2012 -- H 7766 AS AMENDED | |
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LC01678 | |
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A N A C T | |
Introduced By: Representatives Reilly, Gallison, Ruggiero, Martin, and Jackson | |
Date Introduced: February 16, 2012 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1-1 |
SECTION 1. Section 42-1-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-1 entitled "Sovereignty |
1-2 |
and Jurisdiction of State" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
1-3 |
42-1-3. Tracts ceded to United States -- Reserved jurisdiction. -- The tracts of land |
1-4 |
hereinafter referred to are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States subject to the |
1-5 |
reservations and conditions contained in the acts of the general assembly ceding jurisdiction |
1-6 |
thereof, respectively; provided, that all civil and criminal process issued under the authority of |
1-7 |
this state may be executed thereon in the same manner as if the jurisdiction of the lands had not |
1-8 |
been ceded; that is to say: |
1-9 |
(1) A tract of land at Beaver Tail, in the south part of the town of Jamestown; |
1-10 |
(2) A tract of land at Whale Rock, at the entrance to Narragansett Bay; |
1-11 |
(3) A tract of land at Watch Hill, in the town of Westerly; |
1-12 |
(4) A tract of land at Point Judith, in the town of Narragansett; |
1-13 |
(5) A tract of land at Poplar Point, in the town of North Kingstown; |
1-14 |
(6) A tract of land at Old Gay Rock, in the harbor of Wickford, in the town of North |
1-15 |
Kingstown; |
1-16 |
(7) A tract of land on the northwest point of Block Island, in the town of New Shoreham; |
1-17 |
(8) A tract of land at the breakwater at Block Island, in the town of New Shoreham; |
1-18 |
(9) A tract of land on the southeast point of Block Island, in the town of New Shoreham; |
2-19 |
(10) A tract of land at Warwick Neck, in the city of Warwick; |
2-20 |
(11) A tract of land at Sandy Point, on the island of Prudence, in the town of Portsmouth; |
2-21 |
(12) An island or place in the harbor of Newport, known as Lime Rock; |
2-22 |
(13) A lot of land near Bristol Ferry, in the town of Bristol; |
2-23 |
(14) A shoal known as the Bullock's Point Shoal, in Providence River, and so much of |
2-24 |
the land below low water surrounding the same as is included within a circle of one hundred feet |
2-25 |
(100') radius from the center of the lighthouse thereon; an island in the outer channel of |
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Providence River known as Pomham Rock; with Fuller's Rocks, in Providence River, and so |
2-27 |
much of the land below high-water mark as is within the circle of one hundred feet (100') radius |
2-28 |
from the center of the lighthouse, beacon light, or range light at Fuller's Rocks; and so much land |
2-29 |
below high-water mark as is included within a circle of one hundred feet (100') radius from the |
2-30 |
center of the lighthouse, beacon light, or range light at Sassafras Point, in Providence River; all of |
2-31 |
which several tracts of land have been acquired by the United States as sites for lighthouses; |
2-32 |
(15) A tract of land covered by the navigable waters of the state within a circle, seven |
2-33 |
hundred feet (700') in diameter, the center of which shall be the Little Cormorant Rock, so-called, |
2-34 |
situated at the mouth of the Seaconnet River, on a course northwest from the northwesterly point |
2-35 |
of West Island, and distant therefrom about nine hundred feet (900'), as a site for a lighthouse, |
2-36 |
beacon, or other aid to navigation; |
2-37 |
(16) A tract of land covered by the navigable waters of the state within a circle, three |
2-38 |
hundred feet (300') in diameter, the center of which shall be the rocks known as Gull Rocks, in |
2-39 |
mid-channel between Rose Island and Coaster's Harbor Island, in Newport Harbor, as a site for a |
2-40 |
lighthouse or other aid to navigation; |
2-41 |
(17) A tract, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Warren River, for the erection |
2-42 |
thereon of a light in aid of navigation, more particularly described as a circular plot one hundred |
2-43 |
feet (100') in diameter including what is known as Allen Rock, the center of the plot being |
2-44 |
located in latitude forty-one degrees (41 degrees), forty-two minutes (42'), forty-nine seconds |
2-45 |
(49"), north; longitude seventy-one degrees (71 degrees), seventeen minutes (17'), thirty-seven |
2-46 |
and three-quarters seconds (37.75") west, and further described by a circle in red ink adjacent to |
2-47 |
the words "Allen Rk" on a copy of the U.S. coast and geodetic survey chart, marked exhibit "A" |
2-48 |
and attached to chapter 1879 of the Public Laws of 1932; |
2-49 |
(18) A tract of land on Brenton's Neck, in Newport, being the site of Fort Adams; |
2-50 |
(19) Goat Island in the harbor of Newport, being the site of Fort Walcott and a |
2-51 |
lighthouse; |
2-52 |
(20) Dutch Island, between Jamestown and Narragansett, purchased for the purpose of a |
2-53 |
lighthouse and the location of a fort; |
3-1 |
(21) An island called Castle Island, at the entrance of Bristol Harbor; |
3-2 |
(22) An island between Newport and Jamestown, known as Rose Island, ceded for a fort; |
3-3 |
(23) A lot of land on the east side of Weybosset Street, in the city of Providence, |
3-4 |
purchased for a customhouse, post office, and United States courtroom; |
3-5 |
(24) A lot of land on the east side of Thames Street, in the city of Newport, purchased |
3-6 |
for a customhouse; |
3-7 |
(25) A lot of land in the town of Bristol, purchased for a post office and customhouse; |
3-8 |
(26) A lot of land in the city of Pawtucket, purchased for a post office and other public |
3-9 |
purposes; |
3-10 |
(27) Coaster's Harbor Island in Narragansett Bay, ceded for the location of the United |
3-11 |
States naval training school; |
3-12 |
(28) A lot of land on Exchange Place in the city of Providence, purchased for a post |
3-13 |
office, courthouse, and customhouse; |
3-14 |
(29) A tract of land south of Jamestown, on Conanicut Island, Rhode Island, being the |
3-15 |
site of Fort Wetherill; |
3-16 |
(30) A tract of land on the northwesterly shore of Conanicut Island, commonly known as |
3-17 |
Fox Hill, being the site of Fort Getty; |
3-18 |
(31) A tract of land south of Saunderstown, on the westerly shore of Narragansett Bay, |
3-19 |
commonly known as Boston Neck, being the site of Fort Kearny; |
3-20 |
(32) A tract of land at Point Judith, being the site of the landing for the upper shore arm |
3-21 |
of Point Judith breakwater; |
3-22 |
(33) A tract of land under water at the entrance of Great Salt Pond Harbor on Block |
3-23 |
Island in the town of New Shoreham for lighthouse purposes; the land being all that tract, piece or |
3-24 |
parcel of land situate, lying and being in a circle, two hundred feet (200') in diameter, the center |
3-25 |
of which is in latitude north forty-one degrees (41 degrees), eleven minutes (11'), fifty-seven and |
3-26 |
six-tenths seconds (57.6"), and longitude east, seventy-one degrees (71 degrees), thirty-five |
3-27 |
minutes (35'), thirty-eight and four-tenths seconds (38.4"), and bears north thirty-nine degrees (39 |
3-28 |
degrees), eighteen minutes (18') west true from Great Salt Pond inner end light and distant from it |
3-29 |
by one thousand five hundred seventy-five feet (1,575'). Also a line parallel to and one hundred |
3-30 |
feet (100') from the center line of the existing breakwater and another line perpendicular to the |
3-31 |
above-mentioned line at a point southerly of and one hundred feet (100') distant from the |
3-32 |
northerly extremity of the breakwater intersect each other in a point which is the center of the |
3-33 |
circle. The area or content of the property thus limited and defined being seven hundred twenty- |
3-34 |
one one-thousandths ( 7 2 1/1000) of an acre more or less; |
4-1 |
(34) A tract of land situated, lying and being within the city of Newport, the county of |
4-2 |
Newport and the State of Rhode Island, approximately one thousand five hundred feet (1,500') |
4-3 |
north of Coaster's Harbor Island and six hundred feet (600') west of Coddington Point, and |
4-4 |
surrounded by the waters of Narragansett Bay, known as and called Bishop's Rock, containing |
4-5 |
about six-tenths (6/10) of an acre; |
4-6 |
(35) A parcel of land lying within the reservation of the Peters-Fournier Airport of |
4-7 |
Rhode Island situated in the towns of Lincoln and Smithfield, ceded to the United States for the |
4-8 |
express purpose of establishing and developing upon the land a specialist training center for the |
4-9 |
United States air force reserve and for the erection of buildings, utilities, and other structures for |
4-10 |
military uses in this regard; |
4-11 |
(36) A parcel of land lying within the reservation of the Peters-Fournier Airport of |
4-12 |
Rhode Island situated in the towns of Lincoln and Smithfield, ceded to the United States for the |
4-13 |
express purpose of constructing and operating upon the land a tactical site support facility to |
4-14 |
provide logistical support to installations in the Providence defense area and for the erection of |
4-15 |
buildings, utilities, and other structures for uses in this regard |
4-16 |
(37) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown and the city of Newport, located |
4-17 |
between the Rhode Island department of transportation railroad right-of-way and the portion of |
4-18 |
Narragansett Bay known as Coddington Cove, referred to as AREA V-A in the attached deed; |
4-19 |
(38) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, located within the Naval |
4-20 |
Station’s security perimeter of Coddington Cove, referred to as AREA V-B in the attached deed; |
4-21 |
(39) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, located within the Naval |
4-22 |
Station’s security perimeter of Coddington Cove, referred to as AREA V-C in the attached deed; |
4-23 |
(40) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, located within the Naval |
4-24 |
Station’s security perimeter of Coddington Cove, referred to as AREA V-D in the attached deed; |
4-25 |
(41) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, located within the Still Water |
4-26 |
Basin area, referred to as AREA VI in the attached deed; |
4-27 |
(42) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, said parcel containing the |
4-28 |
combined Naval Station Police and Fire Headquarters, referred to as AREA VII in the attached |
4-29 |
deed; |
4-30 |
(43) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, lying adjacent to the easterly |
4-31 |
border of the Rhode Island department of transportation railroad right-of-way; referred to as |
4-32 |
AREA VII-A in the attached deed; |
4-33 |
(44) A tract of land situated in the town of Middletown, encompassing the Naval Station |
4-34 |
Newport’s Fire Fighter Trainer complex; referred to as AREA VIII in the attached deed. |
5-1 |
SECTION 2. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
5-2 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
5-3 |
Town Of Middletown And The City Of Newport, Rhode Island. |
5-4 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
5-5 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
5-6 |
within the town of Middletown and the city of Newport in the county of Newport and the state of |
5-7 |
Rhode Island, said parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plat 103 as filed in the |
5-8 |
office of the town clerk of Middletown, Lot 1 on Plat 2 as filed in the office of the city clerk of |
5-9 |
the city of Newport, and described as follows: |
5-10 |
Starting at RIDOT railroad station (RR Sta.) 873+87.50 thence N-49º-43’-42”-W, 47.25’ |
5-11 |
to the westerly edge of the railroad right-of-way, said point being the point of beginning (POB); |
5-12 |
thence S-40º-09’-39”-W, 927.53’ along a portion of the westerly border of the RIDOT’s railroad |
5-13 |
right-of-way crossing from the town of Middletown to the city of Newport to RR Sta. 883+15.03; |
5-14 |
Coordinates of the end point are: N: 159043.069 and E: 379071.433. Thence N-28º-22’-51”-W, |
5-15 |
247’+/- in the city of Newport to the waters of Coddington Cove, a portion of Narragansett Bay, |
5-16 |
creating an internal boundary with other Navy property to the southwest, Parcel C, currently |
5-17 |
known as Coddington Point; thence meandering northeasterly 1,320’+/- along the mean high |
5-18 |
water line and improvements into the town of Middletown to where it abuts with the former |
5-19 |
Parcel A-9, other Navy property; thence from the water’s edge S-19º-40’-57”-W, 172.7’+/- |
5-20 |
creating an internal boundary with other Navy property formerly acquired as Parcel A-9; thence |
5-21 |
N-74º-56’-03”-E, 55.05’ to the westerly boundary of the RIDOT railroad right-of-way at RR Sta. |
5-22 |
870+20.38 creating an internal boundary with other Navy property formerly acquired known as |
5-23 |
Parcel A-9; thence along a curve with a radius of 1862.83’ and an arc length of 358.06’ creating a |
5-24 |
portion of the westerly border of the Rhode Island’s department of transportation (RIDOT) |
5-25 |
railroad right-of-way to a point 47.25 feet westerly of RR Sta. 873+87.50; This point is the point |
5-26 |
of beginning. Said Parcel Area V-A to contain 4.94’+/- acres. |
5-27 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
5-28 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
5-29 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
5-30 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plat 103 as filed |
5-31 |
in the office of the town clerk of Middletown and as Lot 1 in Plat 2 as filed in the office of the |
