2013 -- S 0671 SUBSTITUTE A | |
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LC01551/SUB A/2 | |
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     Introduced By: Senator Joshua Miller | |
     Date Introduced: March 06, 2013 | |
     Referred To: Senate Environment & Agriculture | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
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     SECTION 1. Section 23-84-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-84 entitled "The Rhode |
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Island Climate Risk Reduction Act of 2010" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
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     23-84-3. Creation of The Rhode Island Climate Change Commission. -- (a) There is |
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hereby created an independent commission known as "The Rhode Island Climate Change |
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Commission" consisting of twenty-eight (28) members as follows: three (3) of whom shall be |
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members of the senate, to be appointed by the senate president, not more than two (2) from the |
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same political party; three (3) of whom shall be members of the house of representatives, to be |
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appointed by the speaker of the house not more than two (2) from the same political party; one of |
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whom shall be the director of the department of environmental management, or his or her |
1-10 |
designee; one of whom shall be the executive director of the coastal resources management |
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council, or his or her designee; one of whom shall be the director of the department of |
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transportation, or his or her designee; one of whom shall be the chair of the Rhode Island bays, |
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rivers, and watersheds coordination team; one of whom shall be the director of the Rhode Island |
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department of health, or his or her designee; one of whom shall be the chief of staff of the water |
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resources board, or his or her designee; one of whom shall be the director of the division of |
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planning, or his or her designee; one of whom shall be the state building commissioner, or his or |
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her designee; one of whom shall be the director of the Rhode Island emergency management |
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agency, or his or her designee; two (2) of whom shall represent municipal governments of coastal |
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municipalities one appointed by the senate president and one appointed by the speaker of the |
2-1 |
house; two (2) of whom shall be representatives of environmental non-profit organizations, |
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appointed by the environment council of Rhode Island; two (2) of whom shall be representatives |
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of business, one designated by the greater Providence chamber of commerce and one designated |
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by the Rhode Island chamber of commerce coalition; two (2) of whom shall be representatives of |
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higher education institutions, one appointed by the board of governors for higher education and |
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one appointed by the association of independent colleges and universities of Rhode Island; one of |
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whom shall be a representative of a utility distribution company having greater than one hundred |
2-8 |
thousand (100,000) customers to be appointed by the senate president; one of whom shall be the |
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executive director of the Rhode Island realtors association, or his or her designee; one of whom |
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shall be the executive director of the Rhode Island builders association, or his or her designee; |
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one of whom shall be the executive director of the American institute of architects of Rhode |
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Island, or his or her designee; and one of whom shall represent the medical profession, including, |
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but not limited to, a doctor or nurse, to be appointed by the speaker of the house. |
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      (b) The purposes of the commission shall be to study the projected impacts of climate |
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change on Rhode Island, to identify and report methods of adapting to these climate change |
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impacts in order to reduce likely harm and increase economic and ecosystem sustainability, and |
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to identify potential mechanisms to mainstream climate adaptation into existing state and |
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municipal programs including, but not limited to, policies plans, infrastructure development and |
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maintenance. |
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      (c) The commission shall support its purposes by undertaking the following duties |
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including but not limited to: |
2-22 |
      (1) Recommending how to mainstream climate change, using a climate "lens", into |
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existing state and local programs, policies and standards, and identify potential options to |
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incorporate adaptation strategies. |
2-25 |
      (2) Compiling existing studies, research and programs relevant to climate change trends |
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and potential impacts in Rhode Island and identifying gaps in the research available. |
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      (3) Conducting a comprehensive overview of the risks Rhode Island may face as a result |
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of rising air and water temperatures and sea level, increased storminess, and more intense |
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droughts and rainfall events. |
2-30 |
      (4) Investigating the vulnerability of critical roads, bridges, protection infrastructure such |
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as hurricane barriers, dams, and revetments, and public facilities such as hospitals, schools, |
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sewage treatment plants, parks and beaches and other critical utilities to sea level rise, increased |
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flooding and extended extreme summer heat. |
3-34 |
