Chapter 209
2024 -- H 7015 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 06/24/2024

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Representatives Fellela, Edwards, Shallcross Smith, Messier, Bennett, Cotter, Shanley, Felix, Stewart, and Noret

Date Introduced: January 05, 2024

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Sections 5-6-2 and 5-6-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-6 entitled
"Electricians" are hereby amended to read as follows:
     5-6-2. Work for which license required.
     (a)(1) No person, firm, or corporation shall enter into, engage in, solicit, advertise, bid for,
or work at the business of installing, maintaining, servicing, and testing wires, conduits, apparatus,
which includes support systems specifically for electrical equipment and devices, fixtures,
electrical signs, lightning-protection equipment as defined in § 5-6-1, lighting, control of electrical
devices, handling and removal for installation or re-installation of all electrical equipment, devices,
apparatus, and similar items provided in this subsection within the confines of the jobsite, and other
appliances for carrying or using or generating electricity for light, heat, fire alarms, as defined in
chapter 28.25 of title 23, entitled “Fire Alarm Systems,” or power purposes, exclusive of low-
voltage wiring for heating/refrigeration equipment, or work at the business of removing and
reattaching existing electrical meters, unless that person, firm, or corporation shall have received a
license and a certificate for the business, issued by the state board of examiners of electricians of
the division of professional regulation of the department of labor and training in accordance with
the provisions set forth in this chapter.
     (2) That person shall carry this license on his or her person at all times while so engaged,
and shall affix his or her contractor’s license number to any advertisement and/or contract he or she
executes and/or to any bid he or she files with any consumer for his or her professional services
and to any applicable permit required for the performance of those services.
     (b) Any person, firm, or corporation that is required to apply for a permit from a local
building official for any work required to be performed by a person licensed under the provisions
of this chapter shall cause the work to be performed by a person licensed under the provisions of
this chapter; provided, that the provisions of this section, except the provision regarding removing
and reattaching existing electrical meters, shall not apply to owner-occupied, single-family homes.
     5-6-8. Contractor’s certificates/licenses.
     (a) Electrical contractor’s license. A Certificate A shall be issued to any person, firm, or
corporation, qualified under this chapter, engaging in, or about to engage in, the business of
installing, maintaining, servicing, and testing electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, which includes
support systems specifically for electrical equipment and devices, fixtures, fire alarm and safety
communication systems, and other electrical appliances, lighting, control of electrical devices,
handling and removal for installation or re-installation of all electrical equipment, devices,
apparatus, and similar items provided in this subsection within the confines of the jobsite, excluding
low-voltage wiring for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment. The certificate shall
specify the name of the person, firm, or corporation applying for it and the name of the person, who
in the case of a firm is one of its members, and in the case of a corporation, is one of its officers,
passing the examination by which he or she or it is authorized to enter upon, or engage in, business
as prescribed in the certificate. The holding of a Certificate A does not entitle the holder
individually to engage in or perform the actual work of installing, maintaining, servicing, and
testing electric wires, conduits, or appliances as previously described in this chapter, but entitles
him or her to conduct business as an electrical contractor.
     (b) Burner contractor’s license. A Certificate E shall be issued to any person, firm, or
corporation qualified under this chapter and engaged in, or about to engage in, the business of a
burner contractor as defined in § 5-6-1. The certificate shall specify the name of the person, firm,
or corporation applying for it and the name of the person who, in the case of a firm is one of its
members, and in the case of a corporation is one of its officers, passing the examination, by which
he or she or it is authorized to enter upon, or engage in, business as prescribed in the certificate.
The holding of a Certificate E does not entitle the holder individually to engage in or perform any
work on, or in connection with, electric wires, conduits, and appliances as previously described in
this chapter, but entitles the holder to contract to do that work, to the extent permitted in this chapter,
through the employment of burnerpersons holding a Certificate F. A burner contractor who is the
