b) Unexpended balances and any earnings shall not revert to the general fund but shall |
28 | remain in the fund designated account created by the Rhode Island infrastructure bank for use in |
29 | accord with the purposes of this chapter. |
30 | (c) The members of the board and the executive director shall be appointed upon June 23, |
31 | 1994 December 31, 2026. |
32 | 42-113-6. General powers and duties. |
33 | (a) The board has all of the powers necessary and convenient to carry out and effectuate |
34 | the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including without limitation those general powers |
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1 | provided to a business corporation by and including, without limiting the generality of the |
2 | foregoing, the power to: |
3 | (1) Upon application from an eligible applicant in a form prescribed by the board, provide |
4 | funding in the form of grants or loans for eligible activities; |
5 | (2) Enter into cooperative agreements with private organizations or individuals or with any |
6 | agency or instrumentality of the United States or of this state to carry out the purposes of this |
7 | chapter; |
8 | (3) Issue rules in accordance with the administrative procedures act, chapter 35 of this title, |
9 | for the purpose of administering the provisions of this chapter; and |
10 | (4) Make rules and regulations governing the appropriate transfer and/or conversion of |
11 | open space lands, provided that these rules and regulations are in accordance with federal and state |
12 | guidelines for the conversion of open space lands. |
13 | (b) All meetings, records and other documents or functions of the board shall be open to |
14 | full public scrutiny. |
15 | (c) The board shall promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of the |
16 | authority provided pursuant to subsection (a)(4) of this section. |
17 | 42-113-7. Allocation system. |
18 | (a) In determining the allocation of funds available for the purposes of this chapter, the |
19 | board shall evaluate each proposal on the basis of the following criteria: |
20 | (1) The need to maintain balance between the dual goals in allocating resources; |
21 | (2) The need for a timely response to unpredictable circumstances or special opportunities |
22 | to serve the purposes of this chapter; |
23 | (3) The level of funding or other participation by private or public sources in the activity |
24 | being considered for funding by the board; |
25 | (4) What resources will be required in the future to sustain the project; |
26 | (5) The need to pursue the goals of this chapter without displacing lower low- and |
27 | moderate-income Rhode Islanders Island households; and |
28 | (6) The long-term effect of proposed activity and, with respect to low and moderate income |
29 | housing households and, the likelihood that the activity will prevent the loss of subsidized housing |
30 | units and will result in the preservation of affordability; and in perpetuity. |
31 | (7) The eligible applicant has demonstrated a commitment to long-term affordability. |
32 | (b) The board’s allocation system shall include a method, defined by rule, that evaluates |
33 | the need for, impact of, and quality of, activities proposed by applicants. |
34 | (c) Any eligible owner or prospective eligible owner of a development where eligible units |
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1 | are located will specifically agree to make at least fifty percent (50%) of all units located in the |
2 | development available and affordable to eligible tenants on a perpetual basis subject to a long-term |
3 | deed restriction as described in the definition of "low- or moderate-income housing" in § 45-53-3. |
4 | (d) Twenty-five percent (25%) Thirty-five percent (35%) of the annual funds will be |
5 | utilized to fund housing projects, twenty-five percent (25%) thirty-five percent (35%) will support |
6 | conservation projects, and the remaining fifty percent (50%) thirty percent (30%) of the total annual |
7 | fund can be used for either type of project with projects combining these goals and satisfying the |
8 | above factors receiving highest priority. |
9 | (e) No more than five percent (5%) of the total annual budget of the board, including funds |
10 | to be distributed, shall be devoted to the costs of administration of this chapter. |
11 | (f) Housing projects must result in units that are affordable for at least ninety-nine (99) |
12 | years with the housing and conservation board retaining first right of refusal in the event of sale or |
13 | transfer of property for which funds from this trust fund have been used. Open space conservation |
14 | projects for which funds from this trust fund were used must remain for the purpose specified in |
15 | the application for which they were granted. |
16 | (g) The board shall have the authority to establish, remove, or modify from time to time |
17 | according to the administrative procedures act, chapter 35 of this title, rules and regulations |
18 | governing application and allocation procedures for grants and other functions necessitated by |
19 | administration of this chapter. |
20 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would restructure the Rhode Island Housing and Conservation Trust Fund, |
2 | increase its membership to fifteen (15) members, eleven (11) of whom are to be from the general |
3 | public and reallocate the percentage of the funds for housing, conservation and other goals. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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