2012 -- S 2825 | |
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LC02068 | |
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Introduced By: Senators DaPonte, and Bates | |
Date Introduced: March 22, 2012 | |
Referred To: Senate Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
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SECTION 1. Title 45 of the General Laws entitled "TOWNS AND CITIES" is hereby |
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amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
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CHAPTER 65.1 |
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45-65.1-1. Short title. -- This chapter shall be known as and may be cited as the “Critical |
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Plan Empowerment Act.” |
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45-65.1-2. Legislative findings. -- (a) The general assembly finds and declares that: |
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(1) A significant portion of the unfunded liability for locally administered pension plans, |
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in the aggregate, is attributable to benefits provided to employees who have already retired, and |
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includes projected benefited adjustments for these retirees. In order to ensure: (i) Retirement |
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security for all plan members; (ii) The long-term viability of locally administered plans; and (iii) |
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Retirement benefit programs that offer adequate benefit levels to attract and retain a highly |
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qualified workforce, administrators for locally administered plans must examine the benefits that |
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retirees currently receive under their plans. |
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(2) There is a subset of cities and towns whose financial situations are endangered |
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specifically and disproportionately by the payment of benefit adjustments. |
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(3) In order to maintain the sovereignty and fiscal stability of as many municipalities as |
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possible, as well as safeguard the well-being, public safety, and welfare of the citizens of the state |
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and their property, it is essential that the state take immediate and proactive steps. |
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(b) For the foregoing reasons, the general assembly expressly finds and declares that the |
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critical financial situation currently confronting certain locally administered plans must be |
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addressed with all deliberate speed; each of the locally administered plans has unique features, |
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offers distinctive benefits, and is presented with its own opportunities and challenges, and their |
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administrators are in the best position to understand the financial condition of such plans and |
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choose the tools best suited to remediate them; and the enactment of this chapter is reasonable |
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and necessary to achieve and protect the compelling public interests listed herein. |
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45-65.1-3. Definitions. -- As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the |
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following meanings: |
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(1) “Actuarial experience study” means a report provided by an actuary that includes a |
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recent discussion of plan experience, recommendations for actuarial assumptions and methods, |
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and information about the actuarial impact of these recommendations on the liabilities and other |
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key actuarial measures. |
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(2) “Annual actuarial valuation study” means a valuation of a locally administered plan |
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completed by an actuary, and a certification based on that valuation indicating whether such plan |
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is or is not in critical status, on an annual basis. |
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(3) “Critical status” means that, as determined by its actuary, as of the beginning of the |
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plan year, a plan’s funded percentage for such plan year is less than sixty percent (60%). |
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(4) “Locally administered plan” or “plan” means any defined benefit pension plan |
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established by a municipality for its employees, other than: (i) A plan that is part of the |
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employees’ retirement system of Rhode Island as defined in chapter 36-8 or the municipal |
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employees’ retirement system of Rhode Island as defined in chapter 45-21; or (ii) A plan |
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established by a municipality that has filed for bankruptcy protection pursuant to chapter 9 of title |
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11 of the United States code, a plan established by a municipality for which a receiver has been |
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appointed pursuant to chapter 45-9. |
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(5) “Municipality” means any town or city in the state of Rhode Island, any city or town |
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housing authority, fire, water, sewer district, regional school district or public building authority |
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as established by chapter 14 of title 37. |
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45-65.1-4. Eligibility. -- In order for a locally administered plan in critical status to be |
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eligible for relief under this chapter, its municipal council shall have adopted an ordinance |
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assuming the provisions of this chapter, which ordinance shall be supported by: (1) Numerical |
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data, including, but not limited to, its most recent actuarial experience study, its annual actuarial |
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valuation study, and its annual required contribution of the following plan year, both as reported |
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(pursuant to section 45-10-15) and as adjusted (demonstrating the financial value of suspending |
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benefit adjustments, as such term is used in section 45-21-52); (2) Findings demonstrating that |
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alternatives to suspending benefit adjustments have been considered and/or are being |
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implemented; and (3) A finding that the ordinance is reasonable and necessary to achieve the |
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municipality’s fiscal stability and protect its property, and the health, welfare and property of its |
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citizens. |
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45-65.1-5. Benefit adjustment suspension. -- Notwithstanding the provisions of any |
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other statute, ordinance, interest arbitration award, or collective bargaining agreement to the |
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contrary, a municipality in critical status shall not be required to provide benefit adjustments, |
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pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Once the municipality is no longer in critical status, it |
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shall resume providing cost of living adjustments, but such adjustments shall not exceed the |
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consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) as published by the United States |
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department of labor statistics determined as of September 30 of the prior calendar year until the |
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actuarial value of the locally administered plan’s assets is one hundred percent (100%) of the |
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actuarial value of such plan’s liabilities, using actuarial assumptions made by the actuary in good |
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faith and in accordance with accepted actuarial standards. |
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45-65.1-6. Mandatory reinvestment. -- At least fifty percent (50%) of funds resulting |
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from benefit adjustments suspended pursuant to this chapter shall be reinvested exclusively to |
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increase a plan’s funded percentage, at least until the plan is no longer in critical status. |
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45-65.1-7. Failure to comply. -- With respect to any municipality that fails to comply |
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with section 45-65.1-4 or 45-65.1-6: |
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(1) The general treasurer is authorized to withhold moneys due from the state for any |
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purpose other than education, including, but not limited to, municipal aid and other aid provided |
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under sections 45-13-5.1, 45-13-12, 44-13-13, 44-34.1-2, 44-18-18.1, 44-18-36.1(b) and 42-63.1- |
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3; |
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(2) Such failure shall be deemed to be an event that threatens the fiscal well-being of the |
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municipality in which it is located, thus subjecting the municipality to the state’s powers under |
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chapter 45-9; and |
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(3) The auditor general shall have the power to compel a performance audit in connection |
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with such municipality, as provided under section 22-13-4. |
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45-65.1-8. Conflicts with other laws. -- Notwithstanding any general or special law to |
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the contrary, unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this chapter shall supersede any |
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conflicting provisions of a local ordinance, collective bargaining agreement, interest arbitration |
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award or municipal charter. |
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45-65.1-9. Severability. -- The holding of any section or sections or parts hereof to be |
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void, ineffective, or unconstitutional for any cause shall not be deemed to affect any other section |
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or part hereof. |
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SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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This act would allow a municipality with a locally administered pension which is in |
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critical status, to suspend future benefit adjustments to retirees after certain findings are made. |
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This act would take effect upon passage. |
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LC02068 | |
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