2024 -- S 2212 | |
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LC004222 | |
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Introduced By: Senator Roger Picard | |
Date Introduced: January 24, 2024 | |
Referred To: Senate Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 9 of the General Laws entitled "COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE |
2 | -- PROCEDURE GENERALLY" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 3.1 |
5 | 9-3.1-1. Short title. |
6 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Third-Party Litigation Financing |
7 | Consumer Protection Act.” |
8 | 9-3.1-2. Definitions. |
9 | As used in this chapter: |
10 | (1) "Consumer" means any natural person or persons who resides, is present or is domiciled |
11 | in this state, or who is or may become a plaintiff or complainant in a lawsuit or other legal dispute |
12 | in this state. |
13 | (2) "Legal representative" means an attorney, group of attorneys, or law firm who may be |
14 | entitled to represent a person or persons in a legal dispute in this state. |
15 | (3) "Litigation financer'' means a person, group of persons, or legal entity, engaged in the |
16 | business of litigation financing or any other mechanism created with the intent of so doing. |
17 | (4) "Litigation financing" means the funding of litigation activities or related claims by |
18 | anyone other than the parties to the claim or litigation themselves, their counsel, or entities with a |
| |
1 | preexisting contractual indemnitor or a liability insurer relationship with one of the parties. |
2 | Litigation financing includes the purchase of bills, accounts or liens or otherwise paying for or |
3 | purchasing services rendered related to claims or litigation. |
4 | (5) "Litigation financing transaction" means a transaction in which litigation financing is |
5 | provided to a consumer, legal representative, or medical provider in return for assigning to the |
6 | litigation financer a contingent right to receive an amount or amounts of the potential proceeds of |
7 | consumer judgments, awards, settlements or verdicts obtained with respect to the consumer's legal |
8 | claim, or agreeing to pay the litigation financer interest, fees or any other consideration for the |
9 | financing provided. The term "litigation financing transaction" does not include legal |
10 | representation services provided to a consumer by a legal representative on a contingency fee basis, |
11 | or legal costs advanced by a legal representative, where such services or costs are provided to or |
12 | on behalf of a consumer by a legal representative in the dispute and in accordance with the Rhode |
13 | Island Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct. |
14 | (6) "Medical provider" means any person or business providing medical services of any |
15 | kind to a consumer, including, but not limited to, physicians, nurse practitioners, hospitals, physical |
16 | therapists, chiropractors, or radiologists, as well as any of their employees, contractors, practice |
17 | groups, partnerships or incorporations of the same. |
18 | 9-3.1-3. Litigation financer - Registration - Bond - Public record. |
19 | (a)(1) No litigation financer shall engage in a litigation financing transaction in Rhode |
20 | Island unless it is registered as a litigation financer in this state. |
21 | (2) A litigation financer that is a business entity or partnership is registered in this state if: |
22 | (i) It has a status of active and in good standing as reflected in the records of the secretary |
23 | of state; and |
24 | (ii) Its charter, articles of organization, certificate of limited partnership, or other |
25 | organizational document, or, if a foreign entity, its Rhode Island application for a certificate of |
26 | authority, to do business in this state, contains a statement that it shall be designated as a litigation |
27 | financer pursuant to this chapter. |
28 | (3) A litigation financer that is not a business entity or partnership is registered in this state |
29 | if it files an application for registration as a litigation financer on a form prescribed by the secretary |
30 | of state, along with a filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100), that contains the following: |
31 | (i) Applicant's full legal name; |
32 | (ii) Business name of applicant, if any; |
33 | (iii) Physical street address and mailing address of the applicant; |
34 | (iv) A telephone number through which the applicant can be reached; |
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1 | (v) The name, physical street address, mailing address, and telephone number for a Rhode |
2 | Island registered agent appointed to accept service of process on behalf of the applicant; |
3 | (vi) A statement that the applicant shall be designated as a litigation financer pursuant to |
4 | this chapter; and |
5 | (vii) Any other information the secretary of state deems necessary. |
6 | (b) Each litigation financer shall file with the secretary of state a surety bond of not less |
7 | than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). The bond shall be payable to this state for the use of the |
8 | attorney general and any person who may have a cause of action against the obligor of the bond for |
9 | any violation of this chapter. The bond shall continue in effect as long as a litigation financer is |
10 | designated as a litigation financer in the records of the secretary of state. |
11 | (c) A litigation financer shall amend its registration with the secretary of state under |
12 | subsection (a) of this section within thirty (30) days whenever the information contained in such |
13 | record changes or becomes inaccurate or incomplete in any respect. A litigation financer that is not |
