1 | ARTICLE 6 | |
3 | SECTION 1. Section 5-65-8 and 5-65-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-65 entitled | |
4 | “Contractors’ Registration and Licensing Board” are hereby amended to read as follows: | |
5 | 5-65-8. Term of registration – Renewal – Registration identification card. | |
6 | (a) A certificate of registration shall be valid for two one (2) (1) years from the date of | |
7 | issuance unless the registration is revoked or suspended as described in § 5-65-10. It may be renewed | |
8 | by the same procedure provided for an original registration upon application and furnishing of any | |
9 | additional supplemental information that the board may require by rule. | |
10 | (b) The board shall issue a pocket-card certificate of registration to a contractor registered | |
11 | under this chapter including a picture of the registrant as prescribed by the board in the rules and | |
12 | regulations. The Rhode Island department of administration, division of motor vehicles, shall, upon | |
13 | the board's request, provide electronic copies of the digital photos of any registrant under this | |
14 | chapter on record to be incorporated into the contractors' registration data bank to match the drivers' | |
15 | licenses or IDs provided by registrants or applicants unless the applicant provides written | |
16 | notification to the board to the contrary. | |
17 | (c) The board may vary the dates of registration renewal by giving to the registrant written | |
18 | notice of the renewal date assigned and by making appropriate adjustments in the renewal fee. | |
19 | (d) The presentation of the registration or license identification card shall be mandatory at | |
20 | the time of permit application. | |
21 | (e) If a registrant files in bankruptcy court, the board must be notified in writing by the | |
22 | registrant and kept informed of the status of the case until dismissed, discharged, or resolved in | |
23 | court. | |
24 | 5-65-9. Registration fee. | |
25 | (a) Each applicant shall pay to the board: | |
26 | (1) For original registration or renewal of registration, a fee of two hundred dollars | |
27 | ($200)one hundred and fifty dollars ($150). | |
28 | (2) A fee for all changes in the registration, as prescribed by the board, other than those | |
29 | due to clerical errors. | |
30 | (b) All fees and fines collected by the board shall be deposited as general revenues to | |
31 | support the activities set forth in this chapter until June 30, 2008. Beginning July 1, 2008, all fees | |
| ||
1 | and fines collected by the board shall be deposited into a restricted-receipt account for the exclusive | |
2 | use of supporting programs established by this chapter. | |
3 | (c) On or before January 15, 2018, and annually thereafter, the board shall file a report with | |
4 | the speaker of the house and the president of the senate, with copies to the chairpersons of the house | |
5 | and senate finance committees, detailing: | |
6 | (1) The total number of fines issued, broken down by category, including the number of | |
7 | fines issued for a first violation and the number of fines issued for a subsequent violation; | |
8 | (2) The total dollar amount of fines levied; | |
9 | (3) The total amount of fees, fines, and penalties collected and deposited for the most | |
10 | recently completed fiscal year; and | |
11 | (4) The account balance as of the date of the report. | |
12 | (d) Each year, the department of business regulation shall prepare a proposed budget to | |
13 | support the programs approved by the board. The proposed budget shall be submitted to the board | |
14 | for its review. A final budget request shall be submitted to the legislature as part of the department | |
15 | of business regulation's annual request. | |
16 | (e) New or renewal registrations may be filed online or with a third-party approved by the | |
17 | board, with the additional cost incurred to be borne by the registrant. | |
18 | SECTION 2. Sections 73-4 of Chapter 5 of the General Laws entitled “Roofing | |
19 | Contractors” is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
20 | 5-73-4. Registration fee. | |
21 | All roofing contractors shall submit a payment in the amount of four hundred dollars | |
22 | ($400), which shall support the licensing program, representing a license fee along with the | |
23 | application referenced in § 5-73-3, and be required to comply with the provisions of chapter 65 of | |
24 | this title and those provisions shall be interpreted to include commercial roofers as defined in this | |
25 | chapter. Beginning July 1, 2008, all fines and fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be | |
