Chapter 396
2024 -- H 7559
Enacted 06/26/2024

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Representatives Voas, Hull, and Slater

Date Introduced: February 09, 2024

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Section 16-77.2-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-77.2 entitled "District
Charter School [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
     16-77.2-8. Charter school reporting.
     (a) All district charter schools shall continuously monitor their financial operations by
tracking actual versus budgeted revenue and expense. The chief financial officer of the district
charter school shall submit a report on a quarterly basis to the state office of municipal affairs
commissioner certifying the status of the district charter school budget.
     (b) The quarterly reports shall be in a format prescribed by the state office of municipal
affairs commissioner and the state auditor general. The reports shall contain a statement as to
whether any actual or projected shortfalls in budget line items are expected to result in a year-end
deficit, the projected impact on year-end financial results including all accruals and encumbrances,
and how the district charter school plans to address any such shortfalls. The auditor general or the
state director of administration may petition the superior court to order the district charter school
to file said reports. The director of administration may also direct the state controller and general
treasurer to withhold any funding to the district charter school until the school complies with the
reporting requirements hereunder. Failure to comply with this section shall be cause for the
revocation of the school charter.
     SECTION 2. Section 16-77.3-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-77.3 entitled
"Independent Charter Schools [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education
Act]" is hereby amended to read as follows:
     16-77.3-8. Charter school reporting.
     (a) All independent charter schools shall continuously monitor their financial operations
by tracking actual versus budgeted revenue and expense. The chief financial officer of the
independent charter school shall submit a report on a quarterly basis to the state office of municipal
affairs commissioner certifying the status of the independent charter school budget. The quarterly
reports shall be in a format prescribed by the state office of municipal affairs commissioner and the
state auditor general. The reports shall contain a statement as to whether any actual or projected
shortfalls in budget line items are expected to result in a year-end deficit, the projected impact on
year-end financial results including all accruals and encumbrances, and how the independent
charter school plans to address any such shortfalls.
     (b) The auditor general or the state director of administration may petition the superior
court to order the independent charter school to file said reports. The director of administration may
also direct the state controller and general treasurer to withhold any funding to the independent
charter school until the school complies with the reporting requirements hereunder. Failure to
comply with this section shall be cause for the revocation of the school charter.
     SECTION 3. Section 16-77.4-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-77.4 entitled "Mayoral
Academies [See Title 16 Chapter 97 — The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
     16-77.4-8. Mayoral academy reporting.
     (a) All mayoral academies shall continuously monitor their financial operations by tracking
actual versus budgeted revenue and expense. The chief financial officer of a mayoral academy shall
submit a report on a quarterly basis to the state office of municipal affairs commissioner certifying
the status of that mayoral academy’s budget. The quarterly reports shall be in a format prescribed
by the state office of municipal affairs commissioner and the state auditor general. The reports shall
contain a statement as to whether any actual or projected shortfalls in budget line items are expected
to result in a year-end deficit, the projected impact on year-end financial results including all
accruals and encumbrances, and how the mayoral academy plans to address any such shortfalls.
     (b) The auditor general or the state director of administration may petition the superior
court to order a mayoral academy to file said reports. The director of administration may also direct
the state controller and general treasurer to withhold any funding to a mayoral academy until the
school complies with the reporting requirements hereunder. Failure to comply with this section
shall be cause for the revocation of the school charter.
     SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon passage.