2021 -- H 5637 | |
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LC001892 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Knight, and McEntee | |
Date Introduced: February 22, 2021 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 45-2-13, 45-2-25, 45-2-27, 45-2-29, 45-2-30, 45-2-32, 45-2-34, 45- |
2 | 2-37, 45-2-38, 45-2-44, 45-2-45, 45-2-46, 45-2-47, 45-2-50, 45-2-51.1, 45-2-52, 45-2-55, 45-2-56, |
3 | 45-2-58, 45-2-59, 45-2-61, 45-2-62 and 45-2-63 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-2 entitled |
4 | "General Powers" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
5 | 45-2-13. City of Pawtucket -- Municipal police court -- Municipal housing court. |
6 | (a) The city council of the city of Pawtucket may establish a municipal police court and |
7 | confer upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
8 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance; provided, that any |
9 | defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the city's minimum housing |
10 | ordinances and zoning ordinances, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from |
11 | the conviction to the Providence superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo. |
12 | (b) The city council of the city of Pawtucket may establish a municipal housing court and |
13 | confer upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
14 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of the zoning ordinances of the city and |
15 | any violation of the provisions of chapter 24 of this title, entitled the Rhode Island zoning enabling |
16 | act of 1991, and any violation of the provisions of chapter 27.3 of title 23 entitled the Rhode Island |
17 | state building code, and any violation of the provisions of those regulations promulgated by the |
18 | state building code commission entitled SBC-1 Rhode Island state building code, SBC-2 Rhode |
19 | Island state one and two (2) family dwelling code, SBC-3 Rhode Island state plumbing code, SBC- |
| |
1 | 4 Rhode Island state mechanical code, SBC-5 Rhode Island state electrical code, SBC-6 state |
2 | property maintenance code, and SBC-8 Rhode Island state energy conservation code; and provided, |
3 | further, that any party aggrieved by a final judgment, decree or order of the Pawtucket housing |
4 | court may, within twenty (20) days after entry of this judgment, decree or order, petition to the |
5 | supreme court for the state of Rhode Island for a writ of certiorari to review any errors involved. |
6 | The petition for the writ of certiorari shall state the errors claimed. Upon the filing of a petition |
7 | with the clerk of the supreme court, the supreme court may, if it sees fit, issue a writ of certiorari |
8 | to the Pawtucket housing court to certify to the supreme court the record of the proceedings of the |
9 | case together with and transcript of the proceedings by the petitioner at his expense. |
10 | (c) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
11 | housing or zoning regulations, or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance |
12 | and occupancy, or chapter 24 et seq., of this title dealing with enforcement of zoning regulations, |
13 | the city council may also confer upon the Pawtucket housing court, in furtherance of its jurisdiction, |
14 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
15 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
16 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
17 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
18 | statutes; or |
19 | (4) To order a dwelling into receivership and to order the removal of any cloud on the title |
20 | to the building or property which shall be binding upon all those claiming by, through, under, or |
21 | by virtue of any inferior liens or encumbrances pursuant to chapter 44 et seq., of title 34. |
22 | (d) The city council of the city of Pawtucket is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
23 | judge to serve as both the municipal police court judge and the municipal housing court judge. The |
24 | city council of the city is authorized and empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, |
25 | operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs |
26 | and to otherwise provide for the operation and management of the court. The municipal courts |
27 | created by this section may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and impose a |
28 | fine not in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both. The courts are empowered to administer |
29 | oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to execute search |
30 | warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
31 | 45-2-25. City of Woonsocket -- Municipal court. |
32 | (a) The city council of the city of Woonsocket may establish a municipal court and confer |
33 | upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
34 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
| LC001892 - Page 2 of 26 |
1 | ordinances, of the city and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
2 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
3 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
4 | 24.3, may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior |
5 | court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any |
6 | defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance, or of chapter 24.3, may, |
7 | within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the seventh division |
8 | of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
9 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
10 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
11 | city council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the |
12 | power to proceed according to equity: |
13 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
14 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
15 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
16 | statutes. |
17 | (c) The city council of the city of Woonsocket is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
18 | judge of the municipal court. The city council of the city is authorized and empowered to enact |
19 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
20 | establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation, and management |
21 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
22 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) or both. The court is empowered to |
23 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
24 | execute search warrants to the extent search warrants could be executed by a judge of the district |
25 | court. |
26 | (d) The municipal court also has original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions |
27 | of the general laws, to hear and determine violations of §§ 11-9-13 and 11-9-13.1 pertaining to the |
28 | sale or delivery of tobacco products to persons under the age of eighteen (18); provided, however, |
29 | that any defendant found guilty of any offense may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an |
30 | appeal from the conviction to the district court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo |
31 | in accordance with § 8-8-3. |
32 | 45-2-27. City of Central Falls -- Municipal court. |
33 | (a) The city council of the city of Central Falls may establish a municipal court and confer |
34 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
| LC001892 - Page 3 of 26 |
1 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
2 | ordinances, of that city and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
3 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code, and there is conferred upon that court |
4 | concurrent jurisdiction with the traffic tribunal to hear and determine causes involving the violation |
5 | of § 31-20-17; provided, however, that any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding |
6 | violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of |
7 | conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court |
8 | to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation |
9 | of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file |
10 | an appeal from the conviction to the fifth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de |
11 | novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
12 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
13 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
14 | city council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the |
15 | power to proceed according to equity: |
16 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
17 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
18 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
19 | statutes. |
20 | (c) The city council of the city of Central Falls is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
21 | judge of the municipal court. The city council of the city is authorized and empowered to enact |
22 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
23 | establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
24 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
25 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
26 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
27 | execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
28 | 45-2-29. Town of Westerly -- Municipal court. |
29 | (a) The town council of the town of Westerly may establish a municipal court and confer |
30 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
31 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
32 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
33 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
34 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
| LC001892 - Page 4 of 26 |
1 | 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal |
2 | from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and |
3 | provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing |
4 | ordinance or of chapter 24.3, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the |
5 | conviction to the fourth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance |
6 | with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
7 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
8 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
9 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
10 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
11 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
12 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
13 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
14 | statutes. |
15 | (c) The town council of the town of Westerly is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
16 | judge of the municipal court. The judge shall serve for a term of two (2) years, with the first term |
17 | commencing January 1, 1989. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to enact |
18 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
19 | establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
20 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
21 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
22 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
23 | authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed |
24 | by a justice of the district court. |
25 | 45-2-30. Town of Narragansett -- Municipal court. |
26 | (a) The town council of the town of Narragansett may establish a municipal court and |
27 | confer upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
28 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum |
29 | housing ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, |
30 | entitled the Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any |
31 | defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or |
32 | chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the |
33 | superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, |
34 | that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter |
| LC001892 - Page 5 of 26 |
1 | 24.3, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the fourth |
2 | division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and |
3 | 8-8-3.2. |
4 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
5 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
6 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
7 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
8 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
9 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
10 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
11 | statutes. |
12 | (c) The town council of the town of Narragansett is authorized and empowered to appoint |
13 | a judge of the municipal court. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to enact |
14 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
15 | establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
16 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
17 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
18 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt and to |
19 | execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
20 | 45-2-32. Town of Charlestown -- Municipal court. |
21 | (a) The town council of the town of Charlestown may establish a municipal court and |
22 | confer upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
23 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum |
24 | housing ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, |
25 | entitled the Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any |
26 | defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or |
27 | chapter 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) days of the conviction, file |
28 | an appeal from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de |
29 | novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a |
30 | minimum housing ordinance or of the chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, |
31 | file an appeal from the conviction to the fourth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial |
32 | de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a) (4) and 8-8-3.2. |
33 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
34 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
| LC001892 - Page 6 of 26 |
1 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
2 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
3 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
4 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
5 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
6 | statutes. |
7 | (c) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island traffic |
8 | tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations conferred upon the municipal court and enumerated |
9 | in section 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons by the municipal court shall be in conformance with |
10 | § 8-18-4. The municipal court shall hear and decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the |
11 | procedures of the traffic tribunal, and be subject to review by the chief magistrate of the traffic |
12 | tribunal in accordance with § 8-18-11. Any person desiring to appeal an adverse decision of the |
13 | municipal court for violations enumerated in § 8-18-3, may seek review thereof pursuant to the |
14 | procedures set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
15 | (d) The town council of the town of Charlestown is authorized and empowered to appoint |
16 | a judge of the municipal court. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to enact |
17 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
18 | establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
19 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
20 | impose a fine of not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
21 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
22 | authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed |
23 | by a justice of the district court. |
24 | 45-2-34. Town of Tiverton -- Municipal court. |
25 | (1) The town council of the town of Tiverton may establish a municipal court and confer |
26 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
