1 | ARTICLE 4 | |
3 | SECTION 1. This article shall serve as joint resolution required pursuant to Rhode Island | |
4 | General Law § 35-18-1, et seq. and propose legislation related thereto. | |
5 | SECTION 2. Section 2, Article 6 of Chapter 88 of the 2019 Public Laws is hereby amended | |
6 | to read as follows: | |
7 | Section 2. University of Rhode Island – Memorial Union – Auxiliary Enterprise | |
8 | WHEREAS, The Council on Postsecondary Education and the University have a long- | |
9 | standing commitment to the overall development of their students; and | |
10 | WHEREAS, The University believes that the Memorial Union celebrates life at URI and | |
11 | acts as the nexus for campus community, student engagement, and leadership. It is an intersection | |
12 | connecting the academic core of campus and the campus’s socially active residential community. | |
13 | The student union at the University is an integral part of the educational ecosystem that shapes the | |
14 | student experience; and | |
15 | WHEREAS, The Council on Postsecondary Education and the University of Rhode Island | |
16 | are proposing a project which involves the renovation and expansion of the Memorial Union to | |
17 | meet the ongoing and growing needs of their students; and | |
18 | WHEREAS, The University engaged a qualified architectural firm, which has completed | |
19 | an advanced planning study for this renovation; and | |
20 | WHEREAS, The Rhode Island Public Corporation Debt Management Act requires the | |
21 | General Assembly to provide its consent to the issuance or incurring by the State of Rhode Island | |
22 | and other public agencies of certain obligations including financing guarantees or other agreements; | |
23 | and | |
24 | WHEREAS, The design and construction associated with this work of an Auxiliary | |
25 | Enterprise building will be financed through the Rhode Island Health and Educational Building | |
26 | Corporation (RIHEBC) revenue bonds, with an expected term of thirty (30) years; and | |
27 | WHEREAS, The total project costs associated with completion of the project through the | |
28 | proposed financing method is fifty-one million five hundred thousand dollars ($51,500,000) fifty- | |
29 | seven million six hundred thousand dollars ($57,600,000), including cost of issuance. Debt service | |
30 | payments would be supported by revenues derived from student fees and retail lease payments | |
31 | associated with the respective Auxiliary Enterprises of the University of Rhode Island occupying | |
32 | said facility. Total debt service on the bonds is not expected to exceed one hundred twelve million | |
| ||
1 | three hundred thousand dollars ($112,300,000) one hundred twenty-five million six hundred | |
2 | thousand dollars ($125,600,000) in the aggregate based on an average interest rate of six (6%) | |
3 | percent; now, therefore be it | |
4 | RESOLVED, That this General Assembly hereby approves financing in an amount not to | |
5 | exceed fifty-one million five hundred thousand dollars ($51,500,000) fifty-seven million six | |
6 | hundred thousand dollars ($57,600,000) for the Memorial Union project for the auxiliary enterprise | |
7 | building on the University of Rhode Island campus; and be it further | |
8 | RESOLVED, That this Joint Resolution shall take effect upon passage. | |
9 | SECTION 3. Section 4, Article 6 of Chapter 88 of the 2019 Public Laws is hereby amended | |
10 | to read as follows: | |
11 | Section 4. University of Rhode Island – Combined Health & Counseling Center – Auxiliary | |
12 | Enterprise | |
13 | WHEREAS, The Council on Postsecondary Education and the University have a long- | |
14 | standing commitment to the health and wellness of their students; and | |
15 | WHEREAS, The University has a desire to create a one-stop center to address the physical, | |
16 | emotional, and mental health of its students; and | |
17 | WHEREAS, The Council on Postsecondary Education and the University of Rhode Island | |
18 | are proposing a project which involves the construction of a new Combined Health & Counseling | |
19 | Center to meet the ongoing and growing health needs of their students; and | |
20 | WHEREAS, The University engaged a qualified architectural firm, which has completed | |
21 | an advanced planning study for this new building; and | |
22 | WHEREAS, The Rhode Island Public Corporation Debt Management Act requires the | |
23 | General Assembly to provide its consent to the issuance or incurring by the State of Rhode Island | |
24 | and other public agencies of certain obligations including financing guarantees or other agreements; | |
25 | and | |
