2025 -- H 5294 | |
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LC001096 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Shanley, Bennett, and Phillips | |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Environment and Natural Resources | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Legislative findings. |
2 | (1) Current Rhode Island laws do not provide protection for forestland apart from existing |
3 | wetland protection laws. |
4 | (2) Rhode Island is the only state in New England that has no state-owned forests protected |
5 | in their natural state. |
6 | (3) The world is facing a biodiversity crisis where populations of native species are |
7 | declining at an alarming rate and many species are facing extinction. Native species in Rhode Island |
8 | are at risk of becoming regionally extinct due to habitat destruction. |
9 | (4) Old growth forests are significant ecosystems where native trees, plants, and animals |
10 | live. |
11 | (5) There are certain animals, insects, birds, and plants that only live in old growth forests. |
12 | (6) Old growth forests are important carbon sinks which store more carbon than an average |
13 | Rhode Island forest, and, if cut, would release its stored carbon into the atmosphere contributing to |
14 | Climate Change. |
15 | (7) Old growth forests are extremely rare, and once cut, may not come back for one hundred |
16 | (100) years or more. |
17 | (8) According to the 2020 forest action plan prepared jointly by the Rhode Island |
18 | department of environmental management and the United States forest service, only one percent |
| |
1 | (1%) of Rhode Island’s forests are over one hundred (100) years old. |
2 | (9) Clearcutting, and other forms of destructive logging, increases the presence and spread |
3 | of invasive plants, which can outcompete native plants and harbor ticks. |
4 | (10) Natural heritage areas on state-owned land have been logged. |
5 | (11) Clearcutting of forests creates carbon emissions which does not comply with the goals |
6 | of chapter 6.2 of title 42 ("2021 act on climate"). |
7 | (12) Clearcutting and most other types of logging of natural forests increase the occurrence |
8 | of destructive brush fire by promoting dry, flammable logging debris, small trees, and underbrush |
9 | including grassy weeds. |
10 | (13) Wildfires were at their lowest point when the state was dominated by old growth |
11 | forests due to old growth forests being more resistant to wildfires. Wildfires increased in the 19th |
12 | and early 20th centuries after the primeval old growth forests were clear cut. |
13 | (14) According to the United States Department of the Interior, nationally, almost nine (9) |
14 | out of ten (10) wildfires are caused by humans. |
15 | (15) In 2007, the Rhode Island natural heritage program was discontinued. |
16 | (16) Not one natural area preserve has been designated since the passage of chapter 122 of |
17 | title 42 ("natural areas protection act of 1993"). |
18 | (17) According to the 2023 report, “Wildlands in New England,” based on research |
19 | conducted by Harvard Forest, Highstead Foundation, Northeast Wilderness Trust, and Wildlands, |
20 | Woodlands, Farmlands and Communities, Rhode Island is the only state in New England with no |
21 | protected Wildlands on public land. |
22 | (18) The natural area preserves qualify as wildlands. |
23 | (19) It is a matter of public benefit that old growth forests be untouched and left in their |
24 | natural state. |
25 | SECTION 2. Title 2 of the General Laws entitled "AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" |
26 | is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
27 | CHAPTER 28 |
29 | 2-28-1. Short title. |
30 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Old Growth Forest Protection Act”. |
31 | 2-28-2. Definitions. |
32 | As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings: |
33 | (1) “Buffer area” means an area on land owned by the state or its cities and towns |
34 | immediately adjacent to an old growth forest or natural area preserve that is of sufficient size and |
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1 | configuration for each old growth forest or natural area preserve to protect the area from |
2 | ecologically harmful human activity or alteration. |
3 | (2) “Clearcutting” means an even-age extractive logging operation that removes most or |
4 | all of the trees over a considerable portion of a stand at one time. |
5 | (3) “Council” means the state planning council in the division of statewide planning of the |
6 | State of Rhode Island. |
7 | (4) “Even-age extractive logging operation” means an extractive logging activity that: |
8 | (i) Creates a clearing or opening that exceeds one-fifth (1/5) acre; |
9 | (ii) Creates a stand in which the majority of trees are within ten (10) years of the same age; |
10 | (iii) Within a period of thirty (30) years, cuts or removes more than the lesser of the growth |
11 | of the basal area of all tree species (not including a tree of a non-native invasive tree species) in a |
