R 218
2024 -- S 3006
Enacted 04/23/2024

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators de la Cruz, Bissaillon, Felag, Zurier, Picard, Euer, Britto, Rogers, Lauria, and DeLuca

Date Introduced: April 23, 2024

     WHEREAS, In May of 1926, a coup resulted in the implementation of authoritarian rule
in Portugal for almost a half-century. In 1933, the regime was named the Estado Novo, (New
State) and was led until 1968 by authoritarian leader Antonio de Oliveira Salazar; and
     WHEREAS, Through the half-century of authoritarian rule, the regime used the PIDE,
Political Police, to persecute opponents of the regime, many of whom were tortured, imprisoned
and killed. The ruling regime also ran phony elections in which they were usually the only
candidates on the ballot; and
     WHEREAS, At the same time, Portugal's citizens were being oppressed at home, the
regime was cruelly in control of its imperialist possessions in Africa and Asia; and
     WHEREAS, On April 25, 1974, liberal military officers in Lisbon overthrew the regime,
which led to the implementation of significant social, economic, and political changes in Portugal
and its overseas colonies. In short time, Portugal became a true democracy with free and fair
elections, and freedoms of speech and the press, and its overseas colonies were granted
independence; and
     WHEREAS, The "Carnation Revolution" got its name in recognition of the fact that
almost no violence took place during the revolution, and in honor of restaurant worker Celeste
Caeiro, who offered carnations to the soldiers when the people took to the streets to celebrate the
ending of the dictatorship. Today, the Nation of Portugal celebrates April 25th of each year as a
national holiday to commemorate this historic event. It is called Dia da Liberdade, which means
Freedom Day; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby celebrates the 50th
Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal on April 25th, 2024, which ended
authoritarian rule and brought democracy to Portugal; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Prime Minister of Portugal, Luis