2012 -- S 2616 | |
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LC01859 | |
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A N A C T | |
Introduced By: Senators McCaffrey, and Lynch | |
Date Introduced: March 01, 2012 | |
Referred To: Senate Environment & Agriculture | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1-1 |
SECTION 1. Sections 45-23-32 and 45-23-44 in Title 45, Chapter 23 of the General |
1-2 |
Laws, entitled "Subdivision of Land, “ are hereby amended as follows: |
1-3 |
45-23-32. Definitions. - Where words or phrases used in this chapter are defined in the |
1-4 |
definitions section of either the Rhode Island Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation |
1-5 |
Act, section 45-22.2-4, or the Rhode Island Zoning Enabling Act of 1991, section 45-24-31, they |
1-6 |
have the meanings stated in those acts. Additional words and phrases may be defined in local |
1-7 |
ordinances, regulations and rules under this act. The words and phrases defined in this section, |
1-8 |
however, shall be controlling in all local ordinances, regulations, and rules created under this |
1-9 |
chapter. See also section 45-23-34. In addition, the following words and phrases have the |
1-10 |
following meanings: |
1-11 |
(1) Administrative officer. The municipal official designated by the local regulations to |
1-12 |
administer the land development and subdivision regulations and to coordinate with local boards |
1-13 |
and commissions, municipal staff and state agencies. The administrative officer may be a member |
1-14 |
of, or the chair, of the planning board, or an appointed official of the municipality. See section |
1-15 |
45-23-55. |
1-16 |
(2) Administrative subdivision. Re-subdivision of existing lots which yields no additional |
1-17 |
lots for development, and involves no creation or extension of streets. The re-subdivision only |
1-18 |
involves divisions, mergers, mergers and division, or adjustments of boundaries of existing lots. |
1-19 |
(3) Board of appeal. The local review authority for appeals of actions of the |
1-20 |
administrative officer and the planning board on matters of land development or subdivision, |
2-1 |
which shall be the local zoning board of review constituted as the board of appeal. See section 45- |
2-2 |
23-57. |
2-3 |
(4) Bond. See improvement guarantee. |
2-4 |
(5) Buildable lot. A lot where construction for the use(s) permitted on the site under the |
2-5 |
local zoning ordinance is considered practicable by the planning board, considering the physical |
2-6 |
constraints to development of the site as well as the requirements of the pertinent federal, state |
2-7 |
and local regulations. See sections 45-23-32(31) and 45-23-60(4). No land development or |
2-8 |
subdivision regulation, or zoning ordinance, shall require any lot to have more than forty |
2-9 |
thousand (40,000) square feet of contiguous area that is free of environmental and physical |
2-10 |
constraints to development as defined in sections 45-23-32 (12) and (31). However, in any zoning |
2-11 |
districts where a minimum lot area is equal to or greater than eighty thousand (80,000) square |
2-12 |
feet, no more than half of that minimum required lot area must be contiguous and free of |
2-13 |
environmental and physical constraints as defined in sections 45-23-32(12) and (31). |
2-14 |
Notwithstanding the above, no city or town shall be required to exclude an area or areas with |
2-15 |
physical and/or environmental constraints in determining buildable lot area. |
2-16 |
(6) Certificate of completeness. A notice issued by the administrative officer informing |
2-17 |
an applicant that the application is complete and meets the requirements of the municipality's |
2-18 |
regulations, and that the applicant may proceed with the approval process. |
2-19 |
(7) Concept plan. A drawing with accompanying information showing the basic elements |
2-20 |
of a proposed land development plan or subdivision as used for pre-application meetings and |
2-21 |
early discussions, and classification of the project within the approval process. |
2-22 |
(8) Consistency with the comprehensive plan. A requirement of all local land use |
2-23 |
regulations which means that all these regulations and subsequent actions are in accordance with |
2-24 |
the public policies arrived at through detailed study and analysis and adopted by the municipality |
2-25 |
as the comprehensive community plan as specified in section 45-22.2-3. |
2-26 |
(9) Dedication, fee-in-lieu-of. Payments of cash which are authorized in the local |
2-27 |
regulations when requirements for mandatory dedication of land are not met because of physical |
2-28 |
conditions of the site or other reasons. The conditions under which the payments will be allowed |
2-29 |
and all formulas for calculating the amount shall be specified in advance in the local regulations. |
2-30 |
See section 45-23-47. |
2-31 |
(10) Development regulation. Zoning, subdivision, land development plan, development |
2-32 |
plan review, historic district, official map, flood plain regulation, soil erosion control or any other |
2-33 |
governmental regulation of the use and development of land. |
3-34 |
(11) Division of land. A subdivision. |
3-35 |
(12) Environmental constraints. Natural features, resources, or land characteristics that |
3-36 |
are sensitive to change and may require conservation measures or the application of special |
3-37 |
development techniques to prevent degradation of the site, or may require limited development, |
3-38 |
or in certain instances, may preclude development. See also physical constraints to development. |
3-39 |
(13) Final plan. The final stage of land development and subdivision review. See section |
3-40 |
45-23-43. |
3-41 |
(14) Final plat. The final drawing(s) of all or a portion of a subdivision to be recorded |
3-42 |
after approval by the planning board and any accompanying material as described in the |
3-43 |
community's regulations and/or required by the planning board. |
3-44 |
(15) Floor area, gross. See R.I. State Building Code. |
3-45 |
(16) Governing body. The body of the local government, generally the city or town |
3-46 |
council, having the power to adopt ordinances, accept public dedications, release public |
3-47 |
improvement guarantees, and collect fees. |
3-48 |
(17) Improvement. Any natural or built item which becomes part of, is placed upon, or is |
3-49 |
affixed to, real estate. |
3-50 |
(18) Improvement guarantee. A security instrument accepted by a municipality to ensure |
3-51 |
that all improvements, facilities, or work required by the land development and subdivision |
