2024 -- S 2579 | |
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LC005267 | |
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Introduced By: Senators DiPalma, Sosnowski, Ciccone, Zurier, Britto, and Euer | |
Date Introduced: March 01, 2024 | |
Referred To: Senate Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Proposition to be submitted to the people. -- At the general election to be held |
2 | on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November 2024, there shall be submitted to the people |
3 | ("people") of the State of Rhode Island ("state"), for their approval or rejection, the following |
4 | proposition: |
5 | "Shall the action of the general assembly, by an act passed at the January 2024 session, |
6 | authorizing the issuance of bonds, refunding bonds, and temporary notes of the State of Rhode |
7 | Island for the capital projects and in the amount with respect to each such project listed below be |
8 | approved, and the issuance of bonds, refunding bonds, and temporary notes authorized in |
9 | accordance with the provisions of said act?" |
10 | Project |
11 | (1) Higher Education Facilities $135,000,000 |
12 | Approval of this question will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation |
13 | bonds, refunding bonds, and/or temporary notes in an amount not to exceed one hundred and thirty- |
14 | five million dollars ($135,000,000) for capital improvements to higher education facilities, to be |
15 | allocated as follows: |
16 | (a) University of Rhode Island Biomedical Sciences Building $80,000,000 |
17 | Provides eighty million dollars ($80,000,000) for the construction of a biomedical sciences |
18 | building to accelerate the education, research, and workforce development of life sciences for the |
19 | State. |
| |
1 | (b) Rhode Island College Cybersecurity Building $55,000,000 |
2 | Provides fifty-five million dollars ($55,000,000) to fund the renovation of Whipple Hall |
3 | and other improvements to support the Institute for Cybersecurity & Emerging Technologies. |
4 | (2) State Archives and History Center $60,000,000 |
5 | Approval of this question will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation |
6 | bonds, refunding bonds, and/or temporary notes in an amount not to exceed sixty million dollars |
7 | ($60,000,000) for the construction of a new Rhode Island State Archives and History Center. |
8 | (3) Housing and Community Opportunity $100,000,000 |
9 | Approval of this question will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation |
10 | bonds, refunding bonds, and/or temporary notes in an amount not to exceed one hundred million |
11 | dollars ($100,000,000) to increase affordable and middle-income housing production and |
12 | infrastructure, support community revitalization, and promote home ownership. |
13 | (4) Green Economy Bonds $50,000,000 |
14 | Approval of this question will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation |
15 | bonds, refunding bonds, and/or temporary notes in an amount not to exceed fifty million dollars |
16 | ($50,000,000) for environmental and recreational purposes, to be allocated as follows: |
17 | (a) Port of Davisville Infrastructure at Quonset $20,000,000 |
18 | Provides twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) for infrastructure projects that will support |
19 | the continued growth and modernization at the Port of Davisville. This investment will finance the |
20 | Port master plan. The work will include new port access roads, laydown area improvements, and |
21 | security upgrades to support the new Terminal Five Pier. These projects will upgrade World War |
22 | II-era infrastructure and position Davisville to accommodate offshore wind project cargo and |
23 | logistics staging while continuing to support the Port's existing businesses. |
24 | (b) Climate Resiliency and Public Access Projects $2,000,000 |
25 | Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) for up to seventy-five percent (75%) matching |
26 | grants to public and nonprofit entities for restoring and/or improving resiliency of vulnerable |
27 | coastal habitats and restoring rivers and stream floodplains. These funds are expected to leverage |
28 | significant matching funds to support local programs to improve community resiliency and public |
29 | safety in the face of increased flooding, major storm events, and environmental degradation. |
30 | (c) Brownfields Remediation and Economic Development $5,000,000 |
31 | Provides five million dollars ($5,000,000) for up to eighty percent (80%) matching grants |
32 | to public, private, and/or nonprofit entities for brownfield remediation projects. |
33 | (d) Local Recreation Projects $5,000,000 |
34 | Provides five million dollars ($5,000,000) for up to eighty percent (80%) matching grants |
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1 | for municipalities to acquire, develop, or rehabilitate local recreational facilities to meet the |
2 | growing needs for active outdoor recreational facilities. |
3 | (e) Municipal Resiliency $10,000,000 |
4 | Provides ten million dollars ($10,000,000) to provide financial assistance to municipalities |
5 | for restoring and/or improving resiliency of infrastructure, vulnerable coastal habitats, and restoring |
6 | rivers and stream floodplains. These funds will be prioritized to leverage significant matching funds |
7 | to support local programs to improve community resiliency and public safety in the face of |
8 | increased flooding, major storm events, and environmental degradation. |
9 | (f) Newport Cliff Walk $8,000,000 |