26 | WHEREAS, The design and construction associated with this work of an Auxiliary | |
27 | Enterprise building will be financed through the Rhode Island Health and Educational Building | |
28 | Corporation (RIHEBC) revenue bonds, with an expected term of thirty (30) years; and | |
29 | WHEREAS, The total project costs associated with completion of the project through the | |
30 | proposed financing method is twenty-six nine hundred thousand dollars ($26,900,000) twenty-nine | |
31 | million dollars ($29,000,000), including cost of issuance. Debt service payments would be | |
32 | supported by revenues derived from student fees associated with the respective Auxiliary | |
33 | Enterprises of the University of Rhode Island occupying said facility. Total debt service on the | |
34 | bonds is not expected to exceed fifty-eight million seven hundred thousand dollars ($58,700,000) | |
| |
1 | sixty-three million three hundred thousand dollars ($63,300,000) in the aggregate based on an | |
2 | average interest rate of six (6%) percent; now, therefore be it | |
3 | RESOLVED, That this General Assembly hereby approves financing in an amount not to | |
4 | exceed twenty-six million nine hundred thousand dollars ($26,900,000) twenty-nine million dollars | |
5 | ($29,000,000) for the Combined Health & Counseling Center project for the auxiliary enterprise | |
6 | building on the University of Rhode Island campus; and be it further | |
7 | RESOLVED, That, this Joint Resolution shall take effect upon passage. | |
8 | SECTION 4. Section 5, Article 16 of Chapter 47 of the 2018 Public Laws is hereby | |
9 | amended to read as follows: | |
10 | Section 5. Eleanor Slater Hospital Project-Regan Building Renovation | |
11 | WHEREAS, The Eleanor Slater Hospital (the "Hospital") provides long-term acute care | |
12 | and post-acute care for approximately two hundred twenty (220) individuals with complex | |
13 | psychiatric and medical needs on two campuses - Pastore and Zambarano; and | |
14 | WHEREAS, The Hospital is licensed by the Rhode Island Department of Health | |
15 | ("RIDOH") and accredited triennially by the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Health Care | |
16 | Organizations ("JCAHO") that enables it to bill Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial insurances | |
17 | for the care it provides; and | |
18 | WHEREAS, The revenue the Hospital can bill Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurers | |
19 | approximates $55.0 million annually; and | |
20 | WHEREAS, On the Pastore campus the patients who have psychiatric needs are currently | |
21 | in three buildings (Pinel, Regan and Adolph Meyer) that are older buildings that have not been | |
22 | updated in many years; and | |
23 | WHEREAS, In January 2017, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services ("CMS") | |
24 | published new standards designed to address the increased number of suicides and suicide attempts | |
25 | in hospitals; such standards required significant renovations to reduce ligature risks on inpatient | |
26 | psychiatric units; and | |
27 | WHEREAS, In September 2017, JCAHO performed its triennial survey, identified | |
28 | significant ligature risks at the Pinel and the Adolph Meyer Buildings and as a result, gave the | |
29 | Hospital a rating of Immediate Threat to Life, requiring it to submit a long-term plan to address the | |
30 | ligature risks in both buildings; and | |
31 | WHEREAS, The Pinel and the Adolph Meyer Buildings currently do not meet JCAHO | |
32 | and CMS requirements and a loss of accreditation for not meeting the submitted plan could lead to | |
33 | the loss of approximately $55.0 million in federal Medicaid match; and | |
| |
1 | WHEREAS, The Hospital submitted to JCAHO a plan to renovate the Benton Center and | |
2 | the Regan Building, and to close the Pinel and Adolph Meyer Buildings, thus enabling it to achieve | |
3 | full accreditation; and | |
4 | WHEREAS, A renovation of the existing Pinel and Adolph Meyer Buildings would not be | |
5 | financially beneficial due to the magnitude of renovations that would need to be performed on these | |
6 | buildings to allow the Hospital to achieve full accreditation; and | |
7 | WHEREAS, The renovation of the Benton Center will be completed in June 2018, utilizing | |
8 | Rhode Island Capital Plan Fund financing, enabling the Hospital to close the Pinel Building and 2 | |
9 | units in the Adolph Meyer Building and relocate approximately forty-five (45) psychiatric patients | |
10 | to Benton; and | |
11 | WHEREAS, This will leave approximately fifty (50) to fifty-five (55) psychiatric patients | |
12 | remaining in the Adolph Meyer Building; and | |