14 | a business entity or partnership may amend its registration with the secretary of state by filing an |
15 | amendment on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, along with a filing fee of twenty dollars |
16 | ($20.00). |
17 | (d) All documents filed pursuant to this section shall be a public record. |
18 | 9-3.1-4. Litigation financing protections. |
19 | (a) A litigation financer shall not: |
20 | (1) Pay or offer commissions, referral fees or other forms of consideration to any legal |
21 | representative, medical provider, or any of their employees for referring a consumer to a litigation |
22 | financer; |
23 | (2) Accept any commissions, referral fees, rebates or other forms of consideration from a |
24 | legal representative, medical provider or any of their employees; |
25 | (3) Advertise false or misleading information regarding its products or services; |
26 | (4) Refer a consumer or potential consumer to a specific legal representative, medical |
27 | provider or any of their employees; |
28 | (5) Fail to promptly supply copies of any complete litigation financing contracts to the |
29 | consumer and the consumer's legal representative; |
30 | (6) Attempt to secure a remedy or obtain a waiver of any remedy, including, but not limited |
31 | to, compensatory, statutory, or punitive damages, that the consumer might otherwise be or not be |
32 | entitled to pursue; |
33 | (7) Attempt to effect arbitration or otherwise effect waiver of a consumer's right to trial by |
34 | jury; |
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1 | (8) Offer or provide legal advice to the consumer regarding the litigation financing or the |
2 | underlying dispute; |
3 | (9) Assign, which includes securitizing, a litigation financing contract in whole or part; |
4 | (10) Report a consumer to a credit reporting agency if insufficient funds remain from the |
5 | net proceeds to repay the litigation financer; or |
6 | (11) Receive or exercise any right to direct, nor make any decisions with respect to, the |
7 | conduct of the consumer's legal claim or any settlement or resolution thereof. The right to make |
8 | such decisions shall remain solely with the consumer and their legal representative. |
9 | (b) A legal representative retained by a consumer, or a medical provider for such consumer, |
10 | or any of their employees shall not have a financial interest in litigation financing and shall not |
11 | receive a referral fee or other consideration from any litigation financer, its employees, owners or |
12 | its affiliates. |
13 | 9-3.1-5. Litigation financing contracts - Disclosures. |
14 | (a) The terms of the litigation financing agreement shall be set forth in a written contract |
15 | that is completely filled in. There shall be no incomplete sections when the contract is offered or |
16 | presented to the consumer, legal representative, or medical provider. |
17 | (b) Litigation financing contracts shall contain the disclosures specified in this section, |
18 | which shall constitute material terms of the litigation financing contract. |
19 | (c) These disclosures shall be typed in at least fourteen (14)-point, bold font and be placed |
20 | clearly and conspicuously immediately above the consumer's signature line in the litigation |
21 | financing contract: |
22 | (1) Consumer's right to cancellation: You may cancel this contract without penalty or |
23 | further obligation within five (5) business days from the date you signed this contract or received |
24 | financing from [insert name of the litigation financer] by either returning the funds to [insert name, |
25 | office address and office hours of the litigation financer] or by U.S. mail, [insert name and mailing |
26 | address of litigation financer]. For return by U.S. mail, the postmark date on the returned funds or, |
27 | if mailed by registered or certified mail, the date of the return receipt requested shall be the date of |
28 | return; |
29 | (2) The fees charged pursuant to this agreement shall not exceed [litigation financer to |
30 | insert annual interest percentage rate, percentage of award or settlement proceeds, or dollar |
31 | amount]; |
32 | (3) The litigation financer agrees that it has no right to and will not make any decisions |
33 | about the conduct of your lawsuit or dispute and that the right to make those decisions remains |
34 | solely with you and your legal representative; |
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1 | (4) If there is no recovery of any money from your legal claim or if there is not enough |
2 | money to satisfy the portion assigned to [insert name of the litigation financer] in full, you will not |
3 | owe anything in excess of your recovery; and |
4 | (5) Do not sign this contract before you read it completely. If this contract contains any |
5 | incomplete sections, you are entitled to a completely filled-in copy of the contract prior to signing |
6 | it. Before you sign this contract, you should obtain the advice of an attorney. Depending on the |
7 | circumstances, you may want to consult a tax advisor, a financial professional or an accountant. |
8 | (d) If the consumer is represented by a legal representative in the dispute that is the subject |
9 | of the litigation financing contract, the legal representative shall acknowledge in the contract that |
10 | they or their employer or employees have neither received nor paid a referral fee or any other |
11 | consideration from or to the litigation financer, nor will in the future do so. |
12 | (e) If the consumer's legal representative is a party to a litigation financing agreement |
13 | related to the consumer's legal proceeding, the legal representative shall share with the consumer |
14 | the agreement between the legal representative and the litigation financer. The agreement shall be |