10 | Provides eight million dollars ($8,000,000) for restoring and improving the resiliency of |
11 | the historic statewide tourism infrastructure of the public access walkway known as the Newport |
12 | Cliff Walk located in Newport, Rhode Island. |
13 | (5) Cultural Economy Initiatives Bond $8,000,000 |
14 | Approval of this question will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation |
15 | bonds, refunding bonds, and/or temporary notes in an amount not to exceed eight million dollars |
16 | ($8,000,000) for purposes of funding for 1:1 matching grants to continue the Cultural Arts and the |
17 | Economy Grant Program administered by the Rhode Island state council on the arts (RISCA) for |
18 | capital improvement, preservation and renovation projects for public and nonprofit artistic, |
19 | performance centers, museums and cultural art centers located throughout the State of Rhode |
20 | Island, to be allocated as follows: |
21 | (a) Tomaquag Museum $2,000,000 |
22 | Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) to the Tomaquag Museum in Kingston on the |
23 | URI campus. |
24 | (b) Newport Contemporary Ballet $2,000,000 |
25 | Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) to support the Newport Contemporary Ballet to |
26 | build Newport's Center for Arts, Dance & Education. |
27 | (c) Rhode Island state council on the arts $4,000,000 |
28 | Provides four million dollars ($4,000,000) in funding for 1:1 matching grants to continue |
29 | the Cultural Arts and the Economy Grant Program administered by the Rhode Island State Council |
30 | on the Arts (RISCA) for capital improvement, preservation and renovation projects for public and |
31 | nonprofit artistic, performance centers, museums and cultural art centers located throughout the |
32 | State of Rhode Island. |
33 | SECTION 2. Ballot labels and applicability of general election laws. -- The secretary of |
34 | state shall prepare and deliver to the state board of elections ballot labels for each of the projects |
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1 | provided for in section 1 hereof with the designations "approve" or "reject" provided next to the |
2 | description of each such project to enable voters to approve or reject each such proposition. The |
3 | general election laws, so far as consistent herewith, shall apply to this proposition. |
4 | SECTION 3. Approval of projects by the people. -- If a majority of the people voting on |
5 | the proposition in section 1 hereof shall vote to approve any project stated therein, said project shall |
6 | be deemed to be approved by the people. The authority to issue bonds, refunding bonds and/or |
7 | temporary notes of the state shall be limited to the aggregate amount for all such projects as set |
8 | forth in the proposition, which has been approved by the people. |
9 | SECTION 4. Bonds for the capital development program. -- The general treasurer is hereby |
10 | authorized and empowered, with the approval of the governor, and in accordance with the |
11 | provisions of this act to issue capital development bonds in serial form, in the name of and on behalf |
12 | of the State of Rhode Island, in amounts as may be specified by the governor in an aggregate |
13 | principal amount not to exceed the total amount for all projects approved by the people and |
14 | designated as "capital development loan of 2024 bonds." Provided, however, that the aggregate |
15 | principal amount of such capital development bonds and of any temporary notes outstanding at any |
16 | one time issued in anticipation thereof pursuant to section 7 hereof shall not exceed the total amount |
17 | for all such projects approved by the people. All provisions in this act relating to "bonds" shall also |
18 | be deemed to apply to "refunding bonds." |
19 | Capital development bonds issued under this act shall be in denominations of one thousand |
20 | dollars ($1,000) each, or multiples thereof, and shall be payable in any coin or currency of the |
21 | United States which at the time of payment shall be legal tender for public and private debts. These |
22 | capital development bonds shall bear such date or dates, mature at specified time or times, but not |
23 | mature beyond the end of the twentieth State fiscal year following the fiscal year in which they are |
24 | issued; bear interest payable semi-annually at a specified rate or different or varying rates: be |
25 | payable at designated time or times at specified place or places; be subject to express terms of |
26 | redemption or recall, with or without premium; be in a form, with or without interest coupons |
27 | attached; carry such registration, conversion, reconversion, transfer, debt retirement, acceleration |
28 | and other provisions as may be fixed by the general treasurer, with the approval by the governor, |
29 | upon each issue of such capital development bonds at the time of each issue. Whenever the |
30 | governor shall approve the issuance of such capital development bonds, the governor's approval |
31 | shall be certified to the secretary of state; the bonds shall be signed by the general treasurer and |
32 | countersigned by the secretary of state and shall bear the seal of the State. The signature approval |
33 | of the governor shall be endorsed on each bond. |
34 | SECTION 5. Refunding bonds for the 2024 capital development program. -- The general |
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1 | treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered, with the approval of the governor, and in accordance |
2 | with the provisions of this act, to issue bonds to refund the 2024 capital development program |
