2025 -- H 5291 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Spears, Cotter, Donovan, Fogarty, Boylan, Speakman, | |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Corporations | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 6 of the General Laws entitled "COMMERCIAL LAW — GENERAL |
2 | REGULATORY PROVISIONS" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 61 |
5 | 6-61-1. Definitions. |
6 | As used in this chapter: |
7 | (1) "Account holder" means a person who has, or opens, an account or profile to use a |
8 | social media company's platform. |
9 | (2) "Director" means the director of the department of business regulation. |
10 | (3) "Department" means the department of business regulation. |
11 | (4) "Educational entity" means a public school, a local education agency (LEA), a charter |
12 | school, a private school, a denominational school, a parochial school, a community college, a state |
13 | college, a state university, or a nonprofit private postsecondary educational institution. |
14 | (5) "Interactive computer service" means an information service, information system, or |
15 | information access software provider that provides or enables computer access by multiple users to |
16 | a computer server and provides access to the Internet. "Interactive computer service" includes: |
17 | (i) A web service; |
18 | (ii) A web system; |
| |
1 | (iii) A website; |
2 | (iv) A web application; and |
3 | (v) A web portal. |
4 | (6) "Minor" means an individual who is under the age of eighteen (18) years. |
5 | (7) "Post" means content that an account holder makes available on a social media platform |
6 | for other account holders or users to view. |
7 | (8) "Social media company" means a person or entity that: |
8 | (i) Provides a social media platform that has at least five million (5,000,000) account |
9 | holders worldwide; and |
10 | (ii) Is an interactive computer service. |
11 | (9)(i) "Social media platform" means an online forum that a social media company makes |
12 | available for an account holder to: |
13 | (A) Create a profile; |
14 | (B) Upload posts; |
15 | (C) View the posts of other account holders; and |
16 | (D) Interact with other account holders or users. |
17 | (ii) "Social media platform" does not include an online service, website, or application: |
18 | (A) Where the predominant or exclusive function is: |
19 | (I) Electronic mail; |
20 | (II) Direct messaging consisting of text, photos, or videos that are sent between devices by |
21 | electronic means where messages are shared between the sender and the recipient, only visible to |
22 | the sender and the recipient, and are not posted publicly; |
23 | (B) That provides a streaming service that: |
24 | (I) Provides only licensed media in a continuous flow from the service, website, or |
25 | application to the end user; and |
26 | (II) Does not obtain a license to the media from a user or account holder by agreement to |
27 | its terms of service; |
28 | (C) That provides news, sports, entertainment, or other content that is preselected by the |
29 | provider and not user generated, and any chat, comment, or interactive functionality that is provided |
30 | incidental to, directly related to, or dependent upon provision of the content; |
31 | (D) That provides online shopping or e-commerce, if the interaction with other users or |
32 | account holders is generally limited to: |
33 | (I) The ability to upload a post and comment on reviews; and |
34 | (II) The ability to display lists or collections of goods for sale or wish lists; and other |
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1 | functions that are focused on online shopping or e-commerce rather than interaction between users |
2 | or account holders; |
3 | (E) That provides interactive gaming, virtual gaming, or an online service, that allows the |
4 | creation and uploading of content for the purpose of interactive gaming, edutainment, or associated |
5 | entertainment, and the communication related to that content; |
6 | (F) That provides photo editing that has an associated photo hosting service, if the |
7 | interaction with other users or account holders is generally limited to liking or commenting; |
8 | (G) That provides a professional creative network for showcasing and discovering artistic |
9 | content, if the content is required to be non-pornographic; |
10 | (H) That provides single-purpose community groups for public safety if the interaction |
11 | with other users or account holders is generally limited to that single purpose and the community |
12 | group has guidelines or policies against illegal content; |
13 | (I) Providing career development opportunities, including professional networking, job |
14 | skills, learning certifications, and job posting and application services; |
15 | (J) That provides business to business software; |
16 | (K) That provides a teleconferencing or videoconferencing service that allows reception |
17 | and transmission of audio and video signals for real time communication; |
18 | (L) That provides cloud storage; |