13 | WHEREAS, There are significant ligature risks that exist in Adolph Meyer and the current | |
14 | size of the units are twelve (12) to fifteen (15) beds sizes that are too small to be efficient in | |
15 | hospitals, while the size of the patient care units in Regan are twenty-four (24) to twenty-eight (28) | |
16 | beds - more typical of patient care units today; and | |
17 | WHEREAS, Closing inefficient units in the Adolph Meyer Building will enable the | |
18 | Hospital to reduce operating costs and address the deficiencies cited by the JCAHO; and | |
19 | WHEREAS, There are currently three (3) floors in the Regan Building that can house | |
20 | patients, one that is vacant, one currently with twenty-eight (28) psychiatric patients, and another | |
21 | with currently seventeen (17) medical patients; and whereas a fourth floor can be renovated into an | |
22 | inpatient unit; and | |
23 | WHEREAS, To accommodate the remaining psychiatric patients in the Adolph Meyer | |
24 | Building, three (3) floors would require extensive renovations to meet the current building | |
25 | standards for psychiatric inpatient units, including requirements for ligature resistant features, | |
26 | program areas, step down areas, quiet rooms, restraint rooms and private rooms that currently do | |
27 | not exist in the Regan or the Adolph Meyer Buildings; and | |
28 | WHEREAS, The renovated facility would have a total of one hundred five (105) beds with | |
29 | larger inpatient units and program space within the units, thus enabling the Hospital to reduce | |
30 | operating costs and develop programs to assist patients in their recovery and ultimate discharge; | |
31 | and | |
32 | WHEREAS, Due to its age, the Regan Building requires significant infrastructure upgrades | |
33 | including: elevator replacement, masonry and window leak repair, and a partial roof replacement | |
34 | with an estimated total cost of nine million dollars ($9,000,000)In order to accommodate patients | |
| |
1 | relocating from Adolph Meyer to the 6th floor of Regan, significant ligature risk remediation work | |
2 | needs to be performed with an estimated total cost of seven million and nine hundred thousand | |
3 | dollars ($7,900,000); and | |
4 | WHEREAS, The capital costs associated with this project are estimated to be forty-nine | |
5 | million, eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($49,850,000). This includes $27,850,000 from the | |
6 | Rhode Island Capital Plan Fund for the renovation of the Benton and Regan Buildings and | |
7 | $22,000,000 from the issuance of Certificates of Participation to finance the Regan Building | |
8 | renovations and other improvements to Eleanor Slater Hospital facilities. The total issuance would | |
9 | be $22,000,000, with total lease payments over fifteen (15) years on the $22,000,000 issuance | |
10 | projected to be $32,900,000, assuming an average coupon of five percent (5.0%). The lease | |
11 | payments would be financed within the Department of Administration from general revenue | |
12 | appropriations; now, therefore be it | |
13 | RESOLVED, That a renovation of the Regan Building as part of Eleanor Slater Hospital, | |
14 | is critical to provide patients with an environment that meets current building standards for | |
15 | psychiatric hospitals and to meet CMS and JCAHO accreditation requirements; and be it further | |
16 | RESOLVED, This General Assembly hereby approves the issuance of certificates of | |
17 | participation in an amount not to exceed $22,000,000 for the renovation of the Regan Building, | |
18 | part of the Eleanor Slater Hospital and new construction of various facilities of the Eleanor Slater | |
19 | Hospital system, including Regan, Benton, Mathias and Adolph Meyer Buildings on the Pastore | |
20 | Campus, Beazley Building on the Zambarano campus, and newly constructed facilities as may be | |
21 | determined to best address present and future public healthcare service needs; and be it further | |
22 | RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall apply to bonds issued within five (5) years of | |
23 | the date of passage of this resolution; and be it further | |
24 | RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall take effect upon passage by this General | |
25 | Assembly. | |
26 | SECTION 5. Eleanor Slater Hospital Zambarano Campus Transformation | |
27 | WHEREAS, The Zambarano facility (“Zambarano”) of Eleanor Slater Hospital provides | |
28 | mental and physical healthcare services to people with varied care and treatment needs on its | |
29 | Zambarano campus (“Zambarano”) located in Burrillville; and | |