12 | stand; or twenty percent (20%) of the basal area of a stand; and |
13 | (iv) Includes the application of clearcutting, high grading, seed-tree cutting, shelterwood |
14 | cutting, or any other logging method in a manner inconsistent with selection management. |
15 | (5) “Extractive logging” means the felling or removal of any trees from a forest for any |
16 | purpose. |
17 | (6) “Forest” means any area of land over one acre in size with a concentration of trees and |
18 | related vegetation which has the capacity for self-perpetuation. |
19 | (7) "Forestry vehicle" means every vehicle which is designed for and used for forest |
20 | product operations purposes involving the harvesting, production, maintaining, and sale of forest |
21 | products originating in the state, and used by the owner of the vehicle or family member(s) or |
22 | employee(s) or designees of the owner, in the conduct of the owner's forestry product operations, |
23 | which use shall include the delivery of forest products produced by the forester. |
24 | (8) “Natural area preserve” means a natural area preserve as defined in § 42-122-3. |
25 | (9) “Natural heritage areas” means the mapped rare natural communities and locales where |
26 | rare or endangered species listed in the Rhode Island natural heritage data carry out important |
27 | lifecycle activities to include, but not limited to, breeding, hibernating, and feeding, with eligibility |
28 | questions to be resolved by the coordinator of the natural heritage program. Such determination |
29 | shall constitute a "contested case" as defined in § 42-35-1. |
30 | (10) “Old growth forest” means a contiguous forest at least five (5) acres in size that |
31 | exhibits at least six (6) of the following characteristics with eligibility questions to be resolved by |
32 | the coordinator of the natural heritage program. Such determination shall constitute a "contested |
33 | case" as defined in § 42-35-1: |
34 | (i) Contains an ecologically significant number of trees over one hundred (100) years old |
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1 | as of July 1, 2025; |
2 | (ii) Shows no evidence of significant human disturbance that originated on the site within |
3 | the past one hundred (100) years; |
4 | (iii) Has an abundance of late successional tree species, with at least a majority of canopy |
5 | trees that exceed half their maximum biological age including numerous large diameter trees; |
6 | (iv) Consists of complex structural diversity of old, young, and middle-aged trees at |
7 | different canopy levels; |
8 | (v) Contains large standing dead trees called "snags", live trees with cavities, dead, broken, |
9 | or decaying parts or canopy gaps due to natural disturbance; |
10 | (vi) Has coarse woody debris along the forest floor consisting of abundant dead wood in |
11 | various sizes and stages of decay; |
12 | (vii) Has an abundance of lichen and moss on trees, and decaying logs on the ground; |
13 | (viii) Has the presence of balding bark on the older trees; |
14 | (ix) Has the presence of stag-headed shaped tree crowns among the older trees in the forest; |
15 | (x) Has the presence of an ecologically significant natural community or diversity of native |
16 | tree species; or |
17 | (xi) Has the capacity for self-perpetuation. |
18 | (11) “Prescribed burning” means the intended controlled application of fire by the |
19 | department of environmental management, fire departments, or any other agency of the state. |
20 | (12) “Rare forest ecosystem” means any contiguous forest over one acre in size that |
21 | contains a high level of native biodiversity, old growth forest characteristics, or any characteristics |
22 | that makes the forest ecologically distinct as determined by the natural heritage program. |
23 | (13) “Wildlands” means tracts of any size and current condition, permanently protected |
24 | from development and extractive logging, in which management is explicitly intended to allow |
25 | natural processes to prevail with free will and minimal human interference. |
26 | 2-28-3. Prohibitions. |
27 | (a) Extractive logging conducted in old growth forests on state-owned land, or any land |
28 | owned by the cities and towns of Rhode Island, is strictly prohibited, except as provided in § 2-28- |
29 | 4. |
30 | (b) Extractive logging conducted in a natural area preserve is strictly prohibited, except as |
31 | provided in § 2-28-4. |
32 | (c) Clearcutting conducted in any forest on state-owned land is strictly prohibited. |
33 | 2-28-4. Exception for hazard trees and invasive trees. |
34 | (a) Felling of individual trees bordering trails that constitute a safety hazard as determined |
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1 | by the natural heritage program, established pursuant to the provisions of § 42-467-2, may be |
2 | permitted in old growth forests and natural area preserves on state-owned land, or any land owned |
3 | by the cities and towns of Rhode Island, subject to the approval of the natural heritage program, |
