2024 -- S 2399 | |
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LC004359 | |
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Introduced By: Senators Cano, Euer, Gallo, Pearson, Britto, Acosta, Lawson, Lauria, | |
Date Introduced: February 12, 2024 | |
Referred To: Senate Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. The general assembly makes the following findings of fact: |
2 | (1) Payment of the Medicare monthly premium and out-of-pocket costs for low-income |
3 | seniors and people with disabilities enhances their economic well-being. |
4 | (2) Expanding eligibility for the Medicare savings programs will provide thousands of |
5 | seniors and people with disabilities with help paying for prescriptions through the “Extra Help” |
6 | program, ensuring they can purchase necessary medications and further supporting their economic |
7 | well-being. |
8 | (3) The federal government pays the full cost for those enrolled as qualified individuals |
9 | and over half the costs for those enrolled as qualified Medicare beneficiaries. |
10 | (4) Expanding eligibility for the Medicare savings programs, will significantly aid those |
11 | eligible as well as infuse significant federal funds into our state’s economy. |
12 | SECTION 2. Title 40 of the General Laws entitled "HUMAN SERVICES" is hereby |
13 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
14 | CHAPTER 8.16 |
16 | 40-8.16-1. Short Title. |
17 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Medicare Savings Programs”. |
18 | 40-8.16-2. Purpose. |
19 | The Medicare savings programs, established in the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1396a] |
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1 | §§ 1902(a)(10), 1905(p) and 1933, pay the monthly Medicare Part B premium for enrollees and |
2 | provide certain enrollees with help paying for out-of-pocket costs. For individuals who are disabled |
3 | and working, the program pays the Part A premium only. The programs are designed to improve |
4 | access to necessary medical services and to address financial insecurity of low-income Medicare |
5 | enrollees: people age sixty-five (65) and older and people with severe disabilities. States are |
6 | allowed to set income and asset limits for the Medicare savings programs that exceed the federally |
7 | mandated minimum levels. The federal government pays all or some of the costs for those enrolled |
8 | in the Medicare savings programs. The federally-mandated minimum eligibility is too low to |
9 | adequately address the needs of thousands of needy Rhode Islanders age sixty-five (65) and older |
10 | and people with severe disabilities. It is the intent of the general assembly to increase eligibility |
11 | for the Medicare savings programs consistent with federal law and so long as federal cost-sharing |
12 | is provided. |
13 | 40-8.16-3. Definitions. |
14 | As used in this chapter: |
15 | (1) "Income” means the income of the family unit of an individual as determined by the |
16 | income-counting rules used for determining eligibility for federal Supplemental Security Income |
17 | benefits under title XVI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 1396a. |
18 | (2) “Medicare Part A” means the program established under Part A of title XVIII of the |
19 | Social Security Act. |
20 | (3) “Medicare Part B” means the program established under Part B of title XVIII of the |
21 | Social Security Act. |
22 | (4) “Medicare savings programs” and “Medicare premium payment programs” mean, |
23 | collectively, the state-administered programs described in § 40-8.16-4. |
24 | (5) “Qualified disabled and working individual” means an individual who is not otherwise |
25 | eligible for medical assistance; who is entitled to enroll in hospital insurance benefits under section |
26 | 1818A of Title VIII of the Social Security Act; whose income does not exceed two hundred percent |
27 | (200%) of the federal poverty line applicable to the person’s family size; and whose resources do |
28 | not exceed twice the maximum amount that an individual (or a couple, in the case of a married |
29 | individual) may have and obtain federal supplemental security income benefits under title XVI of |
30 | the Social Security Act. |
31 | (6) “Qualified individual” means an individual who is not otherwise enrolled in medical |
32 | assistance and who is entitled to hospital insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII of the Social |
33 | Security Act whose income is greater than one hundred thirty-eight percent (138%) but less than |
34 | or equal to one hundred eighty-six percent (186%) of the federal poverty line applicable to the |
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1 | person’s family size. Insofar as federal financial participation is available, an individual’s resources |
2 | shall not be considered in determining whether an individual is a qualified individual. |
3 | (7) “Qualified Medicare beneficiary” means an individual who is entitled to hospital |
4 | insurance benefits under part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act whose income does not |
5 | exceed one hundred thirty-eight percent (138%) of the federal poverty line applicable to the |
6 | person’s family size. Insofar as federal financial participation is available, an individual’s resources |
7 | shall not be considered in determining whether an individual is a qualified Medicare beneficiary. |
8 | (8) “Resources” means the resources of the family unit of an individual as determined by |
9 | the resource-counting rules used for determining eligibility for federal Supplemental Security |
10 | Income benefits under title XVI of the Social Security Act. Insofar as federal financial participation |
11 | is available, resources shall not be considered in determining an individual’s status as a qualified |
12 | Medicare beneficiary or qualified individual. |
13 | (9) “Secretary” means the secretary of the executive office of health and human services. |
14 | 40-8.16-4. Payments. |
15 | (a) The state shall provide for enrollment in Medicare Part B, and shall make payments for |
16 | the Medicare Part B premium and any Medicare Part A premium, as well as for other Medicare |
17 | cost-sharing including co-insurance and deductibles, for any individual who is a qualified Medicare |
18 | beneficiary. |
19 | (b)(1) To the extent that federal financial participation is available at a one hundred percent |
20 | (100%) federal medical assistance percentage and subject to §§ 1933 and 1902(a)(10)(E)(iv) of the |
21 | Social Security Act, the state shall provide for enrollment in Medicare Part B, and shall make |
22 | payments for the Medicare Part B premium, for any individual who is a qualified individual. |
23 | (2) Premium payments for qualified individuals will be one hundred percent (100%) |
24 | federally funded up to the amount of the federal allotment. The secretary of health and human |
25 | services shall discontinue enrollment into the program when the Part B premium payments made |
26 | pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this section meet the yearly federal allotment. |
27 | (c) The state shall make payment for the Medicare Part A premium for any individual who |
28 | is a qualified disabled and working individual. |
29 | 40-8.16-5. Application process and outreach. |
30 | The secretary shall ensure that an individual’s data in an application for the Low-Income |
31 | Subsidy (LIS) program that is transmitted by the Social Security Administration to the executive |
32 | office of health and human services is used to begin the process of application for said individual’s |
33 | eligibility as a qualified Medicare beneficiary or qualified individual. The secretary shall maintain |
34 | a simplified application form, consistent with federal law for enrollment into these programs, for |
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1 | application by individuals whose application is not started by transmission of LIS information from |
2 | the Social Security Administration. The secretary shall publicize the availability of the Medicare |
3 | savings programs. |
4 | 40-8.16-6. Federal approval and implementation. |
5 | The secretary shall submit any necessary amendments to the Medicaid state plan or the |
6 | 1115 waiver to implement the provisions of this section. |
7 | 40-8.16-7. Rules and regulations. |
8 | The secretary shall make and promulgate rules and regulations not inconsistent with state |
9 | law, pursuant to chapter 35 of title 42 ("administrative procedures") as the secretary deems |
10 | necessary for the proper administration of this chapter and to carry out the policy and purposes |
11 | thereof, and to ensure conformance to the provisions of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1396 |
12 | et seq., and to any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. |
13 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would expand eligibility for the qualified Medicare beneficiary program by |
2 | increasing the income limit from 100% to 138% of the federal poverty line and expand eligibility |
3 | for the qualified individual program by establishing an income limit of 138% to 186% of the federal |
4 | poverty line. There would be no asset limit applied to eligibility for these programs. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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