      (5) Exploring potential changes to floodplains and ways to notify homeowners, renters |
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and commercial property owners of not only a property's flooding history but also its expected |
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risk under projected levels of climate change and sea level rise. |
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      (6) Assessing ecosystem impacts such as salt marshes, forests, and urban tree canopy and |
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researching tree and plant species that will be most resilient to climate change expected in Rhode |
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Island, as well as ways to secure additional funding to support the expansion of urban tree canopy |
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to thirty percent (30%). |
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      (7) Identifying potential ecosystem based adaptation options where conservation or |
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restoration of natural ecosystems can provide key ecosystems services by minimizing risks and |
3-43 |
hazards from flooding and drought cycles. |
3-44 |
      (8) Identifying ways to increase Rhode Islanders' access to critical community health |
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services that are expected to become more important as a result of projected climate impacts. |
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      (9) Investigating potential impacts from non-point source pollution due to hydrological |
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changes including stormwater runoff options for the Phase 2 Narragansett Bay Commission's |
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Combined Sewer Overflow project, and implementing small-scale projects such as increasing the |
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percentage of pervious surfaces in residential areas such as yards and gardens. |
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      (10) Exploring possibilities to make funds or low interest loans available for |
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governmental entities, non-profit entities and businesses to implement adaptation strategies, |
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including green infrastructure projects on their properties, including green roofs, walls, and |
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bioretention areas. |
3-54 |
      (11) Investigating possibilities to expand energy efficiency and weatherization programs |
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as an adaptation option. |
3-56 |
      (12) Reviewing, among other things, existing local ordinances, provisions adopted by |
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associations, deed restrictions, covenants, declarations or similar binding agreements, which |
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prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the installation of solar collectors, clotheslines, |
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weatherization improvements, gardens or other energy devices based on renewable resources and |
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proposing alternatives that would eliminate said prohibitions and authorize these types of uses as |
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climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for local implementation. |
3-62 |
      (13) Reviewing possibilities to amend regulations to allow street parking to reduce |
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impervious surfaces in urban areas and runoff. |
3-64 |
      (14) Investigating how to support local agriculture including urban community gardens, |
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and encouraging municipalities to foster neighborhood gardens in empty lots and parks. |
3-66 |
      (15) Developing a plan to expand access to cooling and relief centers by extending hours |
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at libraries, community centers and opening pools to the public. |
4-68 |
      (16) Identifying examples and options for outreach and communication on climate |
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change and adaptation options and recommending opportunities for coordinated outreach |
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programs within Rhode Island. |
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      (d) One senator and one representative appointed to the commission shall serve as co- |
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chairs and shall call the first meeting of the commission. Vacancies shall be filled in like manner |
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as the original appointment. The membership of the commission shall receive no compensation |
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for their services. All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and |
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information, documentary and otherwise, to the commission and its agents as is deemed |
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necessary or desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes of this chapter. The joint |
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committee on legislative services is hereby authorized and directed to provide suitable quarters |
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for the commission. |
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      (e) The commission shall provide a report of its findings and recommendations to the |
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governor and the general assembly no later than March 1, 2011, and every March 1 thereafter. |
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     (f) The commission shall expire on January 1, 2014. |
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     SECTION 2. Section 42-11-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-11 entitled |
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"Department of Administration" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
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     42-11-10. Statewide planning program. -- (a) Findings. - The general assembly finds |
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that the people of this state have a fundamental interest in the orderly development of the state; |
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the state has a positive interest and demonstrated need for establishment of a comprehensive |
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strategic state planning process and the preparation, maintenance, and implementation of plans |
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for the physical, economic, and social development of the state; the continued growth and |
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development of the state presents problems that cannot be met by the cities and towns |
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individually and that require effective planning by the state; and state and local plans and |
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programs must be properly coordinated with the planning requirements and programs of the |
