R 330
2024 -- S 3115
Enacted 05/30/2024

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Gallo, Felag, Bissaillon, Pearson, Raptakis, Cano, F. Lombardi, LaMountain, Ujifusa, and Euer

Date Introduced: May 30, 2024

     WHEREAS, People seldom talk about hearing and speech problems, but hearing,
language, voice, and speech disorders are serious, treatable conditions that affect an estimated 48
million Americans; and
     WHEREAS, Hearing, language, and speech disorders take many forms: babies can be
born with these disorders, or an accidental injury or illness can cause them at any age. Whatever
their cause, hearing, language, and speech disorders have serious consequences; and
     WHEREAS, Hearing, language, and speech disorders can limit academic achievement,
social adjustment, and career advancement; and
     WHEREAS, Audiologists and speech-language pathologists are the professionals who
treat all types of hearing, language, speech, and related disorders; and
     WHEREAS, Hearing, language, speech, and related disorders make it difficult for people
to express themselves or to understand the spoken or written word. Anyone of any age can have a
communication disorder. Hearing, language, and speech disorders are everybody's problem; and
     WHEREAS, Audiologists and speech-language pathologists work in schools, private
practice, hospitals, clinics, and other health and education settings. They enable and empower
individuals with communication disorders to lead independent, productive, and fulfilling lives;
now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby commemorates May
of 2024, as "National Speech - Language - Hearing Month" in the State of Rhode Island, and
urges the Department of Human Services to conduct hearing screenings and other special events
to remind everyone that now is the best time to listen to sound advice about hearing. We
furthermore urge the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to encourage teachers,
hearing and speech specialists, principals, supervisors, and all the citizens of this state to
participate in this month-long campaign acknowledging the great strides and invaluable services
provided by these dedicated teachers and specialists, and to raise public awareness of hearing,
language, and speech disorders; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Director of the Rhode Island Department of
Human Services, the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education for the State of
Rhode Island, and the President of the Rhode Island Speech and Language Association.