19 | (M) That provides shared document collaboration; |
20 | (N) That provides cloud computing services, which may include cloud storage and shared |
21 | document collaboration; |
22 | (O) Providing access to or interacting with data visualization platforms, libraries, or hubs; |
23 | (P) Permitting comments on a digital news website, if the news content is posted only by |
24 | the provider of the digital news website; |
25 | (Q) Providing or obtaining technical support for a platform, product, or service; |
26 | (R) That provides academic or scholarly research; |
27 | (S) That provides genealogical research where the majority of the content that is posted or |
28 | created is posted or created by the provider of the online service, website, or application and the |
29 | ability to chat, comment, or interact with other users is directly related to the provider's content; |
30 | (T) That is a classified ad service that only permits the sale of goods and prohibits the |
31 | solicitation of personal services; or |
32 | (U) That is used by and under the direction of an educational entity, including a learning |
33 | management system a student engagement program and a subject or skill-specific program. |
34 | (10) "User" means a person who has access to view all or some of, the post on a social |
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1 | media platform, but is not an account holder. |
2 | (11) “Rhode Island account holder” means a person who is a Rhode Island resident and an |
3 | account holder. The term "Rhode Island account holder" includes a Rhode Island minor account |
4 | holder. |
5 | (12) "Rhode Island minor account holder" means a Rhode Island account holder who is a |
6 | minor. |
7 | (13) "Rhode Island resident" means an individual who currently resides in Rhode Island. |
8 | 6-61-2. Age requirements for use of social media platform -- Parental consent -- |
9 | Rulemaking authority of decision. |
10 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, a social media company may not permit a Rhode Island |
11 | resident who is a minor to be an account holder on the social media company's social media |
12 | platform unless the Rhode Island resident has the express consent of a parent or guardian. |
13 | (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a social media company may not permit |
14 | a Rhode Island resident who is a minor to hold or open an account on a social media platform if the |
15 | minor is ineligible to hold or open an account under any other provision of state or federal law. |
16 | (c) Commencing January 1, 2026, a social media company shall verify the age of an |
17 | existing or new Rhode Island account holder and, if the existing or new account holder is a minor, |
18 | confirm that a minor has consent as required under this chapter: |
19 | (1) For a new account, at the time the Rhode Island resident opens the account; or |
20 | (2) For a Rhode Island account holder who has not provided age verification as required |
21 | under this section, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the Rhode Island account holder's attempt |
22 | to access the account. |
23 | (d) If a Rhode Island account holder fails to meet the verification requirements of this |
24 | section within the required time period, the social media company shall deny access to the account: |
25 | (1) Upon the expiration of the time period; and |
26 | (2) Until all verification requirements are met. |
27 | (e) The department shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of |
28 | this chapter to include, but not limited to: |
29 | (1) Establish processes or means by which a social media company may meet the age |
30 | verification requirements of this chapter; |
31 | (2) Establish acceptable forms or methods of identification, which may not be limited to a |
32 | valid identification card issued by a government entity; |
33 | (3) Establish requirements for providing confirmation of the receipt of any information |
34 | provided by a person seeking to verify age under this chapter; |
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1 | (4) Establish processes or means to confirm that a parent or guardian has provided consent |
2 | for the minor to open or use an account pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; |
3 | (5) Establish requirements for retaining, protecting, and securely disposing of any |
4 | information obtained by a social media company or its agent as a result of compliance with the |
5 | requirements of this chapter; and |
6 | (6) Require that information obtained by a social media company or its agent in order to |
7 | comply retained for the purpose of compliance and may not be used for any other purpose. |
8 | (f) If the department permits an agent to process verification requirements required by this |
9 | section, require that the agent have its principal place of business in the United States of America. |
10 | (g) The department shall require other applicable state agencies to comply with any rules |
11 | promulgated under the authority of this section. |