4 | and such trees shall remain in the forest and left where they fell, or a short distance from the trail |
5 | to avoid constituting an obstruction or hazard. |
6 | (b) Felling of invasive trees that are non-native to the state and threatening to native |
7 | ecosystems as determined by the natural heritage program may be permitted in old growth forests |
8 | and natural area preserves on state-owned land, or any land owned by the cities and towns of Rhode |
9 | Island, subject to the approval of the natural heritage program. |
10 | (c) No forestry vehicle shall be used to fell any trees in old growth forests and natural area |
11 | preserves on state-owned land, or any land owned by the cities and towns of Rhode Island. |
12 | 2-28-5. Requirements. |
13 | (a) All state and municipal owned forests over one acre in size prior to scheduled extractive |
14 | logging operations and prescribed burning operations shall undergo an inventory conducted by the |
15 | natural heritage program, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 167 of title 42, to determine if the |
16 | forest meets the criteria to be designated as an old growth forest, natural heritage area, or rare forest |
17 | ecosystem, as defined in § 2-28-2. The natural heritage program shall be notified of the extractive |
18 | logging operation and prescribed burning operation no less than three (3) months in advance. All |
19 | documents pertaining to the extractive logging operation or prescribed burning operation shall be |
20 | turned over to the natural heritage program at the same time as the initial notice. A report of the |
21 | inventory prepared by the natural heritage program with the data collected shall be submitted to the |
22 | council and made easily available to the public at least four (4) weeks before any extractive logging |
23 | or prescribed burning takes place on state-owned land and land owned by the cities and towns of |
24 | Rhode Island. All extractive logging operations on state-owned land in forests over one acre in size |
25 | are subject to the approval of the council which upon consultation with the natural heritage program |
26 | shall determine whether the extractive logging operation involves clearcutting, or any other |
27 | ecologically destructive logging practice, or creates a fire hazard. No extractive logging operation |
28 | or prescribed burning operation shall take place until after the natural heritage program’s report |
29 | and after the council’s approval. There shall be a visual record of all extractive logging operations |
30 | on state-owned land, as well as felling of hazard trees and invasive trees in old growth forests on |
31 | state-owned land and land owned by the cities and towns of Rhode Island, and in the natural area |
32 | preserves, containing images and video of the trees intended to be felled and nearby trees before |
33 | and after the extractive logging operation and the felling of hazard trees and invasive trees takes |
34 | place. The visual record shall be the responsibility of the natural heritage program. |
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1 | (b) All extractive logging operations and prescribed burning operations of forests over one |
2 | acre in size on state-owned land shall only take place after a public hearing and upon notice. The |
3 | notice shall set forth the substance of the proposed action and describe, with or without legal |
4 | description, the area affected and shall set forth the time and place of the hearing and shall be |
5 | published at least twice a week for three (3) successive weeks before the hearing in a newspaper |
6 | published in the county where the property is located and in a newspaper with statewide |
7 | distribution. No action shall be taken by the state prior to the expiration of sixty (60) days after the |
8 | notice is published. During the sixty (60) day period, any scheduled extractive logging operation |
9 | or prescribed burning operation may be appealed by any resident of this state in a suit brought |
10 | against the department of environmental management in the superior court in the county of |
11 | Providence. In any action, the court shall vacate the extractive logging operation or prescribed |
12 | burning operation if it finds the operation violates state or federal law. During the pendency of an |
13 | appeal the state shall take no action pursuant to the scheduled extractive logging operation or |
14 | prescribed burning operation. |
15 | (c) Whenever any land is acquired by the state, or any of its cities and towns, an inventory |
16 | shall be conducted by the natural heritage program to determine if the forest meets the criteria to |
17 | be designated as an old growth forest, natural heritage area, or rare forest ecosystem, as defined in |
18 | § 2-28-2. No extractive logging or prescribed burning shall take place in any acquired land by the |
19 | state before the natural heritage program completes its inventory. |
20 | (d) The natural heritage program, established pursuant to the provisions of § 42-167-2, |
