Chapter 290
2024 -- H 7983 SUBSTITUTE B
Enacted 06/25/2024

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Potter, Diaz, Kislak, Kazarian, Giraldo, and Slater

Date Introduced: March 05, 2024

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Sections 23-27.3-107.0, 23-27.3-107.4 and 23-27.3-108.2 of the General
Laws in Chapter 23-27.3 entitled "State Building Code" are hereby amended to read as follows:
     23-27.3-107.0. Department of building inspection. State building code office.
     There exists within the department of business regulation a state building code office. The
office is comprised of the state building code commissioner and the commissioner's staff, the
contractors' registration and licensing board, the building code commission, the design
professionals unit, and the building code standards committee and all other applicable
     23-27.3-107.4. Qualifications and duties of the state building commissioner.
Qualifications of the state building commissioner.
     (a) The state building commissioner shall serve as the executive secretary to the state
building code standards committee. In addition to the state building commissioner’s other duties as
set forth in this chapter, the state building commissioner shall assume the authority for the purpose
of enforcing the provisions of the state building code in a municipality where there is no local
building official.
     (b) The state building commissioner shall be a member of the classified service, and for
administrative purposes shall be assigned a position in the department of business regulation.
Qualifications for the position of the state building commissioner shall be established in accordance
with provisions of the classified service of the state, and shall include the provision that the
qualifications include at least ten (10) years’ experience in building or building regulations
generally, and that the commissioner be an architect or professional engineer licensed in the state
or a certified building official presently or previously employed by a municipality and having at
least ten (10) years’ experience in the building construction or inspection field.
     23-27.3-108.2. State building commissioner’s duties. Duties of the state building code
     (a) This code shall be enforced by the state building commissioner as to any structures or
buildings or parts thereof that are owned or are temporarily or permanently under the jurisdiction
of the state or any of its departments, commissions, agencies, or authorities established by an act
of the general assembly, and as to any structures or buildings or parts thereof that are built upon
any land owned by or under the jurisdiction of the state. The state building code commissioner shall
have the authority to enforce and perform the duties required by the state building code, chapter 27
of this title, and all codes referenced therein and adopted thereunder, and all other provisions of the
general laws and public laws insofar as such powers and duties relate to building codes and building
     (b) The state building code commissioner shall work to standardize building code
interpretations across the state with input from the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns and
ensure consistent enforcement of the code throughout the state.
     (b)(c) Permit fees for the projects shall be established by the committee. The fees shall be
deposited as general revenues.
     (c)(d)(1) The local cities and towns shall charge each permit applicant an additional .1
(.001) one-tenth percent (0.1%) levy of the total construction cost for each commercial permit
issued, and two-tenths percent (0.2%) levy of the total construction cost for each residential permit
issued. The levy shall be limited to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50.00) one hundred dollars ($100)
for each of the permits issued for one- and two-family (2) dwellings. This additional levy shall be
transmitted monthly to the state building office at the department of business regulation,; and
     (i) Fifty percent (50%) of this additional levy on residential permits and one hundred
percent (100%) of this additional levy on commercial permits shall be used to staff and support the
purchase or lease and operation of a web-accessible service and/or system to be utilized by the state
and municipalities for uniform, statewide electronic plan review, permit management, and
inspection system and other programs described in this chapter. The This portion of the fee levy
shall be deposited as general revenues.
     (ii) Fifty percent (50%) of this additional levy on residential permits shall be transferred to
the department of labor and training and shall be deposited into the contractor training restricted
receipt account, which shall be exempt from the indirect cost recovery provisions of § 35-4-27.
Subject to appropriation by the general assembly, these funds shall be used to provide contractor
training grants for programs that shall include, but are not limited to, minority business enterprises
and state local building officials.
     (2) On or before July 1, 2013, the building commissioner shall develop a standard statewide
process for electronic plan review, permit management, and inspection. The process shall include,
but not be limited to: applications; submission of building plans and plans for developments and
plots; plan review; permitting; inspections; inspection scheduling; project tracking; fee calculation
and collections; and workflow and report management.
     (3) On or before December 1, 2013, the building commissioner, with the assistance of the
office of regulatory reform, shall implement the standard statewide process for electronic plan
review, permit management, and inspection. In addition, the building commissioner shall develop
a technology and implementation plan for a standard web-accessible service or system to be utilized
by the state and municipalities for uniform, statewide electronic plan review, permit management,
and inspection. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: applications; submission of building
plans and plans for developments and plots; plan review; permitting; inspections; inspection
scheduling; project tracking; fee calculation and collections; and workflow and report management.
     (d)(e) The building commissioner shall, upon request by any state contractor described in
§ 37-2-38.1, review, and when all conditions for certification have been met, certify to the state
controller that the payment conditions contained in § 37-2-38.1 have been met.
     (e)(f) The building commissioner shall coordinate the development and implementation of
this section with the state fire marshal to assist with the implementation of § 23-28.2-6. On or before
January 1, 2022, the building commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement
the provisions of this section and § 23-27.3-115.6.
     (f)(g) The building commissioner shall submit, in coordination with the state fire marshal,
a report to the governor and general assembly on or before April 1, 2013, and each April 1
thereafter, providing the status of the web-accessible service and/or system implementation and
any recommendations for process or system improvement. In every report submitted on or after
April, 2024, the building commissioner shall provide the following information:
