R 091
2024 -- H 7601
Enacted 02/14/2024

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Giraldo, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Diaz, Potter, Voas, Alzate, Cruz, and Cotter

Date Introduced: February 14, 2024

     WHEREAS, Voluntary, high-quality home-visiting programs help families learn about
and connect to essential resources, adjust to parenthood, build parenting skills, and address
challenges commonly faced by families; and
     WHEREAS, For at least four decades, Rhode Island's First Connections program,
overseen by the Department of Health, has been providing free, voluntary, statewide home-
visiting to pregnant women and to families with newborns, infants, and toddlers, reaching about
thirty-five percent of families with new babies; and
     WHEREAS, Families typically receive one to four home visits which are culturally-
competent, comprehensive and delivered by registered nurses and social workers in the client's
home; and
     WHEREAS, First Connection services include, but are not limited to, linkages to
Department of Human Services, WIC, obstetricians, pediatricians, housing and domestic
violence; and
     WHEREAS, First Connections serves as a safety net in Rhode Island, helping to ensure
that new born babies are safe when they are discharged from the birthing Hospital, and that they
receive services to help prevent child fatalities and near fatalities; and
     WHEREAS, First Connections staff are supporting families with developmental
screenings for all children in the home and making referrals to local school systems as needed;
     WHEREAS, First Connections is the first point of contact for the State's other priorities
including ensuring newborn Safe Sleep, supporting parents with substance affected newborns,
preventing DCYF involvement, providing basic needs supports and substance and mental health
treatment referrals; and
     WHEREAS, Eligibility for First Connections is determined by a screening tool
implemented through the hospital and the Department of Health. Examples of eligibility: age, (a
teenage mother, or a mother over 36 and a first baby), low income, multiple pregnancies under
the age of 21, homelessness, history of domestic violence, history of mental illness, substance
abuse and involvement with Department of Children, Youth and Families; and
     WHEREAS, Community providers are able to make referrals for pregnant mothers who
are at high risk and the Department of Children, Youth and Families additionally make referrals
to the program to meet the federal CAPTA requirements; and
     WHEREAS, First Connections is funded with federal Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act Part C resources, Medicaid billing, and other federal grants; and
     WHEREAS, Prior to a temporary, one-year increase in State fiscal year 2023-2024, the
Medicaid rates for First Connections services have not increased since 2000; and
     WHEREAS, Inadequate funding had resulted in significant program staffing challenges
and an average operating loss for First Connections programs of one hundred thirty-six dollars
and seventy cents per visit; and
     WHEREAS, Following the establishment of the federal Maternal, Infant, and Early
Childhood Home Visiting program in 2010, Rhode Island expanded home-visiting services to
include several longer-term, comprehensive, and evidence-based program models with strong
evidence they improve short-term and long-term outcomes for children and families; and
     WHEREAS, In 2022, the federal funding was reauthorized and now includes a twenty-
five percent state match requirement to receive base federal funding to sustain existing programs
and new expansion funds. The state match requirement will go into effect in federal fiscal year
2024; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
recognizes the short-term and long-term benefits of voluntary, high quality, culturally responsive
home-visiting services to pregnant and parenting families with newborns, infants, and toddlers;
and be it further
     RESOLVED, That this House hereby proclaims February 15, 2024, to be "Rhode Island
First Connections Awareness Day"; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to First Connections, and the Director/Interim
Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health.