27 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
28 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
29 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
30 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
31 | 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior |
32 | court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any |
33 | defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3, may |
34 | within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the second division of the |
| LC001892 - Page 7 of 26 |
1 | district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a) (4) and 8-8-3.2. |
2 | (2) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
3 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
4 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
5 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
6 | (i) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
7 | (ii) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
8 | (iii) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
9 | statutes. |
10 | (3) The town council of the town of Tiverton is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
11 | judge of the municipal court. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to enact |
12 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
13 | establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
14 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
15 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
16 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
17 | execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
18 | 45-2-37. Town of Middletown -- Municipal court. |
19 | (a) The town council of the town of Middletown may establish a municipal court and confer |
20 | upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
21 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
22 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
23 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
24 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violation of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
25 | 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal |
26 | from the conviction to the superior court for Newport county and be entitled in the latter court to a |
27 | trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a |
28 | minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3, may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, file |
29 | an appeal from the conviction to the second division of the district court and be entitled to a trial |
30 | de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
31 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
32 | housing or chapter 24.3 of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the town |
33 | council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the |
34 | power to proceed according to equity: |
| LC001892 - Page 8 of 26 |
1 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
2 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
3 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
4 | statutes. |
5 | (c) The town council of the town of Middletown is authorized and empowered to appoint |
6 | a judge of the municipal court. The town council of that town is authorized and empowered to enact |
7 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
8 | establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
9 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
10 | impose a fine of not in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both. The court is empowered |
11 | to administer oaths; compel the attendance of witnesses and punish persons for contempt; and to |
12 | execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
13 | 45-2-38. City of East Providence -- Municipal court. |
14 | (a) The city council of the city of East Providence may establish a municipal court and |
15 | confer upon that court original jurisdiction, not withstanding any other provisions of the general |
16 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum |
17 | housing ordinances of the city and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title |
18 | entitled, "The Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code"; provided, however, that |
19 | any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing |
20 | ordinances or chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the |
21 | conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided |
22 | further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance |
23 | or of chapter 24.3, may within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to |
24 | the sixth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8- |
25 | 3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
26 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
27 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
28 | city council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the |
29 | power to proceed according to equity: |
30 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
31 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling, existing in violation; or |
32 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
33 | statutes. |
34 | (c) The city council of the city of East Providence is authorized and empowered to appoint |
| LC001892 - Page 9 of 26 |
1 | a judge and clerk of the municipal court. The city council of the city is authorized and empowered |
2 | to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court |
3 | and to establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation and |
4 | management of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) |
5 | days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is |
6 | empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for |
7 | contempt, and to execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge |
8 | of the district court. |
9 | 45-2-44. Town of Cumberland -- Municipal court. |
10 | (a) The town council of the town of Cumberland may establish a municipal court and confer |
11 | upon that court original jurisdiction, not withstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
12 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
13 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
14 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
15 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
16 | 24.3 of this title may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the |
17 | superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, |
18 | that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter |
19 | 24.3 of this title, may within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the |
20 | sixth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8- |
21 | 3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
22 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
23 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
24 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
25 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
26 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
27 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling, existing in violation; or |
28 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
29 | statutes. |
30 | (c) The town council of the town of Cumberland is authorized and empowered to appoint |
31 | a judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town council of the city is authorized and empowered |
32 | to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court |
33 | and to establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation and |
34 | management of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) |
| LC001892 - Page 10 of 26 |
1 | days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is |
2 | empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for |
3 | contempt, and to execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge |
4 | of the district court. |
5 | 45-2-45. Town of Bristol -- Municipal court. |