     (1) The identity of every municipality in full compliance with the provisions § 23-27.3-
115.6 and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this section;
     (2) The identity of every municipality failing to fully implement and comply with the
provisions of § 23-27.3-115.6 and/or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the
provisions of this section, and the nature, extent, and basis or reason for the failure or
noncompliance; and
     (3) Recommendations to achieve compliance by all municipalities with the provisions of §
23-27.3-115.6 and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this section.
     (g)(h) The building commissioner shall assist with facilitating the goals and objectives set
forth in § 28-42-84(a)(9).
     (i) The state building code commissioner shall serve as the executive secretary to the state
building code standards committee.
     (j) In addition to the state building code commissioner's other duties as set forth in this
chapter, and notwithstanding the same, the state building code commissioner and the
commissioner's staff shall assume the authority for the purposes of enforcing the provisions of the
state building code in a municipality where there is no local building official or alternate as detailed
in § 23-27.3-107.2, or where there are no local building inspectors.
     SECTION 2. Chapter 23-27.3 of the General Laws entitled "State Building Code" is hereby
amended by adding thereto the following section:
     23-27.3-108.3. State building code education and training academy.
     (a) There shall be a building code education and training program within the state building
code office, which shall be overseen by the state building code commissioner or the commissioner's
     (b) The training program shall be responsible for implementing uniform building code
education and training programs, with input from the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns,
for all building officials and inspectors statewide.
     SECTION 3. Section 35-4-27 of the General Laws in Chapter 35-4 entitled "State Funds"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
     35-4-27. Indirect cost recoveries on restricted receipt accounts.
     Indirect cost recoveries of ten percent (10%) of cash receipts shall be transferred from all
restricted-receipt accounts, to be recorded as general revenues in the general fund. However, there
shall be no transfer from cash receipts with restrictions received exclusively: (1) From contributions
from nonprofit charitable organizations; (2) From the assessment of indirect cost-recovery rates on
federal grant funds; or (3) Through transfers from state agencies to the department of administration
for the payment of debt service. These indirect cost recoveries shall be applied to all accounts,
unless prohibited by federal law or regulation, court order, or court settlement. The following
restricted receipt accounts shall not be subject to the provisions of this section:
     Executive Office of Health and Human Services
     Organ Transplant Fund
     HIV Care Grant Drug Rebates
     Health System Transformation Project
     Rhode Island Statewide Opioid Abatement Account
     HCBS Support-ARPA
     HCBS Admin Support-ARPA
     Department of Human Services
     Veterans’ home — Restricted account
     Veterans’ home — Resident benefits
     Pharmaceutical Rebates Account
     Demand Side Management Grants
     Veteran’s Cemetery Memorial Fund
     Donations — New Veterans’ Home Construction
     Department of Health
     Pandemic medications and equipment account
     Miscellaneous Donations/Grants from Non-Profits
     State Loan Repayment Match
     Healthcare Information Technology
     Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals
     Eleanor Slater non-Medicaid third-party payor account
     Hospital Medicare Part D Receipts
     RICLAS Group Home Operations
     Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
     Emergency and public communication access account
     Department of Environmental Management
     National heritage revolving fund
     Environmental response fund II
     Underground storage tanks registration fees
     De Coppet Estate Fund
     Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission
     Historic preservation revolving loan fund
     Historic Preservation loan fund — Interest revenue
     Department of Public Safety
     E-911 Uniform Emergency Telephone System
     Forfeited property — Retained
     Forfeitures — Federal
     Forfeited property — Gambling
     Donation — Polygraph and Law Enforcement Training
     Rhode Island State Firefighter’s League Training Account
     Fire Academy Training Fees Account
     Attorney General
     Forfeiture of property
     Federal forfeitures
     Attorney General multi-state account
     Forfeited property — Gambling
     Department of Administration
     OER Reconciliation Funding
     Health Insurance Market Integrity Fund
     RI Health Benefits Exchange
     Information Technology restricted receipt account
     Restore and replacement — Insurance coverage
     Convention Center Authority rental payments
     Investment Receipts — TANS
     OPEB System Restricted Receipt Account
     Car Rental Tax/Surcharge-Warwick Share
     Grants Management Administration
     RGGI-Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council Projects
     Executive Office of Commerce
     Housing Resources Commission Restricted Account
     Housing Production Fund
     Department of Revenue
     DMV Modernization Project
     Jobs Tax Credit Redemption Fund
     Audit of federal assisted programs
     Department of Children, Youth and Families
     Children’s Trust Accounts — SSI
     Military Staff
     RI Military Family Relief Fund
     RI National Guard Counterdrug Program
     Admin. Expenses — State Retirement System
     Retirement — Treasury Investment Options
     Defined Contribution — Administration - RR
     Violent Crimes Compensation — Refunds
     Treasury Research Fellowship
     Business Regulation
     Banking Division Reimbursement Account
     Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner Reimbursement Account
     Securities Division Reimbursement Account
     Commercial Licensing and Racing and Athletics Division Reimbursement Account
     Insurance Division Reimbursement Account
     Historic Preservation Tax Credit Account
     Marijuana Trust Fund
     Social Equity Assistance Fund
     Arbitration Fund Restricted Receipt Account
     Third-Party Grants
     RI Judiciary Technology Surcharge Account
     Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
     Statewide Student Transportation Services Account
     School for the Deaf Fee-for-Service Account
     School for the Deaf — School Breakfast and Lunch Program
     Davies Career and Technical School Local Education Aid Account
     Davies — National School Breakfast & Lunch Program
     School Construction Services
     Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner
     Higher Education and Industry Center
     IGT STEM Scholarships
     Department of Labor and Training
     Job Development Fund
     Contractor Training Restricted Receipt Account
     Rhode Island Council on the Arts
     Governors’ Portrait Donation Fund
     Statewide records management system account
     SECTION 4. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2025.
LC005543/SUB B