26 | deposited into a restricted-receipt account for the exclusive use of supporting programs established | |
27 | by the board. The license shall expire every two (2) years on the anniversary date of the license's | |
28 | issuance and may be renewed upon payment of a two hundred dollar ($200) fee. | |
29 | SECTION 3. Section 7-11-206 of the General Laws in Chapter 7-11 entitled “Rhode Island | |
30 | Uniform Securities Act” is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
31 | 7-11-206. Licensing and notice fees; and filing requirements for federal covered | |
32 | advisers. | |
33 | (a) A federal covered adviser or an applicant for licensing shall pay an annual fee as | |
34 | follows: | |
| |
1 | (1) Broker-dealer three hundred dollars ($300) and for each branch office one hundred | |
2 | dollars ($100); | |
3 | (2) Sales representative seventy-five dollars ($75.00) one hundred dollars ($100.00); | |
4 | (3) Investment adviser three hundred dollars ($300); | |
5 | (4) Investment adviser representative sixty dollars ($60.00); and | |
6 | (5) Federal covered adviser three hundred dollars ($300). | |
7 | (b) Except with respect to federal covered advisers whose only clients are those described | |
8 | in § 7-11-204(1)(i), a federal covered adviser shall file any documents filed with the U.S. Securities | |
9 | and Exchange Commission with the director, that the director requires by rule or order, together | |
10 | with any notice fee and consent to service of process that the director requires by rule or order. The | |
11 | notice filings under this subsection expire annually on December 31, unless renewed. | |
12 | (c) A notice filing under this section is effective from receipt until the end of the calendar | |
13 | year. A notice filing may be renewed by filing any documents that have been filed with the U.S. | |
14 | Securities and Exchange Commission as required by the director along with a renewal fee of three | |
15 | hundred dollars ($300). | |
16 | (d) A federal covered adviser may terminate a notice filing upon providing the director | |
17 | notice of the termination, which is effective upon receipt by the director. | |
18 | (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, until October 11, 1999, the director may | |
19 | require the registration as an investment adviser of any federal covered adviser who has failed to | |
20 | promptly pay the fees required by this section after written notification from the director of the | |
21 | nonpayment or underpayment of the fees. A federal covered adviser is considered to have promptly | |
22 | paid the fees if they are remitted to the director within fifteen (15) days following the federal | |
23 | covered adviser's receipt of written notice from the director. | |
24 | (f) For purposes of this section, "branch office" means any location where one or more | |
25 | associated persons of a broker-dealer regularly conducts the business of effecting any transactions | |
26 | in, or inducing or attempting to induce the purchase or sale of any security, or is held out as such, | |
27 | excluding: | |
28 | (1) Any location that is established solely for customer service and/or back office type | |
29 | functions where no sales activities are conducted and that is not held out to the public as a branch | |
30 | office; | |
31 | (2) Any location that is the associated person's primary residence; provided that: | |
32 | (i) Only one associated person, or multiple associated persons who reside at that location | |
33 | and are members of the same immediate family, conduct business at the location; | |
| |
1 | (ii) The location is not held out to the public as an office and the associated person does | |
2 | not meet with customers at the location; | |
3 | (iii) Neither customer funds nor securities are handled at that location; | |
4 | (iv) The associated person is assigned to a designated branch office, and such designated | |
5 | branch office is reflected on all business cards, stationery, advertisements and other | |
6 | communications to the public by such associated person; | |
7 | (v) The associated person's correspondence and communications with the public are | |
8 | subject to the firm's supervision in accordance with Rule 3010 of the Financial Industry Regulatory | |
9 | Authority; | |
10 | (vi) Electronic communications are made through the broker-dealer's electronic system; | |
11 | (vii) All orders are entered through the designated branch office or an electronic system | |
12 | established by the broker-dealer that is reviewable at the branch office; | |
13 | (viii) Written supervisory procedures pertaining to supervision of sales activities conducted | |