21 | shall conduct an inventory of the forests on state-owned land and land owned by the cities and |
22 | towns to determine the extent and condition of old growth forest stands, natural heritage areas, and |
23 | rare forest ecosystems. The preliminary identification of old growth forest stands, natural heritage |
24 | areas, and rare forest ecosystems shall include an estimate of necessary buffer areas, including an |
25 | explanation of the rationale for the estimated size and shape of the buffer areas. The maps shall use |
26 | GIS type mapping software with data of species, land features, soil, water, invasives, and other |
27 | relevant ecological data in the map files. The maps and data shall be made available to the public |
28 | on a state website. All old growth forests, natural heritage areas, and rare forest ecosystems on |
29 | state-owned land identified in this inventory shall be considered for designation as natural area |
30 | preserves. |
31 | 2-28-6. Preservation and protected funding. |
32 | Protecting the remaining areas of old growth forests, as defined in § 2-28-2, shall be a |
33 | priority for the State of Rhode Island and annual application to the general assembly by the division |
34 | of statewide planning for appropriations to fund the natural heritage program, established pursuant |
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1 | to § 42-167-2, shall be made to carry out the provisions of this chapter. |
2 | 2-28-7. Penalties. |
3 | (a) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of §§ 2-28-3, 2-28-4, or 2- |
4 | 28-5, shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) and not more |
5 | than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for each offence. |
6 | (b) It is the duty of the associate director for planning to conduct the hearing brought by |
7 | the coordinator of the natural heritage program under the provisions of this chapter, chapter 122 of |
8 | title 42 ("natural areas protection act of 1993"), and chapter 167 of title 42 ("natural heritage |
9 | program"). |
10 | SECTION 3. Title 42 of the General Laws entitled "STATE AFFAIRS AND |
11 | GOVERNMENT" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
12 | CHAPTER 167 |
14 | 42-167-1. Short title. |
15 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Natural Heritage Program”. |
16 | 42-167-2. Natural heritage program. |
17 | (a) There is hereby established within the division of statewide planning a natural heritage |
18 | program. |
19 | (b) The natural heritage program shall consist of a coordinator who shall be appointed by |
20 | the associate director for planning, and support personnel appointed by the coordinator. The |
21 | coordinator is required to have an advanced degree in one or more of the following: conservation |
22 | biology, botany, zoology, or forest ecology. In addition, the coordinator should have experience in |
23 | planning or managing natural forest ecosystems for the purpose of preservation through passive |
24 | management. The coordinator and employees of the natural heritage program shall not have been |
25 | previously employed in any capacity by the timber industry including advertising, legal, or |
26 | lobbying. |
27 | (c) The natural heritage program shall have the following powers and duties: |
28 | (1) To find, monitor, and protect native biodiversity, old growth forests, rare forest |
29 | ecosystems, and rare and endangered natural species in the State of Rhode Island; |
30 | (2) To inventory old growth forests, rare forest ecosystems, rare and endangered natural |
31 | species, and areas with unique native biodiversity as set forth in § 2-28-5; |
32 | (3) To designate the natural area preserves as defined in § 42-122-3; |
33 | (4) To maintain the natural heritage database; |
34 | (5) To create a biodiversity protection plan; |
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1 | (6) To create a rare and endangered species list; |
2 | (7) To create a list of invasive species in Rhode Island; |
3 | (8) To conduct such hearings, examinations, and investigations as may be necessary and |
4 | appropriate to the conduct of its operations and the fulfillment of its responsibilities; |
5 | (9) To obtain access to public records and apply for the process of subpoena, if necessary, |
6 | to produce books, papers, records, and other data; |
7 | (10) Accept on behalf of the state, gifts, grants, or loans of funds, personal or real property, |
8 | or services from any source, public or private, and comply, subject to the provisions of this chapter, |
9 | with the terms and conditions thereof; |
10 | (11) Accept, from a federal agency, loans or grants for use in carrying out its purposes and |
11 | enter into agreement with the agency respecting any such loans or grants; |
12 | (12) To retain by contract or employ counsel, auditors, engineers, appraisers, private |
13 | consultants and advisors, or other personnel needed to provide necessary services; |
14 | (13) To create forest management plans in coordination with municipalities for the natural |
15 | area preserves on land owned by the cities and towns; |
