Chapter 323
2024 -- S 2418 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 06/25/2024

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Senators Raptakis, Tikoian, Burke, McKenney, F. Lombardi, Sosnowski, DiPalma, Britto, Ciccone, and LaMountain

Date Introduced: February 12, 2024

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Section 17-9.1-23 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-9.1 entitled
"Registration of Voters" is hereby amended to read as follows:
     17-9.1-23. Party designation.
     (a) Whenever any person registers to vote, that person may designate his or her their party
affiliation, or that person may designate that he or she is they are not affiliated with any political
party. The information shall be recorded on a form prescribed by the state board of elections.
     (b) Any person who is already registered to vote and wishes to designate his or her their
party affiliation may do so by submitting to that person’s local board of canvassers a form provided
by the state board designating his or her their party affiliation and certifying to the fact on the form
furnished for that purpose.
     (c) Whenever any person participates in a party primary, that act shall serve as identifying
the person as being affiliated with the party in whose primary that person has participated and the
local board shall record the affiliation on the appropriate form. For the purposes of this section,
“participating in a party primary” does not include the circulation or signing of nomination papers.
     Whenever an unaffiliated voter participates in a party primary, their party affiliation shall
remain unaffiliated. For purposes of this section, "participating in a party primary" includes casting
a ballot by mail, early in-person, or on election day, or by signing a precinct, mail, or provisional
ballot application.
     (d) A form prescribed by the state board of elections for the purpose of disaffiliating from
a political party shall be provided at polling locations and early voting locations.
     (e) No person shall be affiliated with any political party solely because of that person's
circulation or signing of nomination papers of a candidate to be voted for in any primary.
     (f) Election officials shall be authorized to inform voters and post notices at polling
locations, early voting locations, and to voters casting a ballot by mail that whenever an unaffiliated
voter participates in a party primary, their party affiliation shall remain unaffiliated, and that no
action or form is necessary to preserve a voter's existing unaffiliated status.
     SECTION 2. Sections 17-15-21 and 17-15-24 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-15
entitled "Primary Elections" are hereby amended to read as follows:
     17-15-21. Identification of party voters.
     Before permitting any person to vote in a primary election, the warden or clerk and
bipartisan pair of supervisors assigned by the warden shall ascertain from the voting record
appearing on the certified voting list that the voter is not disqualified to vote by the provisions of §
17-15-24. The bipartisan pair of supervisors shall provide the voter with the corresponding
computer ballot for the primary election in which the voter is eligible and desiring to vote. The
warden shall take any steps that may be necessary to assure that each voter is given the computer
ballot upon which the voter is eligible to vote. Any person who is not affiliated with any political
party, and is otherwise qualified to vote, may participate in a primary election of either party.
     17-15-24. Disqualification by activity in other party.
     No person shall be entitled to vote in the primary election of any political party who has
voted in a primary election as a member of any other political party and has not changed his or her
party designation as provided in chapter 9.1 of this title or has designated his or her affiliation with
any other political party, as set forth in chapter 9.1 of this title. No person shall be debarred from
voting in a party primary solely because of that person’s signing of nomination papers of a
candidate to be voted for at any primary. A person having designated his or her their party
affiliation as set forth in chapter 9.1 of this title shall be deemed to have taken part in the primary
as a member of that political party, and shall be debarred from voting in the primary as a member
of the opposite political party until that person has changed his or her party affiliation as provided
in chapter 9.1 of this title. Any person who is not affiliated with any political party shall not be
debarred from voting in a party primary due to their participation in a previous party primary while
not affiliated with a party.
     SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on June 1, 2024.
LC003345/SUB A