14 | at the residence are maintained by the broker-dealer; and | |
15 | (ix) A list of the residence locations is maintained by the broker-dealer; | |
16 | (3) Any location, other than a primary residence, that is used for securities business for less | |
17 | than thirty (30) business days in any one calendar year, provided the broker-dealer complies with | |
18 | the provisions of subsections (f)(2)(i) through (ix) above; | |
19 | (4) Any office of convenience, where associated person(s) occasionally and exclusively by | |
20 | appointment meet with customers, which is not held out to the public as an office; | |
21 | (5) Any location that is used primarily to engage in non-securities activities and from which | |
22 | the associated person(s) effects no more than twenty-five (25) securities transactions in any one | |
23 | calendar year; provided that any advertisement or sales literature identifying such location also sets | |
24 | forth the address and telephone number of the location from which the associated person(s) | |
25 | conducting business at the non-branch locations are directly supervised; | |
26 | (6) The floor of a registered national securities exchange where a broker-dealer conducts a | |
27 | direct access business with public customers; | |
28 | (7) A temporary location established in response to the implementation of a business | |
29 | continuity plan. | |
30 | (g) Notwithstanding the exclusions in subsection (f), any location that is responsible for | |
31 | supervising the activities of persons associated with the broker-dealer at one or more non-branch | |
32 | locations of the broker-dealer is considered to be a branch office. | |
| |
1 | (h) The term "business day" as used in subsection (f) shall not include any partial business | |
2 | day provided that the associated person spends at least four (4) hours on such business day at his | |
3 | or her designated branch office during the hours that such office is normally open for business. | |
4 | (i) Where such office of convenience is located on bank premises, signage necessary to | |
5 | comply with applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations and applicable rules and | |
6 | regulations of the New York Stock Exchange, other self-regulatory organizations, and securities | |
7 | and banking regulators may be displayed and shall not be deemed "holding out" for purposes of | |
8 | subsection (f)(4). | |
9 | (j) If an application is denied or withdrawn or the license is revoked, suspended, or | |
10 | withdrawn, the director is not required to refund the fee paid. | |
11 | (k) The director may issue a stop order suspending the activities of a federal covered | |
12 | adviser in this state if the director reasonably believes there has been a violation of the provisions | |
13 | of this section. | |
14 | SECTION 4. Section 23-1-34 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-1 entitled “Department | |
15 | of Health” is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
16 | 23-1-34. Health promotion income. | |
17 | (a) The director shall maintain an accurate and timely accounting of money received from | |
18 | the sale of health promotional products, services, or data created by the department of health. This | |
19 | money shall be deposited as general revenue. | |
20 | (b) The director is authorized to establish reasonable fees for processing special data | |
21 | analysis of health data. “Special data analysis” shall mean compiling and/or analyzing health- | |
22 | related data in a manner not ordinarily kept in the course of business by the department of health | |
23 | and not otherwise subject to the state’s access to public records act (APRA) in chapter 2, title 38 of | |
24 | the general laws. Special data requests are subject to the following requirements: | |
25 | (1) Special data analysis requests shall include requests that require data analysis, | |
26 | calculation, and interpretation. Requesters shall be notified in advance of costs for special data | |
27 | analysis and shall be given an opportunity to not proceed. | |
28 | (2) In its sole discretion, nothing herein shall require the department of health to process a | |
29 | request for special data analysis. | |
30 | (3) The fees collected for special data analysis shall be non-refundable, regardless of the | |
31 | outcome of the special data analysis. | |
32 | (4) The director shall have the authority to waive fees at his or her sole discretion. | |
33 | (5) The final special data analysis shall be deemed to be public records in accordance with | |
34 | APRA. | |
| |
1 | (c) The process for requesting special data analysis and fees shall be established through | |