16 | (14) To create forest management plans in coordination with private landowners for the |
17 | natural area preserves on land owned by private landowners; |
18 | (15) To formulate policies and plans and to adopt regulations necessary to implement |
19 | protections for native biodiversity, old growth forests, rare forest ecosystems, and rare and |
20 | endangered natural species, and to carry out the provisions of this chapter; |
21 | (16) To make any studies of conditions, activities, or problems of the state’s natural area |
22 | preserves needed to carry out the natural heritage program’s responsibilities; and |
23 | (17) To develop educational materials and to carry out educational programs for the public |
24 | about the native biodiversity in Rhode Island’s old growth forests and natural areas, and the state’s |
25 | natural history. |
26 | (d) The natural heritage program as set forth in this chapter shall be a separate entity from |
27 | the natural heritage preservation program as set forth in chapter 17.5 of title 42 ("natural heritage |
28 | preservation program"). Nothing contained in chapter 17.5 of title 42 shall be applicable to or |
29 | restrict the natural heritage program as set forth in this chapter. |
30 | SECTION 4. Sections 42-122-3, 42-122-4, 42-122-5, 42-122-6 and 42-122-7 of the |
31 | General Laws in Chapter 42-122 entitled "Natural Areas Protection Act of 1993" are hereby |
32 | amended to read as follows: |
33 | 42-122-3. Definitions. |
34 | As used in this chapter: |
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1 | (1) “Director Coordinator” means the director coordinator of the department of |
2 | environmental management natural heritage program of the state State of Rhode Island. |
3 | (2) “Council” means the state planning council in the division of statewide planning of the |
4 | State of Rhode Island. |
5 | (2)(3) “Natural area preserve” means areas of most environmentally sensitive or |
6 | ecologically valuable land and/or water containing habitat suitable for plant or animal life or |
7 | geological features of biological, scientific, educational, geological, paleontological, or scenic |
8 | value worthy of preservation in its natural condition which has been approved by the director |
9 | coordinator with the consent of the council. |
10 | 42-122-4. System of natural area preserves. |
11 | The director coordinator shall establish a system of natural area preserves and shall have |
12 | the responsibility as set forth in this chapter for selection of all natural area preserves within the |
13 | system, and shall ensure that these preserves are maintained in as natural and wild a state as is |
14 | consistent with educational, scientific, biological, geological, paleontological, and scenic purposes. |
15 | The director coordinator shall ensure the use of natural area preserves for research and other |
16 | purposes consistent with the intent of this chapter. The director coordinator may adopt regulations |
17 | for establishing and managing the natural area preserve system including, but not limited to, |
18 | procedures for the adoption and revision of a management plan for each designated natural area |
19 | preserve. |
20 | 42-122-5. Procedure for designation of non-state owned land as a natural area |
21 | preserve. |
22 | (a) The director coordinator may approve non-state owned land as a natural area preserve |
23 | only upon the recommendation of the natural heritage preservation commission (established under |
24 | § 42-17.5-4) and director with the consent of the council only after a public hearing and upon notice. |
25 | The notice required under this section shall set forth a description of the proposed action, including |
26 | a description of the land to be offered, and the time and place of the hearing. The notice shall |
27 | conform to the requirements of § 42-35-1 et seq. |
28 | (b) The natural heritage preservation commission program shall review requests from |
29 | municipalities, private land conservation environmental organizations, and private landowners |
30 | desiring designation of a parcel of land as a natural area preserve, and make recommendations to |
31 | the director. Any request must include the written consent of the private landowner before any |
32 | review shall commence. In making recommendations, it shall be guided by the natural heritage |
33 | program and other additional relevant sources of information about critical environmental |
34 | resources. The natural heritage preservation commission program personnel may also, on its own |
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1 | initiative, make recommendations requests for designation of areas to the director coordinator. |
2 | (c) To be designated a natural area preserve the property owner must voluntarily grant to |
3 | the state of Rhode Island a conservation easement, which shall include the reasons for the |
4 | designation, and prepare a management plan for the preserve that defines the methods by which the |
