2012 -- H 8180 | |
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LC02637 | |
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H O U S E R E S O L U T I O N | |
Introduced By: Representatives Fox, Mattiello, Corvese, McNamara, and Bennett | |
Date Introduced: May 17, 2012 | |
Referred To: House read and passed | |
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WHEREAS, The Region of Artsakh, also known as Mountainous Karabagh, is located in |
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the Transcaucasus and has historically been Armenian territory, populated by an overwhelming |
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majority of Armenians; and |
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WHEREAS, In 1923, the communist dictatorship of Joseph Stalin, in violation of the |
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national, territorial, and human rights of the Armenian people, annexed part of the region of |
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Artsakh which was composed of a 95 percent Armenian population, and joined it with the region |
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of Soviet Azerbaijan; and |
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WHEREAS, For decades, Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, having arbitrarily been |
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severed from Armenia and forced under Soviet Azerbaijani administration, peacefully |
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demonstrated for national independence and individual freedom and against Soviet Azerbaijani |
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repression and discrimination; and |
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WHEREAS, In the years immediately preceding the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s |
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declaration of independence, these peaceful demonstrations were met with acts of violent |
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repression by Soviet Azerbaijani forces who refused to allow the reestablishment of the people of |
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Nagorno-Karabakh’s national independence; and |
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WHEREAS, During the repressive and violent events leading to the birth of the Nagorno- |
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Karabakh Republic, ethnic Armenians were killed in Sumgait (February, 1988), Kirovabad |
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(November, 1988), and Baku (January, 1990), by Soviet Azerbaijani forces. Over 350,000 |
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Armenians were forcibly deported from Azerbaijan; and |
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WHEREAS, In July of 1988, within months of the Sumgait tragedy, the United States |
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Senate unanimously passed Amendment 2690 to the Fiscal Year 1989 Foreign Operations |
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Appropriations bill (H.R. 4782), concerning the Karabakh conflict and calling on the Soviet |
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government to "respect the legitimate aspirations of the Armenian people ..." and noted that |
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"dozens of Armenians have been killed and hundreds injured during the recent unrests ..."; and |
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WHEREAS, The Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh would not be deterred and would not |
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allow their dream of national independence, and their inherent desire for individual freedom, to |
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be destroyed by violence and repression; and |
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WHEREAS, On December 10th of 1991, despite continued violence against the people of |
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Nagorno-Karabakh, a popular referendum proclaiming the republic took place in Nagorno- |
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Karabakh during the process of the Soviet Union disintegration; and |
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WHEREAS, Under the watchful eye of more than 50 international observers and in full |
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compliance with international standards for free and fair elections, more than 80 percent of the |
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eligible voters in Nagorno-Karabakh cast a ballot. Ninety-eight percent of those casting ballots |
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overwhelmingly chose national independence and individual freedom, thereby choosing the path |
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of democracy after decades of communist control; and |
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WHEREAS, The population of Nagorno-Karabakh then held free, democratic, and direct |
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elections for its parliament; and |
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WHEREAS, On January 6th of 1992, the first-ever freely elected Parliament of Nagorno- |
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Karabakh adopted a Declaration of Independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic; and |
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WHEREAS, From the earliest days of its formation, the Republic’s freely elected |
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governmental bodies have continuously striven to build an open and democratic society through |
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free and transparent elections, affirmed by international observers; and |
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WHEREAS, Since signing a cease-fire agreement with Azerbaijan in 1994, after three |
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years of armed conflict, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic registered significant progress in post- |
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war humanitarian and economic development; and |
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WHEREAS, Despite the 1994 cease-fire agreement, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s |
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security and sovereignty continue to be threatened by regional tension and hostile acts; now, |
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therefore be it |
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RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island and |
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Providence Plantations hereby encourages the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s continuing efforts |
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to develop as a free and independent nation in order to guarantee its citizens those rights inherent |
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in a free and independent society; and be it further |
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RESOLVED, That this House hereby supports the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s |
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continued constructive involvement with the international community and its efforts to reach a |
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lasting solution to the existing regional problems, and to establish peace and stability in the |
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strategically important region of South Caucasus; and be it further |
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RESOLVED, That this House hereby respectfully urges the President and Congress of |
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the United States of America to recognize the independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic |
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and to encourage nations neighboring the Republic to foster and maintain peaceful relations with |
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the people of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. We furthermore urge our country’s leaders to |
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continue promoting humanitarian and economic rehabilitation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic |
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and to fully support its continuing development of a free and democratic society, with all the |
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social, economic, and political advantages that such a free and democratic society brings to its |
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citizens; and be it further |
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RESOLVED, That this House hereby memorializes the United States of America to |
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support strengthening and solidifying our country’s relationship with the Nagorno-Karabakh |
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Republic and its citizens, both culturally and economically, to insure the continued survival of |
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this nation’s burgeoning growth of freedom and democracy; and be it further |
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RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and he hereby is authorized and directed to |
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transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the President of the United States and to Rhode |
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Island’s Congressional Delegation. |
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LC02637 | |
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