2 | the promulgation of rules and regulations, which also shall prohibit charging Rhode Island state | |
3 | agencies fees for special data analysis. All fees collected for special data analysis shall be deposited | |
4 | as general revenues, with approximately 50% of such fees collected appropriated to the department | |
5 | of health on an annual basis to be used to sustain its capacity to manage and sustain data systems | |
6 | necessary to meet data requester needs in a timely manner. | |
7 | SECTION 5. Section 23-17-38.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-17 entitled “Licensing | |
8 | of Health Care Facilities” is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
9 | 23-17-38.1. Hospitals – Licensing fee. | |
10 | (a) There is also imposed a hospital licensing fee at the rate of six percent (6%) upon the | |
11 | net patient-services revenue of every hospital for the hospital's first fiscal year ending on or after | |
12 | January 1, 2017, except that the license fee for all hospitals located in Washington County, Rhode | |
13 | Island shall be discounted by thirty-seven percent (37%). The discount for Washington County | |
14 | hospitals is subject to approval by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human | |
15 | Services of a state plan amendment submitted by the executive office of health and human services | |
16 | for the purpose of pursuing a waiver of the uniformity requirement for the hospital license fee. This | |
17 | licensing fee shall be administered and collected by the tax administrator, division of taxation | |
18 | within the department of revenue, and all the administration, collection, and other provisions of | |
19 | chapter 51 of title 44 shall apply. Every hospital shall pay the licensing fee to the tax administrator | |
20 | on or before July 10, 2019, and payments shall be made by electronic transfer of monies to the | |
21 | general treasurer and deposited to the general fund. Every hospital shall, on or before June 14, | |
22 | 2019, make a return to the tax administrator containing the correct computation of net patient- | |
23 | services revenue for the hospital fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, and the licensing fee due | |
24 | upon that amount. All returns shall be signed by the hospital's authorized representative, subject to | |
25 | the pains and penalties of perjury. | |
26 | (b) (a) There is also imposed a hospital licensing fee at the rate of six percent (6%) upon | |
27 | the net patient-services revenue of every hospital for the hospital's first fiscal year ending on or | |
28 | after January 1, 2018, except that the license fee for all hospitals located in Washington County, | |
29 | Rhode Island shall be discounted by thirty-seven percent (37%). The discount for Washington | |
30 | County hospitals is subject to approval by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and | |
31 | Human Services of a state plan amendment submitted by the executive office of health and human | |
32 | services for the purpose of pursuing a waiver of the uniformity requirement for the hospital license | |
33 | fee. This licensing fee shall be administered and collected by the tax administrator, division of | |
34 | taxation within the department of revenue, and all the administration, collection, and other | |
| |
1 | provisions of Chapter 51 of title 44 shall apply. Every hospital shall pay the licensing fee to the tax | |
2 | administrator on or before July 13, 2020, and payments shall be made by electronic transfer of | |
3 | monies to the general treasurer and deposited to the general fund. Every hospital shall, on or before | |
4 | June 15, 2020, make a return to the tax administrator containing the correct computation of net | |
5 | patient- services revenue for the hospital fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and the licensing | |
6 | fee due upon that amount. All returns shall be signed by the hospital's authorized representative, | |
7 | subject to the pains and penalties of perjury. | |
8 | (c) (b) There is also imposed a hospital licensing fee for state fiscal year 2021 against each | |
9 | hospital in the state. The hospital licensing fee is equal to five six percent (5.0%)(6.0%) of the net | |
10 | patient-services revenue of every hospital for the hospital's first fiscal year ending on or after | |
11 | January 1, 2018, except that the license fee for all hospitals located in Washington County, Rhode | |
12 | Island shall be discounted by thirty-seven percent (37%). The discount for Washington County | |