3-52 |
regulations, or required by the municipality as a condition of approval, will be completed in |
3-53 |
compliance with the approved plans and specifications of a development. See section 45-23-46. |
3-54 |
(19) Local regulations. The land development and subdivision review regulations adopted |
3-55 |
under the provisions of this act. For purposes of clarification, throughout this act, where reference |
3-56 |
is made to local regulations, it is be understood as the land development and subdivision review |
3-57 |
regulations and all related ordinances and rules properly adopted pursuant to this chapter. |
3-58 |
(20) Maintenance guarantee. Any security instrument which may be required and |
3-59 |
accepted by a municipality to ensure that necessary improvements will function as required for a |
3-60 |
specific period of time. See improvement guarantee. |
3-61 |
(21) Major land development plan. Any land development plan not classified as a minor |
3-62 |
land development plan. |
3-63 |
(22) Major subdivision. Any subdivision not classified as either an administrative |
3-64 |
subdivision or a minor subdivision. |
3-65 |
(23) Master plan. An overall plan for a proposed project site outlining general, rather than |
3-66 |
detailed, development intentions. It describes the basic parameters of a major development |
3-67 |
proposal, rather than giving full engineering details. Required in major land development or |
3-68 |
major subdivision review. See section 45-23-40. |
4-1 |
(24) Minor land development plan. A development plan for a residential project as |
4-2 |
defined in local regulations, provided that the development does not require waivers or |
4-3 |
modifications as specified in this act. All nonresidential land development projects are considered |
4-4 |
major land development plans. |
4-5 |
(25) Minor subdivision. A plan for a subdivision of land consisting of five (5) or fewer |
4-6 |
units or lots, provided that the subdivision does not require waivers or modifications as specified |
4-7 |
in this chapter. |
4-8 |
(26) Modification of requirements. See section 45-23-62. |
4-9 |
(27) Parcel. A lot, or contiguous group of lots in single ownership or under single control, |
4-10 |
and usually considered a unit for purposes of development. Also referred to as a tract. |
4-11 |
(28) Parking area or lot. All that portion of a development that is used by vehicles, the |
4-12 |
total area used for vehicular access, circulation, parking, loading and unloading. |
4-13 |
(29) Permitting authority. The local agency of government specifically empowered by |
4-14 |
state enabling law and local ordinance to hear and decide on specific matters pertaining to local |
4-15 |
land use. |
4-16 |
(30) Phased development. Development, usually for large-scale projects, where |
4-17 |
construction of public and/or private improvements proceeds by sections subsequent to approval |
4-18 |
of a master plan for the entire site. See section 45-23-48. |
4-19 |
(31) Physical constraints to development. Characteristics of a site or area, either natural |
4-20 |
or man-made, which present significant difficulties to construction of the uses permitted on that |
4-21 |
site, or would require extraordinary construction methods. Slope of land shall not be deemed a |
4-22 |
physical constraint to development when determining development potential and shall not be |
4-23 |
excluded from the calculation of buildable lot area or the calculation of the number of buildable |
4-24 |
lots or units. See also environmental constraints. |
4-25 |
(32) Planning board. The official planning agency of a municipality, whether designated |
4-26 |
as the plan commission, planning commission, plan board, or as otherwise known. |
4-27 |
(33) Plat. A drawing or drawings of a land development or subdivision plan showing the |
4-28 |
location, boundaries, and lot lines of individual properties, as well as other necessary information |
4-29 |
as specified in the local regulations. |
4-30 |
(34) Pre-application conference. An initial meeting between developers and municipal |
4-31 |
representatives which affords developers the opportunity to present their proposals informally and |
4-32 |
to receive comments and directions from the municipal officials and others. See section 45-23-35. |
4-33 |
(35) Preliminary plan. The required stage of land development and subdivision review |
4-34 |
which requires detailed engineered drawings and all required state and federal permits. See |
5-1 |
section 45-23-41. |
5-2 |
(36) Public improvement. Any street or other roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian way, tree, |
5-3 |
lawn, off-street parking area, drainage feature, or other facility for which the local government or |
5-4 |
other governmental entity either is presently responsible, or will ultimately assume the |
5-5 |
responsibility for maintenance and operation upon municipal acceptance. |
5-6 |
(37) Public informational meeting. A meeting of the planning board or governing body |
5-7 |
preceded by a notice, open to the public and at which the public is heard. |
5-8 |
(38) Re-subdivision. Any change of an approved or recorded subdivision plat or in a lot |
5-9 |
recorded in the municipal land evidence records, or that affects the lot lines of any areas reserved |
5-10 |
for public use, or that affects any map or plan legally recorded prior to the adoption of the local |
5-11 |
land development and subdivision regulations. For the purposes of this act any action constitutes |
5-12 |
a subdivision. |
5-13 |
(39) Storm water detention. A provision for storage of storm water runoff and the |
5-14 |
controlled release of the runoff during and after a flood or storm. |
5-15 |
(40) Storm water retention. A provision for storage of storm water runoff. |
5-16 |
(41) Street. A public or private thoroughfare used, or intended to be used, for passage or |
5-17 |
travel by motor vehicles. Streets are further classified by the functions they perform. See street |
5-18 |
classification. |
5-19 |
(42) Street, access to. An adequate and permanent way of entering a lot. All lots of record |
5-20 |
shall have access to a public street for all vehicles normally associated with the uses permitted for |
5-21 |
that lot. |
5-22 |
(43) Street, alley. A public or private thoroughfare primarily designed to serve as |
5-23 |
secondary access to the side or rear of those properties whose principal frontage is on some other |
5-24 |
street. |
5-25 |
(44) Street, cul-de-sac. A local street with only one outlet and having an appropriate |
5-26 |