6 | (a) The town council of the town of Bristol may establish a municipal court and confer |
7 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
8 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
9 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
10 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
11 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
12 | 24.3 of this title may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the |
13 | superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, |
14 | that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter |
15 | 24.3 of this title, may within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the |
16 | sixth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8- |
17 | 3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
18 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
19 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
20 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
21 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
22 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
23 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling, existing in violation; or |
24 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
25 | statutes. |
26 | (c) The town council of the town of Bristol is authorized and empowered to appoint a judge |
27 | and clerk of the municipal court. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to |
28 | enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and |
29 | to establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
30 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
31 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
32 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
33 | execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
34 | 45-2-46. Towns of Burrillville and North Smithfield -- Municipal court. |
| LC001892 - Page 11 of 26 |
1 | (a) The town councils of the towns of Burrillville and North Smithfield may establish a |
2 | regional municipal court and confer upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other |
3 | provisions of the general laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of any |
4 | ordinance, including minimum housing ordinances of either town and any violation of the |
5 | provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and |
6 | Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding |
7 | violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter 24.3 of this title may, within seven (7) |
8 | days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the |
9 | latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of |
10 | any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3 of this title, may within seven (7) |
11 | days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the sixth division of the district court and |
12 | be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
13 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
14 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
15 | town councils may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
16 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
17 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
18 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling, existing in violation; or |
19 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
20 | statutes. |
21 | (c) The town councils of the towns of Burrillville and North Smithfield are authorized and |
22 | empowered to appoint a judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town councils are authorized |
23 | and empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be |
24 | followed in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the |
25 | operation and management of the court. The municipal court may impose a fine not in excess of |
26 | five hundred dollars ($500). The court is empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of |
27 | witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to execute search warrants to the extent the |
28 | warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
29 | 45-2-47. Town of Warren -- Municipal court -- Municipal housing court. |
30 | (a) The town council of the town of Warren may establish a municipal court and confer |
31 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
32 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance; provided, however, that any |
33 | defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations outlined in subsection (b) of this |
34 | section, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior |
| LC001892 - Page 12 of 26 |
1 | court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo. |
2 | (b) The town council of the town of Warren may establish a municipal housing court and |
3 | confer upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
4 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of the zoning ordinances of the town and |
5 | any violation of the provisions of chapter 24 of this title (the Rhode Island zoning enabling act of |
6 | 1991); any violation of chapter 24.1 of this title (the Historical Zoning Act); any violation of chapter |
7 | 24.2 of this title (Minimum Housing Standards Act); any violation of chapter 24.3 of this title |
8 | (Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code); any violation of chapter 23 of this title (Subdivision |
9 | and Land Development Act); any violation of any local Warren ordinance or regulation enacted |
10 | pursuant to these chapters; and any violation of the provisions of chapter 27.3 of title 23 (the Rhode |
11 | Island state building code); and any violation of the provisions of those regulations promulgated |
12 | by the state building code commission entitled SBC-1 Rhode Island state building code; SBC-2 |
13 | Rhode Island state one- and two-family (2) dwelling code; SBC-3 Rhode Island state plumbing |
14 | code; SBC-4 Rhode Island state mechanical code; SBC-5 Rhode Island state electrical code; SBC- |
15 | 6 state property maintenance code; SBC-8 Rhode Island state energy conservation code; and SBC- |
16 | 20 Rhode Island state fuel and gas code; and provided, further, that any party aggrieved by a final |
17 | judgment, decree, or order of the Warren housing court may, within twenty (20) days after entry of |
18 | this judgment, decree, or order, file an appeal to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court |
19 | to a trial de novo. |
20 | (c) With respect to violations falling under the jurisdiction of the Warren housing court, as |
21 | outlined in subsection (b) of this section, the town council may also confer upon the housing court, |
22 | in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the power to proceed according to equity: |
23 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
24 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
25 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances, |
26 | regulations, and statutes; and |
27 | (4) To order a dwelling into receivership and to order the removal of any cloud on the title |
28 | to the building or property that shall be binding upon all those claiming by, through, under, or by |
29 | virtue of any inferior liens or encumbrances pursuant to chapter 44 of title 34. |
30 | (d) The town council of the town of Warren is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
31 | judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town council of the town of Warren is also authorized |
32 | to appoint a judge and clerk of the housing court, who may be, but is not required to be, the same |
33 | person(s) holding the judgeship over the municipal court. The town council is authorized and |
34 | empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed |
| LC001892 - Page 13 of 26 |
1 | in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs and to otherwise provide for the operation |
2 | and management of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) |
3 | days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is |
4 | empowered to administer oaths; compel the attendance of witnesses; punish persons for contempt; |