13 | hospitals is subject to approval by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human | |
14 | Services of a state plan amendment submitted by the executive office of health and human services | |
15 | for the purpose of pursuing a waiver of the uniformity requirement for the hospital license fee. This | |
16 | licensing fee shall be administered and collected by the tax administrator, division of taxation | |
17 | within the department of revenue, and all the administration, collection, and other provisions of | |
18 | Chapter 51 of title 44 shall apply. Every hospital shall pay the licensing fee to the tax administrator | |
19 | on or before July 13, 2021, and payments shall be made by electronic transfer of monies to the | |
20 | general treasurer and deposited to the general fund. Every hospital shall, on or before June 15, | |
21 | 2020, make a return to the tax administrator containing the correct computation of net patient- | |
22 | services revenue for the hospital fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, and the licensing fee due | |
23 | upon that amount. All returns shall be signed by the hospital's authorized representative, subject to | |
24 | the pains and penalties of perjury. | |
25 | (d) (c) There is also imposed a hospital licensing fee for state fiscal year 2022 against each | |
26 | hospital in the state. The hospital licensing fee is equal to six percent (6.0%) of the net patient- | |
27 | services revenue of every hospital for the hospital's first fiscal year ending on or after January 1, | |
28 | 2020, except that the license fee for all hospitals located in Washington County, Rhode Island shall | |
29 | be discounted by thirty-seven percent (37%). The discount for Washington County hospitals is | |
30 | subject to approval by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of a | |
31 | state plan amendment submitted by the executive office of health and human services for the | |
32 | purpose of pursuing a waiver of the uniformity requirement for the hospital license fee. This | |
33 | licensing fee shall be administered and collected by the tax administrator, division of taxation | |
34 | within the department of revenue, and all the administration, collection, and other provisions of | |
| |
1 | Chapter 51 of title 44 shall apply. Every hospital shall pay the licensing fee to the tax administrator | |
2 | on or before July 13, 2022, and payments shall be made by electronic transfer of monies to the | |
3 | general treasurer and deposited to the general fund. Every hospital shall, on or before June 15, | |
4 | 2022, make a return to the tax administrator containing the correct computation of net patient- | |
5 | services revenue for the hospital fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and the licensing fee due | |
6 | upon that amount. All returns shall be signed by the hospital's authorized representative, subject to | |
7 | the pains and penalties of perjury. | |
8 | (d) For purposes of this section the following words and phrases have the following | |
9 | meanings: | |
10 | (1) "Hospital" means the actual facilities and buildings in existence in Rhode Island, | |
11 | licensed pursuant to § 23-17-1 et seq. on June 30, 2010, and thereafter any premises included on | |
12 | that license, regardless of changes in licensure status pursuant to chapter 17.14 of title 23 (hospital | |
13 | conversions) and § 23-17-6(b) (change in effective control), that provides short-term acute inpatient | |
14 | and/or outpatient care to persons who require definitive diagnosis and treatment for injury, illness, | |
15 | disabilities, or pregnancy. Notwithstanding the preceding language, the negotiated Medicaid | |
16 | managed care payment rates for a court-approved purchaser that acquires a hospital through | |
17 | receivership, special mastership, or other similar state insolvency proceedings (which court- | |
18 | approved purchaser is issued a hospital license after January 1, 2013) shall be based upon the newly | |
19 | negotiated rates between the court-approved purchaser and the health plan, and such rates shall be | |
20 | effective as of the date that the court-approved purchaser and the health plan execute the initial | |
21 | agreement containing the newly negotiated rate. The rate-setting methodology for inpatient hospital | |
22 | payments and outpatient hospital payments set forth in §§ 40-8-13.4(b) and 40-8-13.4(b)(2), | |
23 | respectively, shall thereafter apply to negotiated increases for each annual twelve-month (12) | |
24 | period as of July 1 following the completion of the first full year of the court-approved purchaser's | |
25 | initial Medicaid managed care contract. | |
