R 210
2024 -- H 8166
Enacted 04/11/2024

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Slater, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Hull, Fenton-Fung, Diaz, Cruz, Potter, and McNamara

Date Introduced: April 11, 2024

     WHEREAS, One of the most important and popular of Cambodian holidays, ushering in
the New Year, is Choul Chnam Thmey, which literally means "Enter the New Year." It occurs
from April 13th through the 16th and marks the end of the harvesting season; and
     WHEREAS, Each Cambodian year is popularly known by one of the 12 animals of the
Zodiac. These names provide a ready reference because each is used only once in 12 years. This
year, 2024, will be celebrated as "The Year of the Dragon"; and
     WHEREAS, The holiday celebration is a three-day event that begins on New Year’s Day.
Moha Sangkran is the first day of the event and symbolizes the ending of one year and beginning
anew. Cambodians traditionally clean and decorate their homes and prepare food for the New
Year inauguration and to welcome the "New Angels at every single home"; and
     WHEREAS, Day two of the Cambodian New Year's celebration is Wanabot. It is a time
to offer gifts to one's parents, grandparents, and elders, and to contribute to charity and help those
less fortunate; and
     WHEREAS, The third day of the New Year's celebration is called Thhnay Leung Sakk,
which means the year "starts to be counted from this day." People generally go to temple in the
morning and end the day with the "Pithi Srang Preah" where they cleanse the Buddha statues and
their monks, elders, parents, and grandparents as an act of contrition to apologize for any
transgressions done to them; and
     WHEREAS, The Cambodian New Year's holiday is rich with tradition and a perfectly
wonderful time for men and women, both young and old, to come together and celebrate; now,
therefore, be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
recognizes the celebration of the Cambodian New Year and the "Year of the Dragon" on April
14-16, 2024; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That this House hereby wishes to extend its deepest respect and
appreciation to the Rhode Island Cambodian community for all that it has contributed to the rich
diversity of Rhode Island culture; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Sophia Moeuy, President of the Cambodian
Society of Rhode Island, Inc.