30 | WHEREAS, The healthcare services provided at Zambarano are unique in Rhode Island; | |
31 | and | |
32 | WHEREAS, The healthcare services provided at Zambarano include services that are | |
33 | critical to the health, safety, and wellness of Rhode Islanders; and | |
| |
1 | WHEREAS, The Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and | |
2 | Hospitals (“Department”) projects that there will be a sustained need in Rhode Island’s healthcare | |
3 | system for services that will not be easily accommodated by private healthcare providers; and | |
4 | WHEREAS, The State has an obligation to ensure that all Rhode Islanders can receive | |
5 | healthcare that is appropriate to their needs at the exact time they require it; and | |
6 | WHEREAS, Support of individual freedom and integration within the community is a core | |
7 | principle of healthcare delivery today and has guided the Department’s strategy for ensuring that | |
8 | all Rhode Islanders will receive care in the least-restrictive setting appropriate for their needs; and | |
9 | WHEREAS, Hospital-based settings are considered restrictive, in that they do not afford | |
10 | their patients independence over their affairs to the maximum extent appropriate even though | |
11 | hospital settings are a critical piece of Rhode Island’s healthcare system; and | |
12 | WHEREAS, Healthcare settings that are less restrictive should be preferred over more | |
13 | restrictive settings in all cases when clinically appropriate; and | |
14 | WHEREAS, The least-restrictive setting appropriate for present and future patients of | |
15 | Zambarano is assessed by the Department to be a facility that allows for the delivery of skilled | |
16 | nursing facility services, custodial care nursing facility services, intensive care facility services, | |
17 | traumatic brain injury facility services, and other services that may enable the Department to | |
18 | provide healthcare in the least-restrictive and most therapeutically appropriate possible setting for | |
19 | individuals who otherwise cannot access healthcare at their level of need; and | |
20 | WHEREAS, Healthcare facilities are required by their accrediting bodies to adhere to | |
21 | certain standards regarding patient and staff safety, cleanliness, ventilation, efficiency, and other | |
22 | factors essential to the delivery of healthcare; and | |
23 | WHEREAS, A modern healthcare facility is necessary to provide present and future | |
24 | patients at Zambarano with the highest quality healthcare; and | |
25 | WHEREAS, Facilities on the Zambarano campus include 307,000 square feet of space | |
26 | across 32 buildings; and | |
27 | WHEREAS, Of the buildings on the Zambarano campus, only the Beazley Building, | |
28 | formerly called the Wallum Lake Administration Building, is occupied by patients receiving care | |
29 | at the Hospital; and | |
30 | WHEREAS, Construction of the Beazley Building was completed in 1938; and | |
31 | WHEREAS, The condition of the Beazley Building has deteriorated despite renovations | |
32 | undertaken over the course of its use as a state healthcare facility; and | |
33 | WHEREAS, The Beazley Building has aged past the point at which renovation of the | |
34 | building is considered practical; and | |
| |
1 | WHEREAS, Constructing a new healthcare facility on the Zambarano campus has been | |
2 | deemed more practical than renovating the Beazley Building according to the assessment | |
3 | undertaken by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance; and | |
4 | WHEREAS, Construction of a new facility on the Zambarano campus will allow patients | |
5 | receiving healthcare at Zambarano today to continue to receive healthcare at Zambarano with | |
6 | minimal interruption to their care; and | |
7 | WHEREAS, The Beazley Building was not designed to provide the services that the | |
8 | Department has deemed are most critical for a state healthcare facility at Zambarano to provide, | |
9 | namely skilled nursing facility services, custodial care nursing facility services, intensive care | |
10 | facility services, and other services that may enable the Department to provide healthcare in the | |
11 | least restrictive and most therapeutically appropriate possible setting for individuals who otherwise | |
12 | cannot access healthcare at their level of need; and | |
13 | WHEREAS, Construction of a new facility allows the state to build a facility that more | |
14 | closely reflects present and future assessed healthcare service needs; and | |
15 | WHEREAS, The capital costs associated with this project are estimated to be fifty-three | |
16 | million, six hundred thousand dollars ($53,600,000), all of which will be dedicated to the | |