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federal government. |
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      (b) Establishment of statewide planning program. |
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      (1) A statewide planning program is hereby established to prepare, adopt, and amend |
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strategic plans for the physical, economic, and social development of the state and to recommend |
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these to the governor, the general assembly, and all others concerned. |
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      (2) All strategic planning, as defined in subsection (c) of this section, undertaken by all |
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departments and agencies of the executive branch unless specifically exempted, shall be |
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conducted by or under the supervision of the statewide planning program. The statewide planning |
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program shall consist of a state planning council, and the division of planning, which shall be a |
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division within the department of administration. |
5-102 |
      (c) Strategic planning. - Strategic planning includes the following activities: |
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      (1) Establishing or identifying general goals. |
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      (2) Refining or detailing these goals and identifying relationships between them. |
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      (3) Formulating, testing, and selecting policies and standards that will achieve desired |
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objectives. |
5-107 |
      (4) Preparing long-range or system plans or comprehensive programs that carry out the |
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policies and set time schedules, performance measures, and targets. |
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      (5) Preparing functional short-range plans or programs that are consistent with |
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established or desired goals, objectives, and policies, and with long-range or system plans or |
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comprehensive programs where applicable, and that establish measurable intermediate steps |
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toward their accomplishment of the goals, objectives, policies, and/or long-range system plans. |
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      (6) Monitoring the planning of specific projects and designing of specific programs of |
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short duration by the operating departments, other agencies of the executive branch, and political |
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subdivisions of the state to insure that these are consistent with and carry out the intent of |
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applicable strategic plans. |
5-117 |
      (7) Reviewing the execution of strategic plans and the results obtained and making |
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revisions necessary to achieve established goals. |
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      (d) State guide plan. - Components of strategic plans prepared and adopted in accordance |
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with this section may be designated as elements of the state guide plan. The state guide plan shall |
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be comprised of functional elements or plans dealing with land use; physical development and |
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environmental concerns; economic development; housing production; energy supply, including |
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the development of renewable energy resources in Rhode Island, and energy access, use, and |
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conservation; human services; and other factors necessary to accomplish the objective of this |
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section. The state guide plan shall be a means for centralizing, integrating, and monitoring long- |
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range goals, policies, plans, and implementation activities related thereto. State agencies |
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concerned with specific subject areas, local governments, and the public shall participate in the |
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state guide planning process, which shall be closely coordinated with the budgeting process. |
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      (e) Membership of state planning council. - The state planning council shall consist of: |
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      (1) The director of the department of administration as chairperson; |
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      (2) The director, policy office, in the office of the governor, as vice-chairperson; |
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      (3) The governor, or his or her designee; |
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      (4) The budget officer; |
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      (5) The chairperson of the housing resources commission; |
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      (6) The highest-ranking administrative officer of the division of planning, as secretary; |
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      (7) The president of the League of Cities and Towns or his or her designee and one |
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official of local government, who shall be appointed by the governor from a list of not less than |
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three (3) submitted by the Rhode Island League Cities and Towns; |
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      (8) The executive director of the League of Cities and Towns; |
6-140 |
      (9) One representative of a nonprofit community development or housing organization |
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appointed by the governor; |
6-142 |
      (10) Four (4) public members, appointed by the governor; |
6-143 |
      (11) Two (2) representatives of a private, nonprofit environmental advocacy |
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organization, both to be appointed by the governor; |
6-145 |
      (12) The director of planning and development for the city of Providence; |
6-146 |
      (13) The director of the department of transportation; |
6-147 |
      (14) The director of the department of environmental management; |
6-148 |
      (15) The director of the department of health; and |
6-149 |
      (16) The executive director of the economic development corporation. |
6-150 |
      (f) Powers and duties of state planning council. - The state planning council shall have |
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the following powers and duties: |
6-152 |