12 | (h) The department shall ensure that the rules are consistent with state and federal law. |
13 | 6-61-3. Prohibition on data collection for certain accounts -- Prohibition on |
14 | advertising -- Use of information -- Search results-- Directed content. |
15 | Commencing January 1, 2026, a social media company, for a social media platform |
16 | account held by a Rhode Island minor account holder: |
17 | (1) Shall prohibit direct messaging between the account and any other user that is not linked |
18 | to the account through friending; |
19 | (2) May not show the account in search results for any user that is not linked to the account |
20 | through friending; |
21 | (3) Shall prohibit the display of any advertising in the account; |
22 | (4) Shall not collect or use any personal information from the posts, content, messages, |
23 | text, or usage activities of the account other than information that is necessary to comply with, and |
24 | to verify compliance with, state or federal law, which information includes a parent or guardian's |
25 | name, a birth date, and any other information required to be submitted under this section; and |
26 | (5) Shall prohibit the use of targeted or suggested groups, services, products, posts, |
27 | accounts, or users in the account. |
28 | 6-61-4. Parental access to social media account. |
29 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, a social media company shall provide a parent or |
30 | guardian who has given parental consent for a Rhode Island minor account holder under § 6-61-2 |
31 | with a password or other means for the parent or guardian to access the account, which shall allow |
32 | the parent or guardian to view: |
33 | (1) All posts the Rhode Island minor account holder makes under the social media platform |
34 | account; and |
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1 | (2) All responses and messages sent to or by the Rhode Island minor account holder in the |
2 | social media platform account. |
3 | 6-61-5. Limited hours of access for minors -- Parental access and options. |
4 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, a social media company shall prohibit a Rhode Island |
5 | minor account holder from having access to the Rhode Island minor account holder's account |
6 | during the hours of 10:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., unless the access is modified according to another |
7 | requirement of this section. |
8 | (1) Time of day under this section shall be calculated based on the Internet protocol address |
9 | being used by the Rhode Island minor account holder at the time of attempting access. |
10 | (2) A social media company shall provide options for a parent or guardian with access to |
11 | an account under § 6-61-4 to: |
12 | (i) Change or eliminate the time-of-day restriction described in subsection (a) of this |
13 | section; and |
14 | (ii) Set a limit on the number of hours per day that a Rhode Island minor account holder |
15 | may use the account. |
16 | (3) A social media company shall not permit a Rhode Island minor account holder to |
17 | change or bypass restrictions on access as required by this section. |
18 | (4) Notwithstanding any provision of this section, a social media company shall permit a |
19 | parent or guardian with access to an account under § 6-61-4 to access the account without time |
20 | restrictions. |
21 | 6-61-6. Investigating powers of the department. |
22 | (a) The department shall receive consumer complaints alleging a violation of this chapter. |
23 | (b) A person may file a consumer complaint that alleges a violation under this chapter, with |
24 | the department. |
25 | (c) The department shall investigate a consumer complaint to determine whether a violation |
26 | of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3, and/or 6-6-4 occurred. |
27 | 6-61-7. Enforcement powers of the department. |
28 | (a) Except for a private right of action under § 6-61-9, the department has the exclusive |
29 | authority to administer and enforce the requirements of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3, and 6-61-4. |
30 | (b) The attorney general upon request, shall give legal advice to, and act as counsel for, the |
31 | department in the exercise of the department responsibilities under this chapter. |
32 | (c) Subject to the ability to cure an alleged violation under this chapter: |
33 | (1) The department director may impose an administrative fine of up to two thousand five |
34 | hundred dollars ($2,500) for each violation of this chapter; and |
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1 | (2) The department may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce a |
2 | provision of this chapter. |
3 | (d) In a court action by the department to enforce a provision of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3, or 6- |
4 | 61-4, the court may: |
5 | (1) Declare that the act or practice violates a provision of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3, or 6-61-4; |
6 | (2) Issue an injunction for a violation of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3; or 6-61-4; |
