R 103
2024 -- H 7705
Enacted 02/27/2024

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives O'Brien, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Baginski, Messier, J. Brien, Kazarian, Solomon, and Casey

Date Introduced: February 27, 2024

     WHEREAS, The Peace Corps is an organization guided by committed individuals who
provide their leadership and support and, like volunteers, have the same spirit of dedication to the
work of the agency; and
     WHEREAS, The Peace Corps traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then-Senator
John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the
cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an
agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship; and
     WHEREAS, Since that time, more than 240,000 Peace Corps Volunteers have served in
more than 143 host countries to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information
technology and environmental preservation; and
     WHEREAS, Today's Peace Corps is more vital than ever, contributing to emerging and
essential areas such as information technology, business development, and the President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS relief. Peace Corps Volunteers continue to help countless individuals
who want to build a better life for themselves, their children, and their communities; now,
therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
proclaims February 25th through March 2nd, 2024, as "Peace Corps Week" in the State of Rhode
Island. We commend the Peace Corps and all those who have served as Peace Corps volunteers
for the great contributions they have made to world peace and understanding, for the betterment
of the lives of the citizens of the countries where volunteers have served and of our own nation;
and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Director of the Peace Corps, Carol Spahn.