R 332
2024 -- H 7587
Enacted 05/30/2024

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Cortvriend, Nardone, Edwards, Morales, Potter, Batista, Handy, and McGaw

Date Introduced: February 09, 2024

     WHEREAS, , On June 13, 2023, Congress introduced H.R. 4052 cited as the “National
Infrastructure Bank Act of 2023” in order to “facilitate efficient investments and financing of
infrastructure projects and new job creation through the establishment of a National Infrastructure
Bank, and for other purposes”; and
     WHEREAS, The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), in its 2021 Report Card
and Failure to Act Series, estimated that $6,109,000,000,000 will be needed over the next ten
years in order to meet all of our country’s infrastructure needs; and
     WHEREAS, Portions of that amount will be financed by the federal government, States,
counties, cities, utilities, and port and airport authorities through their general revenues, special
taxes, user fees, and borrowing; and
     WHEREAS, The ASCE 2021 report card also stated that the United States received a
grade of C- regarding the current state of infrastructure and that more than six trillion dollars
would be needed to restore the nation's infrastructure to a state of good repair. Over two trillion
dollars is currently not funded and the remainder is inadequately funded. New, 21st Century
projects are unfunded; and
     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island Section of ASCE report gave the state a C- in its June,
2020 report card. Among the grades were: Bridges D-, Drinking Water C+, Ports C, Rail B-,
Roads D, and Wastewater C. Forty-four percent of Rhode Island's gas lines are over 50 years old
and require repair and upgrade; Twenty-two percent of Rhode Island's 779 bridges are
structurally deficient and the worst in the nation, as our State recently experienced with the
Washington Bridge on 195 West; and
     WHEREAS, In addition, Rhode Island's share of rural roads that are in poor condition is
also worst in the nation, and Providence Water, the largest treatment facility in New England, is
almost 100 years old, and its distribution network shows higher lead concentrations than is
permitted by the EPA; and
     WHEREAS, Currently, a financing gap of $2,626,000,000,000 is expected unless an
increased investment, from all levels of government, is made; and
     WHEREAS, The establishment of the National Infrastructure Bank (NBI) would provide
financing of up to $5,000,000,000,000 for qualifying infrastructure projects without requiring
additional Federal taxes or deficits; and
     WHEREAS, Such funding would be adequate to finance all of the United States’
unfunded infrastructure needs, in all parts of the country, according to well-developed strategic
plans; and
     WHEREAS, H.R. 4052 will establish and provide a $5 trillion National Infrastructure
Bank that will finance the nation’s infrastructure needs without involving the budget or adding to
the national debt and is essential for States continued well-being and financial health; now,
therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
calls upon the United States Congress to pass H.R. 4052, to create a National Infrastructure Bank
to finance urgently needed infrastructure projects; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to His Excellency Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President
of the United States, members of the Rhode Island Delegation to Congress, and the Honorable
Daniel McKee, Governor of the State of Rhode Island.