5 | and to execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district |
6 | court. |
7 | 45-2-50. Town of Exeter -- Municipal court. |
8 | (a) The town council of the town of Exeter may establish a municipal court and confer |
9 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
10 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including, but not limited to, |
11 | municipal code violations, animal regulation violations, traffic and parking violations, minimum |
12 | housing ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, |
13 | entitled the "Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code"; provided, however, that |
14 | any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing |
15 | ordinances or chapter 24.3 of this title within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) |
16 | days of the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in |
17 | the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty |
18 | of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3 of this title, may within seven |
19 | (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the fourth division of the district court |
20 | and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
21 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
22 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
23 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
24 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
25 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
26 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
27 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
28 | statutes. |
29 | (c) The town council of the town of Exeter is authorized and empowered to appoint a judge |
30 | of the municipal court. The judge shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or concurrent with the |
31 | term of each appointing council. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to |
32 | enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and |
33 | to establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
34 | of the court. The municipal court may impose sentences not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
| LC001892 - Page 14 of 26 |
1 | impose fines not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
2 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
3 | authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed |
4 | by a justice of the district court. |
5 | 45-2-51.1. Town of Lincoln -- Municipal court -- Municipal housing court. |
6 | (a) The town council of the town of Lincoln may establish a municipal court and confer |
7 | upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
8 | hear and determine causes involving the violations of the town of Lincoln charter, or code of |
9 | ordinances; provided, however, that any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violation |
10 | of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter 24.3 of this title, may within seven (7) days of |
11 | conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior court for Providence county and be |
12 | entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo. |
13 | (b) The town council of the town of Lincoln may establish a municipal housing court and |
14 | confer upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
15 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of the zoning ordinances of the town and |
16 | any violation of the provisions of chapter 24 of this title (the Rhode Island zoning enabling act of |
17 | 1991); any violation of chapter 24.1 of this title (the historical zoning act); any violation of chapter |
18 | 24.2 of this title (minimum housing standards act); any violation of chapter 24.3 of this title |
19 | (housing maintenance and occupancy code); any violation of chapter 23 of this title (subdivision |
20 | and land development act); any violation of any local Lincoln ordinance or regulation enacted |
21 | pursuant to these chapters; and any violation of the provisions of chapter 27.3 of title 23 (the Rhode |
22 | Island state building code); and any violation of the provisions of those regulations promulgated |
23 | by the state building code commission entitled SBC-1 Rhode Island state building code; SBC-2 |
24 | Rhode Island state one- and two-family (2) dwelling code; SBC-3 Rhode Island state plumbing |
25 | code; SBC-4 Rhode Island state mechanical code; SBC-5 Rhode Island state electrical code; SBC- |
26 | 6 state property maintenance code; SBC-8 Rhode Island state energy conservation code; and SBC- |
27 | 20 Rhode Island state fuel and gas code; and provided, further, that any party aggrieved by a final |
28 | judgment, decree, or order of the Lincoln housing court may, within twenty (20) days after entry |
29 | of this judgment, decree, or order, file an appeal to the superior court and be entitled in the latter |
30 | court to a trial de novo. |
31 | (c) With respect to violations falling under the jurisdiction of the Lincoln housing court, as |
32 | outlined in subsection (b) of this section, the town council may also confer upon the housing court, |
33 | in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the power to proceed according to equity: |
34 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
| LC001892 - Page 15 of 26 |
1 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
2 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances, |
3 | regulations, and statutes; and |
4 | (4) To order a dwelling into receivership and to order the removal of any cloud on the title |
5 | to the building or property that shall be binding upon all those claiming by, through, under, or by |
6 | virtue of any inferior liens or encumbrances pursuant to chapter 44 of title 34. |
7 | (d) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island traffic |
8 | tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations conferred upon the municipal court and enumerated |
9 | in § 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons by the municipal court shall be in conformance with § 8-18- |
10 | 4. The municipal court shall hear and decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the |
11 | procedures of the traffic tribunal, and subject to review by the chief magistrate of the traffic tribunal |
12 | in accordance with § 8-18-11. Any person desiring to appeal from an adverse decision of the |
13 | municipal court for violations enumerated in § 8-18-3, may seek review thereof pursuant to the |
14 | procedures set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
15 | (e) The town council of the town of Lincoln is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
16 | judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town council of the town of Lincoln is also authorized |
17 | to appoint a judge and clerk of the housing court, who may be, but is not required to be, the same |
18 | person(s) holding the judgeship and clerk position in the municipal court. The town council of the |
19 | town of Lincoln is authorized and empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, |
20 | operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs, |
21 | and to otherwise provide for the operation and management of these courts. The municipal and |
22 | housing courts may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and impose a fine not |
23 | in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The courts are empowered to administer oaths, |
24 | compel the attendance of witnesses and punish persons for contempt and to execute search warrants |
25 | to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
26 | 45-2-52. Town of Jamestown -- Municipal Court. |
27 | (a) The town council of the town of Jamestown may establish a municipal court and confer |
28 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
29 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including, but not limited to, |
30 | municipal code violations, animal regulation violations, minimum housing ordinances of the town |
31 | and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the Rhode Island Housing |
