R 378
2024 -- S 3146
Enacted 06/13/2024

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Sosnowski, DiMario, and Euer

Date Introduced: June 07, 2024

     WHEREAS, Rhode Island and the world face significant environmental, economic,
energy, and public health challenges from the impacts of climate change; and
     WHEREAS, Clean, affordable, and reliable electricity is essential for a thriving
competitive business environment and for ensuring the State’s long-term economic health and
prosperity; and
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island law provides “that the state’s economy and the health and
general welfare of the people of Rhode Island benefit when energy supplies are reliable and least-
cost”; and
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island law established a first-in-the-nation goal to meet 100 percent
of Rhode Island’s electricity demand with renewable energy by 2033; and
     WHEREAS, The 2021 Act on Climate established Rhode Island as a national leader in
reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions and requires a transition to cleaner sources of low
and zero carbon power generation in order to achieve net-zero economy-wide greenhouse gas
emissions; and
     WHEREAS, Renewable energy generation is foundational to achieving 100 percent clean
energy and is foundational to achieving a successful transition to Rhode Island’s clean energy
future; and
     WHEREAS, Many of the State’s renewable energy programs were established a decade
ago and designed to jump-start the emerging clean energy industry. This industry is now mature;
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island has some of the highest electric and gas rates in the country;
     WHEREAS, It is essential that Rhode Island makes informed decisions designed to drive
greenhouse gas reductions while ensuring that policy choices consider affordability and equity as
we transition to a clean energy economy; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby is committed to a just
and equitable clean energy transition which includes delivering renewable energy at lower cost to
families and businesses; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That this Senate is hereby committed to strategic procurements of clean
energy solutions that advance the State’s renewable generation and emission reduction goals
while seeking the most cost-effective and efficient solutions for the State’s ratepayers; and be it
     RESOLVED, That a special legislative commission be and the same is hereby created
consisting of eight (8) members: four (4) of whom shall be members of the Senate, one of whom
shall be a member of the Senate Commission on Environment and Agriculture, one of whom shall
be a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, one of whom shall be a member of the
Senate Committee on Finance, and one of whom shall be a member of the Senate Committee on
Labor, to be appointed by the Senate President; one of whom shall be the Director of the Rhode
Island Department of Environmental Management, or designee; one of whom shall be the
Administrator of the Division of Public Utilities and Carriers, or designee; one of whom shall be
the Commissioner of the Office of Energy Resources, or designee; and one of whom shall be the
President of Rhode Island Energy, or designee.
     In lieu of any appointment of a member of the legislature to a legislative study
commission, or any commission created by a General Assembly resolution, the appointing
authority may appoint a member of the general public to serve in lieu of a legislator.
     The purpose of said commission shall be to make a comprehensive study of Rhode
Island’s renewable energy programs and the impacts to ratepayers including:
     • Identifying the future needs for renewable energy in Rhode Island’s residential and
commercial sectors, including, but not limited to, system sizes, energy production, and energy
demand; and
     • Providing recommendations to improve the cost-effectiveness and overall cost of the
renewable programs while preserving the economic, environmental and health benefits that
renewable energy provides to the State.
     Forthwith by August 31, 2024, upon passage of this resolution, the members of the
commission shall meet at the call of the President of the Senate and organize and shall select,
from among the legislators, a chairperson.
     Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in like manner as the original appointment.
     All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and information,
documentary and otherwise, to said commission and its agents as is deemed necessary or
desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes of this resolution.
     The Joint Committee on Legislative Services is hereby authorized and directed to provide
suitable quarters for said commission; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the commission shall develop and submit its recommendations to the
Senate, no later than February 14, 2025, and said commission shall expire on June 30, 2025.