R 253
2024 -- H 8233
Enacted 05/02/2024

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Vella-Wilkinson, Azzinaro, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Perez, Shanley, Diaz, Kennedy, and Fellela

Date Introduced: May 02, 2024

     WHEREAS, In 1999, United States Senator John McCain introduced legislation to
designate May of 2024, as "National Military Appreciation Month" in the United States. The
resolution passed overwhelmingly and since then, annually in the Month of May, we join together
to thank those who have served and currently serve our nation in the United States Armed Forces.
We recognize the sacrifice that they and their families have made on behalf of our nation and
solemnly honor those who fell while fighting to preserve our precious liberties and freedoms; and
     WHEREAS, While observing National Military Appreciation Month, American citizens
are encouraged to come together and unify in support of our military service members, past and
present. To foster that sense of unity, six national observances occur every year during the month
of May; and
     WHEREAS, Loyalty Day occurs every May 1st and kicks off the month-long
celebrations. On Loyalty Day, we reaffirm our loyalty to the United States and reflect with pride
on our nation's proud heritage of serving as a beacon of freedom for all of humanity; and
     WHEREAS, Victory in Europe Day is celebrated every May 8th, in memory of the
surrender of Germany in World War II and in remembrance of the heroic efforts the United States
and its allies made to liberate Europe from the clutches of Nazi Germany; and
     WHEREAS, Military Spouse Appreciation Day is celebrated this year on May 11th and
traditionally falls on the Friday before Mother's Day. On this day we thank all of the spouses for
the sacrifices they make on a daily basis to keep our nation and military strong; and
     WHEREAS, Armed Forces Day is celebrated this year on May 18th, and falls annually
on the third Saturday in May. On this day we give thanks to all service members who dutifully
serve and protect our nation in all branches of the American military; the United States Air Force,
United States Army, United States Coast Guard, United States Marines, and the United States
Navy; and
     WHEREAS, On the last Monday in May, we remember and commemorate all of
America’s veterans who died while in the service of our nation. From Valley Forge to
Gettysburg, from the trenches in World War I to Omaha Beach, Iwo Jima, to the skies over
Europe and the Pacific Ocean and other battlegrounds in World War II, to the Hills of Korea, the
Jungles of Vietnam and the deserts of the Middle East, America has been fortunate through the
centuries to have so many of its citizens answer the call in preservation of our liberties, and many
have fallen and made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our nation; and
     WHEREAS, The citizens of Rhode Island also joyously celebrate Rhode Island Military
Families Day every May on the Sunday after Mother's Day. On this day we come together to
show appreciation for all of the sacrifices that military families, spouses and their children, make
in support of those who serve in our nation's Armed Forces; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
commemorates May of 2024, as "National Military Appreciation Month" in the State of Rhode
Island; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Honorable Daniel J. McKee, Governor of
the State of Rhode Island, and the Rhode Island Adjutant General, Major General Christopher P.