vehicular turnaround, either temporary or permanent, at the closed end. |
5-27 |
(45) Street, limited access highway. A freeway or expressway providing for through |
5-28 |
traffic. Owners or occupants of abutting property on lands and other persons have no legal right |
5-29 |
to access, except at the points and in the manner as may be determined by the public authority |
5-30 |
having jurisdiction over the highway. |
5-31 |
(46) Street, private. A thoroughfare established as a separate tract for the benefit of |
5-32 |
multiple, adjacent properties and meeting specific, municipal improvement standards. This |
5-33 |
definition does not apply to driveways. |
6-34 |
(47) Street, public. All public property reserved or dedicated for street traffic. |
6-35 |
(48) Street, stub. A portion of a street reserved to provide access to future development, |
6-36 |
which may provide for utility connections. |
6-37 |
(49) Street classification. A method of roadway organization which identifies a street |
6-38 |
hierarchy according to function within a road system, that is, types of vehicles served and |
6-39 |
anticipated volumes, for the purposes of promoting safety, efficient land use and the design |
6-40 |
character of neighborhoods and districts. Local classifications use the following as major |
6-41 |
categories: |
6-42 |
(a) Arterial. A major street that serves as an avenue for the circulation of traffic into, out |
6-43 |
of, or around the municipality and carries high volumes of traffic. |
6-44 |
(b) Collector. A street whose principal function is to carry traffic between local streets |
6-45 |
and arterial streets but that may also provide direct access to abutting properties. |
6-46 |
(c) Local. Streets whose primary function is to provide access to abutting properties. |
6-47 |
(50) Subdivider. Any person who (1) having an interest in land, causes it, directly or |
6-48 |
indirectly, to be divided into a subdivision or who (2) directly or indirectly sells, leases, or |
6-49 |
develops, or offers to sell, lease, or develop, or advertises to sell, lease, or develop, any interest, |
6-50 |
lot, parcel, site, unit, or plat in a subdivision, or who (3) engages directly or through an agent in |
6-51 |
the business of selling, leasing, developing, or offering for sale, lease, or development a |
6-52 |
subdivision or any interest, lot, parcel, site, unit, or plat in a subdivision. |
6-53 |
(51) Subdivision. The division or re-division, of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or |
6-54 |
more lots, tracts, or parcels. Any adjustment to existing lot lines of a recorded lot by any means is |
6-55 |
considered a subdivision. All re-subdivision activity is considered a subdivision. The division of |
6-56 |
property for purposes of financing constitutes a subdivision. |
6-57 |
(52) Technical review committee. A committee appointed by the planning board for the |
6-58 |
purpose of reviewing, commenting, and making recommendations to the planning board with |
6-59 |
respect to approval of land development and subdivision applications. |
6-60 |
(53) Temporary improvement. Improvements built and maintained by a developer during |
6-61 |
construction of a development project and prior to release of the improvement guarantee, but not |
6-62 |
intended to be permanent. |
6-63 |
(54) Vested rights. The right to initiate or continue the development of an approved |
6-64 |
project for a specified period of time, under the regulations that were in effect at the time of |
6-65 |
approval, even if, after the approval, the regulations change prior to the completion of the project. |
6-66 |
(55) Waiver of requirements. See section 45-23-62. |
6-67 |
(56) Yield Plan. A site plan of a proposed subdivision that is intended to depict the |
6-68 |
highest number of lots possible while complying with the requirements of the zoning ordinance, |
7-1 |
the land development and subdivision regulations, and all applicable state regulations. |
7-2 |
45-23-44. General provisions – Physical design requirements. - (a) All local |
7-3 |
regulations shall specify, through reasonable, objective standards and criteria, all physical design |
7-4 |
requirements for the development projects which are to be reviewed and approved pursuant to the |
7-5 |
regulations. Regulations shall specify all requirements and policies for subdivisions and land |
7-6 |
development projects which are not contained in the municipality's zoning ordinance; provided, |
7-7 |
however, that the regulations shall be consistent with the substantive requirements of the zoning |
7-8 |
ordinance, including, but not limited to, lot size and development density. Slope of land shall not |
7-9 |
be deemed a physical constraint to development when determining development potential and |
7-10 |
shall not be excluded from the calculation of buildable lot area or the calculation of the number of |
7-11 |
buildable lots or units. |
7-12 |
(b) The requirements and policies may include, but are not limited to, requirements and |
7-13 |
policies for rights-of-way, open space, landscaping, connections of proposed streets and drainage |
7-14 |
systems with those of the surrounding neighborhood, public access through property to adjacent |
7-15 |
public property, and the relationship of proposed developments to natural and man-made features |
7-16 |
of the surrounding neighborhood. |
7-17 |
(c) The regulations shall specify all necessary findings, formulas for calculations and |
7-18 |
procedures for meeting the requirements and policies. These requirements and policies apply to |
7-19 |
all subdivisions and land development projects reviewed and/or administered under the local |
7-20 |
regulations. |
7-21 |
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed as abrogating the coastal resources |
7-22 |
management council rules and regulations concerning development density. |
7-23 |
SECTION 2. Sections 45-24-30, 45-24-31, and 45-24-33 of Title 45, Chapter 24 of the |
7-24 |
General Laws, entitled “Zoning Ordinances,” are hereby amended as follows: |
7-25 |
45-24-30. General purposes of zoning ordinances. - Zoning regulations shall be |
7-26 |
developed and maintained in accordance with a comprehensive plan prepared, adopted, and as |
7-27 |
may be amended, in accordance with chapter 22.2 of this title and shall be designed to address the |
7-28 |
following purposes. The general assembly recognizes these purposes, each with equal priority and |
7-29 |
numbered for reference purposes only. |
7-30 |
(1) Promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare. |
7-31 |
(2) Providing for a range of uses and intensities of use appropriate to the character of the |