3 | bonds, in the name of and on behalf of the state, in amounts as may be specified by the governor in |
4 | an aggregate principal amount not to exceed the total amount approved by the people, to be |
5 | designated as "capital development program loan of 2024 refunding bonds" (hereinafter "refunding |
6 | bonds"). |
7 | The general treasurer with the approval of the governor shall fix the terms and form of any |
8 | refunding bonds issued under this act in the same manner as the capital development bonds issued |
9 | under this act, except that the refunding bonds may not mature more than twenty (20) years from |
10 | the date of original issue of the capital development bonds being refunded. |
11 | The proceeds of the refunding bonds, exclusive of any premium and accrual interest and |
12 | net the underwriters' cost, and cost of bond issuance, shall, upon their receipt, be paid by the general |
13 | treasurer immediately to the paying agent for the capital development bonds which are to be called |
14 | and prepaid. The paying agent shall hold the refunding bond proceeds in trust until they are applied |
15 | to prepay the capital development bonds. While such proceeds are held in trust, the proceeds may |
16 | be invested for the benefit of the State in obligations of the United States of America or the State |
17 | of Rhode Island. |
18 | If the general treasurer shall deposit with the paying agent for the capital development |
19 | bonds the proceeds of the refunding bonds, or proceeds from other sources, amounts that, when |
20 | invested in obligations of the United States or the State of Rhode Island, are sufficient to pay all |
21 | principal, interest, and premium, if any, on the capital development bonds until these bonds are |
22 | called for prepayment, then such capital development bonds shall not be considered debts of the |
23 | State of Rhode Island for any purpose starting from the date of deposit of such monies with the |
24 | paying agent. The refunding bonds shall continue to be a debt of the state until paid. |
25 | The term "bond" shall include "note," and the term "refunding bonds" shall include |
26 | "refunding notes" when used in this act. |
27 | SECTION 6. Proceeds of the capital development program. -- The general treasurer is |
28 | directed to deposit the proceeds from the sale of capital development bonds issued under this act, |
29 | exclusive of premiums and accrued interest and net the underwriters' cost, and cost of bond |
30 | issuance, in one or more of the depositories in which the funds of the state may be lawfully kept in |
31 | special accounts (hereinafter cumulatively referred to as "such capital development bond fund") |
32 | appropriately designated for each of the projects set forth in section 1 hereof which shall have been |
33 | approved by the People to be used for the purpose of paying the cost of all such projects so |
34 | approved. |
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1 | All monies in the capital development bond fund shall be expended for the purposes |
2 | specified in the proposition provided for in section 1 hereof under the direction and supervision of |
3 | the director of administration (hereinafter referred to as "director"). The director, or designee shall |
4 | be vested with all power and authority necessary or incidental to the purposes of this act including, |
5 | but not limited to, the following authority: (1) To acquire land or other real property or any interest, |
6 | estate or right therein as may be necessary or advantageous to accomplish the purposes of this act; |
7 | (2) To direct payment for the preparation of any reports, plans and specifications, and relocation |
8 | expenses and other costs such as for furnishings, equipment designing, inspecting and engineering, |
9 | required in connection with the implementation of any projects set forth in section 1 hereof; (3) To |
10 | direct payment for the costs of construction, rehabilitation, enlargement, provision of service |
11 | utilities, and razing of facilities, and other improvements to land in connection with the |
12 | implementation of any projects set forth in section 1 hereof; and (4) To direct payment for the cost |
13 | of equipment, supplies, devices, materials and labor for repair, renovation or conversion of systems |
14 | and structures as necessary for the 2024 capital development program bonds or notes hereunder |
15 | from the proceeds thereof. No funds shall be expended in excess of the amount of the capital |
16 | development bond fund designated for each project authorized in section 1 hereof. With respect to |
17 | the bonds and temporary notes described in section 1, the proceeds shall be used for the following |
18 | purposes: |
19 | Question 1, relating to bonds in the amount of one hundred and thirty-five million dollars |
20 | ($135,000,000) to provide funding for higher education facilities to be allocated as follows: |
21 | (1) University of Rhode Island Biomedical Sciences Building $80,000,000 |
22 | Provides eighty million dollars ($80,000,000) for the construction of a biomedical sciences |
23 | building to accelerate the education, research, and workforce development of life sciences for the |
24 | State. |
25 | (2) Rhode Island College Cybersecurity Building $55,000,000 |
26 | Provides fifty-five million dollars ($55,000,000) to fund the renovation of Whipple Hall |
27 | and other improvements to support the Institute for Cybersecurity & Emerging Technologies. |
28 | Question 2, relating to bonds in the amount of sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) for the |
