R 151
2024 -- S 2792
Enacted 03/19/2024

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Burke, McKenney, Murray, Euer, F. Lombardi, E Morgan, Felag, Paolino, Rogers, and de la Cruz

Date Introduced: March 19, 2024

     WHEREAS, On March 17th, during the annual celebration of the Feast of Saint Patrick,
the Patron Saint of Ireland, Irish Americans join with people of all ethnic origins who, for one
day, are considered honorary citizens of Ireland as they celebrate Saint Patrick and a love of all
things Irish; and
     WHEREAS, Wielding the devotion of his faith like a great sword of righteousness, and
using the strength of his intellect and the power of his passions, Saint Patrick assimilated the
ancient pagan Irish myths into a Christian message, and in so doing, converted all of Ireland to
Christianity during his lifetime; and
     WHEREAS, Irish immigrants to Rhode Island helped to form the cultural foundation of
our State, and Rhode Islanders of Irish lineage today proudly sing of their roots in Ballinamore
and Ballinasloe, in Ennistymon and Enniscorthy, in Cahirciveen and Castlebarr, and in
Skibbereen and Skerries; and
     WHEREAS, The songs of Ireland are the tragic songs of love and the joyous songs of
battle: the nostalgic reveries of the sorrows and the glories that are the Emerald Isle; and the
lamentations of life's myriad travails and the odes to joy and the life eternal; and
     WHEREAS, A century ago, in October of 1924, Ireland formally opened diplomatic
relations with the United States of America when Timothy Smiddy presented his credentials to
President Calvin Coolidge. Following the Irish people’s long and painful struggle for
independence, the U.S. was one of the first nations to recognize the fledgling Irish state earlier
that year, and when Smiddy emerged from the White House, he had become Ireland’s first
Ambassador to any country in the World; and
     WHEREAS, It was very appropriate that Ireland’s first representative overseas should be
dispatched to Washington D.C. for, while 1924 marked the beginning of formal diplomatic
relations, the deep Irish American connection dated back centuries; and
     WHEREAS, Today, nearly one tenth of Americans identify as being of Irish ancestry.
Irish immigrants helped build the America we know today, not only the physical infrastructure -
the skyscrapers of Manhattan or the transcontinental railroad-but also the political construct that
is America. Irish people have made an enormous contribution to public debate and politics in
America, from their local communities right up to the White House; and
     WHEREAS, More than twenty American Presidents claimed some Irish ancestry. But the
influence of Irish America extends well beyond the Oval Office and the Capitol Building, to
every state within the Union, most evident by the significant number of state legislators within the
American Ireland State Legislators Caucus, which is open to everyone of Irish Heritage and those
who are supporters of Ireland; and
     WHEREAS, Since Timothy Smiddy’s momentous audience in the Oval Office 100 years
ago, a further eighteen Irish Ambassadors have presented credentials to U.S. Presidents. Over this
time, Ireland’s relations with the United States have evolved significantly. From an impoverished
and internationally isolated state, scarred by years of conflict, Ireland has transformed over the
past century. Ireland today is at peace, economically prosperous and culturally vibrant; and
     WHEREAS, This transformation is due to the support of friends in the United States,
from the crucial role America played in brokering peace in Northern Ireland – culminating with
the 1998 Good Friday Agreement– to the huge American economic investment in Ireland; and
     WHEREAS, There are almost one thousand US companies in Ireland, employing over
two hundred thousand people directly. Our economic relationship is truly two-way; some one
hundred thousand people are employed in the U.S. by over 650 Irish-owned companies, across all
fifty states. Indeed, Ireland is now the ninth largest source of foreign direct investment in the US;
     WHEREAS, The US-Irish relationship is a shining example of how ancestral ties,
historical connections, cultural affinities, and shared values can create a foundation for enduring
partnership and mutual prosperity. Irish American state legislators across the United States are
playing a vitally important role in fostering this partnership and ensuring that it continues and
flourishes for another century to come; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby celebrates St. Patrick’s
Day and the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United
States of America and Ireland; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to The Chair of the American Irish State
Legislators Caucus, Senator Mark Daly, the 24th Chair of the Senate of Ireland and to the
National Co-Chairs listed below; Representative Brian Patrick Kennedy, Rhode Island;
Assemblywoman Carol Murphy, New Jersey; Assemblyman Robin Vos, Wisconsin; Senator
Shannon O’Brien, Montana; Assemblyman James Gallagher; California; the Honorable Fran
Hurley, Illinois; Representative Killian Timoney, Kentucky; Senator Wayne Harper, Utah;
Representative Bridget Walsh Moore, Missouri; and the Honorable Mia Costello, Alaska.