7-32 |
city or town and reflecting current and expected future needs. |
7-33 |
(3) Providing for orderly growth and development which recognizes: |
8-34 |
(i) The goals and patterns of land use contained in the comprehensive plan of the city or |
8-35 |
town adopted pursuant to chapter 22.2 of this title; |
8-36 |
(ii) The natural characteristics of the land, including its suitability for use based on soil |
8-37 |
characteristics, topography, and susceptibility to surface or groundwater pollution; |
8-38 |
(iii) The values and dynamic nature of coastal and freshwater ponds, the shoreline, and |
8-39 |
freshwater and coastal wetlands; |
8-40 |
(iv) The values of unique or valuable natural resources and features; |
8-41 |
(v) The availability and capacity of existing and planned public and/or private services |
8-42 |
and facilities; |
8-43 |
(vi) The need to shape and balance urban and rural development; and |
8-44 |
(vii) The use of innovative development regulations and techniques. |
8-45 |
(viii) The desirability of developing land efficiently and economically to preserve |
8-46 |
contiguous open space and discourage rural, suburban and urban sprawl. |
8-47 |
(4) Providing for the control, protection, and/or abatement of air, water, groundwater, and |
8-48 |
noise pollution, and soil erosion and sedimentation. |
8-49 |
(5) Providing for the protection of the natural, historic, cultural, and scenic character of |
8-50 |
the city or town or areas in the municipality. |
8-51 |
(6) Providing for the preservation and promotion of agricultural production, forest, |
8-52 |
silviculture, aquaculture, timber resources, and open space. |
8-53 |
(7) Providing for the protection of public investment in transportation, water, stormwater |
8-54 |
management systems, sewage treatment and disposal, solid waste treatment and disposal, schools, |
8-55 |
recreation, public facilities, open space, and other public requirements. |
8-56 |
(8) Promoting a balance of housing choices, for all income levels and groups, to assure |
8-57 |
the health, safety and welfare of all citizens and their rights to affordable, accessible, safe, and |
8-58 |
sanitary housing. |
8-59 |
(9) Providing opportunities for the establishment of low and moderate income housing. |
8-60 |
(10) Promoting safety from fire, flood, and other natural or unnatural disasters. |
8-61 |
(11) Promoting a high level of quality in design in the development of private and public |
8-62 |
facilities. |
8-63 |
(12) Promoting implementation of the comprehensive plan of the city or town adopted |
8-64 |
pursuant to chapter 22.2 of this title. |
8-65 |
(13) Providing for coordination of land uses with contiguous municipalities, other |
8-66 |
municipalities, the state, and other agencies, as appropriate, especially with regard to resources |
8-67 |
and facilities that extend beyond municipal boundaries or have a direct impact on that |
8-68 |
municipality. |
9-1 |
(14) Providing for efficient review of development proposals, to clarify and expedite the |
9-2 |
zoning approval process. |
9-3 |
(15) Providing for procedures for the administration of the zoning ordinance, including, |
9-4 |
but not limited to, variances, special-use permits, and, where adopted, procedures for |
9-5 |
modifications. |
9-6 |
(16) Providing opportunities for reasonable accommodations in order to comply with the |
9-7 |
Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act, chapter 37 of title 34, the United States Fair Housing |
9-8 |
Amendments Act of 1988 (FHAA), the Rhode Island Civil Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
9-9 |
Act, chapter 87 of title 42, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. |
9-10 |
section 12101 et seq. |
9-11 |
45-24-31. Definitions. - Where words or terms used in this chapter are defined in section |
9-12 |
45-22.2-4 or section 45-23-32, they have the meanings stated in that section. In addition, the |
9-13 |
following words have the following meanings. Additional words and phrases may be used in |
9-14 |
developing local ordinances under this chapter; however, the words and phrases defined in this |
9-15 |
section are controlling in all local ordinances created under this chapter: |
9-16 |
(1) Abutter. One whose property abuts, that is, adjoins at a border, boundary, or point |
9-17 |
with no intervening land. |
9-18 |
(2) Accessory Dwelling Unit. A dwelling unit: (i) rented to and occupied either by one or |
9-19 |
more members of the family of the occupant or occupants of the principal residence; or (ii) |
9-20 |
reserved for rental occupancy by a person or a family where the principal residence is owner |
9-21 |
occupied, and which meets the following provisions: |
9-22 |
(A) In zoning districts that allow residential uses, no more than one accessory dwelling |
9-23 |
unit may be an accessory to a single-family dwelling. |
9-24 |
(B) An accessory dwelling unit shall include separate cooking and sanitary facilities, with |
9-25 |
its own legal means of ingress and egress and is a complete, separate dwelling unit. The accessory |
9-26 |
dwelling unit shall be within or attached to the principal dwelling unit structure or within an |
9-27 |
existing structure, such as a garage or barn, and designed so that the appearance of the principal |
9-28 |
structure remains that of a one-family residence. |
9-29 |
(3) Accessory Use. A use of land or of a building, or portion thereof, customarily |
9-30 |
incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the land or building. An accessory use may be |
9-31 |
restricted to the same lot as the principal use. An accessory use shall not be permitted without the |
9-32 |
principal use to which it is related. |
9-33 |
(4) Aggrieved Party. An aggrieved party, for purposes of this chapter, shall be: |
10-34 |
(i) Any person or persons or entity or entities who can demonstrate that their property |
10-35 |
will be injured by a decision of any officer or agency responsible for administering the zoning |
10-36 |
ordinance of a city or town; or |
10-37 |
(ii) Anyone requiring notice pursuant to this chapter. |
10-38 |
(5) Agricultural Land. “Agricultural land”, as defined in section 45-22.2-4. |
10-39 |
(6) Airport Hazard Area. “Airport hazard area”, as defined in section 1-3-2. |
10-40 |
(7) Applicant. An owner or authorized agent of the owner submitting an application or |
10-41 |
appealing an action of any official, board, or agency. |
10-42 |
(8) Application. The completed form or forms and all accompanying documents, exhibits, |
10-43 |
and fees required of an applicant by an approving authority for development review, approval, or |