5-32 |
city clerk of the city of Newport. |
5-33 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
5-34 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
6-1 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
6-2 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
6-3 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
6-4 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
6-5 |
SECTION 3. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
6-6 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
6-7 |
Town Of Middletown, Rhode Island |
6-8 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
6-9 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
6-10 |
within the town of Middletown in the county of Newport and the state of Rhode Island, said |
6-11 |
parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plats 103 and 107SW as filed in the office |
6-12 |
of the town clerk of Middletown and described as follows: |
6-13 |
Starting at RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way at station 870+20.38, thence turning 90º to the |
6-14 |
railroad station line and going 47.25’ westerly to the westerly border of the railroad right-of-way; |
6-15 |
That point being the point of beginning (POB) of Parcel V-B located at the southeast corner of |
6-16 |
the parcel; thence S-74º-56’-03”-W, 55.05’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy |
6-17 |
property purchased as Parcel A-10; thence N-19º-40’-57”-W, 172.7’+/- ending at the waters of |
6-18 |
Coddington Cove, a portion of Narragansett Bay, creating an internal boundary with other Navy |
6-19 |
property purchased as Parcel A-10; thence running to the high water line thence meandering |
6-20 |
225’+/- northeasterly along the mean high water line and improvements to where it meets a point |
6-21 |
with coordinates N: 160304.677 and E: 379618.233; thence N-66º-40’-30”-W, 79.46’ along the |
6-22 |
southerly edge of a bulkhead; thence N-06º-49’-11”-E, 19.99’ along the westerly edge of a |
6-23 |
bulkhead; thence N-23º-13’-21”-E, 181.20’ along the westerly edge of a bulkhead; thence S-65º- |
6-24 |
17’-23”-E, 1.94’ along the westerly edge of a bulkhead; thence N-23º-08’-30”-E, 220.86’ along |
6-25 |
the westerly edge of a bulkhead, the end point of this line having the following coordinates: N: |
6-26 |
160724.787 and E: 379707.648; thence N-15º-12’-13”-W, 150.50’ along the westerly edge of a |
6-27 |
bulkhead; thence N-19º-32’-27”-W, 32.69’ along the westerly edge of a bulkhead. Included in the |
6-28 |
exclusive jurisdiction area is the “T” pier which this line passes in front of. The coordinates of the |
6-29 |
eight points defining the above noted pier are: |
6-30 |
Corner North East |
6-31 |
Shore line So. 160870.0 +/- 379668.2 +/- |
6-32 |
So. Elbow Point 160832.8 +/- 379364.6 +/- |
6-33 |
SE Point 160719.8 +/- 379378.0 +/- |
7-34 |
SW Point 160705.3 +/- 379257.7 +/- |
7-35 |
NW Point 160964.4 +/- 379225.0 +/- |
7-36 |
NE Point 160978.0 +/- 379345.8 +/- |
7-37 |
No. Elbow Point 160865.2 +/- 379360.1 +/- |
7-38 |
Shore Line No. 160900.8 +/- 379657.2 +/- |
7-39 |
Thence N-15º-05’-59”-W, 671.76’ along the westerly edge of a bulkhead ending at the |
7-40 |
point where former Parcel A-9 would have met former Parcel A-7; thence N-83º-05’-55”-E, |
7-41 |
510.15’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel A-7 until it |
7-42 |
reaches the westerly border of the RIDOT railroad right-of-way at RR St. 853+59.52; thence |
7-43 |
along a curve with a radius of 1862.83’ and an arc length of 1619.86’ creating a portion of the |
7-44 |
westerly border of the Rhode Island’s department of transportation (RIDOT) railroad right-of- |
7-45 |
way ending at the point of beginning, 47.25’ right of RR Sta. 870+20.38; said Parcel Area V-B to |
7-46 |
contain 15.85’+/- acres. |
7-47 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
7-48 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
7-49 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
7-50 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plats 103 and |
7-51 |
107SW as filed in the office of the town clerk of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
7-52 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
7-53 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
7-54 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
7-55 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
7-56 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
7-57 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
7-58 |
SECTION 4. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
7-59 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
7-60 |
Town Of Middletown, Rhode Island |
7-61 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
7-62 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
7-63 |
within the town of Middletown in the county of Newport and the state of Rhode Island, said |
7-64 |
parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plat 103 as filed in the office of the town |
7-65 |
clerk of Middletown and described as follows: |
7-66 |
Starting at RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way at Station 853+59.52, thence turning 90º to the |
7-67 |
railroad station line and going 47.25’ westerly to the westerly border of the railroad right-of-way; |
7-68 |
that point being the point of beginning (POB) of Parcel V-C located at the southeast corner of the |
8-1 |
parcel; thence S-83º-05’-55”-W, 510.15’ along an interior line dividing the former Parcels A-7 |
8-2 |
and A-9 to where this line meets the westerly edge of the wharf; thence N-15º-05’-59”-W, 71.50’ |
8-3 |
along the westerly edge of a bulkhead starting at the point where former Parcel A-7 would have |
8-4 |
met former Parcel A-9. Included in the exclusive jurisdiction area is the minor breakwater located |
8-5 |
south of Pier 1 which this line passes in front of. The coordinates of the three (3) points defining |
8-6 |
the centerline of the breakwater starting at the above noted line are: |
8-7 |
Point North East |
8-8 |
Shore line 161623.0 +/- 379466.5 +/- |
8-9 |
Elbow point 161511.5 +/- 379082.4 +/- |
8-10 |
End Point 161257.1 +/- 379152.1 +/- |
8-11 |
Thence N-31º-55’-39”-E, 45.25’ along the westerly edge of a bulkhead; thence N-15º- |
8-12 |
35’-20”-W, 211.59’ along the high water mark of the riprap/rubble protected shoreline; thence N- |
8-13 |
57º-58’-08”-W, 42.61’ along the westerly edge of a bulkhead; thence N-15º-08’-37”-W, 1603.46’ |
8-14 |
along the westerly edge of the bulkhead and wharf. The end point of this line has the following |
8-15 |
coordinates: N: 163431.008 and E: 378975.683. Included in the exclusive jurisdiction area are |
8-16 |
Piers 1 and 2 which this line passes in front of. The coordinates of the four (4) corner points on |
8-17 |
each pier are as follows: |
8-18 |
Corner North East |
8-19 |