7 | (3) Order disgorgement of any money received in violation of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3, or 6-61- |
8 | 4; |
9 | (4) Order payment of disgorged money to an injured purchaser or consumer; |
10 | (5) Award actual damages to an injured purchaser or consumer; and |
11 | (6) Award any other relief that the court deems reasonable and necessary. |
12 | (e) At least thirty (30) days before the day on which the department initiates an enforcement |
13 | action against a person or entity that is subject to the requirements of this chapter, the department |
14 | shall provide the person or entity with: |
15 | (1) Written notice that identifies each alleged violation; and |
16 | (2) An explanation of the basis for each allegation. |
17 | (f) The department may not initiate an action if the person or entity: |
18 | (1) Cures the noticed violation within thirty (30) days after the day on which the person or |
19 | entity receives the notices; and |
20 | (2) Provides the department with a written statement that: |
21 | (i) The person or entity has cured the violation; and |
22 | (ii) States no further violation shall occur. |
23 | (g) The department may initiate a civil action against a person or entity who: |
24 | (1) Fails to cure a violation after receiving the notice described in this section; or |
25 | (2) After curing a noticed violation and providing a written statement in accordance with |
26 | the provisions of this chapter, commits another violation of the same provision. |
27 | (h) If a court of competent jurisdiction grants judgment or injunctive relief to the |
28 | department the court shall award the department: |
29 | (1) Reasonable attorney fees; |
30 | (2) Court costs; and |
31 | (3) Investigative fees. |
32 | (i) A person who repeatedly violates an administrative or court order issued for a violation |
33 | of this chapter, is subject to a civil penalty of no more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) for a |
34 | second or subsequent violation. |
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1 | (j) A civil penalty authorized under this section may be imposed in any civil action brought |
2 | by the department or by the attorney general on behalf of the department. |
3 | 6-61-8. Department report. |
4 | The department shall compile an annual report: |
5 | (1) Evaluating the liability and enforcement provisions of this chapter, including: |
6 | (i) The effectiveness of the department's efforts to enforce this chapter; and |
7 | (ii) Any recommendations for changes to this chapter; |
8 | (2) Summarizing the consumer interactions that are protected and not protected by this |
9 | chapter, including a list of alleged violations the department has received; and |
10 | (3) An accounting of all administrative fines and civil penalties assessed during the year. |
11 | 6-61-9. Private rights of action. |
12 | (a) Commencing January l, 2026, an aggrieved person or account holder may bring an |
13 | action against a person that does not comply with a requirement of § 6-61-2. |
14 | (b) A suit filed under the authority of this section shall be filed in the superior court for the |
15 | county in which a person bringing the action resides. |
16 | (c) If a court finds that a person or entity has violated a provision of §§ 6-61-2, 6-61-3, or |
17 | 6-61-4, the person who brings an action under this section is entitled to: |
18 | (1) An award of reasonable attorney fees and court costs; and |
19 | (2) An amount equal to the greater of: |
20 | (i) Two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per each incident of violation; or |
21 | (ii) Actual damages for financial, physical, and emotional harm incurred by the person |
22 | bringing the action, if the court determines that the harm is a direct consequence of the violation or |
23 | violations. |
24 | 6-61-10. Waiver prohibited. |
25 | A waiver or limitation, or a purported waiver or limitation, of any of the following is void |
26 | as unlawful, is against public policy, and a court or arbitrator may not enforce or give effect to the |
27 | waiver, notwithstanding any contract or choice-of-law provision in a contract of a protection or |
28 | requirement provided under this chapter. |
29 | 6-61-11. Severability. |
30 | If any provision of this chapter or the application of any provision to any person or |
31 | circumstance is held invalid by a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder |
32 | of this chapter shall be given effect without the invalid provision or application. The provisions of |
33 | this chapter are severable. |
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1 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would create the Rhode Island Social Media Regulation act, which would not |
2 | permit a Rhode Island resident who is a minor to be an account holder on a social media's platform |
3 | unless the minor has the express consent of a parent or guardian. |
4 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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