Chapter 378
2024 -- H 8093 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 06/26/2024

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Representatives Chippendale, Cotter, Bennett, Handy, Shallcross Smith, Tanzi, Phillips, Knight, Newberry, and Roberts

Date Introduced: March 22, 2024

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Legislative findings and purpose.
     Rhode Island's freshwater resources provide great benefits to the citizens of Rhode Island,
including, but not limited to, a variety of recreational opportunities, mitigation of flooding, and
provision of habitat for wildlife and plants. Conditions in many Rhode Island lakes and ponds and
associated tributary rivers and streams are threatened or degraded by the growth of aquatic invasive
plants, harmful algal blooms, nutrient enrichment, and other water pollution problems. Restoring
conditions in the state's freshwater resources is essential to sustaining the valuable ecosystem
services they provide. It is in the best interest of the state and its citizens to preserve, protect, and
restore Rhode Island's freshwater lakes and ponds through the establishment of a state lake
management program to facilitate coordination of state and local lake management actions and
provide technical and financial assistance.
     SECTION 2. Title 46 of the General Laws entitled "WATERS AND NAVIGATION" is
hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter:
     46-33-1. Definitions.
     As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise:
     (1) "Aquatic invasive species" means those invasive or non-native species that inhabit
water resources including lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams.
     (2) "Coordination" means to harmonize in a common action or effort and/or to function in
a complementary manner.
     (3) "Department" means the Rhode Island department of environmental management.
     (4) "Invasive species" means an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause
economic or environmental harm, or harm to human health.
     (5) "Lake" or "pond" means a place, natural or manmade, located wholly or partly within
the State state of Rhode Island, where open standing or slowly moving water shall be present for
at least six (6) months of the year.
     (6) "Lake association" means an association, club, or other organization, formed and
registered in Rhode Island, which that has responsibility for stewardship and management of a
freshwater lake or pond.
     (7) "Non-native species" means a species of plant, animal, or microbe that is:
     (i) Introduced to a country or region where it is not native;
     (ii) Is reproducing and spreading without human cultivation; and
     (iii) Is causing harm to native species or the areas in which they live.
     (8) "Rhode Island lake management fund" means the fund established by § 46-33-3.
     46-33-2 Rhode Island lake management program – Established.
     (a) The department shall develop and implement a lake management program. The program
shall include the following elements:
     (1) Field surveys and mapping to document the presence of aquatic invasive species in
     (2) Development and provision of guidance and technical assistance to lake associations,
watershed organizations, and municipalities interested in undertaking lake management actions;
     (3) Coordination of the implementation of lake management actions, where appropriate;
     (4) Oversight of lake management policy and program development;
     (5) Distribution of financial assistance for lake management, including control of aquatic
invasive plants, as resources allow; and
     (6) Other activities consistent with the powers and duties assigned to the department in §
     (b) Upon receipt of funding, the department shall establish procedures and rules for the
distribution of lake management grants consistent with the following provisions:
     (1) Entities eligible to apply for assistance shall include lake associations, watershed
associations, municipal governments, and other nonprofit, non-governmental environmental and
conservation organizations.
     (2) Projects involving lakes and ponds located wholly within a privately owned property
and that lack public access to the waterbody are not eligible for assistance.
     (3) Projects involving lakes and ponds that lack public access, excepting those excluded in
subsection (b)(2) of this section, may be eligible to apply for financial assistance provided the
department determines that active management is necessary to protect publicly accessible
freshwater resources.
     (4) Projects shall be solicited through a publicly advertised process.
     (5) Projects shall require a matching contribution of funds.
     (6) Eligible projects are determined by the department to be technically sound and
appropriate to mitigate an existing aquatic invasive species management, water quality, or aquatic
habitat concern.
     (7) Funding is used to design and implement specific lake management actions.
     SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC005779/SUB A