32 | Maintenance and Occupancy Code; and, if but only if, jurisdiction is specifically conferred by a |
33 | vote of the town council, traffic and parking violations; provided, however, that any defendant |
34 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
| LC001892 - Page 16 of 26 |
1 | 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal |
2 | from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and |
3 | provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing |
4 | ordinance or of chapter 24.3, may within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the |
5 | conviction to the second division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance |
6 | with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
7 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
8 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
9 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
10 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
11 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
12 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
13 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
14 | statutes. |
15 | (c) The town council of the town of Jamestown is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
16 | judge of the municipal court. The judge shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or concurrent with |
17 | the term of each appointing council. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to |
18 | enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and |
19 | to establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
20 | of the court. The municipal court may impose sentences not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
21 | impose fines not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
22 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
23 | authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed |
24 | by a justice of the district court. |
25 | 45-2-55. Town of North Kingstown -- Municipal Court. |
26 | (a) The town council of the town of North Kingstown may establish a municipal court and |
27 | confer upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
28 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including, but not |
29 | limited to, municipal code violations, animal regulation violations, minimum housing ordinances |
30 | of the town, any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the "Rhode Island |
31 | Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code" and, if, but only if, jurisdiction is specifically |
32 | conferred by a vote of the town council, traffic and parking violations; provided, however, that any |
33 | defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or |
34 | chapter 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) days of the conviction, file |
| LC001892 - Page 17 of 26 |
1 | an appeal from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de |
2 | novo; and provided, further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a |
3 | minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3 of this title may, within seven (7) days of |
4 | conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the second division of the district court and be |
5 | entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with subdivision 8-8-3(a)(4) and § 8-8-3.2. |
6 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
7 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
8 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
9 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
10 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
11 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
12 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
13 | statutes. |
14 | (c) The town council of the town of North Kingstown is authorized and empowered to |
15 | appoint a judge of the municipal court. The judge shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or |
16 | concurrent with the term of each appointing council. The town council of the town is authorized |
17 | and empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be |
18 | followed in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the |
19 | operation and management of the court. The municipal court may impose sentences not to exceed |
20 | thirty (30) days in jail and impose fines not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The |
21 | court is empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons |
22 | for contempt, and to authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be |
23 | authorized and executed by a justice of the district court. |
24 | 45-2-56. Town of Hopkinton -- Municipal Court. |
25 | (a) The town council of the town of Hopkinton may establish a municipal court and confer |
26 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
27 | hear and determine causes involving the violation of any ordinance, including, but not limited to, |
28 | municipal code violations, animal regulation violations, minimum housing ordinances of the town |
29 | and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the Rhode Island Housing |
30 | Maintenance and Occupancy Code; and, if but only if, jurisdiction is specifically conferred by a |
31 | vote of the town council, traffic and parking violations; provided, however, that any defendant |
32 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violations of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
33 | 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal |
34 | from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and |
| LC001892 - Page 18 of 26 |
1 | provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing |
2 | ordinance or of chapter 24.3, may within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from the |
3 | conviction to the fourth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance |
4 | with subdivision 8-8-3(a)(4) and § 8-8-3.2. |
5 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
6 | housing or chapter 24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
7 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
8 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
9 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
10 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; or |
11 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of those ordinances and |
12 | statutes. |
13 | (c) The town council of the town of Hopkinton is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
14 | judge of the municipal court. The judge shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or concurrent with |
15 | the term of each appointing council. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to |
16 | enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, and procedure to be followed in the court and |
17 | to establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
18 | of the court. The municipal court may impose sentences not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
19 | impose fines not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
20 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, and punish persons for contempt, and to |
21 | authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed |
22 | by a justice of the district court. |
23 | 45-2-58. Town of Smithfield -- Municipal court. |
24 | (a) The town council of the town of Smithfield may establish a municipal court and confer |
25 | upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
26 | hear and determine causes involving the violations of the town of Smithfield Charter, Code of |
27 | Ordinances, including minimum housing ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions |
28 | of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the "Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code"; |
29 | provided, however, that any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding violation of the |
30 | minimum housing ordinances or chapter 24.3 of this title, may within seven (7) days of conviction, |
31 | file an appeal from the conviction to the superior court for Providence County and be entitled in |