10-44 |
permitting purposes. |
10-45 |
(9) Buffer. Land which is maintained in either a natural or landscaped state, and is used to |
10-46 |
screen and/or mitigate the impacts of development on surrounding areas, properties, or rights-of- |
10-47 |
way. |
10-48 |
(10) Buildable Lot. A lot where construction for the use(s) permitted on the site under |
10-49 |
the local zoning ordinance is considered practicable, considering the physical constraints to |
10-50 |
development of the site as well as the requirements of the pertinent federal, state and local |
10-51 |
regulations. See section 45-23-32(31). No land development or subdivision regulation, or zoning |
10-52 |
ordinance, shall require any lot to have more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of |
10-53 |
contiguous area that is free of environmental and physical constraints to development as defined |
10-54 |
in sections 45-23-32 (12) and (31). However, in any zoning districts where a minimum lot area is |
10-55 |
equal to or greater than eighty thousand (80,000) square feet, no more than half of that minimum |
10-56 |
required lot area must be contiguous and free of environmental and physical constraints as |
10-57 |
defined in sections 45-23-32(12) and (31). Notwithstanding the above, no city or town shall be |
10-58 |
required to exclude an area or areas with physical and/or environmental constraints in |
10-59 |
determining buildable lot area. |
10-60 |
(11) |
10-61 |
occupancy. |
10-62 |
(12) |
10-63 |
permitted to be built on a lot and which is defined by regulations governing building setbacks, |
10-64 |
maximum height, and bulk; by other regulations; and/or by any combination thereof. |
10-65 |
(13) |
10-66 |
municipality, to the top of the highest point of the roof or structure. The distance may exclude |
10-67 |
spires, chimneys, flag poles, and the like. |
11-68 |
(14) |
11-69 |
on the site to allow the remaining land to be used for recreation, common open space, and/or |
11-70 |
preservation of environmentally, historically, culturally, or other sensitive features and/or |
11-71 |
structures. The techniques used to concentrate buildings shall be specified in the ordinance and |
11-72 |
may include, but are not limited to, reduction in lot areas, setback requirements, and/or bulk |
11-73 |
requirements, with the resultant open land being devoted by deed restrictions for one or more |
11-74 |
uses. Under cluster development there is no increase in the number of lots that would be |
11-75 |
permitted under conventional development except where ordinance provisions include incentive |
11-76 |
bonuses for certain types or conditions of development. |
11-77 |
(15) |
11-78 |
(i) Ownership by one or more individuals or entities in any form of ownership of two (2) |
11-79 |
or more contiguous lots; or |
11-80 |
(ii) Ownership by any association (ownership may also include a municipality) of one or |
11-81 |
more lots under specific development techniques. |
11-82 |
(16) |
11-83 |
adults reside in a family setting and may or may not receive supervised care. This does not |
11-84 |
include halfway houses or substance abuse treatment facilities. This does include, but is not |
11-85 |
limited, to the following: |
11-86 |
(i) Whenever six (6) or fewer children or adults with retardation reside in any type of |
11-87 |
residence in the community, as licensed by the state pursuant to chapter 24 of title 40.1. All |
11-88 |
requirements pertaining to local zoning are waived for these community residences; |
11-89 |
(ii) A group home providing care or supervision, or both, to not more than eight (8) |
11-90 |
persons with disabilities, and licensed by the state pursuant to chapter 24 of title 40.1; |
11-91 |
(iii) A residence for children providing care or supervision, or both, to not more than |
11-92 |
eight (8) children including those of the care giver and licensed by the state pursuant to chapter |
11-93 |
72.1 of title 42; |
11-94 |
(iv) A community transitional residence providing care or assistance, or both, to no more |
11-95 |
than six (6) unrelated persons or no more than three (3) families, not to exceed a total of eight (8) |
11-96 |
persons, requiring temporary financial assistance, and/or to persons who are victims of crimes, |
11-97 |
abuse, or neglect, and who are expected to reside in that residence not less than sixty (60) days |
11-98 |
nor more than two (2) years. Residents will have access to and use of all common areas, including |
11-99 |
eating areas and living rooms, and will receive appropriate social services for the purpose of |
11-100 |
fostering independence, self-sufficiency, and eventual transition to a permanent living situation. |
11-101 |
(17) |
11-102 |
to chapter 22.2 of this title and to which any zoning adopted pursuant to this chapter shall be in |
12-1 |
compliance. |
12-2 |
(18) Conservation Development. A type of land development in which the natural |
12-3 |
resources and character-defining features of the site are identified first, and lot lines, building |
12-4 |
envelopes, and open space are located in a way that preserves and protects those features through |
12-5 |
flexibility in the size and dimensions of lots. |
12-6 |
(19) |
12-7 |
day care home. |
12-8 |
(20) |
12-9 |
in which day care in lieu of parental care or supervision is offered at the same time to six (6) or |
12-10 |
less individuals who are not relatives of the care giver, but may not contain more than a total of |
12-11 |
eight (8) individuals receiving day care. |
12-12 |
(21) |
12-13 |
(22) |
12-14 |
relocation, or enlargement of any structure; any mining, excavation, landfill or land disturbance; |
12-15 |
or any change in use, or alteration or extension of the use, of land. |
12-16 |
(23) |
12-17 |
review the site plans, maps, and other documentation of a development to determine the |
12-18 |
compliance with the stated purposes and standards of the ordinance. |
12-19 |
(24) |
12-20 |
(25) |
12-21 |
grading, or other appropriate means. These techniques may include runoff controls to minimize |
12-22 |
erosion and sedimentation during and after construction or development, the means for preserving |
12-23 |
surface and groundwaters, and the prevention and/or alleviation of flooding. |
12-24 |
(26) |
12-25 |
independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, |
12-26 |
sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, and containing a separate means of ingress and egress. |
12-27 |
(27) |
12-28 |
and ores; liquids, such as crude petroleum; and gases, such as natural gases. The term also |
12-29 |