17 | construction of a new facility at Zambarano. The total issuance would be fifty-three million six | |
18 | hundred thousand dollars ($53,600,000), with total lease payments over fifteen (15) years on the | |
19 | $53,600,000 issuance projected to be sixty-six million five hundred thousand dollars ($66,500,000) | |
20 | assuming an estimated average interest rate of two and seventy-five hundredths percent (2.75%). | |
21 | The payments would be financed within the department of administration from general revenue | |
22 | appropriations; and | |
23 | RESOLVED, That construction of a new facility at Zambarano is necessary to provide | |
24 | patients at Eleanor Slater Hospital with the highest quality treatment in the least restrictive setting | |
25 | appropriate for their care; and be it further | |
26 | RESOLVED, This General Assembly hereby approves the issuance of certificates of | |
27 | participation in an amount not to exceed fifty-three million six hundred thousand dollars | |
28 | ($53,600,000) for the construction of the new facility at Zambarano; and be it further | |
29 | RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall apply to bonds issued within five (5) years of | |
30 | the date of passage of this resolution; and be it further | |
31 | RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall take effect upon passage by this General | |
32 | Assembly. | |
33 | SECTION 6. DCYF Child Welfare Information System Replacement | |
| |
1 | WHEREAS, The Rhode Island department of children, youth, and families is a department | |
2 | of the State of Rhode Island, exercising public and essential governmental functions of the State, | |
3 | created by the General Assembly pursuant to chapter 72 of title 42; and | |
4 | WHEREAS, A new Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System would be a | |
5 | comprehensive, automated case management tool that supports child welfare practice. This | |
6 | information system would be a complete, current accurate and unified case management history of | |
7 | all children and families served by Rhode Island’s Title IV-E. Such modern systems allow child | |
8 | welfare agencies to respond more adeptly to changes in standards and practices, as well as provide | |
9 | advanced analytics and data to ensure that children in care are kept safe; and | |
10 | WHEREAS, The current department of children, youth, and families Child Welfare | |
11 | Information System (RICHIST) is over twenty two (22) years old and relies on dated technology | |
12 | (Sybase with PowerBuilder). The system has been highly customized over the years and is difficult | |
13 | to maintain. This technology, as set up today, impedes current child welfare practice through its | |
14 | lack of configurability, lack of mobile access for workers in the field, and lack of access to real- | |
15 | time information when making decisions impacting child placement and services. The system is | |
16 | currently on premise supported by a vendor. This dated technology also makes it difficult to acquire | |
17 | appropriate technical support to work on the system; and | |
18 | WHEREAS, The project costs associated with the replacement of RICHIST are estimated | |
19 | to be twenty-eight million dollars ($28,000,000) and implementation costs would be shared by the | |
20 | federal government at forty percent (40%) begin in fiscal year 2021. | |
21 | WHEREAS, The total payments on the State’s obligation over ten (10) years on the state’s | |
22 | share of seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000) issuance are projected to be nineteen million seven | |
23 | hundred thousand dollars ($19,700,000), assuming an estimated average interest rate of two and | |
24 | seventy-five hundredths percent (2.75%). The payments would be financed within the department | |
25 | of administration from general revenue appropriations; and | |
26 | WHEREAS, The department of children, youth, and families will be able to leverage | |
27 | federal funding available to pay for forty percent (40%) of the system implementation costs during | |
28 | development; now, therefore be it | |
29 | RESOLVED, That this general assembly hereby approves financing in an amount not to | |
30 | exceed seventeen million dollars ($17,000,000) for the provision of replacing the department of | |
31 | children, youth, and families’ child welfare information system, including costs of financing; and | |
32 | be it further | |
33 | RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage by | |
34 | the General Assembly. | |
| |
1 | Section 7. This article shall take effect upon passage. | |