32 | the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty |
33 | of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of |
34 | the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the sixth division of the district court and be |
| LC001892 - Page 19 of 26 |
1 | entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with subsections 8-8-3(a)(4) and 8-8-3.2. |
2 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
3 | housing or chapter 24.3, et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
4 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
5 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
6 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate or correct a violation; |
7 | (2) To order the repair, vacation or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
8 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
9 | statutes. |
10 | (c) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island Traffic |
11 | Tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations conferred upon the municipal court and enumerated |
12 | in § 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons by the municipal court shall be in conformance with § 8-18- |
13 | 4. The municipal court shall hear and decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the |
14 | procedures of the traffic tribunal, and be subject to review by the chief judge of the district court in |
15 | accordance with § 8-18-11. Any person desiring to appeal an adverse decision of the municipal |
16 | court for violations enumerated in § 8-18-3, may seek review thereof pursuant to the procedures |
17 | set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
18 | (d) The town council of the town of Smithfield is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
19 | judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town council of the town of Smithfield is authorized |
20 | and empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation and procedure to be |
21 | followed in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the |
22 | operation and management of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed |
23 | thirty (30) days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The |
24 | court is empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses and punish persons for |
25 | contempt and to execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of |
26 | the district court. |
27 | 45-2-59. Town of North Smithfield -- Municipal court. |
28 | (a) The town council of the town of North Smithfield may establish a municipal court and |
29 | confer upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general |
30 | laws, to hear and determine causes involving the violations of the town of North Smithfield Charter, |
31 | Code of Ordinances, including minimum housing ordinances of the town and any violation of the |
32 | provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the "Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and |
33 | Occupancy Code"; provided, however, that any defendant found guilty of any offense, excluding |
34 | violation of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter 24.3 of this title, may within seven (7) |
| LC001892 - Page 20 of 26 |
1 | days of conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the superior court for Providence County |
2 | and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any |
3 | defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3 of this |
4 | title may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the sixth |
5 | division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with §§ 8-8-3(a)(4) and |
6 | 8-8-3.2. |
7 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
8 | housing or chapter 24.3, et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
9 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
10 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
11 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate or correct a violation; |
12 | (2) To order the repair, vacation or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
13 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
14 | statutes. |
15 | (c) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island Traffic |
16 | Tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations conferred upon the municipal court and enumerated |
17 | in § 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons by the municipal court shall be in conformance with § 8-18- |
18 | 4. The municipal court shall hear and decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the |
19 | procedures of the traffic tribunal, and be subject to review by the chief judge of the district court in |
20 | accordance with § 8-18-11. Any person desiring to appeal an adverse decision of the municipal |
21 | court for violations enumerated in § 8-18-3, may seek review thereof pursuant to the procedures |
22 | set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
23 | (d) The town council of the town of North Smithfield is authorized and empowered to |
24 | appoint a judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town council of the town of North Smithfield |
25 | is authorized and empowered to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation and procedure |
26 | to be followed in the court and to establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide |
27 | for the operation and management of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to |
28 | exceed thirty (30) days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or |
29 | both. The court is empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses and punish |
30 | persons for contempt and to execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed |
31 | by a judge of the district court. |
32 | 45-2-61. Town of Barrington -- Municipal court. |
33 | (a) The town council of the town of Barrington may establish a municipal court and confer |
34 | upon that court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
| LC001892 - Page 21 of 26 |
1 | hear and determine causes involving the violations of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
2 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
3 | Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code; provided, however, that any defendant |
4 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violation of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
5 | 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal |
6 | from the conviction to the superior court and be entitled in the latter court to a trial de novo; and |
7 | provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of a minimum housing |
8 | ordinance or of chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, file an appeal from the |
9 | conviction to the sixth division of the district court and be entitled to a trial de novo in accordance |
10 | with subdivision 8-8-3(a)(4) and § 8-8-3.2. |
11 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
12 | housing or chapter 24.3, et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
13 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
14 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
15 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate or correct a violation; |
16 | (2) To order the repair, vacation or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
17 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
18 | statutes. |
19 | (c) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island traffic |
20 | tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations conferred upon the municipal court and enumerated |
21 | in § 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons by the municipal court shall be in conformance with § 8-18- |
22 | 4. The municipal court shall hear and decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the |
23 | procedures of the traffic tribunal, and be subject to review by the chief magistrate of the traffic |
24 | tribunal in accordance with § 8-18-11. Any person desiring to appeal an adverse decision of the |