holder of a Certificate A is not required to obtain a Certificate E.
     (c) Fire alarm contractor’s license. A Certificate AF shall be issued to any person, firm, or
corporation qualified under this chapter and engaged in, or about to engage in, the business of a
fire alarm contractor as defined in § 5-6-1. The certificate shall specify the name of the person,
firm, or corporation applying for it and the person who, in the case of a firm is one of its members,
and in the case of a corporation is one of its officers, passing the examination by which he or she
or it is authorized to enter upon, or engage in, business as prescribed in the certificate. The holding
of a Certificate AF does not entitle the holder individually to engage in, or perform and work on,
or in connection with, electric wires, fire alarm wires, conduits, and appliances as previously
described in this chapter, but entitles the holder to contract to do that work to the extent permitted
in this chapter through the employment of fire alarm installers holding a Certificate BF. A
contractor who is the holder of a Certificate A is not required to obtain a Certificate BF.
     (d) Electrical sign contractor’s license. A Certificate SCF shall be issued to any person,
firm, or corporation qualified under this chapter and engaged in or about to engage in the business
of electrical sign installations, as defined in § 5-6-1.
     (e) Lightning-protection contractor. A Certificate LPC shall be issued to any person, firm,
or corporation qualified under this chapter and engaged in, or about to engage in, the business of
lightning-protection contractor as defined in § 5-6-1. The Certificate LPC shall specify the name
of the person, firm, or corporation applying for it and the person, who in the case of a firm, is one
of its members, and in the case of a corporation, is one of its officers, passing the examination by
which he or she or it is authorized to enter upon or engage in business as prescribed in the certificate.
The holding of a Certificate LPC does not entitle the holder individually to engage in, or perform
and work on, or in connection with, the installation of lightning-protection equipment as defined in
§ 5-6-1, unless that individual also holds a Certificate LPI, but entitles the holder to contract to do
that work to the extent permitted in this chapter through the employment of lightning-protection
installers holding a Certificate LPI.
     (f) Sign renovation electrical license. A certificate SRL shall be issued to any person, firm,
or corporation qualified under this chapter and engaged in, or about to engage in, the business of
sign renovation or installation of signs when such renovation or installation requires the removal
or installation of no more than three (3) wires.
     (g) Renewable energy professional. A Certificate REP shall be issued to any person, firm,
or corporation, qualified under this chapter, engaged in or about to engage in the business of
installing eligible renewable energy technologies as defined in § 39-26-5. All renewable energy
electrical work, including installing, connecting, maintaining, servicing, and testing all electrical
wires, conduits, and apparatus; mounting the modules to the mounting racks; mounting the
inverters; and tying the inverters into the main electrical panels, shall be done by a licensed
electrician. Ancillary non-electrical, renewable energy work, such as advertising services;
distribution of palletized materials to final location area of installation including photovoltaic
modules to the mounting racks; and installing the ground and rooftop support brackets and ballast
for rack systems, may be done by any person, firm, or corporation holding a Certificate REP. The
Certificate REP shall specify the name of the person, firm, or corporation applying for it and the
name of the person, who in the case of a firm is one of its members, and in the case of a corporation,
is one of its officers, meeting the requisite education and experience as established in § 5-6-11, by
which he or she or it is authorized to enter upon, or engage in, business as prescribed in the
certificate. The holding of a Certificate REP entitles the holder to contract to do that work to the
extent permitted in this chapter.
     The installation, mechanical fastening, and conjoining of listed solar sheathing systems
that are ten kilowatts (10 kwKW) or less on residential structures as defined by the Rhode Island
one- and two-family dwelling code may be performed by a registered contractor who or that has
been issued a renewable energy professional certificate (Certificate REP) as defined in § 5-6-11(e)
and above referenced. However, said residential solar sheathing system shall be connected to the
electrical system from the roof edge and energized by a Rhode Island licensed electrician working
in compliance with this chapter. Additionally, the residential solar sheathing systems noted must
be listed and labeled by UL or other recognized electrical device certification organization,
identified and acceptable by the authority having jurisdiction.
     SECTION 2. This act shall take effect January 30, 2025.
LC003852/SUB A