Chapter 326
2024 -- H 7849 AS AMENDED
Enacted 06/25/2024

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Representative Lauren H. Carson

Date Introduced: March 01, 2024

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Section 17-20-22.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-20 entitled "Mail
Ballots" is hereby amended to read as follows:
     17-20-22.1. Mail ballot drop boxes.
     (a) “Drop box” means the locked and secure container established and maintained by the
board of elections, in accordance with this section, that shall serve as a receptacle for the receipt of
mail and emergency ballots cast by voters. Every drop box established by the board of elections
shall be deemed to be the property of the board of elections and shall be accessible to the public,
beginning twenty (20) thirty-five (35) days prior to the date of a state election and statewide or
federal elections; and provided, further, that the drop boxes shall be accessible beginning twenty
(20) days prior to all special elections held under this title 17, available twenty-four (24) hours per
day and seven (7) days per week throughout this period, if established outside a municipal building,
and during the normal business hours of the facility if established inside a municipal building. All
drop boxes must be accessible on election day, from the time polls open until the time they close,
in accordance with §§ 17-18-10 and 17-18-11. Any ballot that is cast by a voter, as either a mail
ballot or emergency ballot, and is deposited into a drop box on or before the close of polls on
election day, shall be deemed to be received by and in the possession of the board of elections. At
the close of polls on election day, upon the last ballot deposited by any person in line at that time,
a designated agent of the board of elections shall lock the ballot slot of the drop box to ensure that
no other ballots are deposited in the drop box; provided, further, if there is another election
scheduled to be held under this title 17 in the city or town within thirty-five (35) days after the drop
box is locked pursuant to this section, the drop box shall be reopened, if applicable, the following
day at 8:30 ama.m..
     (b) Drop boxes must be labeled “State of Rhode Island Official Ballot Drop Box for Mail
Ballots,” and include language about postage and display the official seal of the board of elections.
Drop boxes must be accessible by persons with disabilities. Drop boxes shall be monitored by a
video surveillance system.
     (c) No town or city shall have fewer than one drop box. A drop box may be established
inside a municipal building, only if the building remains open and accessible to the public
throughout the prescribed time period prior to election day and until the close of the polls, in
accordance with § 17-18-10. A drop box shall also be placed outside the office of the board of
elections and the election division of the office of the secretary of state. Drop boxes must be placed
in locations that are accessible to persons with disabilities.
     (d) Each local board of canvassers shall determine the location of every drop box located
within the geographic area over which that local board has authority, in accordance with the
regulations promulgated by the board of elections.
     (e) Each drop box shall not accept the deposit of mail ballots after the last person in line to
deposit a ballot in that drop box at the time the polls close, on the day of the election, has deposited
their ballot.
     (f) Each local board shall make the location of every drop box within the area over which
it has authority publicly available on its website, to the extent feasible. The board of elections shall
make the location of all drop boxes located within the state publicly available at its office and on
its website.
     (g) The board of elections shall designate one or more staff members of each local board
of canvassers as the official agents of the board of elections, for purposes of retrieving ballots
deposited in drop boxes and establish a schedule and process by which drop boxes are regularly
emptied and any ballots they contain are securely and promptly transported to the board of
     (h) The board of elections shall promulgate regulations consistent with this section,
including regulations for the location of drop boxes and the receipt, storage, security, regular
collection, and transportation of the mail ballots returned.
     (i) The board of elections may promulgate regulations for the use of drop boxes for
depositing mail ballot applications during the applicable timeframe for accepting mail ballot
     SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.