2012 -- S 2860 | |
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LC02276 | |
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Introduced By: Senators Cote, and Picard | |
Date Introduced: April 10, 2012 | |
Referred To: Senate Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
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SECTION 1. Section 16-7-22 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-7 entitled "Foundation |
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Level School Support" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
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16-7-22. Determination of average daily membership. -- Each community shall be |
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paid pursuant to the provisions of section 16-7-17 an amount based upon the following |
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provisions: |
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(1) On or before September 1 of each year the average daily membership of each city and |
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town for the reference year shall be determined by the commissioner of elementary and secondary |
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education from data supplied by the school committee in each community in the following |
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manner: The aggregate number of days of membership of all pupils enrolled full time in grade |
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twelve (12) and below, except that pupils below grade one who are not full time shall be counted |
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on a full time equivalent basis: (i) increased by the aggregate number of days of membership of |
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pupils residing in the particular city or town whose tuition in schools approved by the department |
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of elementary and secondary education in other cities and towns is paid by the particular city or |
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town; and (ii) decreased by the aggregate number of days of membership of nonresident pupils |
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enrolled in the public schools of the particular city or town and further decreased by the aggregate |
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number of days of membership equal to the number of group home beds calculated for the |
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purposes of reimbursement pursuant to section 14-64-1.1; and (iii) decreased further, in the case |
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of a city or town which is a member of a regional school district during the first year of operation |
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of the regional school district, by the aggregate number of days of membership of pupils residing |
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in the city or town who would have attended the public schools in the regional school district if |
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the regional school district had been operating during the previous year, divided by the number of |
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days during which the schools were officially in session during the reference year. The resulting |
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figures shall be the average daily membership for the city or town for the reference year. For |
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purposes of calculating the permanent foundation education aid as described in section 16-7.2- |
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3(1) and (2), the average daily membership for school districts shall exclude charter school and |
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state school students. |
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(i) Provided, that notwithstanding the provisions of this section and of the definition of |
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“reference year” as set forth in section 16-7-16, in the event the city council of the city of |
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Woonsocket authorizes the institution of a full-day kindergarten program and notifies the general |
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assembly of such decision prior to the passage of the annual state budget legislation for the fiscal |
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year commencing July 1, 2012, the kindergarten students in the city of Woonsocket shall be |
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considered full-time equivalent students, and the reference year used to determine the average |
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daily membership for the city of Woonsocket shall be moved forward one year and projected into |
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the fiscal year for which the appropriation is to begin. It is the intent of this section to provide |
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immediate funding for full-day kindergarten in the city of Woonsocket commencing with the |
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fiscal year in which the full-day kindergarten commences. In the event the city of Woonsocket so |
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decides to institute full-day kindergarten, the number of kindergarten students used in calculating |
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the total average daily membership for the city of Woonsocket shall be determined by the number |
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of students registered for kindergarten with the Woonsocket school department on or before June |
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1, 2012. The provisions of this paragraph shall not alter the method of determining the average |
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daily membership for all other students in the city of Woonsocket. |
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(2) The average daily membership of pupils attending public schools shall apply for the |
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purposes of determining the percentage of the state's share under the provisions of sections 16-7- |
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16(3), 16-7-16(10), 16-7-18, 16-7-19, 16-7-20, 16-7-21 and 16-7.2-4. |
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(3) In the case of regional school districts, the aggregate number of days of membership |
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by which each city or town is decreased in subdivision (1)(iii) of this section divided by the |
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number of days during which the schools attended by the pupils were officially in session shall |
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determine the average daily membership for the regional school district during the first year of |
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operation. After the first year of operation, the average daily membership of each regional school |
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district, except the Chariho regional high school district, shall be determined by the commissioner |
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of elementary and secondary education from data supplied by the school committee of each |
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regional school district for the reference year in the manner provided in subdivision (1) of this |
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section. |
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SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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*** | |
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This act would provide for accelerated education aid funding to the city of Woonsocket in |
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the event the Woonsocket city council makes a determination to institute full-day kindergarten |
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and notifies the general assembly of that determination prior to passage of the budget for the |
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fiscal year commencing July 1, 2012. |
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This act would take effect upon passage. |
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