includes quarrying; well operation; milling, such as crushing, screening, washing, and flotation; |
12-30 |
and other preparation customarily done at the extraction site or as a part of the extractive activity. |
12-31 |
(28) |
12-32 |
See also “Household”. |
12-33 |
(29) |
12-34 |
is established on the zoning map only when an application for development, meeting the zone |
13-1 |
requirements, is approved. |
13-2 |
(30) |
13-3 |
(31) |
13-4 |
13.1-3. |
13-5 |
(32) |
13-6 |
institutionalized for criminal conduct and who require a group setting to facilitate the transition to |
13-7 |
a functional member of society. |
13-8 |
(33) |
13-9 |
(34) |
13-10 |
(35) |
13-11 |
conducted as an accessory use in the resident's dwelling unit. |
13-12 |
(36) |
13-13 |
common access to, and common use of, all living and eating areas and all areas and facilities for |
13-14 |
the preparation and storage of food within the dwelling unit. The term “household unit” is |
13-15 |
synonymous with the term “dwelling unit” for determining the number of units allowed within |
13-16 |
any structure on any lot in a zoning district. An individual household shall consist of any one of |
13-17 |
the following: |
13-18 |
(i) A family, which may also include servants and employees living with the family; or |
13-19 |
(ii) A person or group of unrelated persons living together. The maximum number may |
13-20 |
be set by local ordinance, but this maximum shall not be less than three (3). |
13-21 |
(37) |
13-22 |
development capacity in exchange for the developer's provision of a public benefit or amenity as |
13-23 |
specified in local ordinances. |
13-24 |
(38) |
13-25 |
industrial, institutional, and other activities. |
13-26 |
(39) |
13-27 |
parcels of land are |
13-28 |
more uses, units, or structures, including, but not limited to, planned development |
13-29 |
conservation development, or cluster development for residential, commercial, institutional, |
13-30 |
recreational, open space, and/or mixed uses, as |
13-31 |
(40) |
13-32 |
(i) The basic development unit for determination of lot area, depth, and other dimensional |
13-33 |
regulations; or |
14-34 |
(ii) A parcel of land whose boundaries have been established by some legal instrument |
14-35 |
such as a recorded deed or recorded map and which is recognized as a separate legal entity for |
14-36 |
purposes of transfer of title. |
14-37 |
(41) |
14-38 |
right-of-way, usually reported in acres or square feet. |
14-39 |
(42) |
14-40 |
buildings and accessory buildings. |
14-41 |
(43) |
14-42 |
lots where the front and rear lot lines are not parallel, the lot depth is an average of the depth. |
14-43 |
(44) |
14-44 |
specify how noncontiguous frontage will be considered with regard to minimum frontage |
14-45 |
requirements. |
14-46 |
(45) |
14-47 |
lot or from a public or private street or any other public or private space and shall include: |
14-48 |
(i) Front: the lot line separating a lot from a street right-of-way. A zoning ordinance shall |
14-49 |
specify the method to be used to determine the front lot line on lots fronting on more than one |
14-50 |
street, for example, corner and through lots; |
14-51 |
(ii) Rear: the lot line opposite and most distant from the front lot line, or in the case of |
14-52 |
triangular or otherwise irregularly shaped lots, an assumed line at least ten feet (10') in length |
14-53 |
entirely within the lot, parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line; and |
14-54 |
(iii) Side: any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. On a corner lot, a side lot line |
14-55 |
may be a street lot line, depending on requirements of the local zoning ordinance. |
14-56 |
(46) |
14-57 |
upon two (2) streets which do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot. |
14-58 |
(47) |
14-59 |
right angles to its depth along a straight line parallel to the front lot line at the minimum front |
14-60 |
setback line. |
14-61 |
(48) |
14-62 |
(49) |
14-63 |
tract. |
14-64 |
(50) |
14-65 |
officer of the city or town, and pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to grant a dimensional |
14-66 |
variance other than lot area requirements from the zoning ordinance to a limited degree as |
14-67 |
determined by the zoning ordinance of the city or town, but not to exceed twenty-five percent |
14-68 |
(25%) of each of the applicable dimensional requirements. |
15-1 |
(51) |
15-2 |
lawfully existing at the time of the adoption or amendment of a zoning ordinance and not in |
15-3 |
conformity with the provisions of that ordinance or amendment. Nonconformance is of only two |
15-4 |
(2) types: |
15-5 |
(i) Nonconforming by use: a lawfully established use of land, building, or structure which |
15-6 |
is not a permitted use in that zoning district. A building or structure containing more dwelling |
15-7 |
units than are permitted by the use regulations of a zoning ordinance is nonconformity by use; or |
15-8 |
(ii) Nonconforming by dimension: a building, structure, or parcel of land not in |
15-9 |
compliance with the dimensional regulations of the zoning ordinance. Dimensional regulations |
15-10 |
include all regulations of the zoning ordinance, other than those pertaining to the permitted uses. |
15-11 |
A building or structure containing more dwelling units than are permitted by the use regulations |
15-12 |
of a zoning ordinance is nonconforming by use; a building or structure containing a permitted |
15-13 |
number of dwelling units by the use regulations of the zoning ordinance, but not meeting the lot |
15-14 |
area per dwelling unit regulations, is nonconforming by dimension. |
15-15 |
(52) |
15-16 |
superimposed on one or more districts or parts of districts and that imposes specified |
15-17 |
requirements in addition to, but not less, than those otherwise applicable for the underlying zone. |
15-18 |
(53) |
15-19 |
particular use or process must either meet or may not exceed. |
15-20 |
(54) |
15-21 |
zoning district. |
15-22 |
(55) |
15-23 |
24-31(37), and developed according to plan as a single entity and containing one or more |
15-24 |
structures and/or uses with appurtenant common areas. |
15-25 |
(56) |
15-26 |
between applicants and reviewing agencies as permitted by law and municipal ordinance, before |
15-27 |
formal submission of an application for a permit or for development approval. |
15-28 |
(57) |
15-29 |
distance of the required setback for the zoning district in which the lot is located that establishes |
15-30 |
the area within which the principal structure must be erected or placed. |
15-31 |
(58) |
15-32 |
existing and/or the proposed conditions of the lot. |
15-33 |
(59) |
15-34 |