26 | (2) "Gross patient-services revenue" means the gross revenue related to patient care | |
27 | services. | |
28 | (3) "Net patient-services revenue" means the charges related to patient care services less | |
29 | (i) charges attributable to charity care; (ii) bad debt expenses; and (iii) contractual allowances. | |
30 | (e) The tax administrator shall make and promulgate any rules, regulations, and procedures | |
31 | not inconsistent with state law and fiscal procedures that he or she deems necessary for the proper | |
32 | administration of this section and to carry out the provisions, policy, and purposes of this section. | |
| |
1 | (f) The licensing fee imposed by subsection (b) (a) shall apply to hospitals as defined herein | |
2 | that are duly licensed on July 1, 2019 2020, and shall be in addition to the inspection fee imposed | |
3 | by § 23-17-38 and to any licensing fees previously imposed in accordance with this section. | |
4 | (g) The licensing fee imposed by subsection (c) (b) shall apply to hospitals as defined | |
5 | herein that are duly licensed on July 1, 2020 2021, and shall be in addition to the inspection fee | |
6 | imposed by § 23-17-38 and to any licensing fees previously imposed in accordance with this | |
7 | section. | |
8 | SECTION 6. Section 42-17.1-9.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-17.1 entitled "User | |
9 | fees at state beaches, parks, and recreation areas” is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
10 | 42-17.1-9.1. User fees at state beaches, parks, and recreation areas. | |
11 | (a) The department of environmental management in pursuance of its administrative duties | |
12 | and responsibilities may charge a user fee for any state beach, or recreational area under its | |
13 | jurisdiction, and fees for the use of its services or facilities. | |
14 | (b) The fee may be on a daily or annual basis, or both, and may be based on vehicle parking | |
15 | or other appropriate means. The fees may recognize the contribution of Rhode Island taxpayers to | |
16 | support the facilities in relation to other users of the state's facilities. The fee structure may | |
17 | acknowledge the need to provide for all people, regardless of circumstances. | |
18 | (c) An additional fee for camping and other special uses may be charged where appropriate. | |
19 | Rates so charged should be comparable to equivalent commercial facilities. | |
20 | (d) All such fees shall be established after a public hearing. | |
21 | (e) All daily fees from beach parking, which shall also include fees charged and collected | |
22 | at Ninigret conservation area and Charlestown breachway, shall be shared with the municipality in | |
23 | which the facility is located on the basis of seventy-three percent (73%) retained by the state and | |
24 | twenty-seven percent (27%) remitted to the municipality; provided, further, from July 1, 2016, until | |
25 | October 1, 2021, the beach fees charged and collected under this subsection shall be equal to those | |
26 | in effect on June 30, 2011. | |
27 | (1) Notwithstanding subsection (e), effective July 1, 2021, the fees charged and collected | |
28 | for facilities located in the town of Westerly may exceed those in effect on June 30, 2011, in an | |
29 | amount to be reasonably determined by the department of environmental management. | |
30 | (f) Fifty percent (50%) of all user and concession fees received by the state shall be | |
31 | deposited as general revenues. For the year beginning July 1, 1979, the proportion of user and | |
32 | concession fees to be received by the state shall be sixty-five percent (65%); for the year beginning | |
33 | July 1, 1980, eighty-five percent (85%); and for the year beginning July 1, 1981, and all years | |
34 | thereafter, one hundred percent (100%). The general revenue monies appropriated are hereby | |
| |
1 | specifically dedicated to meeting the costs of development, renovation of, and acquisition of state- | |
2 | owned recreation areas and for regular maintenance, repair and operation of state owned recreation | |
3 | areas. Purchases of vehicles and equipment and repairs to facilities shall not exceed four hundred | |
4 | thousand dollars ($400,000) annually. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 37-1-1 or any other | |
5 | provision of the general laws, the director of the department of environmental management is | |
6 | hereby authorized to accept any grant, devise, bequest, donation, gift, or assignment of money, | |
7 | bonds, or other valuable securities for deposit in the same manner as provided above for user and | |
8 | concession fees retained by the state. | |