Pier 1: SE 162126.1 +/- 379328.8 +/- |
8-20 |
SW 161687.6 +/- 377811.4 +/- |
8-21 |
NW 161783.6 +/- 377783.7 +/- |
8-22 |
NE 162222.7 +/- 379302.7 +/- |
8-23 |
Pier 2: SE 163043.7 +/- 379081.1 +/- |
8-24 |
SW 162619.0 +/- 377613.7 +/- |
8-25 |
NW 162811.1 +/- 377558.0 +/- |
8-26 |
NE 163236.6 +/- 379028.4 +/- |
8-27 |
Thence N-74º-51’-19”-E, 37.52’ along the northerly edge of the wharf; thence N-15º-33’- |
8-28 |
09”-W, 2.43’ along the northerly edge of the wharf; thence N-45º-20’-44”-E, 109.91’ along the |
8-29 |
northerly edge of the wharf; thence S-44º-39’-50”-E, 5.97’ along the northerly edge of the wharf; |
8-30 |
thence N-45º-20’-10”-E, 171.29’ along the northerly edge of a bulkhead, the end point of this line |
8-31 |
has the following coordinates: N: 163636.560 and E: 379215.460; thence S-42º-30’-32”-E, |
8-32 |
128.56’ running from the bulkhead until it intersects with the Defense Highway right-of-way. |
8-33 |
This line separates other Navy properties, also part of the Parcel 7, that will be retained in |
8-34 |
proprietorial jurisdiction. Thence S-06º-23’-22”-E, 318.43’ running in front of and crossing the |
9-1 |
roads leading to the gate to Pier 2 and creating the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right- |
9-2 |
of-way; thence S-14º-21’-11”-E, 32.28’ running along the fence line and creating the westerly |
9-3 |
edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way; thence S-80º-43’-57”-W, 16.97’ running along the |
9-4 |
fence line and creating the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way; thence S-16º-39’- |
9-5 |
14”-E, 221.29’ running along the fence line and creating the westerly edge of the Defense |
9-6 |
Highway right-of-way; thence S-71º-53’-24”-E, 16.61’ running along the fence line and creating |
9-7 |
the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way; thence S-44º-05’-54”-E, 9.39’ running |
9-8 |
along the fence line and creating the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way; thence |
9-9 |
S-16º-37’-24”-E, 732.47’ running along the fence line and creating the westerly edge of the |
9-10 |
Defense Highway right-of-way; thence S-18º-44’-25”-E, 92.58’ running in front of and crossing |
9-11 |
the gate leading to Pier 1; thence S-06º-50’-38”-E, 32.61’, along the fence line between Gate 17 |
9-12 |
and the gate leading to Pier 1; thence N-76º-55’-41”-E, 53.68’ running in front of and crossing |
9-13 |
the entrance and exit gates for Gate 17, NAVSTA Newport’s northerly gate; thence S-84º-08’- |
9-14 |
10”-E, 51.71’ along the fence line located between Gate 17 and the RIDOT RR right-of-way to |
9-15 |
the westerly border of the RIDOT railroad right-of-way 47.25’ right of RR Sta. 847+70.45. The |
9-16 |
end point of this line has the following coordinates: N: 162152.368 and E: 379761.660. Thence S- |
9-17 |
22º-52’-32”-E, 515.38’ along the westerly border of the RIDOT railroad right-of-way, 47.25’ |
9-18 |
right of RR Sta. 852+85.83; thence along a curve with a radius of 1862.83’ and an arc length of |
9-19 |
71.97’ creating a portion of the westerly border of the Rhode Island’s department of |
9-20 |
transportation (RIDOT) railroad right-of-way ending at the point of beginning, 47.25’ right of RR |
9-21 |
Sta. 853+59.52; said Parcel Area V-C to contain 16.51+/- acres. |
9-22 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
9-23 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
9-24 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
9-25 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plat 103 as filed |
9-26 |
in the office of the town clerk of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
9-27 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
9-28 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
9-29 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
9-30 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
9-31 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
9-32 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
9-33 |
SECTION 5. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
9-34 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
10-1 |
Town Of Middletown, Rhode Island |
10-2 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
10-3 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
10-4 |
within the town of Middletown in the county of Newport and the state of Rhode Island, said |
10-5 |
parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plats 103 and 107SW as filed in the office |
10-6 |
of the town clerk of Middletown and described as follows: |
10-7 |
Starting at a stone bound located in the alignment of the northerly boundary of RIDOT’s |
10-8 |
right-of-way for Coddington Highway near the easterly edge of Navy Gate 10; thence S-80º-54’- |
10-9 |
50”-E, 21.94’ to the point of beginning (POB), located in the southeast corner of the parcel. |
10-10 |
(Also, Sta. 15+45.57; Offset: 40.00’ right on RIDOT road, Coddington Highway) The |
10-11 |
coordinates of the POB are: N: 158802.431 and E: 381286.733; thence N-80º-54’-27”-W, |
10-12 |
1153.67’ crossing Navy Gate 10 and creating a portion of the alignment of the northerly boundary |
10-13 |
of RIDOT’s right-of-way for Coddington Highway; thence along a curve with a radius of |
10-14 |
1069.87’ and an arc length of 78.66’ creating a portion of the alignment of the northerly boundary |
10-15 |
of RIDOT’s right-of-way for Coddington Highway. The end point of this line is also located 40’ |
10-16 |
feet right of Sta. 27+74.96 off RIDOT road, Coddington Highway. Thence N-22º-53’-01”-W, |
10-17 |
225.77’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel A-11 to be |
10-18 |
retained as exclusive jurisdiction; thence N-84º-44’-08”-W, 282.17’ creating an internal boundary |
10-19 |
with other Navy property purchased as Parcel A-11 to be retained as exclusive jurisdiction. The |
10-20 |
coordinates of the end point of this line are: N: 159228.200 and E: 379700.730. Thence N-20º- |
10-21 |
07’-30”-W, 321.28’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel |
10-22 |
A-11 to be retained as exclusive jurisdiction. Line ends at the easterly border of the Rhode |
10-23 |
Island’s department of transportation (RIDOT) railroad right-of-way; 35.25’ left of RR Sta. |
10-24 |
876+09; thence N-40º-09’-39”-E, 220.53’ creating a portion of the easterly border of the Rhode |
10-25 |
Island’s department of transportation (RIDOT) railroad right-of-way; 35.25’ left of RR Sta. |
10-26 |
873+87.50; thence along a curve with a radius of 1945.33’ and an arc length of 452.66’ creating a |
10-27 |
portion of the easterly border of the Rhode Island’s department of transportation (RIDOT) |
10-28 |
railroad right-of-way, 35.25’ left of RR Sta. 869+43.06. The coordinates of the end point of this |
10-29 |
line are: N: 160075.025 and E: 379981.680. Thence N-74º-56’-03”-E, 559.64’ creating an |
10-30 |
internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel A-9 to be retained; thence N-78º- |
10-31 |
31’-33”-E, 103.90’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel |
10-32 |
A-9 to be retained; thence N-86º-19’58”-E, 88.15’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy |
10-33 |
property purchased as Parcel A-9 to be retained; thence N-83º-10’-25”-E, 64.22’ creating an |
10-34 |
internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel A-9 to be retained; thence N-79º- |
11-1 |
23’-21”-E, 85.12’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as Parcel A- |
11-2 |
9 to be retained; thence N-77º-22’-16”-E, 110.24’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy |
11-3 |
property purchased as Parcel A-9 to be retained. The coordinates of the end point of this line are: |
11-4 |
N: 160294.209 and E: 380966.877. Thence S-10º-13’-02”-E, 1314.54’ creating an internal |
11-5 |
boundary with other Navy property purchased as a part of this parcel, Parcel A-10, to be retained |
11-6 |
in proprietorial jurisdiction. This also creates part of the westerly boundary of the Coddington |
11-7 |
Cove Housing area. The coordinates of the end point of this line are: N: 159000.516 and E: |
11-8 |
381200.052. Thence N-82º-59’-50”-E, 11.13’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy |
11-9 |
property purchased as a part of this parcel, Parcel A-10, to be retained in proprietorial |
11-10 |
jurisdiction. This also creates part of the westerly boundary of the Coddington Cove Housing |
11-11 |
area. Thence along a curve with a radius of 59.00’ and an arc length of 125.43’creating an |
11-12 |
internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as a part of this parcel, Parcel A-10, to be |
11-13 |
retained in proprietorial jurisdiction. This also creates part of the westerly boundary of the |
11-14 |
Coddington Cove Housing area. Thence S-24º-48’-20”-W, 27.08’ creating an internal boundary |
11-15 |
with other Navy property purchased as a part of this parcel, Parcel A-10, to be retained in |
11-16 |
proprietorial jurisdiction. This also creates part of the westerly boundary of the Coddington Cove |
11-17 |
Housing area. This line ends at the point of beginning. Thence along a curve with a radius of |
11-18 |
25.00’ and an arc length of 19.75’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property |
11-19 |
purchased as a part of this parcel, Parcel A-10, to be retained in proprietorial jurisdiction. This |
11-20 |
also creates the westerly boundary of the Coddington Cove Housing area. Thence S-20º-27’-18”- |
11-21 |
E, 77.19’ creating an internal boundary with other Navy property purchased as a part of this |
11-22 |
parcel, Parcel A-10, to be retained in proprietorial jurisdiction. This also creates part of the |
11-23 |
westerly boundary of the Coddington Cove Housing area. This line ends at the point of |
11-24 |
beginning; said parcel area V-D to contain 37.68+/- acres. |
11-25 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
11-26 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
11-27 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
11-28 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plats 103 and |
11-29 |
107SW as filed in the office of the town clerk of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
11-30 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
11-31 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
11-32 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
11-33 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
11-34 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
12-1 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
12-2 |
SECTION 6. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
12-3 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
12-4 |
Town Of Middletown, Rhode Island |
12-5 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
12-6 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
12-7 |
within the town of Middletown in the county of Newport and the state of Rhode Island, said |
12-8 |
parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plat 102 as filed in the office of the town |
12-9 |
clerk of Middletown and described as follows: |
12-10 |
Starting at RIDOT Rail Road Station 823+94 thence turning ninety degrees westerly off |
12-11 |
the station line and going 102.50’ to a point with coordinates: N: 164486.239 and E: 379328.254; |
12-12 |
that point being the point of beginning (POB) of Parcel Area – VI and also the southeast point of |
12-13 |
the parcel; thence N-88º-40’-50”-W, 38.29’ creating a line forming an internal boundary with |
12-14 |
other land originally acquired as Parcel A-7. The abutting land will be retained in proprietorial |
12-15 |
jurisdiction. Thence N-20º-56’-38”-W, 25.74’ creating a line forming an internal boundary with |
12-16 |
other land originally acquired as Parcel A-7. The abutting land will be retained in proprietorial |
12-17 |
jurisdiction. Thence N-69º-51’-26”-W, 173.97’ along the southern edge of a bulkhead and wharf. |
12-18 |
The end point of this line has the following coordinates: N: 164571.072 and E: 379117.443. |
12-19 |
Thence to a point with coordinates N: 164586.5+/- and E: 379080.4+/-. This includes the boat |
12-20 |
ramp defined by this point along with these two lines: N-20º-32’-46”-E, 35.62’ in front of and |
12-21 |
along the top of a boat ramp and N-69º-50’-22”-W, 61.95’ along the southern edge of a wharf |
12-22 |
passing alongside the north side of a boat ramp. The end point of this latter line has the following |
12-23 |
coordinates: N: 164625.779 and E: 379071.795. Thence N-19º-51’-57”-E, 41.42’along the |
12-24 |
westerly edge of a wharf; Thence N-69º-53’-41”-W, 126.09’ along the southerly side of a finger |
12-25 |
pier protruding westerly from the wharf. The end point of this line has the following coordinates: |
12-26 |
N: 164708.080 and E: 378967.465. Thence N-20º-10’-40”-E, 51.70’ along the westerly edge of a |
12-27 |
finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf. The end point of this line has the following |
12-28 |
coordinates: N: 164756.606 and E: 378985.298. Thence S-70º-00’-50”-E 126.16’along the |
12-29 |
northerly edge of a finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf; thence N-20º-09’-05”-E, |
12-30 |
74.69’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence N-70º-10’-17”-W, 14.88’ along the westerly |
12-31 |
edge of a wharf; thence N-20º-03’-45”-E, 30.58’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence S- |
12-32 |
70º-11’-20”-E, 14.77’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence N-20º-13’-20”-E, 36.52’ along |
12-33 |
the westerly edge of a wharf; thence N-69º-53’-19”-W, 14.93’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; |
12-34 |
thence N-20º-11’-27”-E, 15.19’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence S-70º-16’-19”-E, |