15 | accompanied by the disclosures required by this section, and the consumer shall sign both an |
16 | acknowledgement that the agreement has been read and the required disclosures. |
17 | 9-3.1-6. Disclosure of financing agreements – Discovery. |
18 | (a) Except as otherwise stipulated or ordered by the court, a consumer or their legal |
19 | representative shall, without awaiting a discovery request, provide to all parties to the litigation, |
20 | including their insurer if prior to litigation, any litigation financing contract or agreement under |
21 | which anyone, other than a legal representative permitted to charge a contingent fee representing a |
22 | party, has received or has a right to receive compensation or proceeds from the consumer that are |
23 | contingent on and sourced from any proceeds of the civil action, by settlement, judgment, or |
24 | otherwise. |
25 | (b) The existence of litigation financing, litigation financing transactions and all |
26 | participants in such financing arrangements are permissible subjects of discovery in all personal |
27 | injury litigation or matters arising out of personal injuries. |
28 | 9-3.1-7. Annual reporting. |
29 | (a) Each litigation financer shall file a report annually with the secretary of state in |
30 | accordance with such procedures as the secretary of state may require. The report shall contain at |
31 | least the following: |
32 | (1) For each person that, directly or indirectly, owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, |
33 | or holds proxies representing, five percent (5%) or more of the voting securities of the litigation |
34 | financer: |
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1 | (i) The legal name and address of each person; |
2 | (ii) If the person is an individual, their principal occupation and offices and positions held |
3 | during the past five (5) years, and any conviction of crimes other than minor traffic violations |
4 | during the past ten (10) years; and |
5 | (iii) If the person is not an individual, a report of the nature of its business operations during |
6 | the past five (5) years or for the lesser period as the person and any predecessors shall have been in |
7 | existence; a narrative description of the business intended to be done by the person and the person's |
8 | subsidiaries; and a list of all individuals who are or who have been selected to become directors or |
9 | executive officers of the person. The list shall include for each individual the information required |
10 | by subsection (a)(2) of this section. |
11 | (2) For each litigation financing transaction entered in this state or involving a claim to be |
12 | litigated in this state, the litigation financer shall identify: |
13 | (i) The amount, date(s) of payment(s), and name and address of each person that received |
14 | any amount of financing from a litigation financer during the previous calendar year; |
15 | (ii) The amount, date of payment, and source of payment for all proceeds obtained by the |
16 | litigation financer during the previous calendar year from any judgment, award, settlement or |
17 | verdict in a litigation financing transaction; and |
18 | (iii) Any other information the secretary of state deems necessary for the administration of |
19 | justice. |
20 | (b) Secretary of state reporting obligations: |
21 | (1) The secretary of state shall provide to the house and senate judiciary committees an |
22 | annual report within six (6) months of the receipt of the information in subsection (a) of this section, |
23 | containing all of the information therein and a summary. This report as filed shall not be made |
24 | available to the public and shall be confidential by law and privileged, shall not be subject to the |
25 | provisions of chapter 2 of title 38 ("public records"), shall not be subject to subpoena, and shall not |
26 | be subject to discovery or admissible in evidence in any private civil action. |
27 | (2) The secretary of state shall release the report and summary required pursuant to |
28 | subsection (b)(l) of this section to the public subject to the removal of all personally identifiable |
29 | information of any consumer. Nothing in this subsection shall affect the obligation to disclose |
30 | litigation financing contracts or other agreements under § 9-3.1-6. |
31 | 9-3.1-8. Class action lawsuits. |
32 | This chapter shall apply to any class action. Putative class members and the court shall be |
33 | advised that the proposed class attorney has a legal or financial relationship with a litigation |
34 | financer. |
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1 | 9-3.1-9. Commercial litigation exemption - Limitation. |
2 | This chapter shall not apply to litigation financing provided to commercial enterprises in |
3 | support of commercial litigation. This exemption does not apply to situations arising from a |
4 | personal injury claim or an aggregation of personal injury claims, whether by subrogation, |
5 | assignment, or any other basis. |
6 | 9-3.1-10. Regulatory oversight. |
7 | The practice of litigation financing shall be regulated by the secretary of state. The |
8 | secretary of state shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with this chapter and its authority |
9 | under law. |
10 | 9-3.1-11. Act violation - Unenforceable contract. |
11 | Any violation of this chapter shall make the litigation financing contract unenforceable by |
12 | the litigation financer, the consumer, or any successor-in-interest to the litigation financing |
13 | contract. |
14 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would comprehensively regulate the practices of third-party litigation financers in |
2 | Rhode Island. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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