9 | (g) No fee shall be charged to any school or other nonprofit organization provided that a | |
10 | representative of the school or other organization gives written notice of the date and time of their | |
11 | arrival to the facility. | |
12 | SECTION 7. Sections 44-19-1 and 44-19-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 44-19 entitled | |
13 | “Sales and Use Taxes – Enforcement and Collection” are hereby amended to read as follows: | |
14 | 44-19-1. Annual permit required – Retail business subject to sales tax – Promotion of | |
15 | shows – Revocation of show permit. | |
16 | (a)(1) Every person desiring to engage in or conduct within this state a business of making | |
17 | sales at retail, or engage in a business of renting living quarters in any hotel, rooming house, or | |
18 | tourist camp, the gross receipts from which sales or rental charges are required to be included in | |
19 | the measure of the tax imposed under chapter 18 of this title, shall file with the tax administrator | |
20 | an application for a permit for each place of business. The application shall be in a form, include | |
21 | information, and bear any signatures that the tax administrator may require. At the time of making | |
22 | an application, the applicant shall pay to the tax administrator a permit fee of ten dollars ($10.00) | |
23 | for each permit. There shall be no fee for this permit. Every permit issued under this chapter expires | |
24 | on June 30 of each year at the times prescribed by the tax administrator. | |
25 | (2) Every permit holder shall annually, on or before February 1 on forms prescribed and at | |
26 | the times prescribed by the tax administrator of each year, renew its permit by filing an application | |
27 | for renewal along with a ten dollars ($10.00) renewal fee. The renewal permit is valid for the period | |
28 | July 1 of that calendar year through June 30 of the subsequent calendar year unless otherwise | |
29 | canceled, suspended or revoked. All fees received under this section are allocated to the tax | |
30 | administrator for enforcement and collection of all taxes. | |
31 | (b)(1) Every promoter of a show shall, at least ten (10) days prior to the opening of each | |
32 | show, file with the tax administrator a notice stating the location and dates of the show, in a form | |
33 | prescribed by the tax administrator. | |
| |
1 | (2) The tax administrator shall, within five (5) days after the receipt of that notice, issue to | |
2 | the promoter, without charge, a permit to operate the show, unless the provisions of subdivision (5) | |
3 | of this subsection have been applied to the promoter. No promoter may operate a show without | |
4 | obtaining the permit. The permit shall be prominently displayed at the main entrance of the show. | |
5 | (3) Any promoter who is a retailer shall comply with all of the provisions of this chapter | |
6 | and chapter 18 relating to retailers, in addition to all of the provisions of this chapter relating to | |
7 | promoters. | |
8 | (4) A promoter may not permit any person to display or sell tangible personal property, | |
9 | services, or food and drink at a show unless that person is registered under subsection (a) of this | |
10 | section and displays his or her permit in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this | |
11 | section. | |
12 | (5) Any promoter who permits any person to display or sell tangible personal property, | |
13 | services, or food and drink at a show who is not registered, or does not display a permit, or fails to | |
14 | keep a record or file a monthly report of the name, address and permit number of every person | |
15 | whom the promoter permitted to sell or display tangible personal property, services, or food and | |
16 | drink at a show, is subject to revocation of all existing permits issued pursuant to this section to | |
17 | operate a show, and to the denial of a permit to operate any show for a period of not more than two | |
18 | (2) years, in addition to the provisions of § 44-19-31. | |
19 | 44-19-2. Issuance of permit – Assignment prohibited – Display – Fee for renewal after | |
20 | suspension or revocation. | |
21 | Upon receipt of the required application and permit fee, the tax administrator shall issue to | |
22 | the applicant a separate permit for each place of business within the state. If the applicant, at the | |
23 | time of making the application, owes any tax, penalty, or interest imposed under chapters 18 and | |
24 | 19 of this title, then before a permit is issued the applicant shall pay the amount owed. A permit is | |
25 | not assignable and is valid only for the person in whose name it is issued and for the transaction of | |