permit issued by the authorized governmental entity, pursuant to section 45-24-42. Formerly |
16-1 |
referred to as a special exception. |
16-2 |
(60) |
16-3 |
or ornamentation, whether installed on, above, or below, the surface of land or water. |
16-4 |
(61) |
16-5 |
amendment of a zoning ordinance and not in conformance with the dimensional and/or area |
16-6 |
provisions of that ordinance. |
16-7 |
(62) |
16-8 |
or intended, or for which land or buildings are occupied or maintained. |
16-9 |
(63) |
16-10 |
ordinance. An authorization for the construction or maintenance of a building or structure, or for |
16-11 |
the establishment or maintenance of a use of land, which is prohibited by a zoning ordinance. |
16-12 |
There are only two (2) categories of variance, a use variance or a dimensional variance. |
16-13 |
(i) Use Variance. Permission to depart from the use requirements of a zoning ordinance |
16-14 |
where the applicant for the requested variance has shown by evidence upon the record that the |
16-15 |
subject land or structure cannot yield any beneficial use if it is to conform to the provisions of the |
16-16 |
zoning ordinance. |
16-17 |
(ii) Dimensional Variance. Permission to depart from the dimensional requirements of a |
16-18 |
zoning ordinance, where the applicant for the requested relief has shown, by evidence upon the |
16-19 |
record, that there is no other reasonable alternative way to enjoy a legally permitted beneficial use |
16-20 |
of the subject property unless granted the requested relief from the dimensional regulations. |
16-21 |
However, the fact that a use may be more profitable or that a structure may be more valuable after |
16-22 |
the relief is granted are not grounds for relief. |
16-23 |
(64) |
16-24 |
(65) |
16-25 |
(66) |
16-26 |
(67) |
16-27 |
required in the zoning ordinance, which acknowledges that a use, structure, building, or lot either |
16-28 |
complies with or is legally nonconforming to the provisions of the municipal zoning ordinance or |
16-29 |
is an authorized variance or modification therefrom. |
16-30 |
(68) |
16-31 |
which delineate the boundaries of all mapped zoning districts within the physical boundary of the |
16-32 |
city or town. |
16-33 |
(69) |
16-34 |
town pursuant to this chapter and in the manner providing for the adoption of ordinances in the |
17-1 |
city or town's legislative or home rule charter, if any, which establish regulations and standards |
17-2 |
relating to the nature and extent of uses of land and structures, which is consistent with the |
17-3 |
comprehensive plan of the city or town as defined in chapter 22.2 of this title, which includes a |
17-4 |
zoning map, and which complies with the provisions of this chapter. |
17-5 |
(70) |
17-6 |
which a uniform set of regulations applies, or a uniform set of regulations for a specified use. |
17-7 |
Zoning use districts include, but are not limited to: agricultural, commercial, industrial, |
17-8 |
institutional, open space, and residential. Each district may include sub-districts. Districts may be |
17-9 |
combined. |
17-10 |
45-24-33. Standard provisions. - (a) A zoning ordinance addresses each of the purposes |
17-11 |
stated in section 45-24-30 and addresses, through reasonable objective standards and criteria, the |
17-12 |
following general provisions which are numbered for reference purposes only: |
17-13 |
(1) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting the development of land and |
17-14 |
structures in zoning districts, and regulating those land and structures according to their type, and |
17-15 |
the nature and extent of their use; |
17-16 |
(2) Regulating the nature and extent of the use of land for residential, commercial, |
17-17 |
industrial, institutional, recreational, agricultural, open space, or other use or combination of uses, |
17-18 |
as the need for land for those purposes is determined by the city or town's comprehensive plan; |
17-19 |
(3) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting buildings, structures, land uses, and |
17-20 |
other development by performance standards, or other requirements, related to air and water and |
17-21 |
groundwater quality, noise and glare, energy consumption, soil erosion and sedimentation, and/or |
17-22 |
the availability and capacity of existing and planned public or private services; |
17-23 |
(4) Regulating within each district and designating requirements for: |
17-24 |
(i) The height, number of stories, and size of buildings; |
17-25 |
(ii) The dimensions, size, lot coverage, floor area ratios, and layout of lots or |
17-26 |
development areas; |
17-27 |
(iii) The density and intensity of use; |
17-28 |
(iv) Access to air and light, views, and solar access; |
17-29 |
(v) Open space, yards, courts, and buffers; |
17-30 |
(vi) Parking areas, road design, and, where appropriate, pedestrian, bicycle, and other |
17-31 |
circulator systems; |
17-32 |
(vii) Landscaping, fencing, and lighting; |
17-33 |
(viii) Appropriate drainage requirements and methods to manage stormwater runoff; |
18-34 |
(ix) Public access to waterbodies, rivers, and streams; and |
18-35 |
(x) Other requirements in connection with any use of land or structure; |
18-36 |
(5) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting development in flood plains or flood |
18-37 |
hazard areas and designated significant natural areas; |
18-38 |
(6) Promoting the conservation of energy and promoting energy-efficient patterns of |
18-39 |
development; |
18-40 |
(7) Providing for the protection of existing and planned public drinking water supplies, |
18-41 |
their tributaries and watersheds, and the protection of Narragansett Bay, its tributaries and |
18-42 |
watershed; |
18-43 |
(8) Providing for adequate, safe, and efficient transportation systems; and avoiding |
18-44 |
congestion by relating types and levels of development to the capacity of the circulation system, |
18-45 |
and maintaining a safe level of service of the system; |
18-46 |
(9) Providing for the preservation and enhancement of the recreational resources of the |
18-47 |
city or town; |
18-48 |
(10) Promoting an economic climate which increases quality job opportunities and the |
18-49 |
overall economic well-being of the city or town and the state; |
18-50 |
(11) Providing for pedestrian access to and between public and private facilities, |
18-51 |
including, but not limited to schools, employment centers, shopping areas, recreation areas, and |
18-52 |
residences; |
18-53 |
(12) Providing standards for and requiring the provision of adequate and properly |
18-54 |
