2024 -- S 2817 | |
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LC004949 | |
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Introduced By: Senator Sandra Cano | |
Date Introduced: March 22, 2024 | |
Referred To: Senate Health & Human Services | |
(Dept. of Health) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 23-4-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-4 entitled "Office of State |
2 | Medical Examiners" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 23-4-3. Functions. |
4 | The office of state medical examiners shall be responsible for: |
5 | (1) The investigation of deaths within the state that, in its judgment, might reasonably be |
6 | expected to involve causes of death enumerated in this chapter; |
7 | (2) For the conduct of inquests when requested by the attorney general; |
8 | (3) For the performance of autopsies, including the retention, examination, and appropriate |
9 | disposal of tissue, when appropriate, for deaths that, in its judgment, might reasonably be expected |
10 | to involve causes of deaths enumerated in this chapter; |
11 | (4) For the written determination of the causes of death investigated pursuant to this |
12 | chapter; |
13 | (5) For the presentation to the courts of Rhode Island of expert testimony relating to the |
14 | cause of death; |
15 | (6) For the keeping of complete records, including names, places, circumstances, and |
16 | causes of deaths, of deaths investigated and reported, copies of which shall be delivered to the |
17 | attorney general and of which written determinations of causes of death shall be made available for |
18 | public inspection; |
19 | (7) For the burial of bodies for which there is no other existing legal responsibility to do |
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1 | so; |
2 | (8) For the development and enforcement of procedures for the pronouncement of death |
3 | and for the transplantation of organs from bodies of persons who have died within the state; |
4 | (9)(i) For a multidisciplinary team review of child fatalities with the goal to decrease the |
5 | prevalence of preventable child deaths and report recommendations for community- and systems- |
6 | intervention strategies. A child death-review team shall include, but is not limited to, representation |
7 | from state agencies, health care, child welfare, and law enforcement; and |
8 | (ii) The work product of the child death-review team shall be confidential and protected |
9 | under all applicable laws, including the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
10 | of 1996 and the Rhode Island confidentiality of health care information act (chapter 37.3 of title 5) |
11 | and shall be exempt from the provisions of chapter 2 of title 38 and shall be deemed privileged |
12 | pursuant to § 23-17.21-8; |
13 | (10) The department of health shall work with the department of children, youth and |
14 | families and the office of the child advocate to develop a process to ensure the timely availability |
15 | of autopsy reports on child deaths; |
16 | (11)(i) For a multidisciplinary team review of drug-related overdose deaths with the goal |
17 | of reducing the prevalence of these deaths by examining emerging trends in overdose, identifying |
18 | potential demographic, geographic, and structural points for prevention, and other factors. The |
19 | multidisciplinary team for review of drug-related overdose deaths may include, as determined by |
20 | the director of the department of health, representatives from the department of health; the |
21 | department of the attorney general; the Rhode Island state police; the department of corrections; |
22 | the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals; the Rhode Island |
23 | Police Chiefs Association; the Hospital Association of Rhode Island; an emergency department |
24 | physician; a primary care physician; an addiction medicine/treatment provider; a mental health |
25 | clinician; a toxicologist; a recovery coach or other representative of the recovery community; and |
26 | others as may be determined by the director of the department of health; |
27 | (ii) The work product of the multidisciplinary team for review of drug-related overdose |
28 | deaths shall be confidential and protected under all applicable laws, including the federal Health |
29 | Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and the Rhode Island confidentiality of health |
30 | care information act (chapter 37.3 of title 5), and shall be exempt from the provisions of chapter 2 |
31 | of title 38, not subject to subpoena, discovery, or introduction into evidence in any civil or criminal |
32 | proceeding, and not subject to disclosure beyond the team members (except to authorized |
33 | employees of the department of health as necessary to perform its official duties pursuant to this |
34 | subsection (11)); |
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1 | (iii) The multidisciplinary team shall report on or before December 1 of each year to the |
2 | governor, the speaker of the house, and president of the senate, which report shall summarize the |
3 | activities of the team, as well as the team’s findings, progress towards reaching its goals, and |
4 | recommendations for any needed changes in legislation or otherwise; |
5 | (iv) [Deleted by P.L. 2021, ch. 21, § 1 and P.L. 2021, ch. 22, § 1.] |
6 | (v) The multidisciplinary team, or Rhode Island department of health state employees |