25 | municipal court for violations enumerated in § 8-18-3, may seek review thereof pursuant to the |
26 | procedures set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
27 | (d) The town council of the town of Barrington is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
28 | judge of the municipal court. The town council of the town is authorized and empowered to enact |
29 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
30 | establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
31 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
32 | impose a fine of not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
33 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses, punish persons for contempt and to authorize |
34 | and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed by a justice |
| LC001892 - Page 22 of 26 |
1 | of the district court. |
2 | 45-2-62. Town of Portsmouth -- Municipal court. |
3 | (a) The town council of the town of Portsmouth may establish a municipal court and confer |
4 | upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
5 | hear and determine causes involving the violations of any ordinance, including minimum housing |
6 | ordinances of the town and any violation of the provisions of chapter 24.3 of this title, entitled the |
7 | "Rhode Island Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code"; provided, however, that any defendant |
8 | found guilty of any offense, excluding violation of the minimum housing ordinances or chapter |
9 | 24.3 within the jurisdiction of the court, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal |
10 | from the conviction to the superior court for Newport County and be entitled in the latter court to |
11 | a trial de novo; and provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of |
12 | a minimum housing ordinance or of chapter 24.3 may, within seven (7) days of the conviction, file |
13 | an appeal from the conviction to the second division of the district court and be entitled to a trial |
14 | de novo in accordance with subdivision 8-8-3(a)(4) and § 8-8-3.2. |
15 | (b) With respect to violations of either municipal ordinances dealing with minimum |
16 | housing or chapter 24.3, et seq. of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the |
17 | town council may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, |
18 | the power to proceed according to equity: |
19 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate or correct a violation; |
20 | (2) To order the repair, vacation or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; |
21 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
22 | statutes. |
23 | (c) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island traffic |
24 | tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations conferred upon the municipal court and enumerated |
25 | in § 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons by the municipal court shall be in conformance with § 8-18- |
26 | 4. The municipal court shall hear and decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the |
27 | procedures of the traffic tribunal, and be subject to review by the chief magistrate of the traffic |
28 | tribunal in accordance with § 8-18-11. Any person desiring to appeal an adverse decision of the |
29 | municipal court for violations enumerated in § 8-18-3, may seek review thereof pursuant to the |
30 | procedures set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
31 | (d) The town council of the town of Portsmouth is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
32 | judge and clerk of the municipal court. The town council is authorized and empowered to enact |
33 | ordinances governing the personnel, operation and procedure to be followed in the court and to |
34 | establish a schedule of fees and costs, and to otherwise provide for the operation and management |
| LC001892 - Page 23 of 26 |
1 | of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and |
2 | impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500), or both. The court is empowered to |
3 | administer oaths, compel the attendance of witnesses and punish persons for contempt and to |
4 | authorize and execute search warrants to the extent the warrants could be authorized and executed |
5 | by a justice of the district court. |
6 | 45-2-63. Town of Richmond -- Municipal court. |
7 | (a) The town council of the town of Richmond may establish a municipal court and confer |
8 | upon the court original jurisdiction, notwithstanding any other provisions of the general laws, to |
9 | hear and determine causes involving violation of the town of Richmond code of ordinances, |
10 | including any minimum housing ordinances of the town, and violations of the provisions of chapter |
11 | 45-24.3, entitled the Rhode Island housing maintenance and occupancy code; provided, however, |
12 | that any defendant found guilty of any violation of the Richmond code of ordinances, excluding |
13 | any minimum housing ordinances, may, within seven (7) days of conviction, file an appeal from |
14 | the conviction to the superior court for Washington County and be entitled in the latter court to a |
15 | trial de novo; and, provided further, however, that any defendant found guilty of any violation of |
16 | any minimum housing ordinances or of chapter 45-23.3 may, within seven (7) days of the |
17 | conviction, file an appeal from the conviction to the fourth division of the district court and be |
18 | entitled to a trial de novo in accordance with subdivision 8-8-3(a)(4) and § 8-8-3.2. |
19 | (b) With respect to violations of any minimum housing ordinance and violations of chapter |
20 | 45-24.3 et seq., of this title dealing with housing maintenance and occupancy, the town council |
21 | may also confer upon the municipal court, in furtherance of the court's jurisdiction, the power to |
22 | proceed according to equity: |
23 | (1) To restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation; |
24 | (2) To order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwelling existing in violation; and |
25 | (3) To otherwise compel compliance with all of the provisions of the ordinances and |
26 | statutes. |
27 | (c) The municipal court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the Rhode Island traffic |
28 | tribunal to hear and adjudicate those violations enumerated in § 8-18-3. Adjudication of summons |
29 | by the municipal court shall be in conformance with § 8-18-4. The municipal court shall hear and |
30 | decide traffic matters in a manner consistent with the procedures of the traffic tribunal, and shall |
31 | be subject to review by the chief magistrate of the traffic tribunal in accordance with § 8-18-11. |
32 | Any person desiring to appeal an adverse decision of the municipal court for violations enumerated |
33 | in § 8-18-3 may seek review thereof pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 31-41.1-8. |
34 | (d) The town council of the town of Richmond is authorized and empowered to appoint a |
| LC001892 - Page 24 of 26 |
1 | judge and a clerk of the municipal court; to enact ordinances governing the personnel, operation, |
2 | and procedure to be followed in the court; to establish a schedule of fees and costs; and to otherwise |
3 | provide for the operation and management of the court. The municipal court may impose a sentence |
4 | not to exceed thirty (30) days in jail and impose a fine not in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) |
5 | per violation, or both. The court is empowered to administer oaths, compel the attendance of |
6 | witnesses, and punish persons for contempt and to execute search warrants to the extent the |
7 | warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
8 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would repeal the power granted to certain municipal courts to execute search |
2 | warrants to the extent the warrants could be executed by a judge of the district court. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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