R 397
2024 -- H 7617 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 06/14/2024

J O I N T   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Kislak, Cortvriend, Fogarty, Carson, Speakman, McEntee, Spears, Morales, McGaw, and Felix

Date Introduced: February 15, 2024

     RESOLVED, That this General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island hereby
respectfully requests that the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council ("EC4") provides
the Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Representatives and President of the Rhode Island
Senate, and members of the Rhode Island House Environment and Natural Resources Committee,
and the Senate Committee on Environment and Agriculture with a report on benchmarking and
building performance standards; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That this General Assembly hereby requests that said report shall include
recommendations for the implementation of benchmarking and building performance standards
for large existing buildings in Rhode Island, meaning those with at least 25,000 sq. ft. of gross
floor area and including both publicly and privately owned buildings; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That said report shall also include recommended approaches and
implementation plans to collect and evaluate the following, but not be limited to:
     1. A summary of the State's building sector emissions using the best available data on
what is known about the energy use intensity and emissions from large buildings;
     2. An inventory of properties that would be subject to benchmarking and building
performance standard requirements, including building type and size;
     3. A summary of the best available data on current energy sources for large buildings,
including delivered fuels such as oil, coal, and propane, natural gas, grid electricity, district
energy systems, and on-site renewable energy;
     4. The estimated costs pertaining to expected retrofits, alterations, and repairs that may be
required to comply with the benchmarking program standards;
     5. Identification of the State agency or agencies with relevant roles and responsibilities to
develop and implement benchmarking and performance standards for large buildings;
     6. An estimation of the staff and other resources, and associated annual budget, needed to
develop and implement benchmarking and performance standards for large buildings; and
     7. A recommended timeline for establishing and implementing benchmarking and
performance standards for large buildings; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That this General Assembly hereby requests that in developing said report,
the EC4 is encouraged to hold at least one public meeting in partnership with the Green Buildings
Advisory Committee to hear and incorporate stakeholder input, to gather information on these
topics, and at least one public listening session to hear feedback on the draft report; and be it
     RESOLVED, That this General Assembly hereby requests the Executive Climate Change
Coordinating Council to provide the Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, members of
the Rhode Island House Environment and Natural Resources Committee, and the Senate
Committee on Environment and Agriculture said report on benchmarking and building
performance standards on or before February 15, 2025. The EC4 shall also make this report
available on its website; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Executive Climate Change Coordinating
LC005012/SUB A