13-1 |
14.96’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence N-20º-04’-24”-E, 232.56’ along the westerly |
13-2 |
edge of a wharf; thence N-68º-58’-42”-W, 17.06’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence N- |
13-3 |
20º-30’-35”-E, 11.16’ along the westerly edge of a wharf; thence N-69º-41’-44”-W, 198.26’ |
13-4 |
along the southerly side of a finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf; thence S-18º-47’- |
13-5 |
16”-W, 55.40’ along the easterly side of a finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf; thence |
13-6 |
N-68º-20’-12”-W, 39.91’ along the southerly side of a finger pier protruding westerly from the |
13-7 |
wharf. The end point of this line has the following coordinates: N: 165127.061 and E: |
13-8 |
378984.849. Thence N-20º-00’-06”-E, 93.56’ along the westerly side of a finger pier protruding |
13-9 |
westerly from the wharf. The end point of this line has the following coordinates: N: 165214.980 |
13-10 |
and E: 379016.852. Thence S-69º-40’-36”-E, 119.29’ along the northerly side of a finger pier |
13-11 |
protruding westerly from the wharf; thence N-83º-32’-39”-E, 4.90’ along the northerly side of a |
13-12 |
finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf; thence S-70º-14’-04”-E, 113.37’ along the |
13-13 |
northerly side of a finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf; thence N-34º-28’-43”-E, 1.82’ |
13-14 |
along the northerly side of a finger pier protruding westerly from the wharf; thence S-69º-43’- |
13-15 |
06”-E, 35.11’ along the northerly side of a wharf; thence S-20º-32’-54”-W, 4.46’ along the |
13-16 |
northerly side of a wharf; thence S-69º-09’-45”-E, 126.44’ along the northerly side of a concrete |
13-17 |
retaining wall; thence N-21º-55’-33”-E, 3.12’ along the high-water mark of a protected shoreline; |
13-18 |
thence S-69º-24’-36”-E, 5.60’ along the high-water mark of a protected shoreline; thence N-48º- |
13-19 |
30’-40”-W, 4.53’ along the high-water mark of a protected shoreline; thence N-81º-57’-00”-E, |
13-20 |
16.87’ along the high-water mark of a protected shoreline; thence N-87º-54’-13”-E, 32.46’ along |
13-21 |
the high-water mark of a protected shoreline; thence S-70º-05’-18”-E, 21.65’ along the high- |
13-22 |
water mark of a protected shoreline; thence S-65º-05’-14”-E, 15.68’ along the high-water mark of |
13-23 |
a protected shoreline; thence N-53º-45’-04”-E, 38.29’ meandering along the high-water mark of a |
13-24 |
shoreline; thence N-43º-37’-48”-E, 30.56’ meandering along the high-water mark of a protected |
13-25 |
shoreline; thence N-40º-43’-08”-E, 60.34’ meandering along the high-water mark of a protected |
13-26 |
shoreline; thence N-27º-51’-36”-E, 46.26’ meandering along the high-water mark of a protected |
13-27 |
shoreline; thence N-15º-46’-43”-W, 51.83’ running across the land edge of a stone breakwater. |
13-28 |
Included as part of this area and to be included as exclusive jurisdiction is the stone breakwater |
13-29 |
from high waterline to high waterline. The coordinates of ten defining points along the top |
13-30 |
surface are provided below: |
13-31 |
Corner North East |
13-32 |
So. Point on line L75 165221.8 +/- 379584.6 +/- |
13-33 |
DH Near Shore line So. 165232.295 379559.625 |
14-34 |
DH So. Elbow Point 165419.307 379030.072 |
14-35 |
DH So. Begin Curve Point 164517.561 376755.610 |
14-36 |
DH So. End Point 163627.905 376078.398 |
14-37 |
DH No. End Point 163632.634 376066.492 |
14-38 |
DH No. End Curve Point 164530.183 376752.259 |
14-39 |
DH No. Elbow Point 165436.055 379034.074 |
14-40 |
DH Near Shore Line No. 165241.278 379563.581 |
14-41 |
No. Point on line L75 165235.3 +/- 379580.8 +/- |
14-42 |
Thence N-66º-02’-33”-E, 32.46’ meandering along the high-water mark of a shoreline; |
14-43 |
thence N-57º-11’-59”-E, 31.46’ meandering along the high-water mark of a shoreline. This line |
14-44 |
ends at a point with the following coordinates: N: 165280.927 and E: 379632.534. Thence S-53º- |
14-45 |
46’-20”-E, 43.96’ creating a line forming an internal boundary with other land originally acquired |
14-46 |
as Parcel A-7. The abutting land will be retained in proprietorial jurisdiction. Thence S-49º-53’- |
14-47 |
43”-E, 50.59’ creating a line forming an internal boundary with other land originally acquired as |
14-48 |
Parcel A-7. The abutting land will be retained in proprietorial jurisdiction. Said line ends at a |
14-49 |
point with the following coordinates: N: 165222.356 and E: 379706.691. Said point also located |
14-50 |
59.00 feet west (right) of RIDOT RR Station 815+89.4. Thence S-38º-07’-44”-W, 177.27’ |
14-51 |
running along the fence line and creating the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way; |
14-52 |
thence S-32º-48’-54”-W, 19.96’ running along the fence line and creating the westerly edge of |
14-53 |
the Defense Highway right-of-way; thence along a curve with a radius of 133.00’ and an arc |
14-54 |
length of 80.76’ along the fence line and creating a portion of the westerly border of the Defense |
14-55 |
Highway right-of-way; thence S-19º-37’-03”-W, 59.17’ running in front of the north gate to the |
14-56 |
Still Water Basin, crossing the access road to this gate and creating the westerly edge of the |
14-57 |
Defense Highway right-of-way; thence S-20º-03’-35”-W, 417.58’ running along the fence line |
14-58 |
and creating the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way; thence S-19º-57’-42”-W, |
14-59 |
90.42’ running in front of the south gate to the Still Water Basin, crossing the access road to this |
14-60 |
gate and creating the westerly edge of the Defense Highway right-of-way. This line ends at the |
14-61 |
point of beginning; said Area – VI to contain 4.75+/- acres. |
14-62 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
14-63 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
14-64 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
14-65 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plat 102 as filed |
14-66 |
in the office of the town clerk of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
14-67 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
14-68 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
15-1 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
15-2 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
15-3 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
15-4 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
15-5 |
SECTION 7. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
15-6 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
15-7 |
Town Of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
15-8 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
15-9 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
15-10 |
within the town of Middletown in the county of Newport and the state of Rhode Island, said |
15-11 |
parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plats 102 and 103 as filed in the office of |
15-12 |
the town clerk of Middletown and described as follows: |
15-13 |
Starting at Station 853+81.30 of RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way thence turning 90º to the |
15-14 |
RR Station line and going 44.00’ to the easterly border of RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way to the |
15-15 |
point of beginning (POB). This point is the southwest point of the parcel where former Parcels A- |
15-16 |
7 and A-9 meet along the easterly border of the RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way. Thence going |
15-17 |
northerly along curve with a radius of 1954.08’ for an arc length of 108.46’ along the easterly |
15-18 |
border of RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way to 44.0’ left of RR Sta. 852+85.83; thence N-22º-52’- |
15-19 |
32”-W, 99.95’ along the easterly border of RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way to 44.0’ left of RR Sta. |
15-20 |
851+86.64; thence N-25º-33’-35”-W, 186.84’ along the easterly border of RIDOT’s railroad |
15-21 |
right-of-way to 35.25’ left of RR Sta. 850+00; thence N-22º-52’-32”-W, 173.51’ along the |
15-22 |
easterly border of RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way to 35.25’ left of RR Sta. 848+26.49; thence S- |
15-23 |
68º-54’-07”-E, 5.01’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
15-24 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence S- |
15-25 |
65º-04’-04”-E, 33.57’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
15-26 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence S- |
15-27 |
60º-48’-39”-E, 66.00’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
15-28 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence S- |
15-29 |
01º-19’-14”-W, 9.88’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
15-30 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence S- |
15-31 |
65º-07’-52”-E, 38.68’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
15-32 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence S- |
15-33 |
73º-02’-33”-E, 38.56’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
15-34 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence S- |
16-1 |
85º-41’-34”-E, 60.05’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
16-2 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence N- |
16-3 |
82º-54’-48”-E, 59.34’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
16-4 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7; thence N- |
16-5 |
80º-22’-52”-E, 304.10’ running along the fence creating part of the internal boundary with the |
16-6 |
Naval road right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road, both part of the former Parcel A-7. The |
16-7 |
coordinates of the end point of this line are: N: 162101.597 and E: 380442.238. Thence S-49º- |
16-8 |
05’-51”-W, 390.82’ creating part of an internal boundary with other portion of former Parcel A-7 |
16-9 |
currently held as exclusive jurisdiction; thence S-76º-04’-08”-W, 39.56’ creating part of an |
16-10 |
internal boundary with other portion of former Parcel A-7 currently held as exclusive jurisdiction; |
16-11 |
thence S-52º-49’-47”-W, 37.59’ creating part of an internal boundary with other portion of former |
16-12 |
Parcel A-7 currently held as exclusive jurisdiction; thence S-16º-38’-00”-E, 193.29’ creating part |
16-13 |
of an internal boundary with other portion of former Parcel A-7 currently held as exclusive |
16-14 |
jurisdiction; thence S-84º-44’-10”-E, 113.64’ creating part of an internal boundary with other |
16-15 |
portion of former Parcel A-7 currently held as exclusive jurisdiction; thence S-83º-05’-55”-W, |
16-16 |
149.98’ creating part of an internal boundary with other Navy land originally purchased as Parcel |
16-17 |
A-9 currently held as proprietorial jurisdiction. Line ending at the point of beginning, 44.0’ left of |
16-18 |
RR Sta. 853+81.30; said Area-VII to contain 2.14+/- acres. |
16-19 |
It is the intent of this action to return all the area of former Parcel A-7 south of the lines |
16-20 |
bordering the right-of-way for Gate 17 Access Road and east of the RIDOT RR right-of-way to |
16-21 |
“exclusive” jurisdiction. The survey performed in the 1977 timeframe to identify the areas that |
16-22 |
were transferred from “exclusive” to “proprietorial” jurisdiction is in question and due to new |
16-23 |
construction and area changes, cannot be accurately recreated. Therefore, discrepancies in the |
16-24 |
lines from the past survey may exist; but the intent to place all Navy owned property within the |
16-25 |
security fence line in “exclusive” jurisdiction shall govern. |
16-26 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
16-27 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
16-28 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
16-29 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plats 102 and |
16-30 |
103 as filed in the office of the town clerk of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
16-31 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
16-32 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
16-33 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
16-34 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
17-1 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
17-2 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
17-3 |
SECTION 8. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
17-4 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
17-5 |
17-6 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
17-7 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
17-8 |
within the |
17-9 |
Island, said parcel being that part of the land designated as a portion of the former Acquisition |
17-10 |
Parcel A-9 and a portion of the lease area to the state of Rhode Island NAVFAC Drawing |
17-11 |
Number 2028538 and described as follows: |
17-12 |
Starting at RIDOT’s railroad right-of-way Station 853+82.21, thence running radial to the |
17-13 |
railroad baseline 44.00’ easterly to the easterly border of the railroad right-of-way, that point |
17-14 |
being the point of beginning (POB) of Parcel VII-A; thence N-83º-05’-55” E for a distance of |
17-15 |
fifty-two and 36/100 (52.36) feet, creating an internal boundary with other Navy property |
17-16 |
purchased; Thence S16º-38’-00” E for a distance of fifteen and 18/100 (15.18) feet; Thence N82º- |
17-17 |
40’-35” E for a distance of five hundred seventeen and 99/100 (517.99) feet; Thence S09º-06’- |
17-18 |
47” E for a distance of six hundred eighty-eight and 00/100 (688.00) feet; Thence S83º-31’-32” |
17-19 |
W for a distance of five hundred seventy-three and 51/100 (573.51) feet to the easterly boundary |
17-20 |
of the railroad right-of-way at Station 860+66.54, thirty-five and 25/100 (35.25) feet left of said |