26 | business at the place designated in the permit. The permit shall at all times be conspicuously | |
27 | displayed at the place for which issued. A retailer whose permit has been previously suspended or | |
28 | revoked shall pay to the tax administrator a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for the renewal or issuance | |
29 | of a permit. | |
30 | SECTION 8. Sections 46-23-7.1, 46-23-7.3, and 46-23-7.4 of the General Laws in | |
31 | Chapter 46-23 of entitled “Coastal Resources Management Council” are hereby amended to read | |
32 | as follows: | |
33 | 46-23-7.1 Administrative penalties. | |
| |
1 | Any person who violates, or refuses or fails to obey, any notice or order issued pursuant to | |
2 | § 46-23-7(a); or any assent, order, or decision of the council, may be assessed an administrative | |
3 | penalty by the chairperson or executive director in accordance with the following: | |
4 | (1) The chairperson or executive director is authorized to assess an administrative penalty | |
5 | of not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for | |
6 | each violation of this section, and is authorized to assess additional penalties of not more than five | |
7 | hundred dollars ($500) one thousand ($1,000) for each day during which this violation continues | |
8 | after receipt of a cease and desist order from the council pursuant to § 46-23-7(a), but in no event | |
9 | shall the penalties in an aggregate equal or exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) fifty thousand | |
10 | dollars ($50,000). Prior to the assessment of a penalty under this subdivision, the property owner | |
11 | or person committing the violation shall be notified by certified mail or personal service that a | |
12 | penalty is being assessed. The notice shall include a reference to the section of the law, rule, | |
13 | regulation, assent, order, or permit condition violated; a concise statement of the facts alleged to | |
14 | constitute the violation; a statement of the amount of the administrative penalty assessed; and a | |
15 | statement of the party's right to an administrative hearing. | |
16 | (2) The party shall have twenty-one (21) days from receipt of the notice within which to | |
17 | deliver to the council a written request for a hearing. This request shall specify in detail the | |
18 | statements contested by the party. The executive director shall designate a person to act as hearing | |
19 | officer. If no hearing is requested, then after the expiration of the twenty-one (21) day period, the | |
20 | council shall issue a final order assessing the penalty specified in the notice. The penalty is due | |
21 | when the final order is issued. If the party shall request a hearing, any additional daily penalty shall | |
22 | not commence to accrue until the council issues a final order. | |
23 | (3) If a violation is found to have occurred, the council may issue a final order assessing | |
24 | not more than the amount of the penalty specified in the notice. The penalty is due when the final | |
25 | order is issued. | |
26 | (4) The party may within thirty (30) days appeal the final order, of fine assessed by the | |
27 | council to the superior court which shall hear the assessment of the fine de novo. | |
28 | 46-23-7.3 Criminal penalties. | |
29 | Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this chapter, the coastal resources | |
30 | management program, or any rule, regulation, assent, or order shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, | |
31 | and, upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) one thousand | |
32 | dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment of not more than three (3) months or both; and each day the | |
33 | violation is continued or repeated shall be deemed a separate offense. | |
34 | 46-23-7.4 Penalty for blocking or posting of rights-of-way. | |
| |
1 | Any person who shall post or block any tidal water, public right-of-way, as designated by | |
2 | the council, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) one thousand | |
3 | dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment for not more than three (3) months or both; and each day the | |
4 | posting or blocking continues or is repeated shall be deemed a separate offense. The chairperson | |
5 | of the council, through council's legal counsel or the attorney general, may apply to any court of | |
6 | competent jurisdiction for an injunction to prevent the unlawful posting or blocking of any tidal | |
7 | water, public right-of-way. | |
8 | SECTION 9. This article shall take effect July 1, 2021. | |