29 | construction of a new Rhode Island State Archives and History Center. |
30 | Question 3, relating to bonds in the amount of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) |
31 | to increase affordable and middle-income housing production and infrastructure, support |
32 | community revitalization, and promote home ownership. |
33 | Question 4, relating to bonds in the amount of fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) for |
34 | environmental and recreational purposes, to be allocated as follows: |
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1 | (1) Port of Davisville Infrastructure at Quonset $20,000,000 |
2 | Provides twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) for infrastructure projects that will support |
3 | the continued growth and modernization at the Port of Davisville. This investment will finance the |
4 | Port master plan. The work will include new port access roads, laydown area improvements, and |
5 | security upgrades to support the new Terminal Five Pier. These projects will upgrade World War |
6 | II-era infrastructure and position Davisville to accommodate offshore wind project cargo and |
7 | logistics staging while continuing to support the Port's existing businesses. |
8 | (2) Climate Resiliency and Public Access Projects $2,000,000 |
9 | Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) for up to seventy-five percent (75%) matching |
10 | grants to public and nonprofit entities for restoring and/or improving resiliency of vulnerable |
11 | coastal habitats and restoring rivers and stream floodplains. These funds are expected to leverage |
12 | significant matching funds to support local programs to improve community resiliency and public |
13 | safety in the face of increased flooding, major storm events, and environmental degradation. |
14 | (3) Brownfields Remediation and Economic Development $5,000,000 |
15 | Provides five million dollars ($5,000,000) for up to eighty percent (80%) matching grants |
16 | to public, private, and/or nonprofit entities for brownfield remediation projects. |
17 | (4) Local Recreation Projects $5,000,000 |
18 | Provides five million dollars ($5,000,000) for up to eighty percent (80%) matching grants |
19 | for municipalities to acquire, develop, or rehabilitate local recreational facilities to meet the |
20 | growing needs for active outdoor recreational facilities. |
21 | (5) Municipal Resiliency $10,000,000 |
22 | Provides ten million dollars ($10,000,000) to provide financial assistance to municipalities |
23 | for restoring and/or improving resiliency of infrastructure, vulnerable coastal habitats, and restoring |
24 | rivers and stream floodplains. These funds will be prioritized to leverage significant matching funds |
25 | to support local programs to improve community resiliency and public safety in the face of |
26 | increased flooding, major storm events, and environmental degradation. |
27 | (6) Newport Cliff Walk $8,000,000 |
28 | Provides eight million dollars ($8,000,000) for restoring and improving the resiliency of |
29 | the historic statewide tourism infrastructure of the public access walkway known as the Newport |
30 | Cliff Walk located in Newport, Rhode Island. |
31 | Question 5, relating to bonds in the amount of eight million dollars ($8,000,000) to fund |
32 | the Cultural Arts and the Economy Grant Program and the State Preservation Grants Program, to |
33 | be allocated as follows: |
34 | (1) Tomaquag Museum $2,000,000 |
| LC005267 - Page 7 of 11 |
1 | Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) to the Tomaquag Museum in Kingston on the |
2 | URI campus. |
3 | (2) Newport Contemporary Ballet $2,000,000 |
4 | Provides two million dollars ($2,000,000) to support the Newport Contemporary Ballet to |
5 | build Newport's Center for Arts, Dance & Education. |
6 | (3) Rhode Island State Council on the Arts $4,000,000 |
7 | Provides four million dollars ($4,000,000) in funding for 1:1 matching grants to continue |
8 | the Cultural Arts and the Economy Grant Program administered by the Rhode Island state council |
9 | on the arts (RISCA) for capital improvement, preservation and renovation projects for public and |
10 | nonprofit artistic, performance centers, museums and cultural art centers located throughout the |
11 | State of Rhode Island. |
12 | SECTION 7. Sale of bonds and notes. -- Any bonds or notes issued under the authority of |
13 | this act shall be sold at not less than the principal amount thereof, in such mode and on such terms |
14 | and conditions as the general treasurer, with the approval of the governor, shall deem to be in the |
15 | best interests of the State. |
16 | Any premiums and accrued interest, net of the cost of bond issuance and underwriter's |
17 | discount, which may be received on the sale of the capital development bonds or notes shall become |
18 | part of the Rhode Island capital plan fund of the state, unless directed by federal law or regulation |
19 | to be used for some other purpose. |
20 | In the event that the amount received from the sale of the capital development bonds or |
21 | notes exceeds the amount necessary for the purposes stated in section 6 hereof, the surplus may be |
22 | used to the extent possible to retire the bonds as the same may become due, to redeem them in |
23 | accordance with the terms thereof or otherwise to purchase them as the general treasurer, with the |
24 | approval of the governor, shall deem to be in the best interests of the state. |
25 | Any bonds or notes issued under the provisions of this act and coupons on any capital |
