R 129
2024 -- H 8034
Enacted 03/07/2024

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Carson, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Kennedy, Ajello, Tanzi, Fellela, Shallcross Smith, and Henries

Date Introduced: March 07, 2024

     WHEREAS, The arts enhance and enrich the lives of every Rhode Islander; and
     WHEREAS, The State of Rhode Island has clear evidence that the arts contribute
significantly to our quality of life, the education of our citizens and the economy of our State; and
     WHEREAS, Arts learning fosters teamwork and collaboration, critical thinking, problem-
solving, public speaking, cultural competency, flexibility and attention to detail, all essential
skills that employers require in a 21st century economy; and
     WHEREAS, With our R.I. Arts Education Data Dashboard, arts education in our schools
can be quantified to present a full picture of arts education in the Ocean State; and
     WHEREAS, The Dashboard now allows us to track and monitor if students are getting
access to Rhode Island's required arts education as specified in our Basic Education Plan and
education statutes; and
     WHEREAS, The R.I. State Council on the Arts overhauled the Project Grants in
Education to be more accessible, equitable and transparent to deliver better support and services
to arts education in the schools, arts educators and teaching artists; and
     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island Department of Education has published an Arts
Curriculum Framework to support high-quality, standards-based arts instruction for all students;
     WHEREAS, Arts education in the schools provides substantial and unique educational
benefits to all elementary, middle and secondary students, helping them to stay engaged in
school, and graduate with proficiency, ready to enter Rhode Island's workforce; and
     WHEREAS, The National Art Education Association, the American Alliance for Theatre
and Education, the Educational Theatre Association, the National Association for Music
Education, and the National Dance Education Organization designate the month of March as
"Youth Arts Month"; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
proclaims March 2024 to be "Arts in the Schools Month" in our State. We furthermore urge all
the citizens of the State to join us in the observance of this month, and to recognize and applaud
the efforts of arts educators, artists and administrators, who work diligently to ensure that all
young people have access to the arts in their school throughout the school year; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts.