2024 -- S 2123 SUBSTITUTE A | |
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LC003656/SUB A | |
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Introduced By: Senators Acosta, Cano, Kallman, Mack, Ciccone, Zurier, Gu, Quezada, | |
Date Introduced: January 12, 2024 | |
Referred To: Senate Labor | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 28-14-2.1 and 28-14-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 28-14 |
2 | entitled "Payment of Wages" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 28-14-2.1. Statement of earnings. |
4 | (a) On every regular payday, every employer shall furnish to any employee the following: |
5 | (1) A statement of the hours worked by that employee during the applicable pay period; |
6 | provided, that the statement need not be furnished to an employee described in § 28-12-4.3; |
7 | (2) A record of all deductions made from that employee’s gross earnings during the pay |
8 | period together with an explanation of the basis or reason for the deductions; and |
9 | (3) For employers engaged only in the commercial construction industry, a record of the |
10 | employee’s hourly regular rate of pay. As used in this subsection, “commercial construction |
11 | industry” includes a business that engages in the doing of work or the furnishing of materials, or |
12 | both, in the building, erection, alteration, or preparation of an improvement on commercial real |
13 | property. An employer at the time of each payment of wages, shall furnish to their employee, either |
14 | as a detachable part of the check, draft, or voucher paying the employee's wages, or separately if |
15 | wages are paid by personal check or cash, an accurate written itemized statement showing: |
16 | (1) Gross wages earned; |
17 | (2) Total hours worked by the employee; |
18 | (3) The number of piece-rate units earned and any applicable piece rate if the employee is |
19 | paid on a piece-rate basis; |
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1 | (4) The amount and purpose of each itemized deduction in understandable language and |
2 | form; |
3 | (5) Net wages earned; |
4 | (6) The inclusive dates of the period for which the employee is paid; |
5 | (7) The name of the employee and only the last four (4) digits of the employee's social |
6 | security number or an employee identification number, other than a social security number; |
7 | (8) The name and address of the legal entity that is the employer; and |
8 | (9) All applicable hourly rates in effect during the pay period and the corresponding |
9 | number of hours worked, at each hourly rate by the employee. The deductions made from payment |
10 | of wages shall be recorded in ink or other indelible form, properly dated, showing the month, day, |
11 | and year, and a copy of the statement and the record of the deductions shall be kept on file, in |
12 | accordance with § 28-14-12. For purposes of this section, "copy" includes a duplicate of the |
13 | itemized statement provided to an employee or a computer-generated record that accurately shows |
14 | all of the information required by this section. |
15 | (b) All statements and records required to be furnished to an employee by this section may |
16 | be furnished as an electronic record. The employer shall furnish to an employee a printed or |
17 | handwritten record, in lieu of an electronic record, at no cost to the employee, when a written |
18 | authorization from such employee is provided to the employer. |
19 | 28-14-12. Employment records. |
20 | (a) Every employer shall keep a true and accurate record of hours worked and wages paid |
21 | each pay period to each employee in any form that may be prescribed by the director. The employer |
22 | shall keep the records on file for at least three (3) years after the entry of the record. At the start of |
23 | employment, an employer shall provide each of its employees, a written notice, in English, |
24 | containing the following information: |
25 | (1) The rate or rates of pay and basis thereof, including whether the employee is to be paid |
26 | by the hour, shift, day, week, salary, piece, commission, or other method, and the specific |
27 | application of any additional rates; |
28 | (2) Allowances, if any, claimed, pursuant to permitted meals and lodging; |
29 | (3) Employer's policy on sick, vacation, personal leave, holidays and hours; |
30 | (4) The employee's employment status and whether the employee is exempt from minimum |
31 | wage and/or overtime; |
32 | (5) A list of deductions that may be made from the employee's pay; |
33 | (6) The number of days in the pay period, the regularly scheduled payday, and the payday |
34 | on which the employee will receive the first payment of wages earned; |
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1 | (7) The legal name of the employer and the operating name of the employer, if different |
2 | from its legal name; |
3 | (8) The physical address of the employer's main office or principal place of business, and |
4 | its mailing address if different; and |
5 | (9) The telephone number of the employer. |
6 | (b) The employer shall keep a copy of the notice provided pursuant to the provisions of |
7 | subsection (a) of this section, signed by each employee, acknowledging their receipt of the notice. |
8 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would require the employer, at the time of hiring, to furnish to their employees an |
2 | itemized list of the terms and conditions of the employee's employment. It would mandate that the |
3 | employer provide every employee, each payday, a pay stub, explaining exactly how their wages |
4 | were calculated and the reason for each deduction from their gross wages. Finally the act would |
5 | allow the employee to file a private court action against the employer for a violation of these new |
6 | required disclosures, while also in the alternative, allowing the director of the department of labor |
7 | and training to bring an action on the employees' behalf. |
8 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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