17-21 |
baseline; Thence along a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand nine hundred forty-five |
17-22 |
and 33/100 (1945.33) feet and an arc length of three hundred eighty-six and 24/100 (386.24) feet |
17-23 |
creating a portion of the easterly border of the state of Rhode Island department of transportation |
17-24 |
(RIDOT) railroad right-of-way; Thence N07º-28’-02” W for a distance of one hundred two and |
17-25 |
45/100 (102.45) feet creating a portion of the easterly border of the state of Rhode Island |
17-26 |
department of transportation (RIDOT) railroad right-of-way; Thence along a curve to the left with |
17-27 |
a radius of one thousand nine hundred fifty-four and 08/100 (1954.08) and an arc length of two |
17-28 |
hundred nine and 79/100 (209.79) feet, this line ends at the point of beginning; Said parcel Area |
17-29 |
VII-A to contain 8.69 +/- acres. |
17-30 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
17-31 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
17-32 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
17-33 |
herein described and lying within the |
17-34 |
portion of the former Acquisition Parcel A-9 and a portion of the lease area to the state of Rhode |
18-1 |
Island NAVFAC Drawing Number 2028538. |
18-2 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
18-3 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
18-4 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
18-5 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
18-6 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
18-7 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
18-8 |
SECTION 9. An Act To Grant To The United States Of America Exclusive Jurisdiction |
18-9 |
Over Land Now Held By The United States Of America For Military Purposes Lying Within The |
18-10 |
Town Of Middletown, Rhode Island |
18-11 |
1. The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations does hereby cede and grant to |
18-12 |
the United States of America jurisdiction over a certain parcel of land situated, lying, and being |
18-13 |
within the town of Middletown in the county of Newport and the state of Rhode Island, said |
18-14 |
parcel being that part of the land designated as Lot 1 in Plat 101 as filed in the office of the town |
18-15 |
clerk of Middletown and described as follows: |
18-16 |
Starting at the Rhode Island department of transportation (RIDOT) Railroad Station |
18-17 |
759+88 then turning 90° (left) and going easterly 132’ to an iron rod. That point being the point |
18-18 |
of beginning (POB) of Parcel VIII. The coordinates of this point are: N: 170122.375 and E: |
18-19 |
380708.647. Said point located at the southwesterly point of the parcel. Thence N-30°-23’-12”-E, |
18-20 |
464.60’. This line runs approximately 10 feet west of the westerly fence line surrounding the |
18-21 |
FFT. Thence N-25°-39’-12”-E, 203.93’ to an iron rod with coordinates: N: 170706.986 and E: |
18-22 |
381031.944. This point is also located 124’ east of RIDOT RR Sta. 753+30. This line runs |
18-23 |
approximately 10 feet west of the westerly fence line surrounding the FFT. Thence S-61°-59’- |
18-24 |
55”-E, 135.98’. This line runs approximately 2 feet north of the northerly fence line surrounding |
18-25 |
the FFT. Included in this line is the gate for the northerly entrance to the FFT complex. Thence S- |
18-26 |
76°-59’-52”-E, 82.15’ to a point with coordinates of N: 170624.663 and E: 381232.047. This line |
18-27 |
runs approximately 2 feet north of the northerly fence line surrounding the FFT. Thence S-61°- |
18-28 |
12’-11”-E, 186.37’. This line runs approximately 2 feet north of the northerly fence line |
18-29 |
surrounding the FFT. Thence S-37°-44’-25”-E, 53.00’ to a point with coordinates of N: |
18-30 |
170492.974 and E: 381427.809. This line runs approximately 2 feet north of the northerly fence |
18-31 |
line surrounding the FFT. Thence S-27°-26’-58”-W, 332.00’. This line runs approximately 2 feet |
18-32 |
east of the easterly fence line surrounding the FFT. Included in this line is the gate for the east |
18-33 |
entrance to the FFT complex. Thence S-36°-44’-59”-W, 38.77’ to a point with coordinates of N: |
18-34 |
170167.283 and E: 381251.570. This line runs approximately 2 feet east of the easterly fence line |
19-1 |
surrounding the FFT. Thence S-88°-32’-18”-W, 215.52’. This line runs approximately 2 feet |
19-2 |
southerly of a portion of the southerly fence line surrounding the FFT. Thence S-41°-10’-41”-W, |
19-3 |
183.93’ to an iron rod with coordinates of N: 170023.348 and E: 380915.021. This line runs |
19-4 |
approximately 2 feet east of the easterly fence line surrounding the FFT. Thence N-59°-44’-53”- |
19-5 |
W, 46.89’. This line runs approximately 2 feet south of a portion of the southerly fence line |
19-6 |
surrounding the FFT complex. Included in this line is the gate for the south entrance to the FFT |
19-7 |
complex. Thence N-65°-33’-12”-W, 182.21’ to an iron rod, the point of beginning of Parcel VIII. |
19-8 |
This line runs approximately 2 feet southerly of a portion of the southerly fence line surrounding |
19-9 |
the FFT; said area VIII to contain 5.83+/- acres. |
19-10 |
2. The general treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the |
19-11 |
United States of America, on behalf of and in the name of the state of Rhode Island and |
19-12 |
Providence Plantations, a deed of cession ceding jurisdiction over and of said parcel of land |
19-13 |
herein described and lying within the town of Middletown designated as Lot 1 in Plat 101 as filed |
19-14 |
in the office of the town clerk of Middletown, Rhode Island. |
19-15 |
3. The jurisdiction of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations over and of |
19-16 |
the above-described land is hereby ceded to the United States; provided, however, that all civil |
19-17 |
and criminal processes issued under the authority of said state may be executed thereon in the |
19-18 |
same manner as if the jurisdiction of said parcel of land had not been ceded; and further provided, |
19-19 |
however, that if at any future time the United States shall abandon said land, jurisdiction over said |
19-20 |
land shall thereupon revert to the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. |
19-21 |
SECTION 10. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
| |
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LC01678 | |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
20-1 |
This act would authorize the conveyance of certain parcels of land in the town of |
20-2 |
Middletown and the city of Newport to the federal government for the benefit of the United States |
20-3 |
Navy. |
20-4 |
This act would take effect upon passage. |
| |
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LC01678 | |
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