designed physical improvements, including plantings, and the proper maintenance of property; |
18-55 |
(13) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting land use in areas where development |
18-56 |
is deemed to create a hazard to the public health or safety; |
18-57 |
(14) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting extractive industries and earth |
18-58 |
removal and requiring restoration of land after these activities; |
18-59 |
(15) Regulating sanitary landfill, except as otherwise provided by state statute; |
18-60 |
(16) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting signs and billboards, and other |
18-61 |
outdoor advertising devices; |
18-62 |
(17) Designating airport hazard areas under the provisions of chapter 3 of title 1, and |
18-63 |
enforcement of airport hazard area zoning regulations under the provisions established in that |
18-64 |
chapter; |
18-65 |
(18) Designating areas of historic, cultural, and/or archaeological value and regulating |
18-66 |
development in those areas under the provisions of chapter 24.1 of this title; |
18-67 |
(19) Providing standards and requirements for the regulation, review, and approval of any |
18-68 |
proposed development in connection with those uses of land, buildings, or structures specifically |
19-1 |
designated as subject to development plan review in a zoning ordinance; |
19-2 |
(20) Designating special protection areas for water supply and limiting or prohibiting |
19-3 |
development in these areas, except as otherwise provided by state statute; |
19-4 |
(21) Specifying requirements for safe road access to developments from existing streets, |
19-5 |
including limiting the number, design, and location of curb cuts, and provisions for internal |
19-6 |
circulation systems for new developments, and provisions for pedestrian and bicycle ways; and |
19-7 |
(22) Reducing unnecessary delay in approving or disapproving development applications, |
19-8 |
through provisions for preapplication conferences and other means. |
19-9 |
(23) Providing for the application of the Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act, |
19-10 |
chapter 37 of title 34, the United States Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (FHAA), the |
19-11 |
Rhode Island Civil Rights People with Disabilities Act, chapter 37 of title 42, and the Americans |
19-12 |
with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. section 12101 et seq. |
19-13 |
(24) Regulating drive-through windows of varied intensity of use when associated with |
19-14 |
land use activities and providing standards and requirements for the regulation, review and |
19-15 |
approval of the drive-through windows, including, but not limited to: |
19-16 |
(i) Identifying within which zoning districts drive-through windows may be permitted, |
19-17 |
prohibited, or permitted by special use permit; |
19-18 |
(ii) Specifying requirements for adequate traffic circulation; and |
19-19 |
(iii) Providing for adequate pedestrian safety and access, including issues concerning |
19-20 |
safety and access for those with disabilities. |
19-21 |
(25) Protecting natural resources and promoting efficient use of land through innovative |
19-22 |
development design that discourages rural, suburban and urban sprawl and preserves contiguous |
19-23 |
open space. |
19-24 |
(b) A zoning ordinance may include special provisions for any or all of the following: |
19-25 |
(1) Authorizing development incentives, |
19-26 |
19-27 |
including, but not limited to, additional permitted uses, increased development density, or |
19-28 |
additional design or dimensional flexibility, in exchange for: |
19-29 |
(i) Increased open space; |
19-30 |
(ii) Increased housing choices; |
19-31 |
(iii) Traffic and pedestrian improvements; |
19-32 |
(iv) Public and/or private facilities; |
19-33 |
(v) Use of innovative land development design methods; and/or |
20-34 |
20-35 |
comprehensive plan. The provisions in the ordinance shall include maximum allowable densities |
20-36 |
of population and/or intensities of use and shall indicate the type of improvements, amenities, |
20-37 |
and/or conditions. Conditions may be made for donation in lieu of direct provisions for |
20-38 |
improvements or amenities; |
20-39 |
(2) Establishing a system for transfer of development rights within or between zoning |
20-40 |
districts designated in the zoning ordinance; and |
20-41 |
(3) Regulating the development adjacent to designated scenic highways, scenic |
20-42 |
waterways, major thoroughfares, public greenspaces, or other areas of special public investment |
20-43 |
or valuable natural resources. |
20-44 |
(c) A zoning ordinance shall permit one or more types of non-conventional residential |
20-45 |
subdivision of land or land development project options, which may include conservation |
20-46 |
development. |
20-47 |
(d) Within a minimum lot size as established by the particular municipality, a zoning |
20-48 |
ordinance shall not require any lot to have more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of |
20-49 |
contiguous area that is free of environmental and physical constraints to development as defined |
20-50 |
in sections 45-23-32 (12) and (31). However, in any zoning districts where a minimum lot area is |
20-51 |
equal to or greater than eighty thousand (80,000) square feet, no more than half of that minimum |
20-52 |
required lot area must be contiguous and free of environmental and physical constraints as |
20-53 |
defined in sections 45-23-32(12) and (31). Notwithstanding the above, no city or town shall be |
20-54 |
required to exclude an area or areas with physical and/or environmental constraints in |
20-55 |
determining buildable lot area. |
20-56 |
(e) Slope of land shall not be deemed a physical constraint to development when |
20-57 |
determining development potential and shall not be excluded from the calculation of buildable lot |
20-58 |
area or the calculation of the number of buildable lots or units. |
20-59 |
SECTION 1. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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A N A C T | |
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21-1 |
This act would establish the zoning parameters with respect to required lot area that must |
21-2 |
be contiguous and free at environmental and physical constraints to development. This act would |
21-3 |
further provide that a municipality shall be required to exclude an area with physical and/or |
21-4 |
environmental constraints in determining buildable lot area. |
21-5 |
This act would take effect upon passage. |
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