5 | educational, scientific, biological, geological, paleontological, and/or scenic purposes of the |
6 | designation shall be carried out. The conservation easement shall be recorded in the land evidence |
7 | records in the city or town where the parcel is located. |
8 | (d) In areas under the jurisdiction of the coastal resources management council (CRMC), |
9 | the director coordinator shall coordinate with the CRMC areas to be proposed for inclusion within |
10 | the program. |
11 | 42-122-6. Procedures for designation of state-owned land as a natural area preserve. |
12 | (a) A request for designation of state-owned land as a natural area preserve shall be made |
13 | to the director coordinator, that request specifying the area to be designated, the reasons for the |
14 | designation, the proposed management strategy necessary to protect the critical environmental |
15 | resources within the area, and the changes that would be required in current management practices. |
16 | The request for designation may be made by the director of any state agency for any parcel of land |
17 | under the agency’s control. The coordinator shall review requests from environmental |
18 | organizations and private individuals desiring designation of a parcel of state-owned land as a |
19 | natural area preserve. The natural heritage program coordinator may also, on their own initiative, |
20 | make designations of areas with the consent of the council. |
21 | (b) The director coordinator may approve the designation of state-owned land as a preserve |
22 | with the consent of the council only after consultation with the managing agency, and after a public |
23 | hearing. Notice requirements for the public hearing shall be the same as required under § 42-122- |
24 | 5(a). Before a preserve is designated, a management plan must be approved by the director |
25 | coordinator and adopted by the department managing the preserve. |
26 | 42-122-7. Designation as a natural area preserve. |
27 | An area designated as a natural area preserve is declared to be put to its highest, best, and |
28 | most important use for public benefit and no interest in this preserve owned by the state shall be |
29 | alienated or put to any use other than as a natural area preserve, except upon a finding by the director |
30 | in consultation with the natural heritage preservation commission, that the qualifying features of |
31 | the land have been destroyed or irretrievably damaged and that the public purposes of the |
32 | designation have been utterly frustrated. |
33 | Any finding the director is required to make under this section shall be made only after a |
34 | public hearing and upon notice. The notice required by this section shall set forth the substance of |
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1 | the proposed action and describe, with or without legal description, the area affected and shall set |
2 | forth the time and place of the hearing and shall be published at least twice (2) a week for three (3) |
3 | successive weeks before the hearing in a newspaper published in the county where the property is |
4 | located and in a newspaper with statewide distribution. No finding, which the director is required |
5 | to make, shall be effective until the finding has been published. No action shall be taken by the |
6 | state pursuant to the finding prior to the expiration of sixty (60) days after the finding becomes |
7 | effective. During the sixty-day (60) period, any finding may be appealed by any resident of this |
8 | state in a suit brought against the director in the superior court for the judicial district of Providence. |
9 | In any action, the court shall vacate the finding if it finds the director acted arbitrarily or illegally |
10 | in making the finding. During the pendency of an appeal the state shall take no action pursuant to |
11 | the findings of the director. |
12 | SECTION 5. Chapter 42-122 of the General Laws entitled "Natural Areas Protection Act |
13 | of 1993" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
14 | 42-122-8. Administration of natural area preserves. |
15 | All natural area preserves, except areas under the jurisdiction of the coastal resources |
16 | management council (CRMC) pursuant to § 42-122-5, shall be administered by the division of |
17 | statewide planning. |
18 | SECTION 6. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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OF | |
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1 | This act would create the old growth forest protection act to provide protection for state- |
2 | owned forestland in their natural state. This act would prohibit extractive logging in old growth |
3 | forests on state-owned land or land owned by a municipality, or a natural area preserve. This act |
4 | would further prohibit clearcutting in any forest on state-owned land. The act would further create |
5 | the natural heritage program within the division of statewide planning. |
6 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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