26 | development bonds, if properly executed by the manual or electronic signatures of officers of the |
27 | state in office on the date of execution, shall be valid and binding according to their tenor, |
28 | notwithstanding that before the delivery thereof and payment therefor, any or all such officers shall |
29 | for any reason have ceased to hold office. |
30 | SECTION 8. Bonds and notes to be tax exempt and general obligations of the state. -- All |
31 | bonds and notes issued under the authority of this act shall be exempt from taxation in the state and |
32 | shall be general obligations of the state, and the full faith and credit of the state is hereby pledged |
33 | for the due payment of the principal and interest on each of such bonds and notes as the same shall |
34 | become due. |
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1 | SECTION 9. Investment of monies in fund. -- All monies in the capital development fund |
2 | not immediately required for payment pursuant to the provisions of this act may be invested by the |
3 | investment commission, as established by chapter 10 of title 35, entitled "state investment |
4 | commission," pursuant to the provisions of such chapter; provided, however, that the securities in |
5 | which the capital development fund is invested shall remain a part of the capital development fund |
6 | until exchanged for other securities; and provided, further, that the income from investments of the |
7 | capital development fund shall become a part of the general fund of the state and shall be applied |
8 | to the payment of debt service charges of the State, unless directed by federal law or regulation to |
9 | be used for some other purpose, or to the extent necessary, to rebate to the United States treasury |
10 | any income from investments (including gains from the disposition of investments) of proceeds of |
11 | bonds or notes to the extent deemed necessary to exempt (in whole or in part) the interest paid on |
12 | such bonds or notes from federal income taxation. |
13 | SECTION 10. Appropriation. -- To the extent the debt service on these bonds is not |
14 | otherwise provided, a sum sufficient to pay the interest and principal due each year on bonds and |
15 | notes hereunder is hereby annually appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise |
16 | appropriated. |
17 | SECTION 11. Advances from general fund. -- The general treasurer is authorized, with the |
18 | approval of the director and the governor, in anticipation of the issue of notes or bonds under the |
19 | authority of this act, to advance to the capital development bond fund for the purposes specified in |
20 | section 6 hereof, any funds of the state not specifically held for any particular purpose; provided, |
21 | however, that all advances made to the capital development bond fund shall be returned to the |
22 | general fund from the capital development bond fund forthwith upon the receipt by the capital |
23 | development fund of proceeds resulting from the issue of notes or bonds to the extent of such |
24 | advances. |
25 | SECTION 12. Federal assistance and private funds. -- In carrying out this , the director, or |
26 | designee, is authorized on behalf of the State, with the approval of the governor, to apply for and |
27 | accept any federal assistance which may become available for the purpose of this act, whether in |
28 | the form of loan or grant or otherwise, to accept the provision of any federal legislation therefor, to |
29 | enter into, act and carry out contracts in connection therewith, to act as agent for the federal |
30 | government in connection therewith, or to designate a subordinate so to act. Where federal |
31 | assistance is made available, the project shall be carried out in accordance with applicable federal |
32 | law, the rules and regulations thereunder and the contract or contracts providing for federal |
33 | assistance, notwithstanding any contrary provisions of state law. Subject to the foregoing, any |
34 | federal funds received for the purposes of this act shall be deposited in the capital development |
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1 | bond fund and expended as a part thereof. The director, or designee may also utilize any private |
2 | funds that may be made available for the purposes of this act. |
3 | SECTION 13. Effective Date. -- Sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, and 13 of this act shall take effect |
4 | upon passage. The remaining sections of this act shall take effect when and if the state board of |
5 | elections shall certify to the secretary of state that a majority of the qualified electors voting on the |
6 | proposition contained in section 1 hereof have indicated their approval of all or any projects |
7 | thereunder. |
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1 | This act would authorize the submission of proposals for several bonds to the people of the |
2 | state at the general election to be held in November, 2024. These bonds relate to capital |
3 | development and the "cultural economy initiatives." |
4 | Sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, and 13 of this act would take effect upon passage. The remaining |
5 | sections of this act would take effect when and if the state board of elections shall certify to the |
6 | secretary of state that a majority of the qualified electors voting on the proposition contained in |
7 | section 1 hereof have indicated their approval of all or any projects thereunder. |
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