2025 -- H 5303 | |
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LC000767 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Knight, Speakman, Fogarty, McEntee, Cotter, Carson, | |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 23 of the General Laws entitled "HEALTH AND SAFETY" is hereby |
2 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 104 |
6 | 23-104-3. Title. |
7 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Healthcare Professional Complaint |
8 | History Transparency Act." |
9 | 23-104-2. Purpose. |
10 | The purpose of this chapter is to establish a transparent process for nursing homes and other |
11 | healthcare institutions to access the complaint history of prospective employees who hold a |
12 | professional healthcare license, to include certified nursing assistants ("CNAs"), registered nurses |
13 | ("RNs"), licensed practical nurses ("LPNs"), and other licensed healthcare providers. This chapter |
14 | seeks to ensure that hiring institutions can make informed decisions while protecting the rights of |
15 | license holders to review and contest complaints that are inaccurately attributed to their name or |
16 | license number. |
17 | 23-104-3. Definitions. |
18 | For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following |
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1 | meanings: |
2 | (1) "Complaint history" means any filed complaint related to the conduct, care, or |
3 | performance of a healthcare professional, regardless of the outcome, including complaints that were |
4 | found baseless. |
5 | (2) "Dispute process" means a procedure that allows a license holder to contest the |
6 | inclusion of a complaint in the searchable database if the complaint was erroneously attributed to |
7 | the license holder. |
8 | (3) "Healthcare institution" means any facility or organization that provides healthcare |
9 | services, including nursing homes, hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, and |
10 | similar entities. |
11 | (4) "License holder" means a person who holds a current, valid professional healthcare |
12 | license issued by the department of health (“department”) including, but not limited to, CNAs, RNs, |
13 | LPNs, and other licensed healthcare professionals. |
14 | (5) "Searchable database" means a web-based tool established by the department that |
15 | allows healthcare institutions to search and review the complaint history of licensed professionals |
16 | in real-time. |
17 | 23-104-4. Creation of searchable database. |
18 | (a) The department shall create and maintain an online, searchable database that provides |
19 | healthcare institutions with access to the complaint history of any licensed healthcare professional. |
20 | (b) The database shall contain a list of all complaints filed against licensed healthcare |
21 | professionals, including: |
22 | (1) The nature of the complaint; |
23 | (2) The resolution of the complaint, including whether the complaint was substantiated, |
24 | dismissed, or found baseless; and |
25 | (3) The outcome of any investigations, disciplinary actions, or sanctions taken, if |
26 | applicable. |
27 | (c) Healthcare institutions shall be able to search the database by the license holder’s name, |
28 | license number, and other identifying information as determined by the department. |
29 | (d) The database shall be publicly accessible; provided, however, that it shall be restricted |
30 | to healthcare institutions and other authorized parties, to include healthcare employers and |
31 | healthcare hiring entities, for the purpose of evaluating prospective hires. |
32 | 23-104-5. Rights of license holders. |
33 | (a) Every licensed healthcare professional has the right to review their complaint history |
34 | through the department's database. License holders shall be provided with a secure online portal to |
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1 | view their personal complaint history. |
2 | (b) If a license holder believes that a complaint entry is listed under their name or license |
3 | number in error, they may file a dispute with the department by submitting a formal written request |
4 | for dispute resolution to the department. |
5 | (c)(1) The department shall investigate the validity of the dispute and, if the complaint was |
6 | incorrectly attributed, shall promptly correct the record. The fact that a complaint is determined to |
7 | be false, unfounded or groundless shall not be grounds to have the complaint removed from the |
8 | database. |
9 | (2) The department shall notify the license holder in writing regarding the resolution of |
10 | their dispute. |
11 | 23-104-6. Restrictions and exclusions. |
12 | (a) Complaints that are ultimately determined to be baseless or without merit shall remain |
13 | on the database for transparency purposes; provided, however, the resolution status of these |
14 | complaints shall be clearly marked as “baseless” or “unsubstantiated” in the database. |
15 | (b) The department shall ensure that all personal and sensitive information relating to |
16 | complaints and investigations shall remain confidential, except as required for the operation of the |
17 | searchable database. Any personal data that is not directly related to the complaint history shall be |
18 | excluded from the database. |
19 | 23-104-7. Additional background investigation. |
20 | (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit, restrict or negate any obligation in |
21 | the law or regulation regarding an employer or hiring agent to conduct any other required |
22 | background or criminal background check or investigation, or for the employer or hiring agent to |
23 | exercise due care in the hiring process. |
24 | (b) The department shall provide guidance, training materials, and resources to healthcare |
25 | institutions regarding how to use the searchable database effectively and how to incorporate this |
26 | data into their hiring processes. |
27 | 23-104-8. Implementation and timeline. |
28 | The department shall create and make the searchable database available to healthcare |
29 | institutions by July 1, 2026. |
30 | 23-104-9. Severability. |
31 | If any provision of this chapter is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of |
32 | competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require the establishment of a searchable database of healthcare |
2 | professionals' complaint histories, accessible to healthcare employers. License holders can review |
3 | and dispute entries inaccurately attributed to the license holder. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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