      (1) To adopt strategic plans as defined in this section and the long-range state guide plan, |
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and to modify and amend any of these, following the procedures for notification and public |
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hearing set forth in section 42-35-3, and to recommend and encourage implementation of these |
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goals to the general assembly, state and federal agencies, and other public and private bodies; |
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approval of strategic plans by the governor; and to ensure that strategic plans and the long-range |
6-157 |
state guide plan are consistent with the findings, intent, and goals set forth in section 45-22.2-3, |
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the "Rhode Island Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation Act"; |
6-159 |
      (2) To coordinate the planning and development activities of all state agencies, in |
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accordance with strategic plans prepared and adopted as provided for by this section; |
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      (3) To review and comment on the proposed annual work program of the statewide |
6-162 |
planning program; |
6-163 |
      (4) To adopt rules and standards and issue orders concerning any matters within its |
6-164 |
jurisdiction as established by this section and amendments to it; |
6-165 |
      (5) To establish advisory committees and appoint members thereto representing diverse |
6-166 |
interests and viewpoints as required in the state planning process and in the preparation or |
6-167 |
implementation of strategic plans. The state planning council shall appoint a permanent |
6-168 |
committee comprised of: |
6-169 |
      (i) Public members from different geographic areas of the state representing diverse |
6-170 |
interests, and |
7-1 |
      (ii) Officials of state, local and federal government, which shall review all proposed |
7-2 |
elements of the state guide plan, or amendment or repeal of any element of the plan, and shall |
7-3 |
advise the state planning council thereon before the council acts on any such proposal. This |
7-4 |
committee shall also advise the state planning council on any other matter referred to it by the |
7-5 |
council; and |
7-6 |
      (6) To establish and appoint members to an executive committee consisting of major |
7-7 |
participants of a Rhode Island geographic information system with oversight responsibility for its |
7-8 |
activities. |
7-9 |
      (7) To adopt, amend and maintain as an element of the state guide plan or as an |
7-10 |
amendment to an existing element of the state guide plan, standards and guidelines for the |
7-11 |
location of eligible renewable energy resources and renewable energy facilities in Rhode Island |
7-12 |
with due consideration for the location of such resources and facilities in commercial and |
7-13 |
industrial areas, agricultural areas, areas occupied by public and private institutions, and property |
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of the state and its agencies and corporations, provided such areas are of sufficient size, and in |
7-15 |
other areas of the state as appropriate |
7-16 |
     (8) To consider the proposed impacts of climate change on Rhode Island, to identify |
7-17 |
methods for adapting to these climate change impacts in order to reduce likely harm and increase |
7-18 |
economic and ecosystem sustainability, and to identify potential mechanisms to mainstream |
7-19 |
climate change adaption into existing state and municipal programs, in the undertaking of all of |
7-20 |
the powers and duties outlined in subdivision 42-11-10(f)(1) through (7). |
7-21 |
     (9) To establish and appoint members to a climate change advisory committee if |
7-22 |
necessary consisting of members representing diverse interests, including environmental, health, |
7-23 |
economic, and public safety interests, which shall review all proposed elements of the state guide |
7-24 |
plan, or amendment or repeal of any element of the plan, and shall advise the state planning |
7-25 |
council before the council acts on any such proposal regarding the following: the projected |
7-26 |
impacts of climate change on Rhode Island; identifying methods of adapting to these climate |
7-27 |
change impacts in order to reduce likely harm and increase economic and ecosystem |
7-28 |
sustainability; identifying potential mechanisms to mainstream climate change into existing state |
7-29 |
and municipal programs including, but not limited to, policies, plans, infrastructure development |
7-30 |
and maintenance. |
7-31 |
      (g) Division of planning. |
7-32 |
      (1) The division of planning shall be the principal staff agency of the state planning |
7-33 |
council for preparing and/or coordinating strategic plans for the comprehensive management of |
7-34 |
the state's human, economic, and physical resources. The division of planning shall recommend |
8-1 |
to the state planning council specific guidelines, standards, and programs to be adopted to |
8-2 |
implement strategic planning and the state guide plan and shall undertake any other duties |
8-3 |
established by this section and amendments thereto. |
8-4 |
      (2) The division of planning shall maintain records (which shall consist of files of |
8-5 |
complete copies) of all plans, recommendations, rules, and modifications or amendments thereto |
8-6 |
adopted or issued by the state planning council under this section. The records shall be open to |
8-7 |
the public. |
8-8 |
      (3) The division of planning shall manage and administer the Rhode Island geographic |
8-9 |
information system of land-related resources, and shall coordinate these efforts with other state |
8-10 |
departments and agencies, including the University of Rhode Island, which shall provide |
8-11 |
technical support and assistance in the development and maintenance of the system and its |
8-12 |
associated data base. |
8-13 |
      (4) The division of planning shall coordinate and oversee the provision of technical |
8-14 |
assistance to political subdivisions of the state in preparing and implementing plans to accomplish |
8-15 |
the purposes, goals, objectives, policies, and/or standards of applicable elements of the state guide |
8-16 |
plan and shall make available to cities and towns data and guidelines that may be used in |
8-17 |
preparing comprehensive plans and elements thereof and in evaluating comprehensive plans and |
8-18 |
elements thereby. |
8-19 |
      (h) [Deleted by P.L. 2011, ch. 215, section 4, and by P.L. 2011, ch. 313, section 4_. |
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      (i) The division of planning shall be the principal staff agency of the water resources |
8-21 |
board established pursuant to chapter 46-15 ("Water Resources Board") and the water resources |
8-22 |
board corporate established pursuant to chapter 46-15.1 ("Water Supply Facilities"). |
8-23 |
     SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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9-1 |
     This act would amend the qualifications of the members to the climate change advisory |
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committee. |
9-3 |
     This act would take effect upon passage. |
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