7 | appointed by the director of the department of health, shall, as relatives of the deceased are willing, |
8 | be empowered to gather information from such consenting relatives regarding the circumstances of |
9 | the decedent’s death. The information gathered shall remain confidential and publicly released as |
10 | aggregate de-identified information. The information gathered will be utilized to help identify |
11 | specific prevention and intervention strategies to prevent further deaths. The information gathered |
12 | shall not be subject to subpoena, discovery, or introduction into evidence in any civil or criminal |
13 | proceeding, and shall not be subject to disclosure beyond the team members except to authorized |
14 | employees of the department of health as necessary to perform its official duties pursuant to this |
15 | subsection (11), and except as aggregate de-identified information; and |
16 | (12)(i) For a multidisciplinary maternal mortality review committee for review of maternal |
17 | deaths of women that occur during pregnancy, delivery, or within one year of the end of pregnancy |
18 | with the goal of reducing the prevalence of such deaths by examining emerging trends in such |
19 | deaths, identifying potential demographic, geographic, and structural points for prevention, and |
20 | other factors. This committee has the authority to request and receive data from vital records, |
21 | healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, pharmacy records, and any other agencies or officials |
22 | having information that is necessary for the committee to carry out its duties under this section. |
23 | The multidisciplinary maternal mortality review committee shall include, but not be limited to, as |
24 | determined by the director of the department of health, representation from state agencies; an |
25 | obstetric provider from each hospital that delivers obstetrical care; a neonatal specialist; individuals |
26 | or organizations that represent the populations that are most affected by pregnancy-related deaths |
27 | or pregnancy-associated deaths and lack of access to maternal healthcare services; a perinatal |
28 | pathologist; and a maternal fetal medicine specialist. This committee shall develop |
29 | recommendations for the prevention of maternal deaths and disseminate findings and |
30 | recommendations to policy makers, healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, and the general |
31 | public.; |
32 | (ii) The work product of the maternal mortality review committee shall be confidential and |
33 | protected under all applicable laws, including the federal Health Insurance Portability and |
34 | Accountability Act of 1996 and the Rhode Island confidentiality of health care information act |
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1 | (chapter 37.3 of title 5) and shall be exempt from the provisions of chapter 2 of title 38 and shall |
2 | be deemed privileged pursuant to § 23-17.21-8; and |
3 | (13)(i) For a multidisciplinary team review of suicide deaths with the goal of reducing the |
4 | prevalence of these deaths by examining trends in demographic, geographic, community, and |
5 | structural protective and risk factors. The multidisciplinary team may include, as determined by the |
6 | director of Rhode Island department of health (RIDOH), representatives from the Rhode Island |
7 | office of the medical examiner, RIDOH’s violence and injury prevention program, the department |
8 | of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities, and hospitals, emergency medical services, |
9 | law enforcement, healthcare and others as may be determined by the director of the department of |
10 | health; |
11 | (ii) The work product of the adult suicide fatality review team shall be confidential and |
12 | protected under all applicable laws, including the federal Health Insurance Portability and |
13 | Accountability Act of 1996 and chapter 37.3 of title 5 (the "Rhode Island confidentiality of health |
14 | care communications and information act") and shall be exempt from the provisions of chapter 2 |
15 | of title 38 ("access to public records") and shall be deemed privileged pursuant to § 23-17.21-8, not |
16 | subject to subpoena, discovery, or introduction into evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding, |
17 | and not subject to disclosure beyond the team members (except to authorized employees of the |
18 | department of health as necessary to perform its official duties pursuant to this subsection. |
19 | (iii) The multidisciplinary team shall be responsible for developing annual |
20 | recommendations for the state suicide prevention coalition and/or the state agency(ies) responsible |
21 | for suicide prevention in Rhode Island. The recommendations should align with the Rhode Island |
22 | suicide prevention state plan and shall outline, based on suicide fatality case review data, potential |
23 | strategies to increase protective factors and decrease risk factors to reduce suicide deaths in Rhode |
24 | Island. |
25 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would include among the responsibilities of the office of state medical examiners, |
2 | the responsibility to provide for a multidisciplinary team review of suicide deaths with a goal of |
3 | reducing the prevalence of these deaths by examining trends in demographic, geographic and |
4 | community risk factors. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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